Protection and Preservation, Book 09 - Cover

Protection and Preservation, Book 09

Copyright© 2014 by radio_guy

Chapter 12

[Charlie writes from Spain]

We watched for the people to come from in front of the terminal. There was no radio traffic. We saw two wagons and a number of out riders come across the north end of the terminal area. People were waving and I saw open hands with guns still holstered or lying in the wagon.

Andrea said, "When we get out, Myra take my place at the wheel. Tom, be ready to pop out at the turret and shoot. We do want to give them a chance though."

I looked at Andrea and nodded. We exited the Humvee. I saw Myra jump out of the back and get in the driver's seat. We walked to about ten feet in front of the Humvee. Andrea made it obvious we were a mixed sex pair waiting for them. They pulled up about fifty feet away. A couple came toward us on foot. The man spoke in friendly tones in what I figured was Spanish. Andrea smiled back and said, "Habla English?"

The man turned and shouted back at the others. I heard the word, "English," but didn't understand the rest but I think he was asking for an English speaker. An older man came forward. He reached the two and said, "I am Jose. I speak English. Please talk slowly. It has been many years."

Andrea said, "Thank you, Jose. I am Andy and he is Charlie. We are married, husband and wife. We are the leaders of our expedition. We come in peace." She paused to allow Jose to translate. "We are from America. We would be friends. The United States is gone from sickness. We have formed new communities and now can reach out to others in the world." She stopped again.

"We have planes, electricity, and radios. We will help you with those things if you wish. We will not push you to do anything. We are free people. We don't want you to feel forced."

After translating, Jose spoke. "We call our community, "Amor," for we were begun with love by two couples. Over time, we have increased in numbers. We are now two hundreds."

As usual, the two men were focused upon my wife. Their looks were appreciative but seemed to be no more than that. I knew my wife and her capabilities. She responded. "We are primarily from two communities, Protection and Preservation. Preservation is our largest community and is over three hundred. Protection is approximately two hundred. We are also allied with other communities in America and elsewhere. They are Pintlala, Port Lavaca, El Paso, the Valley of the Sun, and Lake Havasu in America, Iceland, and Milan, Italy. We desire to be friends with all peace-loving, independent peoples. I need to let our other plane know to land." She looked away.

"Mallard, this is Andy. You are clear to land. Duck, you may stand down."

"Mallard copies."

"Duck copies."

Jose said, "We would like to know you better. We invite all who will to come to our community for a celebration."

Andy said, "My husband and I speak for our group. Our party would be glad to spend time with you. We would share our story and hear your story in more detail. Unfortunately, our Spanish speaker was injured a week ago and remains with friends in Milan, Italy."

Mallard flew over, banked, and landed. Into the radio, I said, "Expedition, this is Charlie. Please gather with vehicles. We will follow our hosts. Everyone is to be armed but no overt guns or use unless attacked first. Give these people the benefit of the doubt. Mom Mel, how do you read?"

Mom's voice came through our earphones. "I sense friendliness but something more. Be careful but friendly. There is an aspect that I don't yet understand."

I said, "Roger. The name of their community is love. That could be meaningful. Everyone, stay in groups. Don't wander off by yourself under any circumstances. We don't know these people yet."

I added to Jose. "We are gathering our people and readying our vehicles for the trip. It will take twenty minutes, more or less." Andrea put her arm around my waist and smiled at me. In her eyes, I could tell she was concerned about something but she wasn't sure what it was.

Jose and the other two went to their people to talk to them. I took the free moments to say into the radio, "I want a group of six to remain with the planes. Keep everything locked up. All should be well but we will be careful. Charlie waits."

Hand in hand, Andrea and I went back to the Humvee and pulled two collapsible chairs out and opened them. We sat down beside each other again holding hands and leaning into each other.

Twenty minutes was a good guess. A number of vehicles cranked up and rolled to our waiting Humvee. I stowed the chairs back inside and we followed Jose's people in a long, slow caravan. Mom Janice came through my ear buds. "Bobbi is with you. Her Italian may help with understanding what is being said. The Humvee's radio should have enough power to get through to us Someone will monitor the radio all the time. We are going to refuel while we're here."

"Okay, mom. Be careful. We will, too. We love you."

We arrived at Amor which was a nice cluster of homes. Remembering the meaning of the word for their village, I wondered in my mind was what would happen if someone said, "No."

I mentioned this to Andrea. She chuckled. "If they want to spread it, Bobbi or I will probably be an early target. Though the girls might go after you or Tomas."

"I hope Tomas is thoughtful. I don't think Bobbi would consider sharing him."

"We will see. Being politely propositioned is one thing but, if they don't take rejection well, Charles, I will bruise someone." I chuckled and let it drop. We started to get out and Andrea said, "Let me walk alone. We should test this and clear the air early if necessary." I wasn't happy about that but nodded. Andrea knew I would be close enough to assist if she needed me.

I let her get about a fifty or sixty foot lead on me as she walked down the street. She got everyone's attention. Two men even walked into each other. I started to slowly head in the same direction. A good looking man in his early twenties walked in front of her and spoke in Spanish. Andrea shook her head and walked around him. He wasn't happy and moved to overtake her. This time, he put his hand firmly on her shoulder to turn her around. He quickly found that, like my sister, my wife can be a wildcat. She threw him over her shoulder and barely broke stride. The young man was mad now. He started toward her. I came up behind him with my knife at his throat. "No!"

An older woman came running up and jabbered at the young man. She said, "Senor, he is enamored of the lady and wanted to love her. Then, she put him in the air. He plans to discipline her."

I said, "She is my wife. No man may have her or discipline her but me. She told him, no, twice. I am telling him no now."

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