Mother of the Village - Cover

Mother of the Village

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: These native people's practical rules to help the tribe's survival are paramount in all sexual decisions. Romance is secondary. A special woman provides assistance at many levels.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Sharing   Incest   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Pregnancy   .

Setting: A remote South Sea island

Narration by the matriarch of the village:

Our little group of five islands is in a remote part of the South Seas. They are separated by water but not far apart and sometimes the ocean is shallow enough to wade between islands at low tide. Since we don’t have calendars no one knows how long we have been here but life has not been as easy as you might think from some of the fairytale stories that are told. We must work hard for survival and so some customs have developed with that in mind.

On each island there is always a woman designated the “Mother of the village”. She is chosen at puberty by a council of elder women when her predecessor is reached the age of menopause from a pool of women who have never married and whose breasts and hips are the most suitable for producing and nourishing babies.

She spends considerable time in training by her mother and the preceding woman who had the role. Those are often the same person. She learns the skills of extracting seed from men as well as nourishing the resulting offspring. When she is deemed ready there is a ceremony and all of the older men who govern the islands provide her first experience with being inseminated. It is a joyful time for all and there is a big celebration.

Now that she is prepared and initiated, she gets into her daily routine. Any man who is unmated may request to put his seed in her but not too often depending on how many others are needing the same privilege. A very important role is when a young man reaches puberty. He will come to live in her hut for several days to learn the proper ways of pleasuring a woman and filling her womb with babies. Then he is prepared to meet with the available and unattached females until he selects one to bond with.

Of course, it is expected that she will get pregnant quickly and often. If that does not happen within a relatively short time, she may be replaced in her role but few people can remember that happening. The issue of her womb is eagerly awaited by paired couples who have not been able to achieve pregnancy, even by welcoming seeding by other men who have demonstrated their ability to plant babies.

When other people have visited us, the men thought that they ought to be given access to her womb. We do not allow that. This is strictly for our own village people and no woman in our islands will take the seed from someone who is not one of us.

Our cultures survival depends on offspring. That is why this is so important to us. Too many children do not reach breeding age for many reasons. The Mother is also constantly watching for good pairings among the unbonded.

The seasons are not easy to perceive here since the length of the nights doesn’t vary much. But the moon is easy to count. Every six moons there is a special celebration to honor that pale goddess. Big fires are set on the beach and the bonded women prepare a feast. The men have brewed a relaxing beverage from cocoanuts. All of the unbonded men and women of breeding age gather and dance around the fire and slip off to the darker places to join, then return to dance and join with another. Certain couples that the Mother has selected are encouraged to join in as well.

For example, one recently bonded woman has approached Mother for counsel, “My partner is so quick to seed me that I hardly enjoy it. Before, at these festivals I would get great pleasures. I like him in many other ways but this one I did not notice before. Maybe he has changed.” Since a festival was almost there, she was advised to attend and meet with Mother afterwards.

“I enjoyed many men but my partner was quick again when I returned to him. What can I do?” Mother asked her to send him to consult with her.

She addressed the concerned young man after he stated he knew why she had summoned him. Asked to explain he said it was difficult to hold back his seed when in such a stimulating place as his partner. He’d seen her with many others at festivals and desired that great pleasure from her for himself so he put extra energy into winning her. There was much more to bonding than thrusting between her legs that he had offered. It had worked to get her but he knew the seeding was a problem.

“Why can you not hold back your seed long enough to pleasure your partner?”

He thought a bit, “Perhaps I pay too much attention to the images I have of her being pleasured by others?”

“I want you to seed me right now.” She removed her sarong and laid back on the mat. He became large quickly and indeed spurted in a very short time.

“Go and bring her back with you.” They returned without much delay. Mother said, “I am going to make a test. He has just seeded me and now I will watch as he joins with you.”

He lasted a bit longer after being drained but not enough for the big pleasure for his partner. Mother gave another order, “Be here tomorrow at the same time. Both of you. Do not join in the meantime.”

On the next visit a young woman they did not know was also there. The man was ordered to seed her but “Be gentle since she is not very familiar with joining.” He lasted a normal amount of time and produced a big pleasure in the young woman who then left them.

Mother sat with them. “The evidence is clear. It is all in the mind and the body parts are normal. As he suspected, you (the woman) are so sexual to him that he has intense urges to breed and thus spurts his seed very quickly. With a partner that he believes to be less sexual there is not that urge. My helper was not what I said. She is my assistant and has already joined with three men today as she does most days. She has probably been joined far more than your woman but you did not know that and treated her differently.”

The man was dazed, “But what can we do? My partner is who she is and I know it.”

Mother smiled, “I have a very special ceremony since you are not the first to bring me such a need.” The woman laid on a special mat and was completely covered with an ornately decorated cloth. Incense and candles were burning at the four corners and the man was told to kneel at his partner’s feet and put his hands on them.

Mother knelt at the woman’s head and put her hands out to hold it. Chanting some unintelligible words and a sing-song prayer, she suddenly pulled the cloth away. “This woman has been returned to a young condition of joining. You must be very gentle with her and show her the way. If you attend any festivals you must stay with her and let her joinings with others be as if with you. Join with her now as a new woman.”

As he was removing his garments the woman looked at Mother, smiled, and winked. She did a marvelous job of acting virginal and did not fake the pleasure that ran through her. All were pleased!

Another problem brought to her was an unbonded young woman who complained that joining was not satisfying. When asked for more detail she explained, “I go to the feasts and celebrations and offer myself to as many as five men. Some will come to my bed afterwards for the night but they usually seed me in the morning and leave. These might be ones I have had before. I get momentary pleasure but nothing lingering like I seek. They will smile at me when we meet afterwards but do not speak. I want to be like other women who have a man stay with them even in a temporary bonding before they are ready for the big one.”

Mother had many questions for her. “And what do you do with them besides open your legs?”

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