Solar's Eclipse - Cover


Solar's Eclipse

by LucyAnneThorn

Copyright© 2025 by LucyAnneThorn

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft, Fa/ft, Mult, Consensual, DoOver, Incest, Mother, Sister, Father, Daughter, First, Water Sports,

Erotica Sex Story: A nun who lost her belief too late to live a different life. An asteroid about to impact. A bottle of vodka on the roof, and the inexplicable hand of fate. People usually part our world filled with regret that they could have been better. Not so our nun. The vodka may have had a hand. This time she doesn't get estranged from her family. This time they get really close, you could say. Let's see if she finds other things to regret this time around.

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