The Arrangement
Copyright© 2020 by Beaverhunt
Chapter 2
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Two friends, a white Jew and a Black Christian, have forged a friendship despite racial attacks growing up. At 16, with both fathers away for long periods of time, a life-changing event happens that sends all on a sexual journey of illicit activities as one finds out about his best friend and best friend's Mom. Can they maintain their friendship while getting closer than either thought? By the author of The Awakening, Getting Caught, Changing Dynamics, Blackmailed Mom, My Desires and others.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa Teenagers Blackmail Coercion Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Incest Humiliation Rough Group Sex Interracial Anal Sex Cream Pie Masturbation Oral Sex
His dark lips crack in the corners as he holds my eyes. “You’re right. Mom’s pissed I didn’t spend time with you on your birthday.”
I shake my head as beads of sweat dripped down from my hair. “Your dad was home. Tell her not to worry about it. I’m not exactly losing sleep over it.”
His voice holds a note I’m quite familiar with, one that tells me he’s holding something back. “I told her, but you know mom. She blames herself and wants to make it up to you.”
I want to press for more details, but he knows my friend too well. “She doesn’t need to get me shit.”
Marius smiles a little. “She’s got her mind set. Come over tonight, unless you’ve got other plans.”
I smile as I say, “I’m a 16-year-old single guy just beating the girls off, but I think I can clear my schedule. Just tell her she doesn’t have to go out of her way for me.”
Marius laughs as he says, “I think you mean beating off to the girls.” I shrug as his tone became a little more serious. “Bring a change of clothes.”
Marius turns away and the conversation changes to the things normal 16-year-olds discuss, which is bragging about their sexual conquests that have never happened. I may not be a virgin any more than Marius is, but that’s not the best comparison to make. My experience has been very limited to just one girl, but I know he’s more sexually active than he lets on. I’ve never pushed for the details, since it’s not my place to pry.
Our feet carry us down the old trail and I almost trip over a raised root, which isn’t the first time it’s happened. Most times I catch myself before I tumbled and end up face first in the dirt, which has happened occasionally. This is one of the better ones, since it doesn’t result in Marius laughing his ass off.
The trees break the light of the sun and sweat continues to pour out of my body as we get closer to the city. Our place of security is starting to vanish as sounds of humanity press away the more pleasant sounds of nature. The shaded walk is a little more comfortable than the open court as far as the sun goes, but at least it’s free of assholes.
A gentle breeze starts to press through the widening path and I can smell the layer of dust being lifted slightly off the ground. It always reminds me of the way it smells just before it rains, which gives a sense of familiarity to this moment. The dust dances within the beams of light as we continue towards the hated city.
I make it home without running into many assholes and almost stopped to deal with one rather nasty piece of shit. The comments were adolescent at best and not particularly creative, which means I was able to shrug it off without resorting to a fist in his face. They may have been meanspirited, but nothing I haven’t heard countless times growing up. My skin has thickened over time and no longer needs to fight every asshole out there.