Tales From Mist World - Cover

Tales From Mist World

Copyright© 2017 by Anotherp08

Chapter 21: New Destinations

The newlyweds slept in the next morning. In truth, they woke at their usual time and talked to each other until Rebecka and May brought their breakfast.

Catherine asked that they serve it in the sitting room. Then sighed and kissed Jake before she rose and donned a night gown and robe. She chided Jake about being lazy, until he told her he was just enjoying watching her dress. He put on a pair of small clothes and his robe and the two were given peace while they ate. As May was clearing their dishes Rebecka informed them Admiral Teller had requested and been given permission to come aboard in thirty minutes to meet with the two of them. Unless they planned to meet with him as they were they should probably get cleaned up and dressed for the day.

Jake learned several things about his wife that morning. First, he learned they both enjoy showering together. Next, he learned that watching her get dressed was one of his favorite things in the world. Then he learned that she felt he was incapable of dressing himself. She commented on his uniform asked if his boots had been shined. When he was dressed, he learned, even though he couldn’t see anything wrong, she found many small flaws in his appearance, that she just had to correct. Lastly, he learned she required no assistance or comments concerning her own attire.

He had always heard women took longer to dress. Catherine disproved that, or maybe she just put her normal time towards supervising his attire. He wasn’t really sure. He decided this was one thing he needed to ask wiser men about. The two were almost late meeting Admiral Teller. He was already seated on one of the couches in captain’s office.

“Admiral Teller and Coble how wonderful to see you both this morning. To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?” Catherine asked.

Both men had stood when Catherine entered then quickly bowed to her. “Your Grace. We come bearing messages from the King.”

“First, please call me Catherine, at least in private. Jake considers you a friend that means I consider you a friend as well. And my friends all call me Catherine in private. Second please sit. Has anyone offered you caff or tea?”

Marie said, “Yes I did offer them caff. May is bringing it. Unless you wish me here Captain, I’ll take my leave.”

“No, that’s fine Marie. Thank you for seeing to our guests,” Jake said. He turned the two chairs in front of his desk so they faced the couch then seated his wife in one and took the second.

“While we wait let me tell you about my evening after your nuptials. Upon returning to the Dame Ruth, I received a message regarding the disposition of the Karenna. The message was written, if a then this, If b then this. However, none of the orders fit the current situation when I received it. So, I sent back a message asking how to proceed. Then I went off to my quarters figuring it would be morning before I received a reply. That was a mistake. Before I reached my quarters one of the men on duty ran to fetch me. My presence was required in the communication office.” He paused when May came in. She served caff to the four of them and offered the men sweet rolls, then she slipped out the door.

“Where was I? Yes, that’s right. I returned to the communication room and had them send I was there. I was asked if I could send and receive messages. When the reply was yes, but I was not as fast decoding as the communication staff. I was informed to keep one person to send and receive and decode and encode the messages myself. So, that is what I did. For the next thirty minutes I received a series of questions and sent my replies. Basically they wanted to know that yes you were legally married. Yes, it had been properly performed by me. And yes, there were reporters from several of the broadsheets present.” He took a sip of his caff as he gathered his thoughts.

“When the next set of questions asked if I thought I could take the Karenna by force if required. I asked for clarification on who was asking. The answer was the King was there in the communications room and he was asking. My reply was simple. Karenna armed with new rockets supplied by Dr. Maynard Williams and his protégée. Karenna’s guns modified to fire new rockets. Protégée currently onboard. Ask Admiral with you for background on Dr. Williams. There was no reply for over ten minutes. I figured he was receiving a quick rundown on Dr. Williams. Turns out he sent for the Doctor’s full file and read most of it, as well as hearing stories of his exploits, from the Admiral. Next was twenty minutes of questions about Jake and technical questions about the Karenna I couldn’t answer.”

He took another sip. “I asked the King bluntly what he really wanted, the ship or the technology. His reply was both. I informed him I felt the best bet for the Crown to receive the technology was to leave the ship in the hands of Duchess Bedford and her husband, and to politely ask them if the Crown could send some scientists to study the reactor and other technology as it would prove invaluable to the Air Corps. I further said, Jake was an honorable and loyal officer in the Reserve Air Corps, and I was sure both he and his new wife would want him to serve in the best airships the Crown had if he was ever called to serve in the future. That kicked over the hornet’s nest.

They spent twenty minutes sending ideas on how to recall you to active duty. I kept reminding them, your wife was a Duchess and could claim you were a critical part of the Duchy’s defense. I’m still not sure they have given up on that though. The discussion was brought to an end by an unexpected means. One of the reporters had filed a new article. A rather lengthy one at that. The Herald decided to print it in its entirety as a special edition at all of their locations. One of the Admirals asked the Corps communications group to keep him apprised of any messages concerning Duchess Bedford. Once they realized the Realm would soon know Jake had gifted the Karenna to you during your wedding, everything changed. I won’t say they aren’t still trying to figure out how to take the ship from you. I think they may still try, but they will have to do it in public, probably through the courts. I was told to wait as further orders would be forthcoming. They came an hour later.” He pulled out a page from his folio and passed it to the Catherine. “I have now delivered to the Duchess of Bedford the message I was ordered to deliver. Please read it.”

To: Duchess Catherine Harrow Bedford Via Admiral Teller on The Dame Ruth (Hand deliver and await reply)

Duchess Bedford, I wish to extend to you and your new husband my sincerest congratulations on your nuptials. I wish I had been able to be present. From the reports I have received, it sounds as though it was a wonderful event. Furthermore, I wish to congratulate both of you on recovering the Karenna. My aides and I are trying to think of a proper reward for this momentous task. I assure you we will think of something before you arrive.

I wish I could offer you and your husband a month or even a few weeks to honeymoon. Sorrowfully, I cannot. I still need to speak with you in person regarding the affairs of the Bedford Duchy. Though one issue I had planned to bring up seems to no longer exist. I must insist you and your husband come at once to the capital so we can address these issues. I assure you any need your ship may have can be accommodated here.

Please send your reply with your arrival time through Admiral Teller and the Dame Ruth. I wish to be able to give you the proper welcome you and your ship deserve.

From the pen of the King and by his hand.
King Jerrell Mangrove III

Catherine remained quiet as Jake read the message. When he finished, she said, “Well not the subtlest of threat I have ever received. I think the King needs a new signature. I don’t think he can truthfully say by my pen and hand when the message was sent wirelessly. After all it was your hand that penned this Admiral, correct?” Teller nodded. Jake was surprised at how calm she was. The message had unnerved him.

Teller said, “I have a message for Jake as well.” He handed the page over and Jake read it aloud.

To: Reserve Commander Harrow Via Admiral Teller on The Dame Ruth (Hand deliver)

Commander Harrow you have my warmest regards and compliments on the incredible tasks you have performed. They are credit to you, your training, and your country. I am ashamed that I was unaware I had such a fine officer in our Reserve Corps. I will have to keep a better eye out for other talents such as yours.
Commander I am sure you are aware of what a national treasure the Karenna is. Her discovery and recovery will ensure your name is recorded throughout history. I am sure you would agree that it needs to be defended at all costs. In an effort to assist you in this endeavor, I would request you return to active duty for the duration of your tenure as the Captain of the Karenna. This will of course mean a permanent promotion to full Captain. This would help to facilitate additional crew and a detachment of Air Marines being transferred to the Karenna under your command.
I have taken the liberty of sending orders regarding this to Admiral Teller. I and all the citizens of the capital eagerly await your arrival.
From the pen of the King and by his hand.
King Jerrell Mangrove III

Catherine stood and went to his desk and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. She spoke aloud as she wrote. “I Catherine Harrow Bedford Duchess of Bedford, do hereby appoint Jake Harrow as High Protector of the Bedford Duchy and Admiral of the Bedford fleet. Signed and sealed on this day blah blah blah.” She retrieved a stick of sealing wax and a quick match. Then sealed the document. They quickly made two more copies and sealed both as well. Then she walked around the desk and hand the first to Jake. The second she handed to Teller. “Admiral in accordance with both custom and law. I have appointed my High Protector and have issued to you, a senior acting member of the Crown Admiralty, a signed and sealed copy.”

Teller grinned, and said, “Congratulations Admiral Harrow.”

“What? I have never heard of Duke or Duchess having that authority,” Jake said.

“Each Duchy is responsible for the reserve fleet and reserve forces to man them. They are also responsible for ensuring they have someone in charge of those forces. Every duchy has a fleet admiral who is appointed by the ruling Duke or in this case Duchess. In short, yes Admiral she can and did promote you to the rank of Reserve Fleet Admiral. Further she added the title of High Protector of the Bedford Duchy. That gives you authority over everyone in the duchy of Bedford except the Duchess,” Teller explained.

Coble helpfully added, “You are now considered the Duchess’s arm, and out rank even Admiral Teller in matters regarding the duchy of Bedford. Including the safety of the Duchess you have been appointed to serve.”

“More importantly, the King’s offer of promotion to Captain is worthless. You are officially a Fleet Admiral,” she smiled. “Admiral Harrow as Duchess I hereby order you ensure my standard is flown at all times I am on our flag ship the Karenna.”

“Not to be a downer but do we have your standard?” he asked.

Both the admirals laughed. Teller said, “Yes it’s currently flying from your flagpole.”

Jake frowned. “Duchess when I asked if that flag was your standard, you said it was just a fancier Bedford duchy flag.”

“It is. I didn’t lie to you. I just never said it wasn’t the standard of the Duke or Duchess of Bedford,” she said with one of her super sweet smiles.

“As amusing as it is to see the new Admiral begin to learn all the things new married men learn, we do have other business to attend to. Duchess, Admiral, how do you want to handle the King’s request to add to your crew?” Teller asked.
Catherine deferred to Jake with a tilt of her head.

He said, “I am not opposed to having more crew to help defend the Karenna. The problem is we have both limited stores and facilities to accommodate them.” He stood and went to the door to the bridge and opened it. “Navigator, calculate a course to the capital at our best possible speed. Once you have it figured please bring it to me.” He closed the door and retook his seat. He thought for a minute then said, “Unless I am way off on our projected course. We are about six thousand miles from the capital. Figuring sixty-two hundred to be safe at one hundred and fifty miles an hour running for twenty-four hours a day. We could be there just short of forty- eight hours after we altered our course. But, let’s see what our navigator says.”

There was a single knock then Marie opened the door. She walked to Jake and handed him a piece of paper. He read it and nodded. Then asked, “Average speed?”

“One seventy. Distance is fifty-seven hundred and change. I’ve made the run from Innis many times most of the trip this time of year is a strong side wind,” Marie offered.

Jake nodded again and said, “Thank Marie. We aren’t changing course yet, emphasis on yet.”

“Yes sir,” she said as she left the room.

“From our current location at our best speed it would take us thirty-four hours. It’s almost ten now that would mean arriving late at night or slowing down and getting there first thing in the morning. I think it would be better if we arrived first thing in the morning. If we run at one thirty, we would arrive around nine a.m. day after tomorrow.” Everyone agreed that would be the way to do it.

Teller said, “I was ordered to give you a copy of the fleet code book if you chose to accept the King’s promotion. As the Admiral of Bedford, you are entitled to one.” Teller handed Jake a thick booklet. “I know you are familiar with the wireless system. Please remember to destroy that if your vessel is ever boarded. Have you decided on what you want to do regarding the added personnel?”

“I have a request for information first. How many native Bedford Duchy Airmen and Marines are currently serving in your fleet? Second, If we make best possible speed the battle group will not be able to keep up. What are your plans if we do so?”

“I would have to send for the information about the crew and marines. As for the second that’s easy. We’ll communicate you having outrun us and inform the admiralty we are returning to port. What are you thinking?” Teller asked.

“If you ask for volunteers I would be surprised if any of them failed to volunteer to take a trip with us, even the ship Captains. Depending on the numbers and ranks, if we limit it to those from Bedford it will lessen the task of figuring out who gets to come with us. Additionally, since the Duchess has declared this her flag ship, it would be in her right to request Air Corps crew and marines from her duchy to assist with crewing the ship. I remember several offers to transfer being posted when I was on active duty.” Jake explained.

“You’re right we get those requests all the time. Most of those who take them hope it will help fast track a promotion for them. Normally it does the opposite. Serving on a duchy flag ship means you’re at the whim of the nobles who use it for transportation,” Coble explained. “I imagine if they have the chance to serve on the Karenna, that may change. Sir I could step out and request the information.” Teller nodded and his XO left to carry out the task.

As he left, May poked her head in the door to see if they needed anything. “Both men had their caff refilled. Catherine asked if she would send a runner requesting her uncle join them. Jake asked her to send a second runner to the kitchen and request cook or whoever was acting as the senior staff there to also join them.
While they waited for the cook and Tomas, the Admiral told the newlyweds about some of the quarrels and mistakes he and his wife had made. He also gave them a piece of advice. “Many people will tell you never go to bed angry. My father told me that was a huge mistake. I have found it to be good advice. If you are arguing do not stay up all night do so. Instead get a good night’s sleep holding each other. Then discuss it the next day. Many couples make the mistake of staying up, and only further anger their spouse until hurtful things are said. The worst thing you can say is you’re just like your mother or is that what your mother said. My wife and I had one of those fights early in our marriage, and only one. We both said some very mean and hurtful things we didn’t mean. We both swore we would never do it again. I admit there have been a few occasions I almost slipped, but as far as I know we have both kept that promise. I think we have had a much happier relationship than many others we know because of it.”

Cook and Tomas both arrived at the same time. Catherine got up and pulled Jake’s Chair from behind his desk for her uncle. Then handed him the messages and her copy of her making Jake the high protector. Jake asked, “Cook, without straining yourself or the kitchen staff. How many could you comfortably feed for next four days?”

Cook didn’t even think about it. “Three hundred. They would have to eat in shifts like they do on the Air Corps ships but it wouldn’t be a problem.”

“Ship’s stores sufficient?” he asked.

“As long as we make port in four days sure. We could easily stretch it to a week and half, but that would mean Air Corps fare. I’d rather not do that,” Cook said.

“Okay, thank you. If we take on any additional crew, I’ll send word to you as soon as I know how many and when they’ll come aboard. We’re probably heading for the capital. The King has offered extra hands to help crew and defend the ship. We just don’t know how many it will be or when. We haven’t even decided if we want to accept the offer,” Jake told the old cook.

Cook just nodded. “More mouths to feed would help. Truth is too many cooks and not enough work. If you need me, I’ll be in the galley.”

Once Cook left, Tomas said, “I am not sure why you asked me here. It looks like you have handled this situation perfectly so far. Our current Fleet Admiral will be overjoyed to learn he has been replaced. He had planned to retire the month after the Duke passed. He agreed to delay his retirement until things settled down. For the last four years, his executive officer has been running the fleet’s day to day operations. Burns was mostly a figurehead.”

“Those were my exact thought as well. Daddy’s Flagship was the Bedford. She is in dry dock for a major overhaul. In truth, she should be retired. She’s over seventy-five years old. Father kept her as his flagship because she was Grandfather’s flagship and Great grandfather served on her. Uncle how do we go about officially making the Karenna my flagship?” Catherine asked.

“Not sure. It has never come up. Admiral, would you know?” Tomas asked.

“Yes, it’s quite simple. You write out a proclamation declaring the Karenna your flagship. Then submit it to the admiralty. The same as the one naming Jake as the Fleet Admiral. There is only one catch. The ship must be owned by the you or the duchy. It must also be a registered vessel.”

Tomas said, “I can have my son register the vessel in Bedford. If we use the wireless, he should be able to send us the registration number and everything. I’ll need all the paperwork you have Jake.”

Jake stood and went to the safe in the wall. He used a key from his belt pouch and opened it. He pulled out the leather folio that contained all of his documents on the Karenna. Then he relocked the safe. He handed it to Tomas as he retook his seat. “That is all I have. A permit to perform salvage in the area for any and all ships I locate. Erma added the copy of the history of the vessel. That’s also in there. It’s required when registering a ship.”

Tomas nodded and said, “I’ll go send David a message, and get him started on this.”

Jake groaned. “Message. I need to send a message to my mother. I should have done it last night. She is going to be rather cross at us getting married without her, and it will be in the broadsheets today. Excuse me a moment please.” He hurried from the room.

Jake wrote out the message he wanted to send to his mother. When Tomas understood the situation, he was happy to have Jake’s message sent first.

Message (Urgent please rush delivery and await reply)
To: Molly Harrow 412 west Cypress Lane, Capital City
Mother I have news that will both please you and, I fear, anger you. You may have heard or read by now that I was married last night. I apologize for not waiting until you were able to be present. My only excuse is we were both caught up in the moment.
What is not known yet, is that we will soon be changing our course for the capital, and should arrive the day after tomorrow. There is no hope of keeping this news quiet. Many people including the King want our arrival to be a major event. I am sure it will be.
I would very much like to have all of you with us when we make port. If you are agreeable I will send an airship to fetch you (Not the Mistress, I promise). Please send any reply with the messenger.
Love Jake

Once the message was sent, Jake told the crewmen in the communications room, “When the reply for that comes in please bring it to me immediately.” Jake returned to his office to find both Admirals awaiting his return.
Admiral Coble said, “There are nine officers, thirty-two airmen, and fifty-six marines who are from Bedford, according to the ship files.”

“Not quite one hundred men. Will that cause you any difficulty admiral?” Catherine asked

“None at all. If you were to give it to me as a request for transfer it would be even better,” Teller said.

Coble offered, “I can have it written up in a few minutes. Then all you have to do is sign it.”

“Please do so,” Catherine said.

Coble took out paper and pen and began writing. He made two copies, then said, “Duchess, I would recommend you have your Fleet Admiral sign these requests. That is who would normally do it.”

Catherine chuckled. “Admiral Harrow, would you please sign the requests?”

“Yes, your Grace,” Jake replied. Jake signed the documents adding his new rank and title at Coble’s advice.

“What I plan to do now is to return to the Ruth and send off a message to the admiralty. I’ll tell them of Jake’s promotion to High Protector and Fleet Admiral of Bedford. Then of his request for immediate temporary transfer of Bedford airmen to assist in the Karenna’s defense. I imagine they will reply rather quickly,” Teller said.

Jake said, “Might I suggest we alter our course. If we head for Burgundy Point, it will get both of us closer to our destination.”

“Admiral Harrow we are your escort. If you change course for Burgundy Point, my battle group will do the same,” Admiral Teller said.

“I’ll wait until you’re back on the Ruth, and give you a few minutes before we change course,” Jake said.

“I’ll let my captain know to keep an eye out for it,” Teller responded. Then the two men left.

Catherine said, “If we’re about to get an extra hundred men, I need to get my staff working on where we are going to quarter them. I’m sure you have things you need to do as well.” She rose and pulled Jake up from his seat. Then guided him through the door to his sitting room and into their cabin. She went to one of her chests and opened a strongbox. From it she took a velvet bag and opened it. “This is the medallion of the Bedford High Protector. There is a sword and signet dagger as well in one of the other chests. I think that chest is in storage though. I’ll have Rebecka find them for you. You don’t need the sword, but you do need the dagger.” She placed the medallion around Jake’s neck and stepped back smiling.

Jake looked down. “That doesn’t look at all ostentatious,” he complained.

She snickered, and then helped him with his neck scarf and shirt. Once she had the medallion tucked away, she made sure he was once again properly attired, and then patted the medallion on his chest. “I think we should also offer the reporters a place here on the ship. Not all of them. Just the ones that were here last night. The rude ones can stay where they are.”

“Do we have enough mattresses for the new crew and the reporters?” Jake asked.

“We may have to borrow a few from the Martha and the Lady, but we’ll make it work. All our crew are currently in the larger officer’s quarters. They have the larger beds. I know we have nearly a hundred bunk mattresses in the hold,” Catherine said.

The two went about getting their tasks accomplished after a nice kiss. Shortly after he returned to the bridge, he had the message sent to the Ruth about changing their heading. Then he ordered the helmsmen to change their course for Burgundy Point. He was in his office reading through wireless messages when Cali knocked. She brought him Grace. His eel seemed very pleased to see him. Cali explained she had to return to her schoolwork and gave him a hug before running off.

Jake received a message from the Pride. They had picked up their parcel, and the parcel’s parcels. Jake figured that meant Millie had several pieces of luggage. Jake had a message sent giving their current course and speed. The pride had made the trip faster than they had thought. That was good. The Pride must have run full out to get there so quickly. Her nacelles were probably drained. With the change in course Jake figured she could make it back to them either late tonight or early tomorrow.

Just as Jake was leaving the bridge for lunch, a message came from the Ruth. They would be transferring one hundred and six Airmen and Marines to the Karenna. The message asked when Jake would like them transferred. He sent back to begin at one if they were ready. Then sent a message to the reporters telling them those who attended the wedding were welcome to travel on the Karenna to the capital and could begin arriving at one.

Jake went down to the Officers’ Mess. He saw they were serving buffet style. Before he could join the line May intercepted him. “Captain you are far too busy to be standing around in a buffet line. Please, head to your table I’ll bring you your plate.”

“Very well, and thank you May. I appreciate everything you do for me.” Jake and Grace went up to the dais at the front of the room. Instead of sitting, he turned to face the room “Cold I have your attention please.” He paused while the room quieted down. “I just received word from the Ruth. At one o’clock. They will begin transferring one hundred and six new crew members and Marines to us. At the same time the broadsheet reporters and photographers that were here last night will be coming aboard. Please see your section leaders before you head back to any tasks as those tasks may change. Thank you.”

Lunch was good, but the time went by quickly. Catherine said, “We have enough of the bunk mattresses for all the new crew. We checked earlier, we have one hundred and fifty in crates in the hold. Bowman suggested leaving them and the linen there and just issuing the new crew those items from the hold. That is what I plan to do.”

“I think the best thing to do is, assemble them on the deck. then assign them to groups based on billeting locations, and assign a cadet to act as their guide. Send them off to drop their gear in their quarters. Then have the cadets lead them to where you want to issue the supplies. Let them drop those in the quarters. Then have their cadet give them the tour from last night,” Jake offered.

Catherine smiled. “That is the same plan we came up with. Except the officers will have one of my ladies as their escort instead of a cadet. I thought that would be better and we don’t have enough senior cadets.”

“Please have one cadet with each of the ladies. I want the officers to get used to having a cadet near them. The last thing we need is them ignoring orders passed on by a cadet because they are children. that could be catastrophic during a battle,” Jake said.

“I hadn’t thought of that. I’ll get with Brenda and get enough cadets to accompany the ladies,” Catherine said. “Uncle says the Karenna is now officially registered in Bedford. David paid the registration fee based on the tonnage of the ship as to normal salvage fees. Uncle thought it was funny that the registration was only six hundred and forty-one gold crowns. He said the head of the office plans to have a copy framed and displayed in the office. He registered it in both our names. Mister and Misses Jake and Catherine Harrow Bedford are the owners of record for the Karenna.”

“Where is Uncle Tomas? I don’t see him in here,” Jake asked.

“He busily working in the communication room. Sending and receiving messages from Carl in the capital. He has some plan he is working out with my cousin. He is being all secretive about it. Aunt B took him lunch.”

When they finished eating the two went their separate ways. Catherine said she would have her teams on deck and ready before the new crew started arriving. Jake was intercepted on the bridge by Cali, “Captain Jake I get to be your runner today,” she said as she hugged his leg tight.

Jake chuckled, but before he could say anything Marie said, “I don’t remember getting a hug like that from you in a while. I think I’m jealous.”

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