Saggies - Cover


by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: An older woman copes with some body image issues. She was delighted at the feedback I gave her.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Romantic   Sharing   Big Breasts   .

The lounge was crowded and after I got my draft beer I tried to find a seat as far away from the loud music as I could. There was one small corner booth which I quickly commandeered.

It was Wednesday evening and I’d just gotten off work. I wasn’t anxious to return to my small and lonely apartment. Halfway through my first pint an older woman carrying a mug spotted my table. It was so loud she had to lean close to ask me if she could share because there were no other places available. I got a whiff of a pleasant perfume and nodded.

We both sipped on our beer and people-watched for a while. She finished her beer just before I did and leaned over to ask me what I was drinking. It turned out to be the same thing she had chosen and she trotted off for refills. She was about 5 feet tall, a bit broad and solid bodied, but no noticeable fat. Her clothing was businesslike but out of date and a bit worn.

When she returned she raised her mug to mine and said “to Friday”. I was never sure quite what that meant but it was obvious she needed somebody to visit with. I had nowhere to go and she looked pleasant enough so I scooted over closer to her so we could hear each other. That got a small smile.

We did the usual talking about where we worked and politics and the weather. Then it was my turn to go get some more beer. I noticed how she kept leaning towards me and her voice started to get a little bit slurred. She was kind of fun to talk to so I kept on.

Then a serious question popped out, “Are you married?” I shook my head. “Do you like women?” I nodded this time. Those didn’t seem to be casually asked. It was like she was trying to get somewhere with her queries. The next one was not unexpected, “Do you date much?” She saw the kind of surprised expression on my face and said quickly, “Oh, I’m not trying to pick you up. I’m just very curious about something and needed to get a man’s opinion.”

By then we’d finished our beer and she did have me a bit intrigued so I suggested that we go walk out in the pleasant evening where it was much easier to talk. I got a big smile for that suggestion and we paid our tabs.

It was downtown so there were lots of people around and lights and even some benches to sit on if we got tired of being on our feet. I sit all day so it felt good to stretch my legs. We headed down towards the riverfront and I said, “Sherry,” as that’s the name she told me, “go ahead with your questions and I’ll do my best to answer them.”

She paused and then said, “Now I’m kind of embarrassed to ask because you’ll think I’m kind of goofy.”

I reached over and took her hand, which she seemed to like, and reassured her that I wouldn’t laugh because I knew she was serious.

“Have you ever dated women my age. I’m 50.”

I replied that I was 45 and had dated older women when I was much younger but most recently there had been a few in their early 40s up to my age. She then continued, “Well, that might work because I’m wondering what older men think about sagging breasts.”

I had to keep from chuckling at the unexpected nature of the question. Then I worked on her reply “You know, I’ve never really given that a lot of serious thought. I did see my mother’s when she was older after a bunch of kids but my ex-wife and the few women I’ve dated have generally been so small-breasted that it wasn’t apparent. Wait a moment, there was one woman whose breasts hung down but they were so thin that they were almost plastered against her ribs. Is that what you’re talking about?”

We were in a somewhat secluded area with pedestrians around. “I guess that’s one kind but I was thinking of some that are maybe more common,” she said. “Those are the ones that were nice and full at an earlier age but whom gravity is making point more towards the floor now. Let me show you what I mean.” She looked around and with nobody in sight pulled up her blouse and one of her bra cups so her breast dropped out, hanging against her ribs almost to her waist. She let me get a good look and then put herself back together.

She looked intently into my eyes, “Do you think that a man could enjoy them like he used to when they were younger and sat up a lot higher?”

She took my hand again and we kept on walking while I put together a reply “Well I guess so. Like I said, I’ve never had any direct experience with any like that so I maybe not the best person to ask.”

She stopped and turned directly into the with the very serious look on her face, “Can we go someplace private so you can try them for yourself and give me an accurate answer?”

After a pause I said, “Okay, but where can we go?”

She relaxed hearing that I would cooperate and said, “I live only two more blocks. It’s close to my work so I don’t have to have a car. I have some beer and snacks too.” I hadn’t had a social invitation like that in who knows how long, let alone one with some sexual content, so my big smile let her know my answer. She wouldn’t let go of my hand all away to her little place on the top floor of a cheap apartment building. She apologized about how small it was and indeed, it was only two rooms. A little living room with kitchenette and the bedroom with the toilet and sink in the corner.

She busied about pouring beer and fixing up munchies out of bags. We sipped our beer quietly, neither one of us knowing exactly where we were going with this. Then she stood up and unbuttoned her blouse and took off her bra and stood there, shy and embarrassed with her saggy tits on full display. I wanted so much to make her feel okay about herself because she was so obviously needy.

I looked her in the eye as I said, “I think I need to touch them to make sure I have as much information as possible.” Her eyes lit up and she nodded. I stood up and bent down to inspect them closely, reaching out with one hand to stroke and squeeze the very soft tissue. That’s really what made them SAG is that they had less inner structure anymore. I noticed that her nipples began to harden so she was obviously enjoying my touch and when I looked up she was biting her lip to try to be stoic about this. I then walked around behind her and reached around to cup them in each hand, raise them up, and move them around to sense their weight and flexibility. I felt some tremors go through her body as I fondled her breasts.

I tried to make some noncommittal but encouraging comments as I checked out the parts. I moved around to the front again and knelt down putting my hand under one of them to hold it out so my mouth could encase a hard nipple. She couldn’t hold back and let out a low moan which I pretended to not hear. After doing the same to the other side I stood up and she looked at me expectantly.

We were close together and it was my turn to surprise her. Taking her hand I pressed it against the front of my trousers and she could feel my erection. “That should be a pretty clear answer!”

She started shaking and moaning and it was good she was sitting down, obviously having an orgasm. When she settled she opened her eyes and looked at me, “Oh my God, that’s never happened to me that way before. Yeah, I’m real horny right now but never just from my tits.”

I leaned over and gave her a kiss on her cheek. I think she was hoping for more but I didn’t want things to go to fast. Then I asked, “Can I ask you a question now?” She nodded. “Do you prefer a penis to be circumcised or not?”

That broke the tension and she laughed out loud. “I like them all and especially since I haven’t had any in way too damn long. You have something in mind?”

I probably disappointed her by answering, “Right now the only thing I have in mind is getting enough sleep so I can work tomorrow. I greatly enjoyed our information gathering so how about we get together for dinner on Friday after work. Same place?”

She said somewhat dejectedly, “I would be delighted but give me a little extra time to get out of my work clothes.” We hugged and had a little lip kiss as I departed.

I thought a lot about this evening on my way home and realized it been pretty damned interesting. She was no beauty but she had a good mind and personality and I was no buff stud either. Going out with her on whatever basis would be a hell of a lot more interesting than sitting in my lonely flat. I had some new memories to jack off to also.

She was right on time and it was obvious this meant a lot to her. Her hair was fixed and her clothes looked quite new. I was in the same booth and she came over and laid a big firm kiss on me before she sat down. “Where are we going for dinner?” I told her I hadn’t made up my mind but the places I usually ate weren’t good enough for this special occasion. She made a suggestion of a little family Italian place within walking distance and I thought that sounded great.

We shared a lot more personal information during dinner with me telling her about my failed marriage in my twenties and she told me it was a common thing. She’d married young and had four kids rather quickly and then her husband took off with some young chick. She’d worked hard to get her kids well educated and they were now out on their own. She became an empty-nester not too long ago and was feeling pretty lonely. I was wondering, based on her comments the other day and now, if she’d been laid any more recently than I had.

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