New Friends - Cover

New Friends

Copyright© 2025 by derekderekderek

Chapter 1

It was a cold Friday afternoon when Taylor first laid eyes on Jess. Taylor was raking the leaves off her front lawn when she looked across the road and saw a big moving van reverse up the driveway stopping at the house. Taylor did not believe her eyes finely after a year and a half of being empty someone had bought the old house cross the road and she would have new neighbors.

Taylor watched as two delivery men stepped out of each side of the truck and started to unpack some of the smaller boxes and furniture onto the ground in the front yard then waited by the truck until a car came towards them and parked on the side of the road.

Taylor could see three people getting out of the car and was delighted in the fact that one of them was a young girl around her own age that she could be friends with. As she stepped out of the car and noticed Taylor standing in her yard watching her she gave her a wave with her hand then started to help her mum and dad move some of the boxes inside to unpack them.

The next day Taylor had just finished helping her mum in the kitchen wash the dishes when she heard the door bell ringing. “I’ll get it mum” she said as she dried her hands on a towel and then walked to the front door and opened it. As the door opened she could see that it was the girl across the road standing there and said to Taylor “hi I’m Jess what’s your name.” Taylor replied “I’m Taylor come in and have a drink.

Taylor thought that Jess was a beautiful girl with her shoulder length blond hair blue eyes and a petite little body and she started fantasying to herself about how pretty Jess would look without any clothes on as she watched Jess’s little backside move from side to side as she followed her down the hall and into the kitchen.

Once inside Taylor went to the fridge and poured two glasses of fruit juice and sat down at the kitchen table where they started to chat for a few hours and get to know each other. Realizing that they were both fifteen years old and they both had a lot of things in common like swimming fishing playing truth or dare and being online a lot. Jess gave Taylor her Skype id so they could both chat and play some games over the internet then going back home to finish arranging her bedroom the way she liked it.

That night Taylor finished her dinner then hurried upstairs to her room shut the door behind her then walked over to her window. Looking out the window across the street Taylor could see that Jess’s bedroom window was directly across from hers and Jess was standing at her window waving back at Taylor and they both had a fairly good view of each other.

Taylor sat at her desk and turned on her laptop then downloaded Skype and made herself an account. Then sent a friendship request to Jess and waited for a reply. A few minutes later she heard a noise and saw a little box in the bottom corner of her screen that said Jess is online.
Taylor started typing then pressed the send button.

Taylor- “Hi Jess how are you today?”

Jess- “I’m good do you want to cam?”

Taylor- “Yes but I don’t know how to cam this is the first time I’ve used Skype”

Jess- “It’s easy just press answer when the box comes onto your screen. I will video call you now”

Taylor waited and looked at her laptop until a see a box on her screen and proceeded to press answer and waited until the video screen of Jess came up on her screen. Taylor could see that Jess was sitting at her computer in her room and wearing a pair of blue pajamas with white stripes on them.

Taylor- “I like your PJ’S Jess”

Jess- “Thanks I’m bored what do you want to do”

Taylor- “I don’t know, what do you think we should do”

Jess- How about a quick game of truth or dare”

Taylor- “Sounds good but I can only be online for about fifteen minutes tonight then I have to go”

Jess- “Ok ill go first I pick truth”

Taylor thought about what she would ask Jess and then said “what size are your breasts?” Jess went a little bit red not expecting that to be her first truth and then replied “they are 30AA” slightly embarrassed of having to tell someone the size of her small breasts.

Taylor-I will pick truth as well”

Jess- “What size are your breasts” she said returning the embarrassment. “My breasts are 32A Taylor replied as she smiled at Jess and asked her what she chose next.

Jess decided it was time that she made the game more interesting and said to Taylor “I choose dare this time. “OK I want you to take off your PJ top and show me your breasts.” Jess stood up and closed her bedroom door and walked back to the laptop and sat back down then with both hands she slowly undid the buttons and slipped her arms out of the PJ top and sat it down beside her giving Taylor a good look at her breasts. Taylor could not believe her luck and the thought of looking at another girls breasts that she only was introduced to that day while playing truth or dare was making her wet.

Jess- ‘It’s your turn Taylor so what will it be truth or dare?”

Taylor- I choose dare”

Jess- “I dare you to show me yours”

Jess quickly lifted her t-shirt and slipped it off over her head and showed Jess for about two minutes then put it back on again. “I’m going to have to go Jess. I will see you tomorrow sometime” Taylor said to Jess.

“Ok I will see you then and maybe we can play more as well” Jess replied as she waved goodbye and logged off.

Taylor knew she was going to be close friends with Jess and turned her laptop off and lay on her bed thinking of the game and what happened that day.

Saturday morning Taylor finished her breakfast and helped her mum wash and dry the dishes then went back upstairs to have a shower then get dressed so she could go outside and play. Taylor looked through her clothes and found her blue skirt and a blue t-shirt with a print of horses on the front of it and white panties.

Taylor got her clothes and walked along the upstairs hallway and into the shower room where she locked the door behind her then undressed and got into the shower. It was a cold morning so Taylor enjoyed the warm water running down over her body and warming her up and especially the nice feeling she got as she lathered every bit of her body with scented body wash soap.

After about fifteen minutes she decided she should get out of the shower before her mum came up and told her to stop wasting water so Taylor turned off the water stepped out of the shower and reached over to the towel rack grabbing her towel and started drying herself off while she looked at herself in the mirror and as she dried herself her towel would rub against her two day old shaved pubic hair that was just coming back through and cause Taylor to cringe a little as she didn’t like this feeling and decided to shave again.

Reaching up to the shelf above the bathroom sink she took down the can of shaving cream then she started squirting some into her hand and rubbing it all over her skin where the hair was starting to come through. Once she had enough cream on Taylor reached over to the shelf again then took down a razor and started the delicate job of shaving her pussy trying her best not to cut herself.

She started from just above her clit and made long strokes upwards until she had shaved all her top area then with great care she held her hand over her pussy to protect it as much as she could made small strokes as close as she could until she was satisfied she had most of the hair shaved.

Looking back into the mirror at her naked body she could see she had done a good job apart from some cream left on her. Wiping off the excess cream with her towel Taylor started to rub some moisturizer into her freshly shaved skin. As she rubbed the moisturizer into herself she took her time and enjoyed the good feeling it was making her have especially when her fingers would slip too far down onto her pussy.

Once Taylor finished she picked up her panties and one leg at a time she put her feet through the holes and hitched them up until they were on then she put on her t-shirt and last of all Taylor picked up the skirt and wrapped it around her waist and did up the small buckle on the side that held it together then went back down to the kitchen.

As Taylor entered the kitchen she saw her mom sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee. “Do you want a drink of anything sweetie the kettle just boiled” she asked “No thanks mum” Taylor replied as she started to move towards the front door and outside to play. “Before you go outside I have a message for you. Your new friend Jess came over when you were in the shower and asked if you wanted to come over to her house and play “OK mum thanks I will be over Jess’s house today if you are looking for me” Taylor replied as she disappeared out the door.

Once outside Taylor could see that there was another truck in Jess’s driveway and people were unloading the boxes and taking them into the house. As Taylor passed one of the men she politely said hello and kept walking over to the door where Jess met her and said “come in Taylor I’m still unpacking a couple of boxes in my room do you want to come up and help.?”

Taylor replied “OK sounds fun lets go” as they both walked up the stairs stepping around the delivery men and Jess’s mum carrying boxes to different rooms of the house. Once upstairs and in her room Jess and Taylor started to unpack the two boxes of clothes and place them into Jess’s wardrobe.

“So Jess what are we going to do now we are finished unpacking your things?’ Taylor asked hoping that they could play another game like the night before. “What about another game of truth or dare” she replied smiling and then continued to say “I see we both like playing truth or dare so I think we should play it as much as we can but we need to make up some rules for the game.” Taylor replied “Sounds good to me let’s make up some rules” as she picked up a note pad and pen from Jess’s desk and started writing down some rules for them to follow.

Rule one- if someone doesn’t want to do a dare they can say double dare and the other person can choose another dare for them of their own choice and it has to be done.

Rule two- No dares while our mums or dads are around us.

Rule three- we must play at least once a day and we can ask each other if we want a truth or dare anywhere or at any time and the other must choose there and then.

Jess looked at the rules and agreed to them and asked “how do we make the other person go through their double dare if they refuse to do it?” Taylor thought about this predicament and then said to Jess “what about if we used our phones and took some photos of each other nude and doing something embarrassing to start off and if someone refuses a double dare the other person can use them how they want to embarrass them.”

“That sounds like it will work I will go first” said Jess as she stripped naked and lay on her bed with her legs slightly apart and with two fingers each side of her pussy lips she pulled them apart. Taylor took her camera out of her bag and started to take some photos of Jess making shore she had some good photos with her face in it and her little pussy with a thin line of blond hair above it.

As Jess got back up and got dressed again she said to Taylor “it’s your turn now” and rummaged through her bedside draw and finally finding and pulling out her mobile phone to take her photos. By this time Taylor was already naked and laying on the bed doing the same pose with her pussy lips pulled apart so Jess started taking her photos and making the odd comment on how nice her bald pussy was to look at. Once finished Taylor got dressed and they sat on the bed and talked about how this was a new experience for them and how they both liked the feeling that they both felt when they were both together.

As they were talking on the bed there was a knock on Jess’s door and they could hear Jess’s mom’s voice saying “can I come in Jess.” “Come in mum” she replied as Jess’s mum opened the door and poked her head into the room saying “I’ve got to go out shopping for a while so be good and keep out of the way of the delivery meanwhile I’m gone. They only have a few more things to unload and they should be gone.”

“OK mum” Jess replied as her mom closed the door again and went downstairs. A few minutes later they heard a car start and went to the window and watched her mum drive down the road and around the corner out of site. At that moment Jess had an idea of what to do while her mum was gone and asked Taylor truth or dare. Taylor wasn’t expecting Jess to say that strait away then thinking she would be a sport and play along she answered dare. “OK I dare you to take off your panties and give them to me and I will go for a walk with you through the house while the delivery men are still there then I will give them back to you when I think you have done a good job.”

Taylor started to blush a little as she slipped off her panties from under her skirt and then gave them to Jess who slipped them into her pants pocket and opened the door so Taylor could start her walk. At this moment Taylor wished she had put on her longer skirt instead of her shorter wrap around skirt that occasionally showed the bottom of her panties if she bent over too far and was hoping this didn’t embarrass her on her walk.

As Taylor walked down the stairs Jess would walk behind her occasionally using her hand to flick up her skirt showing her naked bottom whenever she knew the delivery men were looking the other way.Once down the stairs one of the delivery men came up to Jess and said “we are finished here so tell your mum we all finished” as he and his co worker walked back o there truck and got in.

“This way Taylor” Jess said as she pointed to the open front door and they both walked out to where the truck was sitting. As the truck was driving out the driveway Jess noticed that the younger of the two delivery men was watching and smiling at Taylor in the truck mirror as she turned around to walk back into the house so Jess decided to sneak up close behind Taylor and with both hands pulled Taylor’s skirt up showing her entire bottom giving the man a glimpse and then letting it fall back down again leaving her red faced and she quickly ran back into the house followed close behind by Jess.

“That was great” Jess said as she handed back her panties and Taylor quickly put them back on. “I sort of liked that dare but you just wait until I give you your dare next” Taylor said as she smiled and joked with Jess.

Taylor sat on the kitchen chair and waited for Jess to finish getting her a drink out of the fridge then sit back down at the kitchen table. While Jess was doing this Taylor was thinking of a good dare for Jess to do that would embarrass her more than she had been a few minutes earlier.

Jess handed a drink to Taylor and sat back down Taylor said to her “truth or dare.” Thinking about the question and knowing Taylor was looking forward to having her do a dare Jess replied “truth.” “Ok what was the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?” Taylor asked as she looked straight at Jess waiting for her answer.

“That would have been two years ago at school when my friends played a joke on me. I and some of my friends were playing on the play equipment and the school bell rang to go back to class but my friends asked me to stay back a little longer and show them how quick I could climb up on the bars and hang upside down on it. Unfortunately they were just distracting me until the schoolyard was empty. Once all the kids were inside my friends grabbed me and took me behind the sports equipment shed and pulled off my pants off then ran off with them leaving them on the coat rack just in front of the school door. I had to run one hundred meters in my panties and a school shirt to get to them and luckily no one saw me.”

Taylor broke into a fit of laughter and almost dropped her can of drink then composed herself and replied “Oh my god that would have been so humiliating if someone saw you. “Jess was quick to change the subject and say “Ok your turn again truth or dare.” Taylor said “truth” curious about what question Jess would ask her next.

“Have you ever made out with another girl”?” Jess asked her hoping she would say yes and tell her about it but to her disappointment Taylor said “no I haven’t but I might try it sometime. It sounds fun.”

Just then they heard Jess’s mother drive up the driveway and the car door shut so they both walked out to the car to help her bring in the groceries. Carrying two bags each they followed Jess’s mother into the house and sat the bags on the table. As Jess’s mother went back out to the car Jess bent over with her head in the fridge and started to put some of the food away as Taylor looked through some of the bags then pulled out a cucumber about six inches long and about three inches wide then as she looked out the window to see where Jess’s mother was she sunk up behind Jess and started poking her with the cucumber on her jeans where her pussy was.

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