Victor Has Needs - Cover

Victor Has Needs

Copyright© 2015 by Victor E

Introduction: A Notable Applicant

Sex Story: Introduction: A Notable Applicant - An elderly gent is to be trained to get in touch with his inner self which happens to be a naughty girl in need of humiliating punishment, sex awareness modification and a totally submissive attitude. He enrolls in a boarding school for wayward teenage girls and is handed over to four of the students for his training.

Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Gay   Heterosexual   CrossDressing   FemaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Water Sports   Exhibitionism   Double Penetration   Analingus   Public Sex   School  

Miss Parkin sat at her desk reading the three sheets of paper that came in one envelope that morning from the Stark School Board Chair. The Vice-Principal was used to the chair's perfunctory style used in memos, but she was surprised to see how absolute and to the point this directive was, considering how it seemed to be such a departure from traditional school policies and mandate.

The Chair's note said:

Miss Parkin,

The Board has received an unusual request from a Master in Discipline Psychology at Oxford, Dr. Whipple. The request and terms of compliance agreed to by the board are detailed in the document attached. The student in question is due to arrive here tomorrow and will be reporting to you at 8:30 a.m. We are confident you, your staff and designated students can assist in his indoctrination and three month residency and training.

The new student was a 68 year-old man by the name of Victor. The age of the applicant was not the only shock for the Vice Principal as Stark School was a disciplinarian boarding school for wayward girls, not boys! That, in and of itself, made the request unusual; but further details made the request even more bizarre. The accompanying letter from Dr. Whipple read as follows:

Board of Management

Stark Boarding School

June 15, 2015

Please consider for training and accommodation a patient of mine, Victor E_____ who has never gotten into trouble with the law or with any local authority. His outward demeanor and actions are exemplary in every way and he is deemed a credit to his family and community.

I realize that is the very antithesis of the character of student Stark strives to correct and train. His physical gender and advanced age is also the opposite of your school's student body. But that body and Victor's body is the whole point of my request.

After two years of psycho-disciplinary analysis, I have come to the conclusion that Victor has been forcing himself to ignore his inner being in order to conform to an unreal reality demanded by his outer appearance. But, deep inside, Victor is not what he seems. At some level, Victor wants to realize his submissive, feminine nature. In his vaguely remembered dreams, he is haunted by this psychological inner being which craves what Stark School can give him, even though he is not consciously aware of this.

Victor lives two lives. Openly he's very masculine and in control. But within his imagination he sees himself within submissive scenarios like CFNM ( Clothed Female Naked Male ), Stripping and Humiliation and especially humiliating discipline before young girls. I discovered this during hypnotic-therapy wherein the patient reveals his inner desires. He is aware now, because I told him this week, that all but physically he is a girl! And that he won't be at rest until he comes to terms with that inner, more real, reality.

Chapter 1 »



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