Guardian Awakening - Cover

Guardian Awakening

Copyright© 2014 by C. Osborne Rapley

Chapter 21: The AI Core

The soft breathing of Aesia sleeping curled tightly against him was the only thing that broke the silence of the room. Tristan stared at the ceiling, the room lit only by the soft glow of a night light shining through the half open door from the hall.

He had spoken with Da'ren and appraised the rest of the League's commanders of the current situation with the Sicceian's. He had ordered the nearest battle fleet to Mylia, but it would not arrive for at least three and a half weeks.

He cursed his tactical mistake, but Sicceians had never attacked a planet deep behind the Leagues front lines, and to spare ships to protect every planet within the League would have cost so much in resources that conducting an offensive war would be impossible. He had taken a calculated risk, now Mylia would pay.

Dionysia had attempted to get the AI on Mylia to boot up, but other than the automated response systems the computer remained off line. Everything spun round and round in his head I need a plan!

Aesia stirred. "Tristan?"


"Get some sleep."

"I can't, there has to be some way to defend Mylia. We are at the end of the war, and my adopted planet will be destroyed at the eleventh hour."

Aesia propped her head on her elbow and regarded him. "Why not use the active AI's to transport you to the fleet you dispatched. At least you will be doing something and the fleet might just get there in time. After all, they will be better off with your leadership."

"That's it! Aesia you are a genius." He kissed her. "You go back to sleep, I have an idea I want to discuss with Dionysia."

Aesia sighed as Tristan got up. "OK, but remember you need sleep too." She called after him as he padded out the door.

He walked into the lounge area, shutting the door behind him so as not to disturb Tristain, who's bedroom door was opposite the lounge. "Dionysia?" She shimmered into existence.

"Yes Tristan?"

"Are there sufficient AI's functioning to transport me to the one nearest Mylia?"

"Yes Tristan, but how does that help? You will arrive without a fleet and no AI backup. You would be committing suicide."

"Would the nearest one have sufficient power to transport me into the bunker of the AI on Mylia? Then once I'm there, I could activate her."

"Tristan, it's risky. If we could get you in, we cannot get you back out. If you fail to get her activated, you would die from a lack of oxygen or from starvation."

"I have to take that chance. That fleet must be stopped. Mylia is central to the League. If it's destroyed by the Sicceians the fragile peace process falls apart. What am I compared to millions if not billions of lives? I need you to compute the best way to transport me and get me in; as long as you have reasonable confidence that the AI is in operating condition."

"You do realise that if there has been total system failure, the bunker is unlikely to contain any breathable air," Dionysia reminded him.

"Please compute the chances and the best route for me."

"What do you intend to do once you have activated the AI?" Dionysia asked.

"I will use the weapon of last resort."

"You can't, you need two Guardians for the weapon to function."

"There are two Guardians."

Dionysia folded her arms across her chest. "You are not thinking of Tristain are you? She is too young to fly one of the black ships."

"She won't have to. When I have the AI functioning, you will transport Tristain and Aesia to me. If Aesia is holding Tristain, you and the others will be able to transport both of them right?"


"The ships just need to sense individual Guardian DNA, they don't need a Guardian to actually fly them, Aesia could do that."

"Tristan, what are you talking about?" Aesia demanded. She had walked into the room unnoticed during their conversation.

Tristan turned. "Aesia! Couldn't you get back to sleep?"

"No, I could hear your voices, even in the bedroom."

"Oh sorry."

Aesia frowned. "What are you planning that involves Tristain?"

"Please sit down, Aesia, and hear me out." Tristan indicated the lounge sofa.

Aesia's frown deepened. "Tristan?"

Tristan sighed. "Stored in the bunker of each AI is a final resort or doomsday weapon. Part of the weapon is two black ships. Once in space the two ships and the planetary AI form a triangle. When they are activated, any living thing that passes through the triangle is destroyed. It's possible to destroy all the crews in whole fleets at once."

"So why are two Guardians needed?" Aesia asked.

"Because the weapon is too powerful to entrust to one Guardian. Two are required as a fail-safe."

"Tristan, you cannot risk Tristain. I won't allow it!"

"Aesia, I would not dream of suggesting it if there were too much risk. You will be with her all the time, out of sight of the fleet. If you sit quietly as a corner of the triangle, you should have nothing to worry about."

Aesia shook her head. "I'm unhappy with this, Tristan."

Tristan set his jaw and took a deep breath. "If we don't do anything, a planet is destroyed. The Sicceian military will gain ascendancy over the administration, and the war will continue. I will have no option other than to ensure it is Sicceia that loses. Can you imagine the loss of life that will result?"

Aesia clenched her fists on her lap. "You are putting me in an impossible position."

"Yes I know, I'm sorry, but it is not of my doing. Please remember that any problem and the AI will have you both out and safe in a moment."

"Providing you can get it going," Aesia reminded him.

"Yes, provided I can get it going."

Dionysia coughed "Excuse me, but we have a route plotted for you Guardian. We will transport you through ten planets and then, on the eleventh one, Penelope will transport you to Mylia. Once there however, we'll be unable to get you out. You will be entombed under a hundred metres of rock."

Tristan looked at Aesia, who was watching him intently. Well?

This is the only solution?


Aesia inclined her head. "OK then, let's do it."

"When the AI is online, I want you to transport Aesia and Tristain to me please."

"Yes Guardian."

"Now, I just need the battle suit with a maximum air supply. Enough to get to the core and start her up. I will also need a torch, besides the suit lights."

"Tristan, the suit is not designed to be operated without close AI support. The on board air supply would normally be replenished by the nearest AI."

"Then add a couple of external tanks please."

"You will still only get around two hours with the extra tanks."

"OK, if I can't get her fixed in that time I never will."

Tristan dressed quickly and buckled on the armour belt.

When he had finished, Aesia stood, put her hands on his shoulders, and kissed him hard on the mouth. "Just in case," she whispered.

"Are you ready, Tristan?" Dionysia asked.

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