Not Really His Granny
Copyright© 2025 by storyace
Chapter 4: It’s Tyme
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: It’s Tyme - Homeless orphan skater boy meets a vietnamese GILF
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft mt/Fa Romantic Interracial White Male Oriental Female
I can’t write about Tyme without mentioning John.
He’s a rude, tough, old guy. Chiseled and grey, dresses well, and he’s smart. The sort of guy who always has a quick comeback to anything.
I knew he’d been Cucthao’s lover 30 years before; then he’d lived with Tyme, and now he’d moved into Diane’s house and was doing it with her too (often quite loudly).
I knew all of that before I met him. He knew I was 18 and sharing a bed with 66 year old Cucthao; yet somehow, we became friends. Allies really, because the three women were as tight as three strands of a rope.
John was the one who asked if I would accompany Tyme to work events as her pretend partner.
“She’s an alcoholic.” He told me, “Your job is to keep an eye on her, and tell me if she drinks any booze, even beer.”
Tyme was sitting right there as he said this, and I looked at her; she was weird when he was in the room. Subdued, deferential to him. Like she was both afraid and captivated.
“John has a BIG cock.” Cucthao had told me once.
“Does that make a big difference?” I asked her.
“Not by itself.” She’d told me, “It was long ago we did it, and I was with his father later. He has some way of giving orgasms, partly it’s the cock. I don’t know.”
As John gave me instructions, Tyme looked at the floor, penitent or embarrassed. Yet as soon as we were alone, she seemed to change gears, and was the brash confident successful young lawyer again.
That power the old bastard had over her; it was what I wanted to have. Not over Tyme specifically, just generally, I coveted that thing he had, whatever it was.
“Why doesn’t John just go with you?” I asked Tyme as I drove her in her car to dinner at her boss’s house.
“I don’t want everyone to know my boyfriend is 40 years older than I am.” She told me. “It’s tough you know, being a physically small young woman in a man’s world. I can argue any guy into the floor, and that should be enough. You don’t get it, because you’re tall and strong; look at me, most of the men I work with, or against, could pick me up and throw me out a window. It’s not a real thing that would happen, yet the physical intimidation is always there.”
I looked down at her, and felt a lot of anger; because I knew she was right. Why else did I feel a need to protect her? She didn’t really need that, she was a lawyer who carried a gun in her purse. It was just something primal.
When we got to the function at a swank golf club, I watched people carefully; they were all successful lawyers and their partners, dressed up, fancy shoes and expensive watches. I saw a guy towering over Tyme at a buffet table, so I moved in, got in the way, put my arm around her thin shoulders and introduced myself to the asshole, shaking his hand politely.
“Kiss me while Murdock is watching.” Tyme whispered in my ear later, “So he knows we’re really a couple.”
Tyme asked me to play in the company golf tournament; I took a few lessons and did ok, coming in third.
“Oh fuck, you killed them!” Tyme laughed as we drove home, “Third! You’ve only played like twice, and you almost won!”
“Well, third isn’t almost anything.” I responded.
“Oh yes it is. You did better than smug fucking Murdock, haha!”
“So what’s with you and Murdock?” I asked her.
“Nothing, he’s just an asshole who thinks he can get any girl he wants.” She huffed. “Did you see that Indian woman he was with, half his age?”
I was glad she was happy with me; that I was good for something besides swinging a hammer and fucking her granny. Anyway, I was always good at physical things.
I was talking with John not long after that, and he told me that he wanted to end it with Tyme; he hoped she’d find another guy.
“I don’t get it.” I said, “Why does she need to find another guy before you stop sleeping together?”
“She’s an addict, Freddy. If it’s not sex, then it’s booze.”
“Come on, if a girl like her wants sex, she gets sex.” I said.
“Tell me about it.” He retorted, “We have a deal; as soon as she finds someone else, her and me will stop.”
I didn’t say anything, I just thought to myself that if anyone was an addict, it was him.
Another time, we were out at a dance club together, and Tyme started dancing with an old guy; he was a good dancer. I watched from a distance; it wasn’t my place to interfere, as long as she didn’t drink any alcohol.
She turned and twerked her ass against his crotch and he held her hips. I caught her eye and she just grinned at me, as if it was completely normal. I guess it was.
“I thought you were going to go home with that old guy.” I said to her as we walked back to her car later.
“I thought so too.” she laughed, “I shocked you, didn’t I? Yeah, I have a thing for old guys. I lost my cherry to a 45 year old when I was 15. I had a boyfriend who was 19 after that, it was really fucked up though, then I met John, and wow, that was like...” she stopped talking and just sighed. “Yeah, I love him, I hate him, no one did it to me like he did, and no one did afterwards either.”
We got to the car, she gave me the keys; she liked to be the passenger.
“Have you been with a lot of other guys?” I asked her, since she’d started it.
“A few.” She said guardedly, “I kept trying to get over John, he’s such a control freak. And a perv too, he still treats me like I’m 16. Yeah, anyway, I went with some guys when John and I were separated. One was like, 70! Haha, that was crazy. I was really turned on by him, the age gap was SO nasty.”
“And what happened?”
“We did everything, it was a bit disappointing though. I had this idea that I’d just explode when a guy that old put it in.”
“You didn’t?”
“God, you don’t give up, do you? No, I didn’t. He sure exploded though! Haha, he wanted to keep me. He was really nice, I slept with him a few more times, I was always so close, I thought it would work. I mean, he was well sized and he fucked me hard, and I just never quite got there, you know? What about you, have you been with anyone other than my granny?”
“Yeah, we’re not exclusive.” I told her. “I just, well, I love her you know?”
“Man, I think you’re more fucked up that I am, and that’s saying something.” Tyme laughed.
I was playing softball most weekends with Tyme’s company team; it was more of a barbeque / picknick than a sport event, we played in a league with other company teams, who usually wiped the floor with us. Murdock was the coach, and put me near the bottom of the batting lineup even though I was probably the best hitter.
He seemed to have some sort of rivalry with me, which made no sense at all. He was a wealthy older professional, I was a nobody. Not even a spouse, just a boyfriend of a junior associate. Anyway, I didn’t give a shit, I had my own life and I was just there for Tyme.
Murdock always wanted to play tennis with me, because he usually beat me at that.
Anyway, he had a new girlfriend, and he seemed to want to show her off to everyone; and this girl did merit bragging rights. She was tall, almost as tall as me; with big breasts, a narrow waist, a tight ass, and flawless dark chocolate skin. She was always dressed to kill, flirted with everyone, and was totally and blatantly subservient to Murdock. Like, he’d tell her to bring food or drink for us, or to go to his car and bring something, or make a call for him. She’d just smile and comply.
And she was bald; her head shaved. That was weird, it was totally sexy and yet horrible at the same time.
“What a cow.” Tyme fumed, and the penny finally dropped; she had a crush on Murdoch.
“We could play a game if you want.” I suggested, “What if I treat you just the same way he treats Zoe when we’re around them?”
“What, you mean you’ll tell me what to do?”
“Exactly. It will drive him batty.”
“Ok, we can try it.” She allowed, “Just don’t go too far, you know?”
I was earning ok by then; I didn’t need to live in their house. I lived in the house because it was great. John, Diane, Cucthao, and Tyme were like my family; I loved them all. Probably more that they loved me. I knew that to them, I was just a stray kid Cucthao brought in from the street. I accepted that, and just appreciated every night I got to spend in a warm friendly bed, every meal, and every laugh we shared.
So at the next company dinner event, I started to slowly get into it; not suddenly so anyone would notice the change. I just asked Tyme to bring me a coke, and then an extra helping of potato salad. Nothing radical; just subtle things, the macho man act. I held her ass a lot too, which was fun. I knew she didn’t like me to do that, it was her show though.
Murdoch sat on a sofa with his young black girlfriend, stroking her smooth round scalp with his fingertips, while she stared at me. I thought I was imagining it at first; her big dark eyes followed me around the room, and she smiled flirtatiously when I looked back, all the while cuddling with grey old Murdoch.
“What a cow!” Tyme fumed again as we drove home.
“Why do you care?” I asked curiously. “You want to bang Murdoch, and we’re not even a real couple.”
“Yeah, well she doesn’t know that.” Tyme grumbled.
The next event was a mixed doubles tennis tournament a couple of weeks later. Tyme was a good technical player with little physical strength, I was the opposite. Murdoch and Zoe had crushed us, as expected.
“Hey, let’s swap partners.” He suggested. “Tennis partners I mean.” He added, as if he was only joking.
It made for a much closer match; Zoe was a decent tennis player. Murdoch and Tyme went hard and won the first set.
Tyme jumped and whooped happily as my last ball fell outside the line; then she threw her arms around Murdoch’s neck and kissed him. His arms went around her and he squeezed her tight for a moment.
The first time.
Well, this seemed like a fun contest; so when Zoe and I won the next set, I took her long slim body in my arms and kissed her generous lips generously, her big soft breasts pushing against me, my fingers couldn’t resist the weird attraction of her shaved head.
She squirmed a bit as I stroked her there; laughed, and broke free.
The last set was tough; and then I caught Tyme’s eye, and intentionally hit it out so she could have her fun.
In the shower, I caught Murdoch steal a glance at my cock, and smile because mine was smaller. In the shower at least.
“Why don’t you and Tyme come for dinner at my place?” he asked.
That put me on the spot; in my dominant role, I had to decide without consulting Tyme. I was sure she’d want to go, and possibly fuck Murdoch too.
“Sure.” I answered.
Tyme and I drove behind Murdoch and Zoe. “He wants you.” I said, “How far do you want to take this?”
“All the way.” Tyme said.
“Ok; you’re sure?”
“Yeah, he’s good looking, successful, old, and doesn’t drink.” She said. “Also, he’s got a big cock.”
I laughed, “As big as John?”
“No, big enough though.” She laughed, “Well, I didn’t measure him, yet. I just felt him up.”
“Wait, you put your hand down his pants?”
“No! what kind of a woman do you think I am? I felt him up through his shorts.”
“What about Zoe?” I asked.
“She used to be Jannel’s housekeeper. She’s been with half of the partners, she never stayed with any of them for more than a year. She’ll be just fine, don’t worry about Zoe.”
Actually, what I meant was that I doubted that Murdoch would dump that sexy saucy black subservient woman for Tyme.
We got to his house; a big place in a walled garden with a pool. You know the kind, rich people property.
“I don’t need to come inside.” I said, “You go ahead and call if you want me to come get you.”
“Come on Freddy! I need you for this.” Tyme pleaded, “You need to fuck Zoe, or it will never work. Look, she wants you, right? That’s the deal, you take her somewhere and give it to her, while I get it from Murdoch.”
I looked at her curiously; she was such a pretty girl. No, a pretty woman I corrected myself. She didn’t have to settle for a nasty old bastard like Murdoch. I knew I couldn’t have her, even if I hadn’t been with her grandmother, I was not in her league.
Zoe was in the big open kitchen chopping a salad, wearing an apron. That was all, just an apron, her smooth broad tapered back and round ass cheeks open to view. Her color was gorgeous; dark chocolate, smooth and seductive.
I noticed Murdoch caught my stare. “Wow, nice.” Was all I could muster. I wondered how far I could take this; after all, she had been flirting with me for weeks and we’d had that kiss on the tennis court. I sidled up next to her and reached my hand out slowly.
“May I?” I asked politely.
“You have to ask Mr. Murdoch.” She told me, keeping her eyes on her task.
I turned to look at him; he nodded his consent, so I let my fingertips trace over his girlfriend’s sexy dark bottom, then up her spine. Tyme was just standing at the corner of the room, looking a bit blank.
This was all weird to me; Tyme wanted to get together with this asshole guy for some reason, and I’d agreed to help. It seemed like the game was that we guys had to tell the women what to do. If we went ahead, I’d have to tell Tyme to go with the old guy. It was what she wanted; it wasn’t my job to help her with that, I’d do it anyway because I was her friend.
She’d changed out of her tennis dress into another tennis dress; the maker must have been running short of fabric, because that dress didn’t have much of it.
“Come over here.” I told Tyme, stepping away from Zoe. I took her shoulders in my hands and turned her around, and then pushed her face down on the kitchen table next to Murdoch. I wasn’t really sure where I was going; she just lay limp as I pulled up her skirt, exposing her tiny ass to Murdoch, who stared at it wide eyed. I had to stare too; she had separate white stockings on, and no panties.
Still, there was no movement from Murdoch, or Tyme for that matter. Impulsively, I lifted an ankle over Murdoch’s lap and dropped in on the other side of him, pushed her torso over a little so her naked little butt was directly in front of him, like a meal offered.
“Go on.” I prompted him, “Have a taste.”
As his old face dropped down to my friend’s little ass, I looked up at Zoe, who looked back without showing much emotion about it.
“Zoe, have you got any condoms in the house?” I asked her. She looked past me at Murdoch, and then nodded and went to the other room, quickly returning with a strip of packets.
I had taken a road that went in one direction; the defiling of Tyme. There was no way back by then, it was going to happen no matter what I did; so I kept pretending that I had some power over what was about to occur
“Take his pants off and put one on him.” I told Zoe, pulling his chair out of the way.
The young black girl smiled tersely as she circled her arms around him from behind and did as instructed. I guess my pretense was affecting me, I stood behind her beautiful chocolate body, unable to keep my hands from her smooth warm flesh.
She made no objection, and I was starting to get pretty turned on; what was allowed here, what wasn’t? Anyway, my hands slid up her ribs, under the apron and around below her breasts, and then I lifted them and my fingers felt her erect nipples as I ran my nose and lips lightly around her smooth round scalp. The bald head was a turnoff when I’d first seen her; I could barely stand to even look at her head. Now though, it was becoming quite erotic to me. It was sensitive, smooth, sexy, and weird.
Tyme rolled over and sat up, taking Murdoch’s face in her hand she kissed him, her thighs open and her naked twat on the edge of the table, as Zoe held his hard cock against it. I looked down over her shoulder, and saw that when erect, he was only slightly larger than flaccid; maybe 8 inches, not the monster I thought he’d have. Still, quite respectable of course.
Tyme leaned back and lifted her tiny feet up; without thinking, I reached around both Zoe and Murdoch to hold them, as Zoe held his cock and he pushed it into Tyme.
Her eyes were on him mostly, then for a moment they flicked to my face, and we smiled at each other.
She’d gotten what she wanted. Releasing her feet, I put an arm around Zoe and pulled her away, turning her around to face me. Her big dark eyes stared at me, her hot dark body so close, so sexy, so available.
“Let’s go in the bedroom.” I suggested.
“Yeah, go on.” Murdoch grunted, his cock all the way inside Tyme’s little body.
I followed Zoe’s gorgeous black ass upstairs and into a large bedroom, and onto a large bed, where my clothing disappeared, and her apron too. I was surprised to see she had a mat of curly black hair between her thighs.
Her body was warm and responsive to my touch and kisses, her hand on my cock so pleasant that I was in no hurry to move to the next stage.
Her tongue was in my mouth, I had one hand on her naked scalp and the other on her firm round ass, and I was just about to push her onto her back and fuck her when Murdoch came into the room with Tyme attached, her legs around his hips and her arms around his neck, his cock was still inside her as they got onto the bed next to us.
I was a bit annoyed at the intrusion; it was his house, his bed, and his girl I was doing it with, so I just went with it.
“Put a condom on there for me.” I said to Zoe, kissing her softly. She just smiled and got up to get the packets that she’d left downstairs in the kitchen, leaving me there on the bed next to Tyme, and Murdoch who was on top of her heaving away, stopping intermittently.
I sat up and pulled on my rod to keep it up until Zoe came back.
“Need a hand with that?” Tyme asked, and reached out to grab it.
I froze; Tyme and I had been friends for a long time, and because we pretended to be lovers for her colleagues at work, we kissed and touched on occasion when we wanted to be convincing. She’d never touched my rod before.
Murdoch was staring at my stiff cock wide eyed, and I remembered what Asia had said during her standup routine about guys all wanting to suck cock. Tyme looked at him, then me; she grinned and grabbed his white hair in her free hand, pulling him down to suck on me.
Oh man, I’d done some weird shit already, but nothing like this! I stared at Tyme’s pretty face, trying to keep the dirty old man out of my consciousness. The thing is, it actually felt quite nice.
Murdoch grunted and shivered, then came with his cock inside Tyme and my dick inside his mouth.
I looked up to see Zoe at the doorway, amusingly shocked. Murdoch heaved himself up and brushed past Zoe as he left the room.
“Well Freddy, I guess it’s up to you to satisfy us, right Zoe?” Tyme said, rolling towards me. She kissed me as Zoe put a condom on my cock with her mouth, something I’d never experienced before, and Tyme lay on her back with her skinny legs open in invitation.
Zoe’s hands pushed me towards Tyme, and the next thing I knew I was fucking my girlfriend’s granddaughter. And she was cute, tight, and wet.
My mind went sort of sideways; this was so wrong on so many levels. I shouldn’t be here, I heard myself think, I shouldn’t have my cock inside Tyme, this was bad.
But it felt SO good. My head was spinning, my cock was a rock, the two sexy women wanted me to fuck them, how could I not do so?
I gave it to her hard for just a minute and she came hard; I pulled out of her and put it into Zoe, and fucked her too. Tyme got on my back and rode me as I rammed the gorgeous bald black girl, and then I threw her off and did it to her again.
And again.
“Always do the best you can do” John had told me once. “There’s no point in doing things half assed.”
I was getting pretty tired, and they still wanted more; and then Murdoch came back, with an erection. He’d obviously taken a pill.
I didn’t want to be there while he was; maybe all guys like to suck cock, maybe I will too someday. Not that day though, I went and washed off my cock in cold water, got dressed, and went home, leaving the sound of fucking behind me.
I told Cucthao everything; she just shook her head and let me be.
Tyme didn’t come home; about a week later, she and Zoe turned up at the house with 2 suitcases.
“Zoe’s going to stay in my room for a few months.” Tyme said to me with a strange smile, “She’s yours until September.”
Well, it was actually Tyme’s house, so if she said Zoe could stay then that was so.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Tell him.” Tyme told Zoe.
“Mr. Murdoch owns me for another 3 months, it’s a contract.” She said, “Miss Tyme said she will stay with him only if he releases me to you. I’ll do whatever you tell me.”
She looked at my face; I guess shock and horror would be a fair description.
“No, I like it.” She insisted, “I like to serve. You only have to tell me what you want. Please tell me what you want.”
“You could paint the house inside.” Cucthao suggested.
“Yes! Yes please!” Zoe declared enthusiastically. “I’ll scrape, paint, clean, cook, mow your lawn, whatever you need.”
“What about sex?” Cucthao asked.