Fun Time at the Selangor Club - Cover

Fun Time at the Selangor Club

by uksnowy

Copyright© 2017 by uksnowy

Fiction Sex Story: A short, filthy, deprived, irreverent tale, remembering travel times.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/mt   Mult   Blackmail   NonConsensual   Pedophilia   Reluctant   Fiction   High Fantasy   Humiliation   Rough   Bestiality   Hairy   .

A small mosque on the north coast of Singapore in a wildlife and waterway park, a swim, a no doubt risky one, if unaware of what might be in the ocean pollution wise of predator wise from the south coast of Thailand. It is there for workers on the park and any tourists to visit and explore. Much wildlife can be viewed close-up or through binoculars. It’s a typically meagre construction - open sided, roofed with corrugated steel sheets for weather protection. It is angled towards Mecca in the western province of Saudi Arabia. An Imam’s drone is transmitted to the worshippers by a recording at the five stations of prayer in the Muslim world.

Some Westerners peer in comaparing it to the domed and pillared Islamic edifices seen in many cities and also their own ornate places of worship, some screwing their faces at it’s simplicity. The concrete floor is uneven and dusty, the pillars blotched with traces of removed plant growth, which in this climate threatened to engulf the tiny structure.

In a clearing in what Westerners would call jungle, Ng wiped his wizened cock on the face of a woman from the office, while Anh lustily shagged her arsehole, while a tampon string hung from her hairy cunt. Ng had got her to suck his wrinkled, once formidable tool, to a sort of semi flaccid state and then he’d pissed on her face was part of the pleasure he got from his one sex act each day. He couldn’t get it up and his ancient wife was dry. The woman had been a bossy do-gooder and tried to tell him which plants needed care, where to plant new ones etc had pissed him off, so with Anh’s help they had blackmailed her to visiting them daily and be abused. They’d taken photos of her being fucked by the park official, to get the job, such was the official’s way of recruiting.

Ng and Anh, washed them selves at a tap on a pillar before noon prayers and spent time in meditation, what trendy Westerners know as Mindfulness, what a load of ballocks. Ng was a decrepit old gardener, he’d worked at the park since he was twelve years old. Anh was aged forty eight, an apprentice to Ng and he was a paedophile. The woman they had shagged thirty minutes previously was old for his taste, but it was a hole he could get his rocks off with and increase his expectations of the youthful attractions in a club, later in the evening. A ship had docked from China with some unusual, in terms of the manifest, cargo and the skipper was Ng’s brother, with equal taste in ultra young feminines.

The woman they had abused, scuttled shamefully away back to her post and in passing the beach, decided to squat, drag up her flimsy gown and swill her sore, filthy genitals. In the undergrowth, there were four mangy wild hounds that had swum over the Straights from the mainland as they often do, quite remarkable in it’s way, sometimes there are as many as twelve. She was lucky. The dogs roamed freely and left her washing, moving towards the tiny mosque. Her tampon was removed and left onto the beach. Ng and Anh were busy praying, the heads to the small grubby rugs and then kneeling up with hands gestured and back down again.

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