Chapter 15
To quell the argument, we asked to get the ‘ticker’ back, so my genius wife can help out. Mr. Evans agreed and within the hour it had been reestablished.
Before he left, she said, “The Empire of Japan has been in conflict with The Republic of China for nearly two years. They will not be quiet within the agreement they will make with Nazi Germany and Italy. I suspect they are already ramping up for a fight, whether it be with Korea or even the United State of America. We will be in this war, I guarantee that, Sir!”
He just walked away shaking his head.
“This is Code Yellow,” our female voice said.
“Yes,” I answered.
“Elizabeth, you sound so sure of yourself. What is your highly estimated guess on where Japan may initiate something?”
“Don’t worry about the east coast, no one has the weaponry to do anything. The West Coast, or Upper North America is most likely is the path.”
“I have relatives in San Francisco, should I have them move east?” the voice asked sounding concerned.
“Between you and me, I would do the same, Code Yellow. Things won’t happen for at least a year, while Japan builds up its fleet of naval vehicles. The smart move for the USA would be to build up its ground forces and bring General Patton in to run things.”
“Isnt he too old?” Code Yellow remarked.
“He is only 54 and is still one of the brightest commanders in the US Army!” my wife said sounding sure of herself.
After they broke off their communication, I went over and gave her a big kiss.
“They are watching us, Connor,” she said.
“Anyway, since you told them Poland would be invaded, what would you say is next?” I asked as the ticker started up.
“No telling, depends on the Nazis,” she said.
I read from what just happened:
“On SEPTEMBER 17, 1939, a Soviet Union military operation started without a formal declaration. 16 days after Germany invaded Poland from the West, the Soviets invaded from the East Military operations are ongoing at this time.”
“What does that mean, Elizabeth?” I asked.
“Likely, that the good guys in this war just got a new member on their team.”
“That would mean that the US and the Ruskies would fight side by side?”
“Yep, unless?”
“Unless what?” I responded raising as eyebrow.
“There is talk that Russia has made a pact with the Germans. That news wouldn’t come over the ticker.”
Over the next few weeks, Elizabeth was making notes for whenever the powers that be descended on us.
When the ticker announced that the Soviets annexed all of Poland, my idea of fighting with the Soviets fell apart.
We weren’t doing much except waiting for the next bed news to happen. Elizabeth was speculating while I was making condoms on both the erect phallus and the non-erect one.
The days passed by...
“On SEPTEMBER 19, 1939, Slovakia invaded Poland using 50,000 soldiers in three divisions. They were met with very weak resistance and suffered minimal losses.”
Poor Poland!
By Late November Japan and China were in conflict, with the Chinese getting the better of their neighbors as the battles went on.
That news caused my lovely wife to call for the available heads of American Forces.
All the same assholes in uniforms showed up.
She read directly from her notes:
“On or before January 1942, the USA will be in this war!”
They made a few sounds, but she went on:
“The three-legged stool pf Nazi Germany, The Soviet Union, and Japan will be a mighty force to reckon with. While we, the USA, are waiting for President Roosevelt to find a way to get us into the war without killing anyone, we should be feverishly building, boats, ships, and Aircraft Carriers to counter the forces we are about to be involved with.”
“Lastly, in the event that Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, any large vessels should be repositioned to the east side of The Sandwich Islands.”