An Ending of Oaths - Cover

An Ending of Oaths

Copyright© 2025 by Lumpy

Chapter 6

Starhaven, Sidor

Serwyn sat with his back to his office, ignoring the trophies and ornate tapestries as he stared out the window. His uncle had stacks and stacks of correspondence and missives for him to read, but he’d quickly grown bored with it.

While he’d rather be down in the training grounds sparring with a weapons master or working on his archery, he knew Edmund would hear of it from one of his little spies and come give him ‘advice.’

Serwyn fumed at the imagined slight. It was always more like a dressing down than advice, but oh so carefully worded. He recognized that he needed Edmund, that he didn’t understand all of the finer points of bureaucracy. He even wanted his uncle involved, to handle the mundane, boring tasks he was certain his own father had left to someone else when he was off fighting wars.

That’s where he really should be. Out with the armies winning glory and having his men cheer his name instead of William’s. He’d even tried to order it to be so, multiple times, each of which was somehow turned around by his uncle, who’d twisted him so full of knots that he’d been unable to see straight, finally giving in and agreeing to stay.

Serwyn sighed. He was trapped in this gilded cage, and he longed for escape.

A knock at the door shifted his attention.

“Come,” he commanded, and almost smiled as he saw Sir Colm walk in.

He was a strange-looking man. Man? More like a hawk on two legs, those black eyes always looking for a victim. Victim was the right term. Colm was as much a cutpurse as he was a guardsman. Knighting him was one of the smartest things Serwyn had done. Other knights, more traditional ones, always went on about honor and propriety, instead of seeing the world as it was. Serwyn wasn’t that kind of fool.

He understood that sometimes reality was more important than ideals, and he recognized that trait in Colm. A man willing to do what must be done.

And exactly the man Serwyn needed at the moment.

Serwyn’s pleasure turned to annoyance almost immediately, however, as Colm continued to look around the room, a slightly confused expression on his face. This wasn’t his normal scanning of every room the man walked into, a prudent gesture even in the palace. Or especially in the palace. No, he was looking for someone specific, and Serwyn knew exactly who he was looking for.

“Looking for someone?” Serwyn asked, not bothering to hide his annoyance.

Colm’s gaze snapped to the young king. “Your Majesty, I thought perhaps Lord Edmund might be present.”

“My uncle is not here, as you can plainly see,” Serwyn said, his lip curling. “Would you like me to go get him, or do I need your approval to work directly with you?”

The sarcasm was evident, and he could see Colm catch it.

“No, Your Majesty. Of course not. I apologize.”

“Good, because I have a task for you, Sir Colm. One that requires your particular ... talents.”

“I am at your service, Your Majesty.”

Serwyn stood, moving to the window. He looked out over Starhaven, the city sprawling beneath him. For a moment, he was silent, considering his words carefully. He knew this was a big move, but he also knew it was the right one.

“Thomas Fletcher,” Serwyn said finally, turning back to face Colm. “I want him found and killed.”

“Killed, Your Majesty? Not arrested and brought in?”

The question wasn’t squeamish or astonished or surprised, but rather neutral, like he was checking off a list.

“No. I don’t want him in prison or standing trial. Thomas Fletcher is a traitor and a rebel and doesn’t deserve the courtesy of our laws. I want him assassinated.”

“As you command, Your Majesty.”

“To be clear, I don’t want it to be a spectacle. Don’t ride into whatever village this fiend is hiding in and cut him down in the square. Make it quiet. Make it clean.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem, Your Majesty. However, regardless of how discreetly it’s carried out, it will be difficult to hide that the order came from you.”

Serwyn waved a hand dismissively. “Let me worry about that, Sir Colm. Your job is to find Fletcher and end him.”

“What of Fletcher’s family, Your Majesty? Should they be ... dealt with as well? To eliminate any loose ends?”

Serwyn leaned on the windowsill, his fingers hooked over the edge of its ledge, tapping as he thought. It was tempting. Take everything the man had before he lost his life, so he would know a fraction of the pain he’d caused Serwyn. But ... he had to play this right for his plan to work. It had to feel right, and people would get squeamish if he pushed too far. Might not believe it.

“No. They’re irrelevant. Fletcher is the threat, not his brood. Leave them be.”

Colm nodded, accepting the decision without comment. Good, he was just the kind of killer Serwyn needed. The boy pushed off the windowsill and took a step to his desk, rifling around the stacked papers for a moment until he found the one he wanted. He folded it in the traditional way but purposefully did not apply the wax that would close it and hold his seal.

“This letter,” Serwyn said, holding it out to Colm, “must be placed in Fletcher’s pocket after the deed is done. Make sure it’s found on his body.”

Colm reached for the letter, but his hand hesitated, hovering just short of taking it. “Your Majesty, if I may ... have you discussed this plan with Lord Edmund?”

Serwyn’s eyes flashed dangerously. His fingers tightened on the parchment, crinkling it slightly.

“I am the king. I do not need my uncle’s approval to make decisions. Or have you forgotten the oath you swore when I knighted you? To serve the kingdom with your body and blood until your death?” Colm, stone-cold killer that he was, took a step back at the expression on Serwyn’s face. “I am the kingdom. Your duty is to serve me.”

Colm’s face remained impassive, but Serwyn could see it in his eyes. He could see the threat Serwyn possessed, that he was not a man to be trifled with.

“Unless ... you no longer believe in serving your king?”

“Of course, Your Majesty. Again, forgive my impertinence.”

He was Edmund’s man, there was no doubt of that. A distinct problem.

“Should word of what you’ve done get back to my uncle, I will know it was you, and we will have a problem. Don’t ever forget who pays you, or who you serve. Do we understand each other?”

Colm took the letter, tucking it securely into his doublet. “Absolutely, my king.”

“Good,” Serwyn said, smiling again as if nothing had happened. “You may go.”

Colm gave the briefest of bows and left, ignoring the other standard protocol, not that Serwyn cared. He needed the man for his ruthlessness, not his courtly knowledge.

As the door closed behind Colm, Serwyn returned to the window. He looked out over Starhaven again, a sense of satisfaction coursing through him. This would work.

He would show them all what true strength looked like.

Soriveau, Lynese

Isolde walked among the tents and campfires on the outskirts of Soriveau, the expensive finery she had left the capital in a week ago replaced by a simple dress and a traveling cloak one of the men had acquired in the city.

Between the travel to the Avan Woods and her frequent trips out to the soldiers’ camps, her delicate clothes had become damaged beyond use. She actually found she preferred to be wearing less fancy, and much looser, clothing. Beyond making it easier to breathe, she felt more a part of the people around her, rather than a doll to be carefully tended to.

Not that the men treated her any less carefully than they ever did. Which only endeared them more to her.

She could hear them talking, gossiping as soldiers did, as she walked into the small circle of tents.

“I tell you, they were north of here, maybe a day’s ride.”

“No. The captain says they’re way to the west, and just broke through our lines, with a clear shot to the capital. We’re wasted out here. We should...”

The conversation cut off abruptly as she stepped into the firelight, causing some of the boys to scramble to their feet while others bowed their heads respectfully.

“Please, don’t stand on ceremony,” Isolde said, gesturing for them to remain seated. “I only wanted to see how you were doing.”

“Your Highness, we’re managing well enough. The lads are grateful for what you’ve done already,” one of the older men in the group said.

“I know it wasn’t much...”

“No, Your Highness,” one of the younger ones said. “The extra food was the finest I’ve ever had, and my belly is fuller than I remember it being in a long time. Your angels were sent to us!”

She smiled at the young man and asked, “And what of the accommodations? I know many of you are still without proper shelter.”

“It’s not so bad, Your Highness. The men you found room for opened up more tents, so we’re not sleeping six and seven to a four-man tent anymore.”

“We’ve weathered worse, Your Highness,” another said.

“That may be true, but it doesn’t make it right,” Isolde replied, her brow furrowing. “I promise you it won’t be much longer until I can secure proper quarters for all of you within the city walls.”

An older man with a jagged scar across his cheek spoke up. “We know you’re fighting for us, Princess. You’ve already done more than most nobles ever would.”

“Aye,” another chimed in. “Getting the wounded into proper houses did the angels proud. We know our turn will come.”

Isolde felt a pang of guilt. These men deserved so much more than scraps of comfort doled out piecemeal while so many still lived in luxury in the city proper.

Herself included.

“Your patience humbles me,” she began, “but I assure you, I won’t rest until...”

Her words were cut short by a sudden, thunderous sound that shook the very ground beneath their feet. The soldiers exchanged confused glances, starting to rise from where they’d been lounging.

“What in the seven hells was that?” one of the younger men asked, his voice cracking.

Before anyone could answer, a cry rang out from the edge of the camp. “To arms! To arms!”

Chaos erupted. Soldiers scrambled for weapons. Men were shouting and running everywhere. Isolde stood frozen, unsure of what she should do.

“Your Highness, we need to get you to safety,” a soldier said, grabbing her by the arm and pushing her toward the city proper.

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