Oil of Roses: With a Fiery Sword
Copyright© 2025 by Jim Reader
Chapter 1: Saturday, February 10, 2007
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 1: Saturday, February 10, 2007 - The fourth volume of my ongoing BDSM soap opera. I advise starting at the beginning.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including BDSM
“Short Stuff ... what did you do?”
Eddie didn’t want to be in this position, but from Karen and Harry ... and Kendry for some reason, came a unified statement that Eddie was in charge in this situation.
’Getting the shit beaten out of me isn’t a good reason to be in charge of jack-shit’ he thought.
“I made a phone call to Mr. Lanier,” she replied.
“Why?” Eddie asked, although he was sure he knew the answer.
“Because Karen, and I’m reasonably sure Kendry, were going to do ‘something stupid’.”
Eddie could read both their expressions and saw all the confirmation he needed. He’d known about Karen’s plans of course, but Kendry ... that was new.
And disturbing.
“And what did he do?” Eddie said.
“He had his people do exactly what I asked him to, including, I believe, putting Anson’s head on a pole in the front lawn.
“The Karg were killed, the women weren’t touched, the police were summoned. I strongly suggest the surveillance recordings of the house be erased unwatched,” she continued. “His people would not take it well if they were recorded, and as this morning’s ... massacre ... showed, you do not want to be on their bad side.”
“Who the hell is this guy Lanier?” Kendry asked, a tremor in her voice.
Carol looked Kendry in the eyes, taking hold of Kendry’s hands.
“Our guardian angel and someone you never, ever want to meet, or investigate. Please, if you take anything away from this morning’s murders, take that.
“Leave it alone. Totally and completely. Do not ask any questions, because the worst thing that could happen would be if you got your answers.”
Carol turned to Eddie, Karen, and Harry.
“You as well. This is the type of thing that will leave you with PTSD, if it leaves you alive at all. Kill your curiosity, bury it deep, do not ever dig it up. Ever.”
“Short Stuff, you’re starting to scare me,” Eddie said.
“Then you’re behind the curve, Eddie,” Carol said. “It shouldn’t be starting to scare you. You should already be terrified. You fought Wolfgang Anson. Lanier’s people killed him - and his Karg - took his head, and put it on a spike on the front of the lawn.”
“This guy’s a hell of a guardian angel,” Karen muttered.
“True enough ... okay,” Eddie said, worried by Carol’s words. “I’ll have the boys bring me the surveillance, without watching it, and I’ll ensure it’s erased.
“Are we okay to continue investigating the game company?” he finished.
“Should be. I’d like to believe it’ll fold with Anson dead, but I think the Karg as a whole have too much riding on it for that to happen,” Carol said. “All Anson and his men’s money had to come from somewhere.”
“Eddie, any way we can get any information about the condition of the women?” Harry said.
“I’ll reach out to my sources in the department, should be able to get their medical conditions at least ... although I worry about what they might have seen of Lanier’s people.”
Carol muttered something and while Eddie wasn’t sure, the last bit of it might have been “wouldn’t be believed”.
“All right, everybody go do something, anything, but do it somewhere else,” Eddie said.
“Except you, Kendry...”
“What did you expect me to do, Eddie? Let Karen get hurt badly, or killed? How would you handle that? Really?”
Eddie didn’t snap out an answer ... he did her the courtesy of thinking about it.
Finally he said, “Not well. I’d be a wreck if she got hurt at all, if her injuries disabled her ... I’d start planning something really stupid. If she died, I’d call people I don’t trust at all and pay them to do something immediately which is ever stupider than calling them in the first place.
“So, where did you pick up sniper skills?”
“I didn’t. But just because I haven’t been trained as a sniper doesn’t mean I’ve never shot someone from a distance. I’m no expert, but I’m confident I could have put a round into his skull from across the street...”
“What did you expect would happen afterward?”
She regarded her lover calmly.
“Probably be arrested.”
“Uh huh ... and that didn’t bother you?”
“Eddie, it bothered me plenty. But it left Karen alive and uninjured and rid the world of a human shitstain.”
“We would have done everything possible to keep you out, and if necessary get you out.”
“Eddie ... I love you and I never doubted that for a moment. I never worried I’d be in front of a jury with a public defender. I knew the family would take care of me.
“I also knew I could end up in prison.”
“Come here, let me kiss you.”
“Sure thing.”
“Love you too, Kendry.”
“Shut up and kiss me already.”
Roberta Fruehauf
Her injuries were making it difficult, but decent progress was being made in her preparation to take the Fruehauf money and run.
Investment liquidation was taking a hit on the actual value of the funds, but she was okay with that.
The morning’s news had lit a fire under her. She knew about Anson, as well as the beatdown he put on Janak, and the murder attempt later.
Anson and his Karg numbskulls became the enemies of ‘House Chorale’, and now they were dead in a very nasty night’s business. One of her friends on the force had given her all the details.
All of the details.
He’d even told her the full story on the women, although Roberta hadn’t paid much attention to it. Who gave a shit about a bunch of dumb cows?
All the house’s security footage had been deleted and the equipment smashed. There might be copies securely stored somewhere, but if so, all the people who knew how to access them were dead.
And all the Karg were so very dead. Not plain old shot or stabbed dead, but torn apart into little tiny pieces dead. Her guy said it was ‘shovel and spoon work’ to clean up.
None of the house’s security systems had been tripped. Unless Anson let the murderers in, something she really doubted, they were pros, much better than even her best people.
Who would be useful to her in her escape, but whom she’d sent to East Texas to take care of the idiots at the Jasper site. Maybe she’d reach out to them later.
For the moment, she was left with the retards, the last people she wanted to know she was making a run for it.
Roberta knew she wasn’t the only one drawing the same conclusion about ‘House Chorale’ she had.
If you’re their enemy, you’re in danger. Serious danger.
Things were going to get easier for the Grimes ... goddamn it. But eventually that worm would turn. When it did, maybe she could hurt them anonymously. She had no problem with hiring a pro, putting down Harry Grimes.
She wished she could stay and watch, but it was time for Roberta Fruehauf to disappear forever.
Although she had one last play to make.
“Pat, I’ll be back in a week, maybe less,” she said as the morons loaded her luggage in the back of the ambulance, one she was paying a lot to come get her. “I think it’s a good time to hit the Grimes, hit em hard. After the news about the Karg, they’ll be relaxed, overconfident.
“Time for my boys to do something really nasty.”
Pat-the-Moron was nodding as she was wheeled into the back of the ambulance, her first step to a new life in Venezuela.
Just a couple of calls to make before boarding her plane.
“Are you angry because you’ll never get to test yourself against him? Be honest, Liz.”
Karen looked at her wife and smiled.
“Maybe a little ... but honestly, I’m far more relieved I’m not going to face that monster.”
“Really?” Patricia said, wearing a frown.
“Yeah, really, Trish. Now that I don’t have to psych myself up to face him ... what he did to Eddie, how quickly he did it ... Anson was literally a monster. Yeah, I had a chance ... but I’m relieved I don’t have to roll those dice.”
“Liz ... I accidentally overheard you on the phone with our lawyer...”
“So you know.”
“Yeah ... updating your will before you fought him. You were nowhere as confident as you were trying to convince yourself you were.”
“No ... no I wasn’t ... Trish ... I...”
“It’s okay, Liz. I understand. One of our family got his ass handed to him and you were going to avenge him. I don’t necessarily approve, but I’ve been with you long enough to understand.
“So, what do we want to with the rest of our Saturday?”
Karen smiled.
“How you feel about laying around being lazy?”
“Sounds good,” Patricia said, nodding toward the bed. “Chance of sex?”
“Very high.”
It had been an incredible night, memories she’d treasure for the rest of her life ... but she’d known what the morning would bring. That had tainted the experience more than a little.
Carol found Dommi training submissives in the ballroom.
“Mistress, I need some time in service, please,” Carol said, going to her knees.
“I understand your need, but currently I don’t have anything for you, go check with Mama Culberson.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“I have something for you,” Margaret Culberson said. “But first, little girl, we’re going to talk.”
Carol couldn’t suppress a moan.
“And that proves my point,” Margaret said. “Callie, coffee for two!”
Margaret motioned for Carol to get up off her knees and sit next to her at the family table.
“Little girl,” Margaret said, “no hiding you’re carrying a heavy burden – it’s time to lighten it by sharing it...”
After Callie brought their coffee, Carol started talking.
She told Mama Kissie everything.
Well, almost everything.
“So, correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounds like you used an evil man and his people to kill other evil men, men who held and abused innocent women, and threatened our family.”
“Yes Mama.”
“I know a lot of people would say ‘good job, why are you so down?’.” Margaret said.
“I’m not one of them, Carol. I agree with you – it needed to be done before any more of our family was hurt by those Karg men.
“But you’re very sensitive in so many ways, including to good and evil. I can see it hurt you deeply to ask this of Mr. Lanier.”
“Yes Mama. If there’d been any other way...”
“Doesn’t sound like there was. I’d heard of Karen’s plan ... scared the shit out of me. I knew how busted up that asshole Anson had left Eddie and I figured Karen would get the same – and that was the best case scenario. Patricia’s too young to be a widow in my opinion.
“Didn’t know anything about Kendry’s plans, but they don’t surprise me. There’s a lot more to her than Eddie sees, and her loyalty to him and by extension this family ... deep and powerful.”
Margaret sat back, sipped her coffee, her sightless eyes locked on to Carol’s face in that uncanny way of hers.
Carol didn’t move and waited for Margaret to speak.
Finally Margaret shook her head, leaned back and said, “Callie, need more coffee!”
“Yes Mama, coming up!”
Once their cups were refilled, Margaret said, “Little girl, I love you like you were my own. It hurts me to see you this burdened.
“You aren’t the first to fight fire with fire, evil with evil.
“While Earl might be angry with your method, he’s not sitting here. I am.
“You’re looking to do some penance for how you did things. Fine. I’m not Catholic, but I understand the impulse.
“So, here it is. You go spend an hour in the chapel, communing with what you call ‘the Creative’. You get through with that, and you start a complete pantry and freezer inventory. I mean everything. After that, if you still feel the need, I’ll find something else for you to do.”
Carol got up and hugged Margaret, whispering in her ear, “I love you too. Thank you, thank you so much!”
She was skipping as she headed to the chapel.
Daniella Fruehauf
The voicemail from her sister Roberta was cryptic and quite short.
“The house and land are all yours, there’s a quitclaim deed in Mother’s office.”
Daniella knew whatever was going on, Roberta wasn’t doing this out of kindness.
She and the boys would go take a look tomorrow.
County Sheriff Jim Sheriden
“Looks like you folks was going to a party...”
Eighteen men and women, some with shaved heads, all with racist tattoos, were face down on the dirt road, hands cuffed behind their backs. Behind them, the two trucks and a van they’d been driving toward Chorale South.
“You got pipe bombs, gas cans, assault rifles, hand guns, knives ... shit, ever’thing cept pork rinds and Big Red. Where were y’all going with all this firepower?”
None of the arrestees said anything.
“Well, y’all done helped my reelection campaign a whole lot, and I appreciate it, but I got to take y’all in now.”
He turned to his deputies.
“Y’all done a good job keeping these yahoos from doing something bad. Let’s get em loaded up, headed to processing.”
Sheriff Sheriden walked a short distance away from the proceedings and pulled out his phone.
“Hey Mr. Grimes, I think y’all gonna owe me a bonus this month...”
“So, they were headed our way, loaded for bear...” Dommi said.
“Yeah,” Harry sighed, shock still blanching his features, “some woman called the Sheriff’s department, it would’ve been ignored if Sheriden hadn’t told his people to be alert for reports about the Fruehauf group.”
“We would have stopped them before they got to the mansion,” Shaun said. “But we’d have a lot of wounded and dead...”
“Shaun, you’ve been out that way,” Harry said. “Anyone close enough to have seen them loading up their weapons and such?”
“No. Even if there were, there’s enough trees and shrubs surrounding the Fruehauf estate to block anyone seeing anything.”
“So, a woman called...” Eddie said. “Sheriffs Department gonna get a warrant for the Fruehauff place?”
“That’s what he’s planning,” Harry said.
“He’s not going to find anyone there,” Eddie said. “If it was one of the skinheads, she’s on the run, and Roberta’s skedaddled. I think it was Roberta and she’s using this to cover her getting the fuck out of the country.”
“Why run? Why now?” Margo asked.
“Long Legs, this Lanier guy just announced to the world that if you’re Chorale’s enemy...”
“Shit,” Margo said.
“Oh...” Carol whispered.
“Yeah, Short Stuff,” Eddie said. “Oh...”
Sunday, February 11, 2007
“‘Llita ... have I told you you’re an incredible chef as well as a beautiful, sexy woman lately?”
“Every day, Sir. Thank you.”
Jason motioned for more coffee.
“Grandson,” Madam Gao said. “A question...”
He sat up straighter and replied, “Yes, Grandmother?”
“Is it your intention to marry my granddaughter, Gao Yan?”
“Yes, Grandmother, most certainly.”
“Good, you will be doing so this evening. As the doctor and I are leaving in the morning, I want to see this done and finalized while I’m here.”
“Yes Grandmother,” Jason said, delight and trepidation on his face. “Uh, Yan?”
“The family will be somewhat upset, Grandmother,” Yan said.
“I don’t care. I want this done, now. I’m sorry it won’t be anywhere as grand as a wedding at Canglang...”
“Grandmother,” Yan said, “I don’t need ‘grand’. All I need is Jason and this family.”
“I am happy to hear this,” Madam Gao said. “Be warned, I’m sure gifts will arrive with the next shipment of livestock.”
“Grandmother, we don’t need...” Yan began, going silent at her grandmother’s expression.
“Now, it’s time for the staff to prepare for your wedding. Jason, you and your spouses, concubines, and such go relax until it’s time to dress for your cocktail hour and dinner.”
“Yes, Grandmother,” Jason replied.
“Yan, what’s going on? Why this sudden wedding?” Donna said.
“My love,” Yan replied, “Grandmother doesn’t travel with the doctor because he’s a stunning conversationalist. Trust me, he isn’t. Her health is as good as can be expected, but given her age, that only goes so far and can change in an instant.”
“I’m just happy it’s going to finally be official, so to speak,” Jason said, sitting down behind Yan and getting close.
“Yes, in Society, this and your tattoos will mean a lot to all the right people, and scare the shit out of the rest,” Yan said, settling back against Jason.
“Why’s it scary?” Lizzy said.
“It binds us to House Plum Blossom and the Gao family,” Donna said. “Bindings that are damn hard to undo, practically impossible in the tattoos’ case.”
“Yeah,” Yan said. “It means the three of you are, in some ways, more powerful than the head of the family ... something that’s going to be a barb in her butt every damn day.”
“I trust you’ll let us know when we need to wiggle that barb in deeper,” Abby said.
“Count on it,” Yan replied. “But enough about this unimportant crap ... so, Husband, how was Pia?”
“She’s a very sweet girl, very skilled, very enthusiastic.”
“You can make fucking a fourteen year old sound boring,” Lizzy said. “I know from Giada that Pia passed out on your face.”
“Yeah, I called Giada in to clean Pia and I ... she lost control of her bladder early...”
“And the Pussy Eating Machine kept right on going,” Donna said, chuckling.
“Yes I did ... Giada cleaned us up, I let her sleep a while, let my mouth and tongue rest as well, then woke her up and did my best to fuck her through the mattress.”
“Giada said she and Chiara had to help Pia out of the room,” Lizzy said. “Fuck near had to carry her. All Pia said was ‘it’s true, he’s insaziabile... ‘“
“Don’t need that translated,” Jason chuckled.
“Why did you send her away?” Donna said.
“I was tired ... and I needed some alone time to think...”
“Sir,” Abby said, “how much sleep did you get?”