"Little" Sister
Copyright© 2015 by PocketRocket
Cast of "Little" Sister
Characters from previous stories (How [K]itten Met [T]eddybear, Postcards from the Pacific)
Siobhan Richards—Self /Sister to Sean Richards
Sean Richards—Brother, CEO Richards Enterprises
Sheila Richards—Sean's wife
Lars Gunter—Boyfriend/fiancé
George Richards—Brother, nerd, Cal Tech grad
Gerald—Residence Security Head
Francine Martel—Theater star/Theater and movie producer, known from childhood and through Sheila
Christine Collins(Collingsworth)–Sheila's nanny/assistant/sub
Jason Porter—Nationally known model, Christine's lover
Sharon—Yoga instructor/gym manager
Richard—Sheila's apprentice
Roxanna DeWinter—Sheila's personal assistant, ties to Francine through Hollywood
Clayton Roberts, aka CR—in charge of The Other Shoe refurbishing
New York
Pedro de la Garza—Top Broadway producer, retired/ Once owner of JB Productions
Angela Molinari-de la Garza—New York socialite/wife of Pedro
Edith Dryden—Multiple Toni award winning actress, Angela's close friend
Deirdre Walters—Pedro's personal assistant/sometimes sub
Sean and Sheila's Wedding
Elspeth Otis-Endicott—First met in Boston, Siobhan's personal assistant/sub, also one time class student
Conrad and Kerin—Wedding grad students (History), Discover historical papers in attic
Evaine Schaeffelker—Wedding grad student, liaison with Amish
Vivian Wright—Wedding grad student, MIT degree (Statistical Analysis)
Honeymoon—(Postcards from the Pacific)
Don and Barbara Micelli—Sean and Sheila's resort operator friends in Hawaii
Kiku Toda--Flight attendant, friend of Sean and Sheila
New Characters
Alice Dumervil—Vice chairwoman of Women's Studies, now deceased
Fiona—Flatmate at Yale, Pharmacy major, low level witch
Madalyne Stone—1st PhD thesis adviser
Donald Eisenmann—Asst/(later) Dean of Graduate Studies—Source of quote, Make Yale proud.
Dr. Gupta—2nd /final thesis adviser
Dr. Karol Krelinov—Dean of Anthropology (Siobhan's thesis field)
Anne Wilson—Dean Krelinov's secretary
Dr. Remington 'Remmy' Steele—Thesis adviser
Emilia Lancaster—Dean of Woman's Studies, one of Siobhan's "before" supporters
Dr. Susan Hiller—source of quotes, "Sister, you don't know your own strength." and "You pay by making Dartmouth proud."
Veronica (aka Roni) VanKampen–Lover, Siobhan's 1st serious Romantic interest
Mimi Montenegro—Director of Shelter where Siobhan interned
David Winthrop—Elspeth's escort/debater at coffeehouse, Accountant at 1st Boston National Bank
Adele "Grandmother" Cabot—Grand Dame of Beacon Hill
Inanimate 'characters'
Honda Accord—'econobox', drive in public car
Toyota Camry—Accord's replacement
Shadow—Midnight blue vintage BMW 503 cabriolet, Yale graduation present
The Crows Nest—Francine's restaurant, hosted Christine's hot sauce exhibition
Le Chat Noir—Francine's bondage club
Elizabeth—City in New Jersey, where Julian the corset maker is located
Civitano's—Restaurant in "Little Italy", site of "meet and greet" between Sheila and Manhattan's dance and theater people
The Other Shoe—Sean's yacht (when Sean met Sheila, he tied her up and left her standing on one of her high heeled shoes)
Important Media/misc
Sean Hannity—radio/TV show host
NH State Senator Morgan Robertson—political/half-way house
Marc Brunner—Sylvania
Ann Coulter—Writer, guest on Hannity Show
Georg Karl—Vice President of American Operation
Robert Swenson—Director of International Relations – USA Branch
Mother Lapp—Residence cook and unofficial head of all things Amish
Miriam Lapp—niece/indoor staff
Sarah Beiler—niece/indoor staff