Trainee Secretary Required - Cover

Trainee Secretary Required

Copyright© 2014 by Daydreamz

Chapter 5

Erotic Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Finally, at 52, one of my inventions takes off. I have a factory now, so I need a secretary, don't I? A sixteen-year-old wasn't supposed to apply, honestly! Okay well, not the first one at least...

Caution: This Erotic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Light Bond   Group Sex   Exhibitionism   Nudism  

While Natasha phoned her sister I phoned my wife, making up a story about entertaining clients. She didn’t seem worried. We all got dressed and I drove the two miniskirted teens to the most ill-lit Indian restaurant I could think of, hoping nobody I knew would see us. It was a bit risky, but we got away with it.

“Are we dropping Tashie first?” asked Sara as we got back in the car.

“Yes okay,” I was happy to agree. More time with Sara. To be honest I was in no rush to leave the girls and go home to my wife.

It was fair enough that Tessa wasn’t sexy, at fifty after all, but somehow we didn’t seem as close these days. She wasn’t really interested in what I’d been doing each day at the factory, and I was finding it hard to pay attention while she was talking about her latest planting in the garden. On top of which I supposed it wasn’t helping that what I’d been most interested in for the last few days were things I couldn’t exactly chat about with her!

Our daughter is living in London, so one way and another my home felt a bit of a quiet backwater now, whereas the teens were magnetically alive and alluring, even if I hadn’t understood much of what they’d been talking about. I’d understood all the words, or nearly all at least, but not why they were saying them - it was as though they were communicating on some special teen wavelength.

Anyway they were happy, which was the main thing. They’d included me in the conversation, without expecting me to know the various bands and stars and websites. I’d been allowed to smile amiably and look at them.

I followed Natasha’s directions to her home, delivered shyly in her gorgeous voice, until we’d gone through a village and were on a small road leading to another.

“It’s here,” she said, “on the left.” I slowed, but still overshot a gateway set into the uncut verge and overhung by trees. I’d glimpsed drive curving off into the woods. Natasha was being bashful because her home was a bit special.

“We don’t have to go straight in, do we?” Sara was gently waving her right thigh at me from the passenger seat. God.

“Here, just here,” Sara pointed at a field entrance fifty metres along from Natasha’s drive. The ground was dry, it being July, and I pulled into it to turn round. But Sara opened her door as soon as the car stopped.

“This is a quiet road isn’t it?” she grinned, “and you can keep a lookout can’t you Tashie?” She was walking round the back of the car.

“Sara it’s broad daylight!” I objected as my door opened and Sara’s thighs were there right next to me.

“That’s the whole point,” the little sexpot grinned.

“No Sara,” I put my foot down, “I do not need an item in the paper about being charged with public indecency. This is a public road, for God’s sake.”

“I always wanted to do it in the road,” she fluttered her eyelashes at me. They’re not especially long though, not too visible being blonde and it’s just not her at all.

“Sara, fluttering your eyelashes is just not you,” I explained, while knowing it was a joke about that very fact, “if your thighs aren’t working then you’re out of luck. It’s broad daylight.”

“So if it was dark you’d do it?” she challenged.

I hesitated. I didn’t think I would; it was so risky. I’d look a complete idiot if we were caught. Things were going downhill at the factory already with my absurd weakness for these young girls. I knew I ought to chuck them out and get a proper mature secretary so I could run my new enterprise effectively. It had taken so much to get it this far, it was ridiculous to jeopardise it like this.

“No I wouldn’t,” I said, trying to convince myself.

“Here Tashie come and help,” Sara beckoned her fellow temptress out of the back seat. In a few seconds Natasha was standing at the open door too, adding her gorgeous, slender thighs to the equation.

“Flutter your eyelashes Tashie please,” Sara grinned, and I cursed to myself as the brunette beauty’s amazing long eyelashes flickered electrifyingly up and down over her stunning green eyes with their large pupils.

Sara stroked a sexy little hand up the inside of one lissom thigh, then stroked a finger over Natasha’s dark-pink panties, making her gasp and writhe as a dark patch appeared. I thought I could smell her wet pussy.

“I’ll tell you what,” Sara smiled, no doubt seeing me weakened, “let’s go to Holkham beach in Norfolk. You know it? It’s going to be a beautiful night, we can walk along the sand, in the moonlight. It’ll be so romantic and spiritual. You’re up for that aren’t you Tashie?” Natasha nodded, under Sara’s spell.

“That’s almost two hours’ drive away,” I objected weakly. Go to the beach in the middle of the night? What for? We wouldn’t be able to see anything and it would be cold.

“Well it’s only half eight,” Sara argued, “and we’ve got this beautiful car. It’ll be just right. We’ve eaten, and we’ve got this lovely warm night and some moon. How can we not? You don’t want to just live thousands of days all the same do you?”

“Alright,” I gave in to the irresistible tsunami and she leaned in and gave me a kiss.

“I’d better just check...?” Natasha was switching on her phone. Calling her sister, I realised.

“Hi Dani, can I be out till later, is that okay? ... I don’t know, about twelve I suppose, or a bit after ... we’re going to Holkham beach, for a laugh ... well it’s just a bit of fun ... with Sara from work and a guy from there called Mike ... yes I know but they’re ever so nice, I’ll be completely safe ... well we are quite near, as it happens, cos he was running me home ... oh okay, I’ll ask.”

Natasha put a finger on the bottom of her phone. “Can we pop in? She wants to meet you. Just so she knows who I’m with, that’s all. As it’s going to be so late. Then she’ll be fine with it I expect.”

I could only nod, with Sara, and shortly I was driving up to the house, that was completely hidden in the woods. Not a huge house, but substantial, with a circular driveway in front. A girl came out to meet us.

“Dani this is Mike and Sara, this is my sister Dani,” Natasha made the introductions. I smiled and shook hands with the girl, who strongly resembled Natasha but was perhaps an inch taller, a couple of years older; and a lot more confident. Her hair was straight and very long. I made an effort not to check out her body.

“Hello, I just wanted to meet you,” Dani smiled at us, though not broadly, “with our parents being away, you know.” She was looking at the car, then Sara.

“So you’re the other secretary? Tash mentioned you.”

“I just started on Friday,” Sara smiled. She didn’t seem to feel under the microscope at all. Well she was the same age as Natasha: if nobody mentioned the sex there was nothing for her to be embarrassed about.

Dani wasn’t hiding that we were being assessed as she turned her gaze to me. My new Mercedes was giving my role away; I just hoped I didn’t look too obviously pervy.

“Yes its my company,” I smiled back. I saw Dani’s eyes were more brown, though still with some green in them, and her face was a little bit fuller, with the cheekbones a touch less prominent. “We’ve just been for a meal, to, er, get to know each other a bit, and now ... we had this idea...”

“It was my idea I suppose,” Sara took it up as I started to flounder, “to go and walk along the beach in the moonlight.” She just smiled at Dani for a moment, making me wonder if the little hotpants was having ideas about both sisters. “It should be spiritual and cool. Then we ought to be back, I don’t know, about one?” She looked at me and I nodded.

“Oh OK, well now I’ve met you that’s fine, obviously,” Dani had taken in enough of Sara to trust her, I could feel, “and knowing you’re bringing her back...”

“Oh yes,” I confirmed.

“Okay well see you later Tash, have a good time, thanks for popping in.”

“Oh is there a towel we can take?” Sara asked Natasha, “for if we have a paddle?”


By half past ten I was driving down the track that led to the beach, bypassing the carpark with its closed gate. I hoped no-one would come and ask what we were doing, which I had a feeling was going to involve Sara taking her clothes off.

The track ended at the pine woods that lie behind the huge beach and I quickly switched off the conspicuous lights. We all got out. There was no sign of anyone, out here in the country, half-way between a small resort town and a holiday caravan site, each a good couple of miles away. Still someone could be out walking their dog or anything...

“Right then,” Sara’s trademark call to action sounded loud in the still night air; it seems she’s incapable of talking quietly. “I think I’ll keep my trainers on, as we can’t really see what we’re treading on can we? It’s quite bright though, isn’t it, with this moon? Our eyes’ll adjust. But we can take our phones so we’ve got a flashlight if we need it in the trees. Oh and the towels.” She was excited, confirming my hopes and fears by pulling off her top, quickly followed by everything else, then putting her trainers back on her bare feet.

“Come on,” she looked at Natasha and me, who were both still fully clothed looking nervously at her.

“I was thinking we could wait till we get on the beach,” I tried. It was at least half a mile away.

“Nah come on, I don’t think I’ll last till the beach,” Sara gave a sexy giggle, “there’s no-one around anyway.”

“But suppose someone comes?” asked Natasha, “like parks here in their car and we’re stuck without our clothes?”

“And do you really feel safe?” I worried.

“They’ll be more embarrassed than us,” Sara started pulling Natasha’s top up, “or they’ll be at it themselves. It’s not like they’ll attack us or something. There’s three of us, and anyway rapes are by people they already know, or a nutter who’d do it whatever you’re wearing, or a gang on a girl in another gang, or you’re drunk in a club, things like that. If someone sees us they’ll just smile or turn away, you’ll see. Or you won’t actually because there’s nobody here, so we can just have fun and be free. And I’m going to have a swim anyway.”

By this time Natasha had been overwhelmed and stripped naked. Sara was pulling her into a naked cuddle and was kissing and caressing her, distracting her.

I was torn between being nude in public and being an old fart spoilsport with Sara and Natasha thinking how timid I was. One fear drove out the other. I took my clothes off, put my shoes back on, picked up a towel and my phone, hid the car keys and set off with the girls. The cool air wafted around my cock and balls.

I felt to see why my balls weren’t bouncing on my thighs as I walked, and found they were tight round the base of my cock. Even more so now I’d touched them. I took my hand away before I had an erection swaying about down there.

The scent of pine needles and sea filled my nostrils as we took the sandy path into the trees. It was a bit darker in here but I could make out the two sexy figures in front of me. Two sixteen-year-old nymphets completely naked in the middle of nowhere.

The air flowed over my skin, cooling me in a new way that was a bit scary but also exciting. My feet slipped a bit on the loose sand as the path climbed, but the sea drew us on.

The slope flattened and then we were at the top of the rise, in a little clearing looking down through the trees at the moonlit beach. The smell of the sea was stronger and we could hear small waves lapping onto the sand.

Sara threw her towel down on the sandy ground and pressed her nude body up against me. “Quick Mike, fuck me,” her little hands were floating over my balls and cock, which was rock hard already.

She lay down on the towel, tugging on my hand, and in the shadowy moonlight I got down and offered my cock up. In a second I was engulfed in the familiar ecstasy of Sara’s strong, sex-mad little body.

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