Lost Among the Stars - Cover

Lost Among the Stars

Copyright© 2025 by Tangoran

Chapter 6: First Steps into the Unknown

The dreadnought hummed with life, its massive systems slowly coming back online after centuries of dormancy. I could feel the power thrumming beneath my feet, a deep, reassuring vibration that told me the ship was waking up.

I stood in the center of the bridge, staring at the monitors flashing streams of alien data. Power levels rising. Reactor stable. Weapons systems intact.

I exhaled, gripping the railing in front of me.

I had done it.

I had taken command of a warship built for conquest, survival, and battle and it was mine now.

G’Lan’s voice crackled to life over the comms. “Primary systems are stabilizing. The ship is functional but requires a full diagnostic. Would you like me to proceed?”

I nodded. “Yeah, do it.”

A soft chime rang through the bridge as the AI ran its checks. I let out a breath and turned, letting my eyes scan over the massive control center. The bridge was enormous, designed for a full command crew. Now, it was just me.

For the first time since this insane journey began, I realized just how alone I was.

I pushed that thought aside.

There would be time for questions, for doubts. Right now, I had a ship to command and a universe to explore.

The first order of business was getting out of this sector.

The dreadnought had been left for dead in deep space, but I had no idea if it was truly abandoned. The last thing I needed was to be found *looting an ancient warship* by whatever galactic powers were out there.

I turned to the primary navigation console and hesitated.

“Uh, G’Lan?”

“Yes, Captain?”

I paused. Captain. The title sent a thrill through me. That’s what I was now, wasn’t I?

Shaking the thought off, I focused. “Where exactly are we?”

A star chart appeared on the forward screen, a holographic map of the galaxy blinking to life.

“We are currently located in an uncharted debris field near the remnants of an ancient battle site. Our long-range sensors detect no active vessels nearby.”

I studied the map. There were marked systems, hyperlanes, nebulas—things I had no reference for.

And then I saw it.

A single, highlighted system, faint but unmistakable.

“That one,” I said, pointing to it. “What’s there?”

“Unknown. No recorded data exists.”

That meant one of two things, either no one had been there before, or someone had erased the records.

Either way, it was a mystery.

I grinned. “Set a course.”

“Affirmative. Calculating jump coordinates.”

The ship rumbled beneath me, systems shifting as the FTL drive began spooling up.

A deep, resonating hum filled the bridge, and I watched as the countdown appeared on the console.

Five ... Four ... Three ... Two...

I clenched my fists.


The stars outside stretched, then vanished into the swirling maelstrom of hyperspace.

I was officially leaving behind everything I had ever known.

I was free.

And the universe was waiting.

The jump lasted less than an hour. When we dropped out of FTL, I expected to see empty space or maybe a distant planet.

Instead I found a fleet.

A dozen ships, sleek and angular, hovered near a massive space station orbiting a dark, jungle-covered world. They were alien, unmistakably advanced, and bristling with weapons.

I swallowed hard. “Uh, G’Lan? Who the hell are they?”

“Analyzing ... Identification unknown. They are not Narn, Centauri, or any of the major powers recorded in my database.”

I grimaced. “Great.”

Before I could even think of what to do next, a warning klaxon blared through the bridge.

“ALERT: Incoming transmission.”

A voice—female, commanding—echoed through the speakers.

“Unidentified warship, you have entered sovereign space. Power down your weapons and identify yourself immediately, or we will open fire.”

I felt my pulse quicken.

First contact.

And it looked like I was about to make one hell of a first impression.

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