Lost in the Mountains - Cover

Lost in the Mountains

Copyright© 2015 by VeeKay

Chapter 5: Acceptance and Reluctance

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 5: Acceptance and Reluctance - A family of both male and female cousins travels to the interior of the Himalayas for a camping trip as part of an ill fated family reunion. Things begin to go wrong during their trek to explore a snow covered valley. Of the seventeen people that begin the fateful trek, what will become of the remaining ten females and one lone male. Will they be lost forever?

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   High Fantasy   Time Travel   Incest   Brother   Sister   Cousins   Niece   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   First   Cream Pie  

After the consortium left, we were all went through a roller coaster ride of emotions. Nobody spoke to one another, keeping our emotions in check we went through the day mechanically. I was wondering about what all surprises are in store for me as the enormity of the task ahead weighed heavily on my mind.

I went to my bed feeling scared and confused. I was asleep, when somebody woke me up. It was Vini.

What is it Vini? I asked her.

"Bro, I want you to take me to the fountain of youth". Vini asked me.

Immediately my sleep went for a toss. Are you sure? I asked her.

Vini said, "Bro and soon to be my mate, I believe in what I saw today and if this is to happen then I have to take a dip in the fountain of youth". I know we are not going back to the life we had back at Earth. I am not a hypocrite. I accept my destiny because it is giving me another chance to live a happy life.

"I too agree with sister Vini", said a voice from the door. Vini and I turned and there was the devilish Suru standing.

Suru said, "Bro and soon to be my mate, I do not believe in crying for what we have lost because it will never come back to us". I will rather welcome the opportunity offered. I am happy to be alive and want to make the most out of it. I hope good sense prevails in the rest of the girls.

"All right you two let's get you converted in to teens". I said jokingly.

We three silently crept in to the chamber of fountain of youth. Vini was the first to take a dip followed by Suru. They both were surprised as nothing happened to their bodies and they looked at me with questions in their eyes.

"Calm down ladies and give it time until morning". I told them.

"O fuck, fuck, fuck, my plans are fucked for the night". Suru whined.

Vini asked, my dear sister, Suru. "Tell me how?

"I wanted to fuck the brains out of my new husband tonight and now all gone for a toss". Suru whined louder.

"Oh, now I see". You always had a crush on him didn't you my dear Suru"? Vini asked teasing Suru.

I wanted to flee the scene because I knew now that the Pandora box is about to open and skeletons will follow.

"Yes, Vini di". (di stands for elder sister in India) Suru said shyly. "How did you come to know Di"? Suru asked.

Vini took a long sigh and said. I have known my bro Manu for too long. I know that he had a crush on you as I had on him. I have seen the looks that you two gave to each other in the summer vacations, envious that I was but I loved him too much to spoil the beautiful relationship that we shared.

I tried to intervene, the conversation. "Ahem, ahem".

Both of them turned towards me with glaring eyes and told me to get lost as its girls talk.

I knew when to shut my mouth, so I kept quite.

"So tell me dear Suru, where your puppy romance ended"? Vini asked to dig more.

"Di, he took my cherry when I was thirteen". Suru said shyly.

I had nowhere to escape from the gaze of Vini.

"Is it true Manu"? Vini asked me.

"Yes", I stammered.

"Great, I am proud of you my bro and now my mate but I am enraged because when I offered you myself, you gave me a huge lecture on morality".

Before I could protest, Suru fired another missile.

"Di, you know before me, he popped Shal's cherry". Shal wanted him for herself but when she knew about us, she became harsh and angry. Suru the devil spilled the beans.

Vini looked at me with disdain, I said, "I am sorry for the past".

"I forgive you because I love you too much Manu". Vini said

Suru said, Manu my love my mate, I will tell you how many hearts you have broken when we were younger. I know it might be hard on you but you refused Ritu Di, Vandy Di and Ruchi. They worshipped you because out of all the cousins, you were the best. You were caring and loving. You had a big heart.

Suru continued. "You know Manu my mate that the worst crime for a man to commit is to refuse the love of a woman".

"I hope you now understand". Vini concluded.

I was speechless yet I gathered courage and asked them to leave the chamber and go to bed to sleep.

"Yes, we hear you and that's what we are going to do". Vini retorted.

"Please listen to me what I have to say". I pleaded.

"What is it now"? Suru asked.

I only want to say that I am sorry and I promise to make amends in this life. I want to tell you that tomorrow when you will wake up, you may find that your clothes will not fit you like mine. See I am still in my bathrobe.

"We will see to the clothes for us and yours too, Good night Mate". Vini replied and both of them walked out of the chamber. I followed them after a while, when I could calm my nerves.

I went to my room and slept in my bed.

I woke up and heard commotion in the dining hall. I tied my only clothing, my bathrobe and got a shock. Right on the left of my bed was a huge window which was absent until last night. I could see what was out there. The commotion in the hall distracted me and I bolted out of the room. I saw the girls huddled by the table and as they saw me, they indicated to my left. A big jolt awaited me. I saw a beautifully carved huge oak door that must be ten feet in height and eight feet wide. I went to the door and it opened in to a huge hall. It looked like the hall that kings used to have as an audience chamber. I had seen these types of halls in many period serials.

I rushed towards the front door of the hall. The girls followed me. I opened the massive door using my newfound strength. The door must be about twenty feet in height and twelve feet wide. The door opened and we all rushed out and what we saw astounded us.

Acres and acres of lush green carpet greeted us; a massive fence made of huge cider trees fortified it. The fence must be twenty feet in height. On the right was a huge wooden shed and a same kind of shed was on the left too. I decided to discover the sheds so I first went to the right one the girls followed me. The bounty in store for us amazed me. The girls were so stunned that none uttered a sound.

The morning light was streaming in through the vents located high up in the shed, I saw a cage in which were the hens and roosters and as soon as they noticed our presence, they started creating a racket. I counted them and they totaled 20 hens and 2 roosters. I dragged the cage out of the shed and located it next to the front wall of the shed; I also opened the cage door to let the hens and roosters out in fresh air. They soon started digging the fresh soil with their beaks to find juicy morsels for them for breakfast.

The girls had come to senses by now because as soon as the cage was empty of its occupants, they found eggs, which they promptly collected and rushed to keep them in the kitchen and came back promptly. The girls too started exploring the shed; the next cage had two pairs of Pigs. I brought out that cage also and let the pigs loose; they started exploring the land on their own.

The next cage held the best thing I could have imagined. The cage had two pairs of grown up wolves, one pair was white and another was black. The girls shrieked at the sight of them but they sat in their cages like lambs. I had an intuition that they were trained wolves and I decided to check. I brought the cage out and as I was about to open the cage, the girls all in unison shouted shrieked and pleaded me not to open. I asked them to keep calm and opened the cage. The wolves remained inside the cage as if waiting for something.

I ordered, "Come out you fellas", slowly one by one they came out and stood there looking at me. I said, "Sit", they sat.

"See", I told the girls. These are trained wolves.

I decided to name them, first the black pair. I caught the male by the ears and looked straight in his eyes and said today I name you "Den", I could see a twinkle came to his eyes and he started wagging his tail. I named the female as "Dana", in the same way and she too showed her delight by wagging her tail furiously. Now the white pair was looking at me expectantly.

I named the white pair as "Ben and Benny", they too frolicked around and soon all four canines were rubbing their coats on my legs craving for attention. I ordered them to go look at the land, be familiar with it, and warn me of any danger. They shot like rockets and were soon looking like tiny specs.

In short, order I found two pairs of sheep, four pairs of goats, two pairs of male female buffalos and two pairs of Cows and Oxen. I released them all and let them graze the ground with lush green grass. I also found farming tools and various seeds in the shed. The shed also had hay for the cattle and chicken feed.

The shed on the left was another goldmine it had exactly eleven horses and mares, now I am no authority on horses and for me horses are horses meant for riding. The horses were in their prime and their coats shone indicating their good health. I had ridden horses when I was in NCC (National Cadet Corps) in my college days so I was a bit accustomed to riding a horse and rest will come with practice.

I took the horses out of the shed, Sue, Sonal and Minal squealed in delight as I came to know that they were excellent riders. The trio declared that from now on, they will take care of the stables and they started to gush over the horses and mares. In the excitement I had forgotten that I was famished and the grumbling of my tummy just reminded me that.

I gathered the girls and told them that we had lots to do, much more excitement might follow but we need to eat first to discover further. The girls agreed and we came back to our domain by crossing the big hall. In the dining hall, the girls and I got two jolts of surprises. One was that right where there was once the stone door from where we entered this domain from the cottage, stood another door of metal and second was that we all realized that Vini and Suru were not with us and they met us in the dining hall, both were visions of loveliness and reminded me of our younger days. Vini and Suru had both regained their figures and had aged back to being 15yrs old. Vini somehow had managed to make themselves robes hugging their nubile figures, the slit at both sides of the robe displaying their ivory smooth legs up to their hips and low neck showing their nice swells of tits left nothing more for imagination.

I wanted to explore the new door but as far as Vini and Suru were concern, I knew it to happen after both took a dip in the fountain of youth. The rest of the girls had their jaws hanging on both accounts. I asked for their attention, which I certainly got with all the girls shooting questions at me nonstop.

I asked them to be quite so I can answer them. I told them that first, they should prepare the breakfast and then over the meal I will tell them everything that they want to know. The breakfast was ready in a moment and served. I started eating but they all stared at me. I stopped and asked them the reason.

Neeta spoke, "You were to tell us something".

"See today's happenings and excitement has increased my appetite and I am famished. So let me put something in my tummy first and then I will tell you all". I told them.

While eating I told them that how yesterday night Vini and Suru visited my bedroom and asked me to take them to the fountain of youth. I took them and the result is in front of you all.

"What reason they gave you for taking them for the dip". Shal asked with a hint of venom and sarcasm in her tone.

I smiled and said, "Why don't you ask them"?

All eyes focused on the duo, Vini and Suru.

Vini said, "I believe in what I saw and if this is to happen then I had to take a dip in the fountain of youth". I know we are not going back to the life we had back on Earth. That life has ceased to exist and this is not an extended life but it is a new life. I am not a hypocrite. I accept my destiny because it is giving me another chance to live a happy life.

"I too agree with sister Vini, we all should look forward because nothing of the past is left with us only painful memories." I do not want to live my entire life clinging and grieving for what I lost but would look forward to what I can gain in this new life. Suru said standing next to Vini.

Protests started by several girls, some said "He is our cousin brother", some said, "He is our uncle". Some of them were in deep thoughts weighing the situation.

"He was a brother, a cousin and an uncle but now he is not". That life is over for him as well as for all of us. Look at him as a man. Vini retorted.

"Yeh Yeh Yeh, I know you are a horny bitch in heat, your cunt is itching for his dick that is why you are giving all these excuses of new life". Shal spitted venom.

Shal forgot with whom she was against and soon she got the earful for a lifetime from Vini.

"Yeh I know all about you "Shal", the epitome of morality who in her previous life opened her legs for the same dick at the age of 14 and happily gave her virginity to the same man". Vini spit back in equal measure.

Vini continued her assault. "This was not the end Shal you continued having your itch satisfied by him for many years and even your marriage didn't stop you enjoying the same cock up your cunt".

A pin drop silence followed.

"Shal, the problem with you is that you still want him but all to yourself, you don't want to share him". Vini continued.

Shal could not bear the humiliation any more so she got up crying and ran towards the bedroom.

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