The Eagle in the Wind
Copyright© 2025 by Rycliff
Chapter 4
The President was just starting his speech when Joanna was making her way back to the floor. She reached the door to the house floor and was stopped by the secret service agent posted on duty “ I am sorry ma’am no one is allowed to be admitted after the president has entered the chamber.” He curtly replied
“I am a United States Senator, surely I should be allowed inside” she answered holding up her I.D for him to inspect.
He took the I.D and found it to be genuine, returned it to her and said” I am sorry Senator Lennon but I have very firm orders not to allow any one into these chambers.
Immediately following his words was an explosion so forceful that the doors were blown open. The agent instinctively reached out and grabbed the Joanna and covered her by moving her to the floor and shielded her from the blast.
The scene was unreal, fire fighters, police, EMT’s, and of course the ever growing presence of the various members from the Department of Homeland Security, federal agencies ATF, CBP, CIA, FBI,. And of course all five branches of the armed forces. The hulking ruins of iron and steel, with the still acrid stench of death was too much for most of the members of the media to deal with. They needed their story, they needed to scoop the competition. So CNN ABC CBS NBC and FOX all ran live feed from what had been the capitol steps, bringing the death and destruction into America’s living rooms, the correspondents were trying to get interviews with survivors, of which the very few. They tried to interview the EMS, and the police and firefighter, to no avail. They tried to get answers from the military, without success, they kept asking is the president alive, If not who is? They received the same answer.” We have not received any word on the president’s condition and we cannot speculate at this time whether he is among the casualties until we can positively identify the body of the president we must work on assumption that he is still alive. The rescue personal worked thru the night, performing the grim task of carrying out the dead, Putting out the fires, and trying to remain professional, they worked nearly 18 hours straight before the TV crews got the shot they were waiting for.
The flag covered body of the President, was being carried out by the members of the Honor Guard. He was being followed by the body of the vice-president the falling snow only made the going more dangerous, the marine in full dress uniform started to slip, nearly pulling the others with him but was able to recover. They finally got a paramedic to meet them with a stretcher and the gently lifted the body into the waiting ambulance, and closed the doors. The ambulance drove off into the night towards Bethesda.
Johanna awoke, and was greeted by the nurse. She started to look around and realized she was not in the Senate Chamber. “Where am I?” she asked with a raspy voice.
“You are in Walter Reed Hospital.” Came the reply “You are among the lucky ones,”
“Whatever do you mean?”
“The bomb!” “Not very many survived the initial blast, and many, of the few survivors were critically injured.” What Bomb?” was all she could mutter, she lied there dumbfounded.
Then she was met by the Secret Service. Ma’am I am Special Agent in Charge Kinsley. I am the Agent in charge of your detail, You have been named the President of The United States.