Life With Daddy Is So Different - Cover

Life With Daddy Is So Different

Copyright© 2020 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 1

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - 14 year old Donna's life changes dramatically when her mother dies and she goes to live with her mother's ex and his 18 year old son. He mother was such prude but her step father is completely the opposite.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Exhibitionism  

I guess that I’m a lucky girl because I can remember lots if things from when I was little. I can remember the odd one or two things from when I was four. The first thing that I remember is my mother telling me that I would never see my daddy again because he had gone to heaven.

I might only have been 4 and didn’t understand a lot of things and daddy hadn’t been at home all that much because he was in the military, but when he was at home he spent all my waking time with me. He did absolutely everything for me and I can even remember the feel of his hands on my skin.

Of course I didn’t understand the concept of never seeing him again and I certainly didn’t understand what was going on when his coffin was carried out of the back of the aeroplane.

At that age, being without him because of his death was much the same as when he wasn’t at home and within a couple of years or so, daddy was replaced with another ‘daddy’, and I quickly got to like my new daddy. He spent more time with me than my original daddy had (not in the military), even though I had acquired a step brother (Mike) who was 6 years older than me. Mike also loved his new little sister and he too spent a lot of time with me.

Both daddy and Mike would bathe me then put me to bed and read stories to me.

Maybe I should tell you a bit about myself before I go any further. I’m Donna, I’m 14 years old, as skinny as a rake (as daddy says), I have tiny little titties below my shoulder length, blonde hair. I started puberty later than most girls and I’ve only grown a few pubic hairs, but they are no longer there, thanks to daddy, but I’ll explain all that later. Daddy’s name is George.

Back to my memories.

When I was 10 my life changed again when daddy and Mike moved out. I’d heard mummy and daddy arguing a lot but it wasn’t too loud so I hadn’t thought much about it although I did hear my name a few times during their arguments and it crossed my mind that they were arguing about me. What about me I had no idea.

Anyway, daddy and Mike moved out of the house and it was just mummy and me again. It didn’t take long for me to miss daddy and Mike. I enjoyed the stories that daddy and Mike read to me.

Four years later when I had just turned 14, and on the last day of school before the summer holidays, I got home from school to find a police car outside the house and a policemen and a policewoman got out when they saw me walk onto our drive. A car crash had killed mummy and, understandably, I was devastated. When the policewoman asked if there was someone that they could contact, the only person I could think of was daddy. It took quite a while for me to find his phone number and about 5 hours until daddy arrived to collect me to take me to his and Mike’s new home. Thankfully, the policewoman stayed with me until he arrived.

Neither of us was really thinking straight and I left my home in just the school uniform that I was wearing. It was late at night when we arrived at daddy’s house and I asked daddy if I could sleep next to him that night. Of course he agreed but it was then that I realised that all my clothes, and nighties, were back at home.

Daddy told me to just take my clothes off and climb in with him, which I did and I cuddled up to him for comfort.

People say that grief brings out the animal instincts in you, well I had trouble getting to sleep and I found myself thinking that the 2 of us cuddling naked was really nice. I knew that it was wrong, after all I was only 14, but at the same time, for the first time in my life I noticed some strange tingling in my lower stomach, in my pussy.

Looking back, I guess that that was my first ever sexual feelings, although I didn’t put 2 and 2 together at the time, I just remember feeling that good skin to skin contact with a man feeling nice.

Anyway, in amongst the spells of tears I did manage to finally get some sleep although I did wake up a couple of time. The second time I discovered that daddy had rolled onto his side, facing me, and I felt something warm and wet pressing on my thigh.

When I woke up the next time it was light outside and daddy wasn’t there. Not really thinking straight, and not seeing my school uniform, I went looking for daddy without even thinking about the fact that I had nothing on.

I’d never been to that house before and the layout was very different to my home with mummy, for a start there was only 1 floor which confused me for a few seconds.

I found daddy in the kitchen, with Mike, both eating breakfast. Mike got up and came and hugged me. He was clothed but it comforted me having his hands on my bare skin.

“Here Donna,” daddy said, “sit down and Mike will get you some breakfast.”

I sat at the kitchen table and Mike got me some toast and juice.

I think that I managed just 1 bite of my toast.

Daddy had told me that I was going to be staying with them for as long as I wanted and that he was taking a few days off work to help me settle in. Mike had also finished school the previous day so he would be staying at home to look after me as well while he (daddy) went back to my old house to get me some clothes and a few other things that I asked him to get.

After breakfast daddy got up to come and give me a hug before leaving for his trip back to my old home. As daddy got round to me I stood up to hug him, again, not even thinking that I didn’t have any clothes on.

“Mike, make sure that she has a shower and try to get her to eat something. I’ll be back as soon as I can but it will probably be late afternoon before I’m back. Don’t leave her alone Mike.”

Daddy gave me another hug, told me that everything would be okay and asked me if I wanted anything before he left. When I said not he hugged me again, then left.

I was still standing there in the middle of the kitchen, as naked as the day I was born, and still numb from the shock of everything.

It was when daddy had left that I thought about clothes. I knew that I shouldn’t be wandering around without any on so I asked Mike where my school clothes were.

“Oh, dad put them in the washing machine. It gets quite hot down in this part of the country so you don’t have to worry about clothes,” Mike said, “we often just wear our boxers around the house and out in the garden.”

“You go outside in just your boxers?” I asked.

“Sure, there’s no one around for miles.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that. I wasn’t really taking much notice when I arrived last night.”

“So what can I wear?”

“Nothing, you’ll be alright like that.”

I was still too shocked to even think about protesting and I just accepted that I was going to be naked for a while. It never even occurred to me that I would be naked and alone with an 18 year old boy who would probably be wearing just some boxer shorts.

“Right Donna, first thing is for you to have a shower. That will make you feel a little better. Come on, you can share it with me.”

“What, I can’t share a shower with you, you’re 18 and a boy, and I’m a 14 year old girl.”

“We used to share a bath when we all lived together Donna and we were both naked then, so what’s the big deal?”

“Nothing I guess, okay then.”

Okay, I’d slept in daddy’s bed the night before and we were both naked but that was different, a one-off because I was upset. This was daytime and Mike was 18 and I was 14.

Anyway, we walked to the bathroom and Mike took his boxers off and stepped in, all with his back to me. When I stepped in he turned around and I saw my first erect penis. My jaw dropped and I just stared at it.

“What?” Mike said.

“Your Willy, it’s huge.”

“You’ve seen it before Donna.”

“When I last saw it we were little. It was about the size of your thumb and I didn’t know what it was.”

“I’m a man now Donna. Didn’t you learn about penes and erections at school?”

“So it’s that big because you have an erection is it? You not going to have sex with me are you, so why have you got an erection?”

“Donna, men get erections all the time, they can’t control when they get an erection, it just happens. Daddy probably had one in bed this morning, men often wake up with an erection.”

“So that thing that was pressing against my thigh in bed before daddy got up this morning was his erection?”


“Can I touch your penis?”

“Sure, do whatever you like with it Donna.”

I gingerly put my fingers, then my hand on Mike’s cock and after a bit of exploring, Mike said,

“Have you heard of wanking Donna?”

“Some of the girls at school were talking about it but I don’t know what it is.”

“Take you hand off me and I’ll show you.”

I did, and Mike did, and I was amazed.

“Can I do it please Mike?”


I carefully did and I heard Mike moan.

“Faster Donna.”

I did, and within a minute, some white creamy stuff shot out and landed on my chest.

Not knowing any different, I kept wanking Mike’s cock until he told me to stop, but at the same time I said,

“Eww, is that your sperm?”

“Yes Donna. When a man shoots that inside your vagina you will have a baby, unless you are using some form of contraception.”

“A penis that big would never fit inside my vagina, I’ve tried pushing a finger in and I couldn’t get it in.”

“It will stretch Donna, remember that babies come out of vaginas. I’m guessing that you haven’t reached puberty yet, that you haven’t started your periods yet. When you do your body will start to change and you’ll find that you can put your finger in your vagina.”

“I guess, but I’m not old enough for that.”

“Fourteen year old girls have had babies, but don’t worry Donna, girls reach puberty at different ages, it just doesn’t happen to everyone at a certain age. When you do get there daddy will take you to see the doctor to get some pills to make sure that you don’t have a baby.”

“Does that mean that you or daddy are going to have sex with me?”

“Maybe, it all depends on a lot of things. Now can we have that shower?”

“Err yes. Sorry. Can you hug me please? I’m a bit confused as well as sad.”

Mike did hug me and I felt his cock get hard again and press on my stomach. The naked hug, not the cock, brought back memories of the times when we all lived together.

All day I moped around the house and had periodical outbursts of tears and Mike would come and hug me and tell me that I was safe and wanted. Those hugs again reminded me of the old days.

Daddy finally got back in the evening and both Mike and I helped him carry things from his car. It felt strange going outside with no clothes on. When the car was empty I asked him about my clothes.

“Shit, sorry Donna, I got the other things that you asked for and was about to pack some of your clothes but a policeman came to the door and I got distracted, then I just forgot. Sorry.”

“What shall I do, I can’t be naked all the time.”

“I guess that you will just have to be; it’s not like there’s anyone here to see you and the weather is warm enough to go without clothes. Don’t worry, I’ll get you some clothes before you need them.”

“What about the clothes that I was wearing when I arrived here?”

“Hmm, slight problem there, when I put them in the washer this morning the damn thing went crazy and ripped the towels and your clothes, sorry kiddo. Don’t worry, I have to go back to your old house again sometime and I’ll get you some clothes before you need them.”

“Well I guess that it will be okay, it’s not like you and Mike haven’t seen me naked before.”

That night I again slept cuddle up to daddy. He lay on his side with me on my side me with my back to him, his arm over me to make me feel safe and wanted.

When I woke up the next morning I felt something hard pressing into my butt. I thought that it might be daddy’s erection, then I went back to sleep.

When I woke up again daddy was gone so I got up and went to the kitchen.

“How are you Donna?” daddy asked.

Breakfast was waiting for me and I managed to eat more than 1 piece of toast.

“Daddy, can I have a bed of my own?” I asked half way through my breakfast.

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed Donna, but there are only 2 bedrooms here and Mike has one so you’ll just have to share with me.”

“Mike says that he’ll be moving out in September when he goes to University so can I have his room then please?”

“University isn’t permanent so he’ll need his room when he comes home.”

“Slow down there young lady, let’s let things settle down before we make any big changes. My bed is big enough for both of us for now.”

“I guess so, and it is nice you holding me as I go to sleep.”

Over the next couple of days I started to get used to being there with daddy and Mike, and being naked with them often only wearing their boxer shorts. When daddy had to go out Mike often took his boxers off to show me that it was okay to be naked.

One time that daddy went out he came back with a new washing machine and he and Mike swapped it with the faulty one.

Daddy started going back to work but Mike stayed at home with me. I started doing some chores to help out, some of them meant that I had to go outside and I got less self-conscious about being naked. I was pleased that the house was in the middle of nowhere. I also liked the feeling of the sun on my body and Mike told me that I should sunbathe and get an all-over tan.

When daddy next went to the supermarket he got me some sun block and the next day Mike put some all over me out in the garden. As he was putting it on my chest and the top of my legs I started to get those tingling feelings again.

Another day when daddy got home from work he was carrying a dress, a black dress, for me. I was overjoyed that I finally had something to wear.

“Donna darling, tomorrow we have to go back to your old place, to your mother’s funeral.”

“Oh yes, I was wondering about that.”

“The dress is for you to wear at the funeral.”

“What about some knickers?”

“You don’t need any of those.”

“Well I guess that no one will know, and we can go to my old house and get all my clothes.”

“Yes we can, there’s a few other things that I need to collect as well.”

“Clothes at last.” I thought as I went to daddy’s bedroom to try on the dress.”

The dress fitted okay, except that it was short, not quite to mid thigh, but I was happy that I had something to wear.

The next morning we all got into the car for the long drive. I tried not to think about what was ahead but as soon as I saw things that I recognised I got incredibly sad again and I cried all the way through the funeral.

The wake was held at a local pub and daddy got into an argument with my aunty. Mike took me outside so that I couldn’t hear what was going on but I just knew that it was about me.

At one point my uncle came out and asked me who I wanted to live with, daddy and Mike or him and my aunty.

“Daddy and Mike of course, I know them and love them. I hardly know you and aunty Betty.”

My uncle went back inside and I asked Mike what that was all about.

“Do you know why dad and I left your mother and you Donna?”

“No, but I guessed that it was something to do with me.”

“Yes it was, your mother decided that she didn’t like you being so close to daddy and me, didn’t like the bath times and the hugs.”

“Those were the best times we had. I loved the baths and the stories and the hugs.”

“Yes, so did I but your mother thought that it was wrong and dangerous for you.”

“That’s silly, you and daddy never touched me where mummy said no one should touch me.”

“I know but she wasn’t happy and she told us to get out.”

“That was stupid.”

“I know, but that’s history, except that your auntie is starting the same arguments all over again.”

“Can we leave now please Mike?”

“Let’s wait until daddy comes out, we’re not going back inside there.”


Five minutes later daddy came out and I could see that he was mad. In silence, we got into the car and drove to my old house.

As soon as daddy opened the door I was dumbfounded, the place was empty. I ran upstairs to my old room but that too was empty. I ran back downstairs shouting,

“I can’t find my clothes, where’s my clothes, and my cuddly toys and books and my laptop. I need that for school.”

Daddy put out his arms and I ran into them then burst out crying. Minutes later I said,

“Who’d take my clothes daddy?”

“I don’t know for definite but I could guess.”

“Aunt Betty?” I asked.

“Probably, but never mind, everything can be replaced.”

“Not my Mrs. Kisses.”

“Who.” Mike asked.

“My teddy bear.”

“Oh yes, I remember.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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