The Scary Castle of Baron Von Stoneface
Copyright© 2015 by harry lime
Chapter 2
It was admittedly with some degree of trepidation that I searched fruitlessly on that fateful dismal day for my missing twin sister Lucinda. I knew she had her moods and so savored her solitude at times that she made me suffer with infinite grief at the thought of losing her to the great unknown.
Let me assure you that my relationship with my sister was more platonic than physical because we both were somewhat religious-minded and took the law of the church in consideration when temptation was strong enough to make us both reflect of the possibility of mutual pleasure. Of course, we took our baths together but I acted with reputable discretion at all times and avoid even the suspicion of sexual gratification. Sometimes, when we cuddled or spooned, I might suffer an unavoidable spurt of cream, but it was entirely circumspect and generally only with my sister completely unaware of my silent draining under the covers. I feel certain we could not be accused of any wrong-doing in such a situation since it was simply nature taking its course and not any planned coupling of the sinful variety.
I must state that the servants of the Baron’s castle were most helpful and accommodating showing me all the hidden places a person could be sequestered with a thought to mask their presence and prevent their escape. In all honesty, I was astonished at the proliferation of dungeons and iron doors with huge locks to make prisoner of the person inside. It was a side of the castle that was far removed from the bright and cheery kitchens, the huge ballroom and the well-appointed bedrooms conveniently located for the Baron’s guests.
Finally, I had no other option than to conclude that my sister had either fallen accidently into the moat with the terrible creatures lurking beneath the surface or was secluded in the Baron’s private quarters that he used for his nocturnal lifestyle. The servant girls had filled me in on the sort of games the Baron liked to play at night when the rest of the household was sound asleep. An upstairs maid called Sally told me that he was much enthused with filling a girl’s nether regions with his impressive fully hardened member. She tearfully admitted that she had been stretched by him when she was recently arrived and “fresh meat” for his liking. In all honesty, I had found the story strangely exciting and had an urge to repeat the Baron’s disgraceful behavior providing the maiden gave me her leave. She convinced me that the alternate entryway was fully operational and I satisfied my urges with filling that instead and we spent most of the night coupling and very little sleeping because we seemed well suited to each other and our “fit” was almost perfect.
It saddens me to admit that I was somewhat fearful of the Baron at that point because some of the female servants had whispered in my disbelieving ears of his excesses in the area of sampling innocent female flesh and subjecting virginal morsels to the reality of his dark rider that demanded much more than the simple pillage of their naive dignity. I despaired of my Lucinda’s precious membrane of innocence being lost in one of those damp and dreary rooms with bars on the windows and stones so thick the sounds of a female’s sobs of indignation would be muffled in the outside hallway. The very thought of Lucinda in such a predicament was enough to instill in me the fortitude to brave the displeasure of our host and I knocked with determination on his double door leading into his chamber of unknown horrors feared by young girls even a full day’s travel in any direction.
His faithful servant Nestor sidled partially sideways in front of me like some crablike creature dredged up from the moat quite by accident. I pitied the ugly Nestor because he was still young and filled with some strength and vitality and I wondered what quirk of fate had caused his “humpty-dumpty” appearance. It robbed him of any vestige of normal human likeness. I was convinced there was nothing to be done to enhance his chance of relations with a female with minimal standards unless she was blind and oblivious to his terrible odor. Still, I had witnessed my Lucinda actually teasing the fellow and running her delicate fingers through his matted hair as if he were a visiting prince from a nearby manor come to woo her in an ardent but discreet manner.
We progressed down the corridor and I noted the chains and collars hooked to the walls with the appearance of some sort of torture-tainted passageway to hell itself.
Nestor saw the focus of my attention and reassured me,
“That’s just the Baron’s collection of his ancestor’s “toys” to play with their nocturnal visitors and spice up their love-life when normal was far too boring.”
I was not quite sure if the unsmiling creature was making a joke at my expense or if he was simply being truthful about the history of the items in question. Anyway, my emotions were so scrambled at that moment that I only wanted to confirm with the Baron that my sister was safe and not really “missing” like I suspected with every fiber of my untrusting soul.
The sound of sobbing unmistakably female in origin emanated from the Baron’s chambers. For the first time, Nestor smiled up at me in the light of the lantern and I saw he considered the terrible distressing noise more musical than fear provoking. We both entered into the darkened corners room and saw the Baron standing spread-legged over the figure of a partially clad female wearing the remnant of a noblewoman’s gown and with her flanks pushed up high by pillows to give the Baron a taut target for his riding crop. He peered at us with distinct displeasure and continued to worry the poor girl’s buttocks with the nasty whip. He used the most obscene language to berate her about her lack of proper training and numerous errors in tending to his needs. The young girl’s tears seemed real enough and I was certain she was certainly not playing some role like something required to sooth the Baron’s need for complete control over female flesh proximate enough for his attention. I felt a bit guilty because from time to time I had employed just such a subterfuge to boost my sagging libido weary after extended nighttime entertainment.