Mind the Time - Cover

Mind the Time

Copyright© 2014 by Old Man with a Pen

Chapter 28

Lake Constance didn't freeze over all winter. There was a skim around the edges most mornings but that was usually gone by ten. Cold nights, reasonably warm days around the lake and pretty decent wind. With the Rektor's yacht ... which belonged to the University ... on the hard and Gypsy, Vee's Hanse 630 parked in it's spot, Wendy and Vee did some weekend sailing ... right up until circumstances put all first year students in night locked Student Housing.

But, before she was forced to move and before she was let loose on the lake, Vee had to prove herself. And that's when summers spent at the Pentwater Lake family compound proved themselves. Vee sailed like she flew.

No Fear!

Wendy "the Wanzor," for all she'd been the first of the Watchers to fly, sail and marry, was at times terrified at some of the racing stunts Vee pulled.

"I know where my body is and whether I'm in the air or on a boat I know where the boat is too," she told her proctor.

Professor Paul Eisenger wore several hats at the University; Professor of Marine Engineering, head of water-sports activities, head of watercraft maintenance, Chief State watercraft inspector, and proctor for Lake Constance watercraft operator licensing; Germany. And Bodensee water quality control officer ... water cop.

Professor Eisenger didn't much care if a University student wanting to drive a boat on the Lake came equipped with papers from every country in the world, if said student didn't have a Bodensee operators license, he was a novice.

Very few Erstsemester students came with their own boat ... the uni-konstanz.de/broschueren-city-guide said the school had boats for student use. The same guide showed pictures of said boats racing ... and why bother with reading the fine print when there were pretty pictures.

God couldn't help you if you peed over the side. The three countries that licensed the hundred and fifty commercial fishing boats on the lake also random tested the meat from those fish and there'd better not be e-coli present! They wouldn't have any trouble identifying the pisser either ... all three countries had color cameras everywhere ... the fine was enormous.

That was one of the problems with Europe ... Cameras ... Cameras ... Cameras ... everywhere; street corners, crosswalks, parking garages, ski trails, mountain tops and valley bottoms. The courts accepted the video as evidence and a lot of Europe was Napoleonic Law. You are guilty until you prove your innocence.

Taxes were nearly fifty percent and there had been revolts when governments decided they needed more money ... break the law and pay a fine ... it's not a tax ... it's a fine and nobody is perfect. Even excessive honking was against the law ... noise pollution ... your music is too loud ... you crossed the street in the middle of the block ... you peed in the lake. Pay the fine unless you have video proof you weren't the perpetrator. Even then, fighting the ticket only meant Euros in a lawyer's pocket because you can not represent yourself. And if the case is dismissed ... you still have to pay court costs.

Students ... they're out, about and full of hormones. Mutter, Vater und die Großfamilie, they aren't at university with you. The manners you learned at home and in secondary school are supposed to keep you operating on an even keel ... yeah ... right. Pay the fine. Somewhere along the way you become an adult in mind as well as body ... or not.

Vee was developing ... it seemed like she was donating once worn and no longer fitting bras every day. Every part of her was growing ... except her feet ... and her height. Cursed by Pharaoh to be forever short, redheaded and busty, the living Wanzor drew male eyes and inspired lust.

Uni-Konstanz has a nude beach. It's right next to the uni-boat docks ... which are right next to the Rektor's dock ... which is now Gypsy's dock and a sixty-three foot sailboat draws a lot of interest. The Wanzor and Vee had early classes, although most of Vee's classes were labs. Vee had brought her own bike and The Wanzor bought ... the bikes were licensed, registered and ridden to class ... about ten minutes ... uphill both ways ... Because the girls had early classes there weren't many observers of their departures ... and because it was still cold their arrivals weren't much noticed ... until May.

After Beltane ... the less said about Vee's first Beltane the better. She turned 15.

And it seemed like over night the nude beach filled up, the school boats were leaving the docks and Vee stepped out to find out what the noise was all about.



"Come look!" Vee exclaimed ... but in a whisper.


"Nude beach ... naked men. Hi, Grannie. Careful, you'll spill ... is that cup mine?"

"Ooo ... that's hot!" The Wanzor wasn't talking about the coffee.

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