Mind the Time - Cover

Mind the Time

Copyright© 2014 by Old Man with a Pen

Chapter 37

"We'd like to speak to your parents." No please or thank you ... a demand.

"The parents are in Pentwater, that's on the Lake Michigan coast. Daddy is due back in a week," Vee said.

"You are fourteen and you're home alone?" asked the elder, although it wasn't a question. She knew.

"Fifteen just but yes, although, I'm not without resources. I've just returned from Germany," Vee explained.

"There is no adult guiding influence in the home?"

"Not at the moment ... but I have people on call."

"We've heard that one before ... call them."


"Good lord, there's two of them!" exclaimed one.

"We weren't informed about twins," said the other. Addressing the new arrival, she said, "What is your relationship with Wendolyn?"

"Grandmother," said Junior.

"Sister, you mean."

"Nope, grandmother, I'm 64 years old."

"I don't know what you're trying to pull, young lady, but the Department of Human Services has information to the contrary."


"Good God! Triplets!"

Vee looked disgusted, "You have no idea how much that pisses me off," she said.

Wendy grinned, "You have no idea how much I like hearing that."

"What? That it pissed me off?" asked Vee.

"No. That people think I'm fifteen." She preened.

The younger Social Worker suggested, "I don't suppose any of you have Identity cards?"

Wendy and Junior flickered.

"I brought your flight jacket, Vee," said Junior.

The two women from the DHS were aghast. "Witchcraft!"



"Where is your watch?"

Vee looked at her wrist ... thought... "On the bathroom counter. I'm not used to wearing it."

Call for it ... you know how now.

The watch was on her wrist.

"Damn it all, Grandmother. What are you doing here? And you two? Get off my property. Fer Chrissake ... doesn't any one respect the Princess?

"You're not moving ... get the fuck out!" She saw the constable, "Officer, escort these busybodies off the crown lands."

"There's no doubt about it ... I need a moat, a drawbridge and a portcullis ... maybe a long entrance with some nice murder holes so I can eliminate unwanted visitors. I need a castle." She came back from wherever she went and saw the cop hadn't moved. "You!" She pointed at the cop. "Come here."

He moseyed up the drive and stepped up to the entryway. He tipped his hat to the DHS ladies.

"What?" he said to Vee.

"Get these ... creatures ... off my property. Do it now. I'm done talking." She slammed the door and turned on her grandmothers. "Why are you here? Never mind..."

She patted her pockets..."Where did I leave my pad?"

Call for it ... you know how now.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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