Tessa, Slave for the Summer
Copyright© 2025 by Rachael Jane
Chapter 2: Selena. Saturday, Week 1 of Tessa’s stay.
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: Selena. Saturday, Week 1 of Tessa’s stay. - A La Chatte Heureuse (The Happy Pussy) story. Tessa has won a six week stay at La Chatte Heureuse as a member of the Slave caste. With the help of several of the club's mistresses and slaves, Tessa discovers that she's a natural submissive with a passion for restraints and punishment. Her own intelligence and resourcefulness wins the respect of one of the club's most domineering mistresses, and the heart of one of the visiting slaves.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa Consensual Slavery Lesbian Fiction BDSM DomSub FemaleDom Spanking Group Sex Masturbation Petting Sex Toys
Normally I dislike showing a first-time visitor around the island’s facilities, particularly if she is a member of the Slave caste. All that doe-eyed wonder at La Chatte Heureuse’s many facilities and pleasant surroundings; the naïve innocence of what life will be like for the duration of her stay here. However, I owed Nicole a favour after she helped me out of trouble when I punched that snotty cow, Faye. I’m not sure how Nicole achieved Faye’s agreement not to make a major issue of our fight, but Faye and I eventually agreed to let the matter drop.
I don’t pretend to be perfect. Most of the Mistress caste are super-rich bitches who like to push their weight around. I don’t exclude myself from that label. But Faye is one of the worst, and I truly pity any slave who must submit to her demands. La Chatte Heureuse has strict rules about the severity and duration that a slave can be restrained and punished. After all, those of the Slave caste come here willingly, and they have normal lives to resume afterwards. Beating the shit out a some hapless young woman is a quick way to break the essential trust that must exist between mistress and slave. However, there are ways to push beyond the boundaries the club has designed to protect a slave’s well being. Long serving members of the Mistress caste know how to circumvent many of those rules with a low risk of getting caught.
My own record isn’t spotless, although I at least try to abide by the spirit of the club’s rules. Faye seems to work on the principle that any reprimand for overstepping a boundary can be remedied by a generous payment to the club. It’s a philosophy that seems to work. Faye never compensates a slave for the harm that’s been caused. Some abused slaves never return to the island ... others take precautions before arriving by persuading another mistress to claim exclusive rights over her for the duration of the slave’s stay. If the mistress accepts, then the slave is classified as a ‘chattel slave’ of that mistress, and therefore off-limits to other mistresses ... at least in theory. There are also ways around that arrangement, and Faye is an expert at circumventing the exclusivity of chattel slaves.
I study my new charge. Slave Tessa isn’t even a club member. She’s a winner of a competition, and she’s elected to spend six weeks on the island as a slave. I’ve no idea what moment of insanity possessed her to do that, but that’s none of my concern. If she regrets her choice ... which she surely will, and soon ... then she’ll get no sympathy from me. Perhaps I should do her a favour and push her beyond what she can tolerate today. She can then run to Nicole with her tail between her legs, asking to cancel the remainder of her stay. The club isn’t a prison, so anybody can end their scheduled stay if they want. However, the club never refunds more than twenty percent of the money paid. Although, in Slave Tessa’s case, she would forfeit eighty percent of nothing, so it won’t be a financial loss for her.
The information I’ve been given about Tessa is limited. She’s twenty-two years old. Anal sex and breath-play are off-limits, but she’s waived a wide range of other optional personal boundaries. I’m not sure that was wise given the length of her planned stay, but again, it’s none of my concern. My own assessment of her is favourable so far. She’s an attractive redhead who has kept herself fit and in good shape. I’ve no idea about her occupation. Her soft hands suggest an office job or light manual work. Possibly a musician or student. Nothing I’ve seen so far suggests she has lived a submissive lifestyle before, beyond the typical parental control at home.
“Before we go down to the dungeon, do you have any questions, Slave Tessa?” I ask as we conclude a brief tour of the Slave quarter’s kitchen.
“Yes, Madame,” replies Slave Tessa. “I notice that entry to this building requires a Mistress or Lady to unlock the door, but anybody can exit the building. Why is the door control like that?”
“You and the rest of your caste are slaves not prisoners. The locks and bars in this building are designed to prevent unauthorised entry into the building. The palm-pad at the gate enables a record to be kept of the mistresses and ladies who enter the slave quarters. There are no cameras inside any of the buildings, so recording who enters and leaves is a way of discouraging prohibited activity.”
I hope Slave Tessa takes the hint in my reply. The security system on the island discourages mistresses and ladies from abusing their power over the slaves, but the system isn’t foolproof. Mistresses like Faye often abuse their privileges. Only a few ever get caught and punished. La Chatte Heureuse gains most of its income from those of the Mistress caste, so expelling a mistress is a rarity. For most, a few weeks suspension is a minor inconvenience compared to the perverted enjoyment they gain from their actions.
“I shall now introduce you to the dungeon,” I say to Slave Tessa. “If you are here for six weeks, then you are likely to become familiar with the equipment and cells in this dungeon. Perhaps you may also be a guest in the large dungeon in the tower.”
“Yes, Madame,” replies Slave Tessa, looking nervous as we descend the steps into the basement.
I take her through the cleverly designed pair of doors that provide access to the dungeon. A slave can only enter and leave the dungeon when accompanied by a mistress, but a member of the Lady caste can enter and leave on her own. It’s a useful arrangement as slaves confined to the dungeon must be checked at least once an hour, and given the opportunity to use the standard safe-word ‘pussycat’ to gain release. The hourly check at night is a task usually assigned to a member of the Lady caste, even though she cannot release a slave from a cell, or the dungeon itself, without summoning a mistress. In reality, few slaves ever use the safe-word while confined to this dungeon.
“Do you understand the purpose of the safe-word, and when it should be used?” I ask.
“I believe so, Madame,” replies Slave Tessa. “If I’m being subjected to something I dislike, then I can use the safe-word to stop it from happening.”
“Hmm ... I suggest you apply a higher threshold than ‘dislike’. You will be subjected to many things that you may simply ‘dislike’. If you use the safe-word too often, then no mistress or lady will have any interest in playing with you. Six weeks can be a long time if every mistress shuns you. If you wanted a comfy stay here, then you should have chosen the Lady caste. Slaves are here to be used by their betters, and you should expect to experience some rough treatment. That’s what you signed up to endure. If you genuinely cannot tolerate what is happening, then don’t hesitate to use the safe-word ... otherwise suck it up.”
I’m impressed that Slave Tessa doesn’t fold in on herself at this point of the tour. I’ve known regular club members go numb once the gravity of their decision to come here as a slave hits home. As we enter the dungeon, Slave Tessa simply looks at the equipment and cells in wonder, without any trace of fear. Is she deluding herself, or has she discovered a previously unknown fetish for all that this represents? Although not usually part of the induction tour, I decide to test Slave Tessa’s resolve.
“Do you know the purpose of this frame?” I ask, going over to one of the ‘X’ frames.
“For binding a slave’s wrists and ankles wide apart,” replies Slave Tessa, before realising her mistake, and belatedly adding, “ ... Madame.”
“Yes, a punishment frame,” I muse. “For holding a slave in position while she is reprimanded for her errors. Like just now. Stand in position against the frame.”
To her credit, Slave Tessa doesn’t baulk at my command. She moves over to the frame and rests her back against the frame. She spreads her arms and legs into position. I promptly fasten the cuffs to her wrists and ankles. Most slaves would instinctively face the other way round, exposing their back and arse to receive punishment. Facing away also hides any signs of fear or shame. Very few slaves prefer their tits to be the target of any attention. Is this a rookie mistake, or is she one of those submissives who like to face their punisher? I’m becoming more interested in Slave Tessa by the minute.
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