Lost in the Mountains - Cover

Lost in the Mountains

Copyright© 2015 by VeeKay

Chapter 4: The Truth

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 4: The Truth - A family of both male and female cousins travels to the interior of the Himalayas for a camping trip as part of an ill fated family reunion. Things begin to go wrong during their trek to explore a snow covered valley. Of the seventeen people that begin the fateful trek, what will become of the remaining ten females and one lone male. Will they be lost forever?

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   High Fantasy   Time Travel   Incest   Brother   Sister   Cousins   Niece   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   First   Cream Pie  

I must have slept late since Vini and Suru found me and woke me up with a hot steaming cup of tea. I must be sleeping on my side because as I straightened up, the teacup left Suru's hand and shattered on the floor. They both were wide eyed and frightened as if they had seen a ghost, though their mouths opened but not a sound came out. They both turned and fled the room. My brain was, addled by sleep, confusion and fear.

I heard a commotion outside my room and suddenly all ten females rushed in. They were gawking at me as if I was from mars with two heads. I got pissed as nobody said a word. I shook my head in frustration and realized that my hair had grown shoulder length, it was then I noticed the rest of my body, a shiver ran through me. I had a body of an athlete, a body that belonged to an eighteen-year-old boy rather than a fifty year old which was my actual age.

"O my God", it has begun. I whispered to nobody in particular. I remembered my dip in the fountain of youth yesterday night. Neeta the eldest whispered, "So the dreams were true" and then hell broke loose. All ten girls rushed towards the bed, some plopped on it and some stood by the side as they all surrounded me.

The girls started chattering in such a speed that even the super computer could not have deciphered who said what and to whom. I raised my hands asking them to be quite, it took some time for them to understand my point of view and slowly their fever pitch jabbering cooled down to a murmur but it never ceased (Girls will be Girls).

Neeta revealed that she had a dream last night before entering this rock. She thought it was just some weird dream until her daughter Sue told of the same dream. I became serious and asked if they all had the same dream. They Had. Neeta seemed to pause.

Vini came forward and said that they are all embarrassed.

"Don't feel embarrassed, my sister. Tell me about this dream that you all had, and don't leave out a single detail", I smiled and said to Vini.

Vini said to me, "There was this old man who told us that nuclear bombs destroyed our world. Nobody survived except us. Vini could not continue as she started crying remembering her daughter.

All the girls started crying and sobbing. I could not help dropping a tear or two. Silently we mourned our beloved ones in our heart.

Sobbing, I gestured Vini to continue. I said, "Calm down. I need to know what the old man and the consortium told you and then I will tell you what they said to me".

Vini continued, she said bro the old man also gave us the crap of us being Great Mothers and you being the Great Father. He also told us that he and the consortium are from the future, and that we all are their ancestors.

Vini paused. I gave her a glass of water from the bedside to calm her nerves.

I looked at Neeta for the next opening.

"Go on. What else did you see in your dream? I asked.

Neeta looked a bit embarrassed so Suru the devil took the cue from her and told me, "The old man said that, You, Manu will discover the fountain of youth and after a dip in the pool you would reverse your age and go become eighteen years old again".

"Is that all or is there more to it". I asked.

Suru continued. She said the old man said that you would lead us to the fountain of youth, and that all us girls will reverse our age to fifteen years after taking a dip like you did, and then you would take us to be your wives and mates.

Vandy jumped in and said, "I argued with the old man in my dreams about genetics and DNA, to which the old man replied that it already has been changed due to our exposure to radiation when we were in the cabin at the time when nukes hit India.

The old man in our dreams said that, "The consortium knew about it long before so they manipulated your mind and ours for the reunion and arranged all this". Ruchi contributed.

Vini said, they told us that they saved us to save themselves or there would be no human race left.

There is more to it, so come out with it girls as we have a situation to deal with, I told them seriously. I think that triggered the most hypocrite of all and that was Shal.

Enraged, Shal started blasting me saying that, "You bastard. I always knew you wanted to get into our pants, but have you ever even given any thought to what a degenerate pervert you are"? How can you ever think of us to be your mates and wives?

I smiled at her outburst.

Vini again backhanded her and said, "I have warned you before and I am warning you now, don't you ever call him names, who engineered this dilemma, so you had better listen to what he has to say".

Ritu the ever silent of the tribe said that the old man in her dreams also said that once we girls take a dip in the fountain of youth, then there would be no turning back for us and we have to accept our destiny.

I raised my hand and said to all of the girls that I will try to get the consortium here so that we are in a clearer position and while I try, I told them that it would be nice if there was some breakfast available. I am famished. All nodded at my suggestion and rushed to make breakfast.

Alone in my room, I sent a silent message to Veer, instantly Veer appeared and said, "You called for me Great Father".

Yes indeed I did, is it possible for the consortium to attend a meeting with the girls and me.

Yes, it will be and we were expecting it too. When do you want this meeting to happen great father?

Would you care to join us for breakfast? I asked veer

Veer smiled and said that they would have loved to join in to sample the cooking by the Great Mothers but we are holographic representations so it is out of question.

Veer please give us an hour than we can have our meeting in the dining hall, if that is OK with you and the consortium.

Your wish is my command. Great father, we meet in an hour. Saying this Veer left.

I entered the connected washroom to my room to carry out the morning necessities only to find after bathing that none of my clothes fit me. They were too loose. I had to come out wearing a bathrobe only. I entered the dining hall; some of the girls were already seated, but the others fetched breakfast from the kitchen.

I told the girls that the meeting would commence once we have had our breakfast so please make provisions for drinking water on the table.

Silently we had our breakfast and I knew that millions of questions and thoughts were going through their minds. We finished our breakfast and cleared the tables. I was sitting at the head of the table so I asked the girls to sit on my right side.

In his heavy baritone, Veer greeted us all. He said that the consortium consists only of siblings, of which he is the eldest. He further stated that each of them is a descendent of the Great Father and the Great Mothers. Every one of them is a direct descendent of each of the Great Mothers.

Neeta said, "It means that we all will be mated to him sooner or later".

You are right Great Mother, Veer replied.

If anyone of us do not wish to mate with your Great Father. "Then what will happen", Shal asked sarcastically.

Oh, Great Mother, the consortium will fall short of one great lineage and this would disturb the balance of the entire community. We are here to let you know that whatever is happening will happen and it is not we that are making it happen but only to ensure that it does indeed happen.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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