Lesbian Mind Control Incest - Cover

Lesbian Mind Control Incest

Copyright© 2017 by mypenname3000

Chapter 1: Mommy Takes Charge

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 1: Mommy Takes Charge - Maria is tired of her girlfriend and her eldest daughter walking over her. But that changes when a strange device mysteriously appears on her doorstep.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Magic   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Lesbian   Fiction   Science Fiction   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   FemaleDom   Spanking   Anal Sex   Analingus   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Big Breasts   Small Breasts  

Note: Thanks to Ron for beta reading this!

I thought today couldn’t get worse. And then I pulled into my driveway and discovered my teenage daughter Alison had thrown a party.

What was supposed to be the start of my weekend long vacation with my lover, Bianca Carter in Las Vegas had turned sour. The drive from our home in Thousand Oaks, a suburb outside Los Angeles, to Vegas had gone great. We were laughing and flirting, rubbing are hands all over each other’s thighs as we took turns driving. My pussy was so hot and wet.

It was great to be open about our relationship, to not hide that we were lesbians. It was stressful, particularly hiding it from our daughters. I had two and Bianca had one. My eldest, Alison, and her daughter Lily were both seventeen. They were best friends. And they were driving us both crazy. They were so rebellious. They didn’t listen any longer. They stayed out late. I had caught Alison coming home a dozen times with booze on her breath.

I was worried she would do something stupid while we were gone. But Bianca convinced me otherwise. “Maria, darling, we have the hotel already rented, money for gambling, for seeing some of the Burlesque shows Let’s go have fun! Our daughters will survive a weekend.”

At least Janet, my youngest at fourteen, was responsible. She was a quiet girl who didn’t get in trouble, unlike Alison. So I acquiesced. We left for our “girls weekend” as we told everyone, faking that we were close friends instead of the truth—that we were lesbian lovers.

It was only a few hours drive to Vegas, we arrived, checked into our hotel, and then we hit the casino floor. Bianca was having a great time, drinking, gambling, and flirting. That was the problem. She was flirting with everyone. And not with women, but with the men.

I couldn’t believe how shameless she was. She claimed she had forsworn men, and then there she was, pressing up against them at the craps table, blowing on their dices, practically fondling their cocks while I watched, growing steamier and steamier.

I should have said something earlier, before she got too drunk. But I wasn’t good at the whole confrontation thing. I just ... lacked the confidence. It was probably the real reason Alison could just walk over me.

Finally, after a few hours of watching her grind between two guys as they gallivanted about the casino floor, I tried to talk to her. And what did she do? Tried to get me to join in. “This is my friend, Maria.” She pulled me closer to her. “Mmm, I bet the four of us could have some real fun.”

“I’m gay, remember,” I hissed at her. “Like you told me you are. I thought we were here for fun.”

“We are,” she purred, pressing up against the tall, swarthy guy, his hands on her ass. “And we’re going to have so much fun, aren’t we?”

The guys laughed, eager.

“I thought we were here to have fun together. Just me and you. A girls’ weekend.”

“Oh, honey, we play together all the time.” She giggled, her words partly slurred. “Oh, no, did you think... ? Did you think that we were doing more than just passing time? Oh, Maria, darling.”

The words had sobered me. I thought we did have something. A relationship. Girlfriends. “Apparently, I was wrong.” The words came out like ice. My blood was chilled. “Sorry.”

“Forgiven,” she laughed. “Come on upstairs with us. We can give the men a show. I’ll go down on you, you go down on me, then you can watch them both fuck me.” She laughed. “Or you can enjoy one of them while I take the other.”

The other guy—a tall, blond meathead—gave me a hungry smile, looking up and down my body in my low-cut blouse and short skirt. Something I wore for Bianca to admire. I even had a brand new pair of panties, practically a thong, and with lace along the leg bands. I was so eager to see her reaction when she saw me in them.

“No. We came here to have fun together. Just me and you.”

“Tomorrow,” she said, shaking her head.

“There won’t be a tomorrow,” I told her as the two men led her away, both eager to ravish her curvy ass. Her auburn hair bounced about her shoulders. God, she was so beautiful. Her stretchy, red dress clung to that rear. And her legs were so long and lush. “I’m going home.”

“No you’re not.” She rolled her eyes. And then she waved at me before she vanished.

I was so angry I did it. I got my car and drove home. I didn’t care. She could get a ride back from blond meathead or swarthy asshole. I hadn’t even made it off the strip before the tears started. My mascara ran as sped back home.

And found an even worse surprise.

Music thudded out of my house. All the lights were on. Teenagers crowded the porch holding red plastic cups. I opened my car door and slammed it, gripping my purse in my hand as I marched up to the door.

The teenagers saw me. They realized who I was. They bolted.

I entered the house, finding more lounging around, dancing to the horrid music or cheering a cheerleader, complete in her cheer outfit, on as she did a keg stand. There was a keg in my house. How did Alison rent that?

“Out of my house!” I hissed.

Teenagers streamed past me as I marched into the living room. It was even worse in here. There was a group cheering while two guys were on the couch, pleasure crossing their faces. One was Black, the other White, both with the large builds of football players. My daughter and Lily were on their knees before them, giving them blowjobs.

Alison’s eyes flicked up and froze in mid-suck on the Black guy’s cock. Her friend Lily, a youthful copy of her mother but with brighter red hair than Bianca’s darker auburn, kept slobbering up and down the White boy’s cock.

“Not going to win that way, Alison,” the Black guy groaned.

Alison popped her mouth off his dick, her cheeks pale. “Mom?”

At the word, “Mom,” the watching teenagers suddenly scattered, leaving in their wake a mound of red plastic cups. There were stains on my beige carpet. There were cups on my coffee table without coasters. Someone had spilled an entire bag of chips on my ottoman, the yellow-orange dust worked into the fibers.

“Alison Lisa Talon,” I fumed as the Black guy yanked up his pants and darted out of the room.

Lily popped her mouth off the White guy’s cock. He bolted, too, his dick flopping before him. Lily gave a look at her friend, then she, too, hopped to her feet and tried to escape. I caught her and pushed her back towards my daughter.

“What are you... ?” my words trailed off. The vanishing teenagers revealed my youngest daughter, Janet, lying passed out on the floor, her head cocked to the side, her glasses askew, her hand still clutching a red plastic cup. “You gave your little sister beer.”

“She loved it,” Alison said. “But she never drank it before and...” My daughter shook her home. “Oh, my god, Mom, why are you home? You’ve ruined my party.”

“Ruined your party?” I stared at her in shock. “Look at my house!”

Alison shrugged. She was a tall girl, taller than me now, and leggy in the tight shorts she wore. She had an athletic build, her small breasts covered by a tank top. It was clear she wore no bra. She pushed her black hair back off her shoulders and glared at me, her plump lips pursing. “You don’t understand. Oh, my god, all my friends are going to think I’m lame now. It was just getting started.”

“Oh, it looked like plenty was starting,” I scathed. “You were being filmed!”

“It was a blowjob contest, Mom, jeez.” She rolled her eyes in that exaggerated manner only a teenage girl can perform. “Don’t pretend to be such a saint. You were my age when you had me.”

I blushed. “That’s not the point.”

She rolled her eyes. “Right, right. You discovered having fun sucks, so you never want me to have any.”

Lily just squirmed beside Alison. “Did, um, my mom come back with you, Ms. Talon?”

“No, she’s still in Vegas,” I growled. This had to be all Lily’s fault. She was a bad influence on my daughter. Just a whore like her mother. I bet it was her idea for the blowjob competition.

“Oh,” Lily said.

“Mom doesn’t like having fun. That’s why she’s back,” Alison said.

I ground my teeth. “I like having fun. I don’t like coming home and finding my house destroyed. I knew I couldn’t trust you to be alone over the weekend.”

“Oh, my god, Mom. I’m seventeen. I’m practically an adult. You can stop babying me!”

“I can’t. Not when you let your little sister drink herself unconscious.” I shook my head, frustrated tears burning in my eyes.

“Oh, she’s fine. I got drunk the first time younger than her. It’s time she grows up and stops trying to be like you.” Then Alison turned, marching down the hallway.

“Come back here!” I shouted. “And clean up this damned mess. Then I’m taking away your phone. I’m not paying for you to—”

Her bedroom door slammed hard.

Lily swallowed, standing awkwardly, rubbing her hands together. She didn’t know what to do. She bent down and grabbed a red plastic cup. “Sorry, Ms. Talon. It kinda got out of hand.”

“Yeah,” I nodded.

I sank down onto my couch and winced. The cushion was wet. I smelled cheap beer. I wanted to cry so badly. I wanted to grab my black tresses and rip out of my hair. Nothing had gone right today. Nothing. I could have fun. I wanted to have fun.

“Did something happen between you and my mom?” Lily asked.

“You can go home,” I said.

She picked up another plastic cup. “Sorry.” Then she scooped up a third. “We were just ... enjoying life.”

My phone chirped. I pulled it out of my purse, wondering what worse news I could receive today. Maybe my dad had died. Maybe Alison’s dad wanted to visit. Asshole owed me so much back child support. Maybe it was my bank letting me know my credit card had been used fraudulently.

I entered my passcode and stared at the message. It was the strangest thing I had ever seen.


You have been chosen by our top team of researchers for our exciting new product! The Halo is the answer to all your parenting and relationship needs. Tired of being walked over by everyone in your life? Tired of that helpless feeling that is gripping you?

Well you’re in luck!

Our patented Halo mind control technology will allow you to take back the reins from all those in your life who walk all over you.

I know you are as excited as we by this amazing possibility. Out of all the billions of people in this world, we think you are one of the TWELVE lucky candidates to utilize this ground-breaking technology.

So congratulations and get ready to seize your new life!

Your package should arrive in moments by drone. Enjoy!


Deidre Icke, Esq.

President of The Institute of Apotheosis Research

“What the fuck?” I whispered as Lily came back from the kitchen with a trash bag. She shook it open, the plastic rippling. Then the busty girl, her tits stretching her tank top magnificently, bent down and began collecting the red, plastic cups.

This was the strangest spam I had ever gotten in my life. There weren’t even links to whatever dumb product they were trying to sell me. A Halo? And mind control? What were they playing at? Was this Alison’s idea of a joke? Was she in her room messing with me right now?

“That girl,” I growled.

Lily flinched but kept cleaning.

For a moment, I thought I heard a buzzing sound coming from the front door. It was like the very fast whirling of rotor blades. I blinked and stood up, my heart suddenly racing. This couldn’t be real. A package couldn’t have been delivered by drone. I had heard Amazon was trying that out, but it wasn’t a thing yet. Right?

My front door was still open, the evening warm. Crickets chirped outside. And there, sitting on my porch, was a cardboard box, glossy packing tape keeping the lid shut. I blinked, moving towards it in utter shock.

This prank was turning elaborate.

I walked to the package, almost numb with shock. My stomach twisted as I knelt down. My name and address was printed on a large label in the center of the lid. There was no return address, no stamps or markings from any postal carriers. It wasn’t delivered by the US Postal Services or UPS or FedEx. I looked out into the night and thought I spotted something dark flying over the neighbors house and vanishing.

Trembling, I picked up the package and walked back to the couch. I sat down, this time on a dry cushion, and ripped open the tape. Lily kept cleaning, bent over on her knees, her large tits swaying in her tank top. Like my daughter, she wasn’t wearing a bra, and her nipples, even though they weren’t hard, were still dimpling the front of her thin top.

A surge of heat shot through me. She had bigger tits than her mother. Were they as nice to play with and... ?

I opened the box, taking my eyes off my ex-lover’s daughter. I had known Lily since she was a child. It was like lusting after my own daughter. Flashes of Alison’s toned, gorgeous legs in those tight shorts danced through my thoughts.

There was a golden ring wrapped in plastic set in a foam protection along with a small pamphlet. One of those instruction manuals you find with electronics. I flipped through it. It was printed in multiple languages besides English—Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Italian, Arabic, and several East Asian languages using strange characters, probably Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and maybe Thai. I stopped on the English page.

The Halo’s patented nanotechnology will bond with your neurons, enhancing the generation of your brain waves. Simply place the device on your head, and you will gain the ability to control others actions. Your brain waves will be so powerful, broadcasting from your mind, that they will override the brain waves of others.

This is all thanks to the ground breaking work of our founder, Dr. Henry P. Blavatsky and his wife Alicia Bailey.

Nanotechnology? Wasn’t that Science Fiction? I kept reading. It talked about the technical aspects of the Halo, describing the various types of brain waves in language that had to be copied out of a scientific paper. I didn’t get half of it. Then there was a description of the nanotechnology and how it functioned. Apparently, there were little machines that would integrate into my brain and enhance my brain waves. I had heard about those. It was all so ... unbelievable.

I swallowed. It would be wonderful to have some control in my life. Bianca wouldn’t have flirted with those guys on our special weekend if I had any real spine. My daughter Alison would be out here cleaning up her mess like a responsible girl, taking her punishment, if I had confidence. I should even have spanked her, regardless of her age. I had been too lax with her, and she ran wild. My parents were the same way with me.

I touched the Halo. It was ... warm. My fingers tingled. Lily glanced at me, her garbage bag now half full. She took the cup from my youngest daughter’s unconscious hand. Janet shifted, murmuring something, her black hair fanned out around her. Her shirt was pulled tight about her breasts. She had larger ones than her older sister, something she was quite proud of.

And they did look so nice. If this Halo worked, I could...

A hot wave of shame washed through me. Just what was I thinking.

“What is that, Ms. Talon?” Lily asked.

“A prank,” I said, feeling so embarrassed for even thinking about my youngest daughter in such a sexual manner. But ... seeing that shirt stretched over her breasts. I liked big tits. “Something Alison cooked up.”

“She did?” Lily said, sounding unsure.

“Yeah, copied a bunch of BS off Wikipedia. Probably threw the text through Google Translate a bunch of times to fake the other languages.”

“That sounds ... like a lot of work.”

“She wants me to put this on,” I said, lifting the Halo. The thin, gold ring tingled more. She had rigged it up to a battery somehow. “Then she thinks I’m dumb enough to believe it would give me mind control powers. Isn’t that ridiculous?”

“Yeah,” Lily said, still staring at me.

I shoved the Halo on my head, feeling the metal band press into my hair. The tingling grew even greater. The Halo grew warmer and warmer. My stomach shifted. A wave of dizziness washed over me. My vision fuzzed dark. I gasped, fanning my face. My thoughts pricked as the heat blossomed.

“Ms. Talon?” Lily asked, her face pale.

“Ooh, she put something on it,” I said. “Like there’s a battery or something. There, it’s on. Let’s see my new amazing powers.”

Lily just stared at me, blue eyes so wide, her jaw dropping.

“Close your mouth.”

She did.

I frowned. “Stand up.”

Lily did, her eyes were still wild. “So you’re in on the prank?”

“There’s no prank,” she said quickly.

“Right,” I said, rolling my eyes. “There’s no prank. You have to do what I say.”

“I am,” she said, her voice tight. “I ... I ... What are you doing to me, Ms. Talon?”

My anger grew greater. So she wanted to play. “Fine, I can control you. Take off that top, let me see those breasts.”

“Ms. Talon,” she gasped, her freckled cheeks going crimson even as her hands moved to the hem of her tank top.

I blinked in shock as she actually did it. She lifted her tank top over her head, her large breasts bouncing out. The big tits jiggled as they slapped together. Her nipples were pink and flat, her areolas large for a girl her age.

“How are you doing this?” she gasped, tears in her eyes.

“You’re really committed to this prank,” I said. “I bet Alison is, too.” I took a breath and shouted, “Alison, get your ass out here right now!”

A fuzzy tingle ran through my thoughts. I absently rubbed at my hair, fingers sliding through my locks as I felt ... something surge out from me, reaching through the house towards my daughter’s bedroom.

Which was ridiculous. Alison’s prank was pretty complete.

Her bedroom door opened. My sulking daughter slouched out, biting her lip. Then she blinked. “Why is your top off, Lily?”

“Your mom made me take it off,” Lily gasped. “She put on this gold circlet and it vanished and now I have to do what she says.” Tears fell down her cheeks. “Ms. Talon, please, what are you doing?”

“You two are really committed,” I said. It just made me angrier.

“Committed?” Alison said, glancing at her crying friend. “Lily, put your top back on.”

She nodded her head, reaching for it on the ground.

“No, keep it off,” I said and Lily froze. More tears fell down her face. She was such a good actor. “And you, Alison, it’s time for your punishment.”

“I’m not giving over my phone,” she said.

“No, you’re getting a spanking.” I took a deep breath. “Drop your shorts and panties, then bend over my lap.”

“There is no way I’m...” Her words trailed off as her hands shot down to her shorts. Fingers unsnapped her fastener. The color drained from her eyes as she ripped down her zipper before she shoved her shorts and panties off her curvy hips and down her sleek thighs. She had a landing strip of black hair leading to the puffy lips of her pussy. Her inner pussy lips peeked out in the center of her slit. She stepped out of the shorts, staring at me in shock. “H-how did you do that?”

I gave her a look. “This stops when you want to admit this whole Halo thing was a prank.”

“What halo?” Her eyes were wild. “How did you make me take off my shorts. I didn’t want to.” Then she moved to me. Her body was rigid, like she was struggling before she draped herself over my lap, her curving ass, fully tanned, wiggling before me. “Oh, my god, I can feel it. It’s like I have no control over my body.”

Lily nodded her head.

I bit my lip. They were both committing to this act, pretending I had mind control. It was almost unbelievable that they would let me go this far. I stared down at my daughter’s ass, a hot wave of heat shooting through me. My pussy grew wetter, my clit aching. My nipples throbbed in my bra. I reached down, rubbing my daughter’s ass.

“Oh, my god, Mom,” groaned Alison. “I know you’re a dyke and all, but you don’t have to grope me.”

“You know about that?” I asked, squeezing her ass.

“Yes, Lily and I caught you and her mom ... doing things.” She sounded so reviled. “It was so gross.”

“No it wasn’t,” I said and raised my hand, slapping down hard. “It was beautiful. Women are beautiful.”

“Mom!” Alison gasped, her ass wiggling, a bright, red handprint burning on her ass. “Please, you don’t have to spank me.”

“Admit this is a prank, and it stops,” I told her, spanking my other hand down on her butt-cheek. “Or you never know what I’ll make you girls do.”

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