Learning Assistance - Cover

Learning Assistance

Copyright© 2016 by radio_guy

Chapter 6

We all got cleaned up for the club. I was looking forward to it but Suzie-Q was worried. She came into our room. “Karen, Bradley, what am I going to do?”

Karen said, “Continue to be polite. Perhaps Tom will be there and ask you to dance even if Matt is there and with you. It might make him realize he has been taking you for granted and spark a good discussion between you. Also, there is Larry. When he finds out that I will decline to dance with him and Tom, he may ask you, too. Both of them were looking you over pretty thoroughly.”

Suzie said, “What are you trying to do Karen?”

My wife smiled, “I’m trying to let a situation occur that will make Matt realize that he shouldn’t take you for granted. If he really cares, he will wake up and try to find that magic again. If he stays asleep, then you will know that things are coming to an end. If you won’t tell him, then he needs some hint that all isn’t well.”

Suzie-Q shrugged. “He probably won’t notice or care.”

I said, “Suzie-Q, he will probably do both. How effective he will be should tell you something for the future.”

I drove us to the club. Matt was supposed to meet us there. My parents and Karen’s rode together. I drove my wife and my sister. Both looked great and I was proud to walk between them. Jennifer wasn’t our server this night though she waved. The chef’s special was a shrimp dish which we ordered with our standard appetizer of fried mushrooms.

Matt came in late looking rushed. I noticed that his parents weren’t there. We had left him a spot beside Suzie-Q. He sat down and our server took his order. Suzie-Q had ordered an appetizer that they shared silently. We all ate our appetizers. My sister looked at Matt curiously but he offered no explanation for his lateness. Finally, Karen said, “Matt, you were pretty late getting here. What gives?”

He grimaced and said, “My parents wanted to talk to me and my sister. It went on a little longer than it should or that I planned.”

Suzie-Q looked at him with a slight bit of anger. “Did your phone quit working? I was becoming worried when there was no word.”

“I just didn’t want to bother you, Q. It’s not important. I’m here now.” I noticed that he had given her no kiss nor any sign of affection.

Suzie-Q said, “It’s true that you’re here but I’m not sure it matters nor that I do.”

Matt’s head popped up. “What does that mean?”

“Exactly what it sounds like. Matt, I’m tired of being convenient or just an old shoe that you wear on occasion. Get a ride or call Brad and I will make other plans to return to school. I won’t be riding back with you in the car.” She headed for the restroom.

Karen said, “Brad, I’ll be back.”

Matt was looking lost. I said, “Matt, I’m no expert but women like for their guy to make them feel important. You showed up late with no notice and gave no real reason. You casually dismissed her concerns as unimportant. You gave no sign of affection to my sister when you arrived. Your words strongly suggested that her opinion and feelings weren’t important. She was hurt and reacted.”

Matt looked troubled. “I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. It should be better now.”

I looked grim. “You’re digging the hole deeper. You obviously don’t consider your relationship with Suzie-Q important enough to share what’s on your mind with her. Is it that her opinions and feelings are so unimportant that what she thinks and how she feels don’t matter?”

Matt said nothing for a long minute. Finally, he said, “I think I had better leave.”

I responded, “It appears that leaving is the action you will take rather than seeking to resolve this issue. Good luck in the future. I’m not sure leaving will leave anything to be repaired.” Matt’s eyes looked troubled but he stood and walked away.

Dad said, “What was that all about?”

I said, “I guess it’s the end of the road for Suzie-Q and Matt. Something has taken over his concerns for some time to the exclusion of Suzie. She has felt it. It came to a head tonight. I think they are probably over.” I paused. “Excuse me. I need to cancel his meal and get Karen and my sister back.”

Dad nodded though I could tell he didn’t truly understand. I didn’t understand either though I understood Suzie-Q’s position. I stood and found our server and canceled Matt’s meal. I saw a woman entering the ladies’ restroom and said, “My wife is with my sister and they’re probably both crying. Please tell them to come out.” She nodded and entered. A few minutes later, Karen and Suzie-Q came out with freshly washed faces.

Karen said, “Where is Matt?”

“He left knowing that his leaving crossed a line. I told him that ignoring Suzie-Q wouldn’t work. He just left without saying anything further.”

She nodded. Suzie-Q’s eyes glistened. At one point, Suzie-Q gave her body a small subtle shake. By the time we reached the table, she was composed. As we sat at our table, I noticed that the server had even removed his place setting from the table. Our salads were served. After a few moments, Suzie-Q said, “I will try to explain though I’m not sure I understand.” She sipped her tea.

“Matt and I haven’t been talking much lately. I don’t know what has been on his mind because he would share nothing with me. I know that he has been worried about something but he rebuffed me whenever I tried to talk to him about that or anything else. I told Karen and Brad about it earlier today. This evening was basically the culmination of the situation. He won’t talk and I’ve been ignored for the most part. He could have explained but chose not to do that just dismissing my concerns and feelings as unimportant. I had finally had enough. He chose to leave rather than to talk. We’re over. I’m not sure our relationship can be healed nor do I know if I want it healed. If he has done this once, he will do it again if we got back together. He will have to get a ride with someone else or I will to go back to college on my own. I will not ride with him.”

Our parents and Karen’s parents were surprised and not just a little shocked.

Karen said, “Better to know now than have things go further. I know it’s tough but he should have talked to you if he really cared. Suzie-Q, you’re smart and have good judgment. He wasted your talents by not using them. He may have real problems that are concerning him but not sharing with you leaves a hole in your relationship. I’m sorry, Sis.”

Suzie-Q said, “I am, too. We’ll all go on with our lives.” She smiled grimly and dug into her salad.

It was a while before our talking around the table picked up to normal levels. We had enjoyed our meals and were preparing to head into the dancing area when Tom and Larry walked by. They stopped in front of the three of us. Tom said, “Karen, Suzie, Brad, it’s good to see the three of you tonight. I hope you’re going to the hall. I would like to dance with both of you.”

Karen smiled thinly but Tom didn’t get any benefit from it. She said, “I’m sorry to disappoint you but my times to dance with Brad have still been too few for me to dance with anyone but him.” She snuggled tightly to me.

Larry said, “Suzie, may I walk you to your table? I would like to dance with you.” He held out his arm and she took it after only the slightest hesitation. My parents led off followed by Karen’s parents. Next were Suzie-Q and Larry. We brought up the rear with Tom walking beside Karen who was holding to me tightly.

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