Brother/Sister Day
Chapter 3
Sex Story: Chapter 3 - My name is Robbie, Mom calls me Robert, but my sisters don't! I found a contest online, The 14th Annual Brother/Sister Day. It promotes writers and readers of Brother/Sister Porn to actually take a chance and make a move on their Brother or Sister. I have a younger sister, so here goes!
Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft mt/Fa Fa/Fa Fa/ft Ma/Ma Ma/mt Mult Teenagers Consensual Romantic Lesbian Heterosexual Incest Mother Son Brother Sister Daughter Rough Gang Bang Group Sex Orgy White Male White Female Anal Sex Cream Pie Exhibitionism Masturbation Oral Sex Pregnancy Safe Sex Voyeurism Big Breasts
I pulled away and left the kitchen, and ran upstairs to my room. Within a few minutes there was a hard knock on my door.
Probably Sammi!
“Let me in ... right now, Robbie!”
Yep, and she sounded pissed.
I went over to door and let her in. She came in, closed the door, and gave me a really, fantastic kiss on the mouth.
When I finally had a chance to breathe, she said, “Mom told me what happened and I was really, mad at her, but I was more worried about you.”
“Don’t be, Baby. I can take care of myself. Would it be totally inappropriate for me to tell you that I love you?”
“No! Because I love you just as much. And I don’t care if it’s wrong or immoral or anything else.”
We heard the call ‘Dinner, ‘ and headed downstairs together separating hands at the bottom of the stairs.
I saw Mom looking at me, but all she said was “Sit down everybody.” Then she went to the oven, and removed a family favorite: Pechuga Adobada, a chicken breast dish with lots of goodies on the side.
This was a meal Dad didn’t like much, so Mom usually fixed him Plain tacos instead.
After we finished off the food, I got up to help take plates to the sink, with all of the ladies looking at me like I was something from a pod!
“I’m just doing my part in this family, stepping up, as it were.”
“A guy that cleans up after himself, you don’t see that much these days,” Emma said.
“You must be looking in the wrong places, my dear sister. Tiff, are we still on for our movie date tomorrow?”
Sammi looked at her with a tinge of green. “What are you going to see, you two?”
“AVATAR 3,” she said.
“At the Cineplex or at the Palace Drive In?”
“I think Tiffany has tickets for the Cineplex, isn’t that right, Sis?”
“Have you girls seen it yet?” I asked Sammi and Emma.
They both nodded negatively.
“Hey Tiff, give them the tickets you got. I haven’t been to the Palace yet, if that’s OK with you?”
She was looking me, then reached in her back pocket and gave the girls those tickets.
Mom watched all of this, but said nothing as I helped Tiffany to her feet.
“Why don’t you girls stay over tonight?” Mom suggested. “Your rooms are still the way you left them.”
When they moved out and started sharing an apartment near Cal Poly, it was with the condition they were expected to come over for dinner, even stay the night. They carried go bags in their car for this very situation. I walked them to their car and they got them.
“Robbie,” Emma said, “Maybe we could go and see a movie together sometime, as well?”
“It seems only fair; don’t you think, Tiff?”
“He’ll be more of a gentleman than the last guy I went to the movies with,” Tiff said as if to make a point.
“If you want me to not be a gentleman, just say the words, I do have moves I could try on either of you, or even both at the same time!”
They both laughed out loud as they had their bags, and each got on my arms, as we walked back into the house.
After the new morning’s breakfast, Tiffany got in my car, and we drove off to the local Palace Drive-In that was just off the Cabrillo Highway near the Madonna Inn Bike Path.
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