Tales From Mist World - Cover

Tales From Mist World

Copyright© 2017 by Anotherp08

Chapter 6: New Ships and Old Routines

Jake woke several hours later. According to the clock on the wall over the desk it was just after 1400. He could feel that Commander Perry had indeed been able to find the sky without his help. Jake stretched and got out of the bunk. He felt much better. He rubbed his face realizing he needed a shave. He showered and shaved then got into his uniform. Pat must have ironed his uniforms because they were all nice and crisp. He took care to ensure his uniform was perfect. He wanted to set a good example for the crew. As he prepared to leave his cabin, he heard the eels push off the bunk. The two didn’t coil around his arms this time. He hoped that meant they felt more comfortable.

He left through the ready room door. He found Pat in there polishing his spare boots. If he remembered right, they didn’t need to be polished. He had taken them to a cobbler who had done a fine job polishing them when he put new soles on them. “Afternoon, Patrick. Weren’t those already shined? I thought the cobbler did a fine job when I picked them up and they have been in my airbag since then.”

Patrick looked sheepish. “Truth is Sir, I’ve never been a steward before. About the only thing, I know about it is fetch and carry and tending your uniforms. So, I’ve been in here pretending to polish your boots.”

Jake laughed, “Don’t worry about it. For now, why don’t you go see if you can find me some lunch. While you are at it see if the cook can spare some rolls for the girls and tell him if he makes them some sweet rolls, they’ll trade him a meer for it.”

“I thought we was supposed to keep that a secret.”

“Yea, but I’m afraid if I don’t do it, they may not continue when we get back to the Lady.”

“I see your point. Wouldn’t want that. I’ll put these away and go fetch you and them some food.” He picked up both boots and his cloth and left through the door to the hall.

Jake walked through the ready room and on to the bridge. He looked around a second and everything seemed to be running smoothly. Someone finally noticed him and called the bridge to order. He sent them back to their tasks and joined the XO near the command chair. The XO made to rise so he could take command of the bridge. Jake motioned him back to the seat saying, “I see you are indeed capable of finding the sky without supervision Commander Perry. I hope it wasn’t too taxing a task for you.”

Perry returned his smile and said, “It was touch and go for a few minutes, but Airman Jenkins reminded me the sky was up and we were able to muddle through, Sir.”

“Well then, thank you Airman Jenkins.” The Airman nodded to Jake and continued with manning the helm. “Since we are airborne and underway, I assume we received orders?” Jake said making it half a question.

“Yes Sir,” replied Perry. “Received and logged in the duty log. I placed them on your desk in your quarters. Just inside the new Captain’s logbook.”

“Thank you. I will log them after I get some food and caff in me.”

One of the Airmen stepped forward and said, “Sir, if you like I can fetch you something from the galley.”

“That won’t be necessary Airman. My steward is taking care of it. I thank you for the offer though.”

“No problem, Sir.” The man went back to his duties.

“What are our orders Commander?”

Perry eyed him for a second before he motioned to the ready room with his head saying, “It would be better if we discussed that in private sir.”

“Ah, I see. Very well, Airman Kennedy should be back by now or will be shortly, I hope. Care to join me in the ready room for a cup of caff Commander?”

“Aye, aye, Sir,” Perry responded. Jake walked back into the ready room and Commander Perry followed. When he saw a fresh pot of caff near the head of the table, he poured himself a cup. After he had taken a hearty sip he asked, “So, Commander, are you going to tell me about our orders, or should I just go and fetch them?”

“Sorry sir. We are ordered to make best possible speed to the Old Man’s Teeth. Once there we are to assemble a team of officers to conduct a survey of the Raven. Acting Commander Harrow will provide the Raven’s location. The survey is to determine the type and extent of the damage the Raven received, as well as the approximate time frame of when it was received. Other than being in command of the Bulldog and providing the location of the Raven, you are to have as little to do with the investigation as possible. Five officers are to be chosen by lots. You are excluded from that of course. Once our survey is complete, we are to make contact for further orders using the wireless system. There is the usual added stuff. Be on the lookout for and engage any pirate vessels. That sort of thing.”

Jake nodded his head. “Seems the Admiral is killing two birds with one stone as it were. He gets the Bulldog out of base and headed in the right direction, as well as getting the survey of the damage from the Raven. Looks like he has everything figured out nicely.”

“That it does sir. Now if the scum will just dance to the tune the Admiral is playing, everyone will be happy. Well, I guess the pirates won’t be happy.”

“No, I doubt they will if this all plays out to the Admiral’s plan. What do you calculate our ETA to be for the Old Man’s Teeth?”

“The Dog a fast ship sir. We should be able to be there mid-morning the day after tomorrow. Maybe even early morning if we continue to get a tail wind.”

“Good. I’ll read through the orders after I have some food. Anything else I should know about?”

“No sir. Crew is excited. Moral is very high. Talk of you and your eels is about all the crew has on their tongues. The officers of course are whispering about the upcoming rumble with pirates if we can find their base.”

Pat came in carrying a large tray. A very young Airman was holding the door open for him. the young man’s eyes went wide when he saw the two eels. “Cook says he was saving this for you. I asked about the sweet rolls. Said, he had some rolls he could warm up and glaze with honey, if’n you want. Said otherwise it would be a couple hours to make, um, Sir.”

“Warm rolls with honey will be fine I believe Patrick.” He was about to say more but the eels interrupted him making their chuffing sound. Jake laughed at that. “Seems they agree. Wouldn’t happen to be a few warm rolls tucked under that cloth would there?”

“Aye, Sir, there would be. I know how your ladies love warm rolls for their morning meal.”

Jake settled into the chair as Pat laid out his lunch. The cook must have done more than set his food aside. He had a plate of ham with three freshly cooked eggs and a serving of grits. It smelled so good his stomach rumbled. Grace and Gail both chuffed their agreement or impatience. Jake looked to the young Airman still holding the door open. “Did you know eels can hum Airman?”

It took the young man a few seconds to realize his Captain was speaking to him. Then it took him a moment to recall the question before he responded, “No, Sir”

“I was quite surprised the first time I learned that as well. My father was an eeler you see. I grew up hunting them. Until a few days ago, I hadn’t known they could hum either.” Jake pulled one of the rolls from the basket. He sniffed it then said, “Grace” and tossed the roll over his shoulder. Her head snaked up and snatched the roll. As she chewed, she let the world know of her approval. He repeated this with Gail, and she too approved of the cook’s rolls. The Airman just stood there with his mouth hanging open. Jake noticed the airman wasn’t only one. Commander Perry looked like he was trying to catch flies. “Pat please tell the cook I will need a dozen of his honeyed rolls when I finish eating. If he could bring them to the aft deck, we’ll get the crew a fine treat for dinner.”

“Aye, aye, Sir.” Pat headed back to speak to Cook ushering the Airman out with him.

Perry excused himself and returned to supervising the bridge. Jake enjoyed his food and shared two more of the rolls with his eels. He had barely finished when Pat returned smiling. “Cook is on his way to the aft deck sir. Your ladies’ antics have caused quite a stir below decks.”

“Well, if them eating breakfast can cause a stir, I wonder what them trading meer for honeyed rolls will do.” He finished his second cup of caff and rose from the table. He collected his hat from his quarters and returned to the bridge. Once there he requested, “What is our speed and altitude?”

“Twelve thousand feet Sir,” said the helmsman. “We’re running at 80% thrust. Making about 70 miles an hour.”

Jake nodded then asked, “Any traffic in the area Commander Perry?”

“No sir. The skies have been clear since we left Innis Port area traffic.”

“Good. Helm, bring us down to eight thousand feet. Reduce speed to 60% thrust.” The helmsman repeated the orders and then went about carrying them out. “Maintain course and altitude. I’ll be on the aft deck if there is anything you need Commander Perry you have the Con.” With that he strolled out on the side door with the Grace on one arm and Gail on the other. The three of them made their way to the aft deck. There was a small group gathered there. The Airman he had seen earlier in his ready room was holding a baking sheet with a dozen honey glazed rolls. Next to him stood a rather short and portly man in an apron. Jake assumed correctly this was the ship’s cook. “Gentlemen,” he said as he approached the group. They made their manners to him, and he continued, “What we are about to do is procure tonight’s dinner, or if Cook here has already begun dinner preparations tomorrow night’s dinner.” Grace and Gail had already spotted the rolls and made several chuffs then moved forward to spy out the treats. When the cook’s helper started to step back Jake said, “Stand fast Airman. They won’t take them from you. They have good manners these two.” The group looked at him as if he had two heads.

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