Retirement Project - Ella would Like to Know about Orgasms - Cover

Retirement Project - Ella would Like to Know about Orgasms

Copyright© 2015 by Daydreamz

Chapter 2

Erotic Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Janie joins in, helping a little blonde schoolmate find out about sex, and if she's bi.

Caution: This Erotic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   First  

Titty phoned David after school – that was on Tuesday, the next day after he first fucked me – and after dinner I walked down and went straight there. I couldn’t wait.

Tits was there already, and wearing a bikini. Shit - I’d only brought my one-piece. “I told Ella to bring a bikini,” Titty was grinning and so was I, she looks totally fuckable in a bikini, “just to get everything off to a nice sexy start. She’s coming to be told about being a les and having an orgasm isn’t she, so we may as well start the right way.”

I kissed David and had a bit of a snuggle up to him, and to Lettie as well on my other side, while we worked out what to do for my cozzie: borrow one of Lettie’s or go back for it or what.

“We can make one, can’t we?” David said, “a jungle type or something, it doesn’t need to be perfect.”

That sounded sexy so in a few minutes I was wearing a white men’s hanky cut across into two triangles, knotted under my pussy and with a bit of shoelace tied to the corners on each side and tied into a bow. It felt insecure and quite sexy. I found I was rubbing the knot between my thighs.

On top I had an old running vest of David’s that Lettie had cut off short, JUST below my tits. It was a string type that was a bit see-through, and it was too big and had huge arm holes anyway so it floated around on my tits half covering them and half not.

The whole outfit was just ASKING to get me molested. The top of the hanky didn’t pull tight like a waistband, it flopped open a bit, so Titty immediately started sliding her fingers in and stroking my bush. David was grinning like anything and groping my tits - through the top, bottom AND sides of my top.

While we did this we were standing in the dining room, looking out of the front window for Ella to arrive, to make sure she wouldn’t lose her nerve before knocking, and just as I was about to get fingered to a cum she cycled in. She did look gorgeous, even from a distance.

Lettie went out to meet her and brought her in, made the introduction to David and led her through to the pool room. Ella stayed close to her, looking a bit overawed but, as usual, Tits was the mistress of ceremonies and Ella had obviously decided just to do what Titty said.

Titty’s like that, she has that effect on almost everyone, to some extent. People do what she wants, and LOVE it. She smiles at them and waves her hands around and looks at them and she just takes them over, if they let her.

If you know what you want to do, she’s fine with it, mostly, or if not, then SHE does know; that’s the way she is.

With Titty around it’s not very often you can’t think what to do. We all trust her, ridiculously really. Around school Ella had been looking a bit lost, with what she’d developed into - a stunningly beautiful girl - and she’d latched onto Tits to find out. And for security, I suppose: at school Lettie is so popular no-one messes with her. If she blanks anyone they are just in the wilderness, AND there’s a whole string of big lads who’d queue up to sort out anyone who disses her, her being lezzie or not. A couple of big girls too :) So being around our gang was a good way for Ella to cope with any guys hassling her.

It works for me: everyone knows I’m BFF with Titty and so when I give a guy the push, or don’t want him to start with, they don’t hassle me. Actually I expect the big lads would’ve been there for me anyway, to be fair, I’m reasonably popular as well, luckily.

And I have fucked quite a few of them, to be honest, and I generally stay friends with them after as they all know from the start it’s not gonna be exclusive!!

Anyway so there’s why Ella was here, basically. She went and changed and so did David, though only after fussing a bit about her age:

“How old is she? Fourteen or something? Do we actually know?” He was on the edge of being uncool, but Lettie bolstered him:

“She’s old enough, easily, you can see can’t you?” she moved close to him, distracting him with her amazing jutting tits which just had this floppy bikini material like tented over them. “She’s got tits and hips, periods for sure, she’s totally fuckable. You’ll see, she’ll love it. If not she can just stop can’t she?”

Titty’s conviction was too much, she was like the Goddess of Sex in her bikini, and David just nodded after all said “Yes okay I suppose so” and went off to get changed himself.

When they came back we were all in our bikinis or trunks, or in my case my Jungle Girl outfit.

I hadn’t had a cum all day so I was quite wet, what with being touched up and all the skin around, and Ella looking SO beautiful in a bikini. It was blue with white dots all over and a perfect fit on her stunning little body. I so wish I had shoulders like that, though I suppose I shouldn’t complain.

I could see David making his effort not to letch, and he did it pretty well. Being a girl it was easier for me and I gave her a good ogling.

She was quite pale, that was really the ONLY fault you could pick with her, though lots of people like pale skin of course. Being redhead pale and freckly myself I like a nice tan, obviously! I can tan, eventually, but it takes a long time and I have to be REALLY careful.

We started with a swim, which is great for being together not wearing very much. My bottoms started coming off so we all had a good laugh about that and it broke the ice. Titty came and touched me up and then got David to as well, and then they took off my top and untied my bottoms and took them off completely and so I was naked.

“So Ella,” Lettie was getting get the programme under way pretty quickly as I knew she would, “lets start with showing you an orgasm. Janie has them nice and easily and you’ll see how great they are, so you come and hold her just here. Lie back Janie and let David just support your shoulders and then float, yes, now I’ll be this side and you be on that side Ella.”

So I was lying on my back, floating, with my thighs slightly apart and my pussy tingling like crazy! On top of the sexy situation the cool water was just lapping around my clit.

Tits was next to me, at my pussy, and the beautiful Ella was the same on the other side. I could feel David’s semi bumping against my head as he supported the tops of my arms.

“So,” Lettie carried on, talking to Ella who was like a deer in the headlights staring at her, “I’m going to just stroke Janie a little bit, and then you do the same, OK? OK? Are you OK with this, it’s not too much of a rush or anything?”

“No,” was all Ella could manage - she was right on the limit, but it was enough. Titty stroked her expert little fingers from my knee along the top of my thigh, just a little way, which made me shiver.

“Go on then, you do the same,” she told Ella, and Ella did. It wasn’t really confident enough to be sensual, if you see what I mean, but it made me shudder a bit again just because it was this stunning young girl who was touching me with her fingertips, making her very FIRST little steps into sex.

The next stroke was a bit more on the inside, and Ella copied Titty again, and then on top but up a bit higher, on the inside again, and so on and so on, as they skirted round my pussy and worked up to my tits.

It was amazing, floating there all weightless and trying to stay still while Lettie used me to teach sex. And David there ready to fuck anyone at the drop of a hat.

Titty showed her little blonde pupil how to stroke tits and nipples, and I was encouraging Ella with gasping and going ‘mmmm’ and things as she did it. She was starting to unwind a bit and drop some of the stiffness, with seeing me loving it.

Then they worked down to my pussy and stroked my bush, and Ella was really beginning to get into it.

My legs had opened up, just automatically, and Lettie rubbed a finger over my clit, which was electric and made me buck up and down in the water. I’d have gone under if David hadn’t been there, unless I’d been able to grab his cock, which would’ve been like a great big rescue hook except it was squashed in his trunks! Ella seemed to be blanking it out.

I lifted my head a bit to watch, as Ella opened up one small finger and rubbed it down too, and I moaned and gasped: “Ooh that’s great Ella, soooo sexy,” to encourage her. It WAS great as well.

After a bit more of that Titty slid a finger slowly INTO me, with Ella watching totally glued. Then Ella did it too, letting a bit of cool water in with it. It felt quite nice! It doesn’t smell like there’s any chlorine in this pool so I didn’t worry, even if there is a bit I expect.

Next Lettie demonstrated crooking a finger and slid it in and did it inside, prodding my G-spot so I gasped and writhed about with the manic tingling, making waves in the pool.

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