Tessa, Slave for the Summer
Copyright© 2025 by Rachael Jane
Chapter 3: Tessa. Saturday Week 1
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3: Tessa. Saturday Week 1 - A La Chatte Heureuse (The Happy Pussy) story. Tessa has won a six week stay at La Chatte Heureuse as a member of the Slave caste. With the help of several of the club's mistresses and slaves, Tessa discovers that she's a natural submissive with a passion for restraints and punishment. Her own intelligence and resourcefulness wins the respect of one of the club's most domineering mistresses, and the heart of one of the visiting slaves.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa Consensual Slavery Lesbian Fiction BDSM DomSub FemaleDom Spanking Group Sex Masturbation Petting Sex Toys
When I chose to join the Slave caste, I accepted that those of the other castes would issue orders that I must obey, and they would punish me for any mistakes. However, I had assumed that such interactions would be impersonal, much like that between a prison guard and her prisoner. I hadn’t mentally prepared myself for a more intimate relationships. My wanton reaction to Madame Selena’s treatment of me should be inexcusable, but nobody here is judging me. Far from it, my shameful arousal was encouraged rather than deplored.
Admittedly being on a women-only island has eased my usual reticence towards anything sexual. My parents aren’t the only ones in my life who abhor the same-sex relationships I crave. The pressure I normally feel to keep my sexual preferences well hidden is notably absent here. Is that why I surrendered myself so willingly to Madame Selena in the dungeon?
Perhaps I’m making excuses when there is no reason to do so. Madame Selena had no hesitation in doing what she did, and she made no judgement about my reaction to her attentions. For the first time in ages I was able to let my self-control relax and enjoy the moment. Being required to wear clothing that leaves my tits bare does funny things to my psyche. Perhaps that’s why the club requires those of the Slave caste to dress in this way. As for being flogged on my tits, then that was a pleasant reminder of the games my cousin Jess and I used to play when our parents weren’t watching. Even though I was eighteen at the time, I didn’t associate our games as anything more than harmless fun, with nothing overtly sexual ... or so I thought at the time. Looking back, I wonder whether ‘Jess and Tess’ could have developed into something more intimate. Perhaps it isn’t too late to explore that possibility. My train of thought is interrupted by a new arrival.
“Hi Tessa. I didn’t recognise you at first,” says Nadia ... Lady Nadia as I must now call her.
“Lady Nadia,” I reply. “Hi. Have you settled in okay?”
“Yes. My room is comfortable and the amenities are great. Are you okay with being made to dress like that?”
“Yes, I am, Lady Nadia,” I reply.
“You can drop the ‘Lady’ bit,” laughs Nadia. “Nobody could mistake me for a lady back at home.”
“Umm ... I’m not sure that I’m allowed to drop your title, Lady Nadia,” I reply, casting a look in Madame Selena’s direction. “I’ve already been punished once for making that mistake.”
“Seriously?!? We’ve only been here for a few hours. That seems a bit harsh,” says Lady Nadia, ignoring Madame Selena’s presence. “Why don’t you ask if you can transfer to a different caste?”
How can I explain to Nadia that I have no desire to change castes ... even if that is possible. I don’t intend to be deliberately disobedient, but punishments like the one Madame Selena just delivered are well within my ability to tolerate.
“As Slave Tessa says, she mustn’t address you by your name alone ... unless, of course, you are alone together and you instruct her to do so,” says Madame Selena to Nadia.
“I’m happy with my choice, Lady Nadia,” I add. “Perhaps we can meet later when I’m allowed some free time?”
“Yes ... yes ... I’d like that,” replies Nadia. “I’m in room twelve of the Ladies’ accommodation block. I’ll be there from four o’clock onwards. Come and visit me when you are free.”
The rest of my induction tour covers the various buildings currently in use. I’m shown the location of the toilets and where I can obtain food and drink. The food is the same for all castes, although slaves are required to prepare the food for both themselves and the mistresses. Those of the Ladies caste prepare their own food.
“The next special event will be in three weeks time, so the main building ... or tower, as it’s generally called ... is closed while preparations are made for the event,” says Madame Selena. “If you wish to participate in the special event, then you will need to talk to Madame Nicole tomorrow. I’m not sure if your ‘prize’ includes an invitation to participate in a special event. Bookings open the day after tomorrow and it’s on a first come first served basis.”
“What sort of special event is it, Madame?” I ask.
“It’s being called ‘Slave revolt’,” says Madame Selena. “I’m not sure of the details, but I believe it’s a week long series of challenges between Mistresses and Slaves to take control of the tower.”
“What are the ladies expected to do during the ‘revolt’, Madame?” I ask.
“Those of the Ladies caste aren’t allowed to participate in special events. In fact, they can’t participate in a lot of things. I can’t imagine a more insipid and unadventurous caste. Your friend will get bored to tears before long.”
“I only met Nadia on the journey here, Madame,” I reply. “She’s not exactly a friend.”
“Tsk! Tsk! That’s ‘Lady’ Nadia to you, Slave Tessa,” replies Madame Selena. “That’s another black mark to be redeemed in the morning. You must always show respect for your betters, particularly one who wants to get to know you better. Now, as this is your first day here, and it’s just past four o’clock, I’ll allow you to join Lady Nadia. Just remember to be outside building E4 at nine o’clock tonight for lock-up.”
“Thank you, Madame Selena,” I reply. “What should I do in the morning?”
“Just follow the instructions of whichever mistress comes for you after breakfast. You and I will meet at some time during the day. Hopefully you won’t have earned any more black marks in the meantime or those pretty tits of yours are going to be bright red.”
Madame Selena’s threat of further punishment creates a strange tingly feeling in my lower belly. If I didn’t know better, I’d associate that feeling with becoming aroused. I take several deep breaths to bring my roiling emotions under control.
I find room twelve easily enough. There are plenty of signposts, and the room numbering follows a logical pattern. I knock on the door and Lady Nadia promptly answers. She and Lady Raewyn are sat around a low table drinking coffee.
“Tessa! Thank goodness you’re alright,” says Nadia.
“Why wouldn’t I be alright, Lady Nadia,” I reply.
“What Nadia means is that she and I misinterpreted the nature of the caste system here,” says Lady Raewyn. “When we read the brochure, we both thought it was all role playing. I’m afraid the reality of it all has been a culture shock for us both.”
“Yeah ... I’m not sure I can handle two weeks of seeing women strutting around in leather gear forcing others to obey them,” says Nadia. “And please will you drop the ‘Lady’ title while you are in here?”
“Sure, Nadia,” I reply. “Please remember that those like me have made a free choice to be a member of the Slave caste. And you are right to some extent. The life here has an element of role playing. We each take on a role that reflects our own desires.”
“Do you mean that you like being made to walk around with your breasts exposed, and take orders from some hard-nose bitches?” asks Raewyn.
“Yes. So far, at least,” I reply. “I came here to experience new things and test my sexual boundaries. It’s very difficult for me to do that in my normal life. It’s a rare opportunity for me to explore the unknown.”
To be honest, it was the six week duration of the stay that was the initial reason I chose the Slave caste. However, when I convinced myself that being a slave was something I could handle, I realised the added benefits of taking this opportunity.
“Well, I think you are either very brave, or completely crazy,” laughs Nadia. “What do you think, Raewyn?”
“So, if I had chosen the Mistress caste, I could make you perform like a pet dog, and you would be okay with that, Slave Tessa?” asks Raewyn.
I don’t fail to notice that Raewyn has referred to me as ‘Slave’ Tessa, so I presume she doesn’t support Nadia’s request for me to drop their caste titles.
“Yes, Lady Raewyn,” I reply. “If you were Madame Raewyn, I would be obliged to obey your orders. As long as those orders don’t breach La Chatte Heureuse rules, I would comply with your instructions.”
Nadia is clearly uncomfortable at the direction our conversation is heading. While Nadia dislikes the idea of living with topless slaves, Lady Raewyn is more intrigued by the opportunities for some fun.
“Raewyn! What are you getting at?” asks Nadia in alarm. “Surely you don’t want to participate in what goes on here?”
“Hmm. Well I don’t see why we shouldn’t take advantage of the situation,” replies Raewyn. “There’s only so many times we can walk around the island without getting bored. The gardens are pleasant enough, if you are into sunbathing on the lawn. Personally, I prefer a bit more action.”