The Five Rays of the Sun
Copyright© 2025 by RioWriter
Chapter 5: Did I Really Fuck My Mom?
Drama Sex Story: Chapter 5: Did I Really Fuck My Mom? - A young man's quest for happiness after relocating to a new location and learning things that will change his life.
Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult Consensual Drunk/Drugged Romantic Fiction Incest Mother Son
Present--Back in Frankfurt--Tracking down his mother
Of course, he tried to call Marie a hundred times and sent messages on all the different platforms and applications, but to no avail.
He met with Detective Werner in the morning.
Detective Werner gave Armin a summary of his findings: “The orphanage in Hamburg was closed ten years ago because of a scandal. Namely, illegal things were done with children’s documentation. They had simply forged documents so they could keep the children. They did a noble thing and ended up in prison. I managed to reach some people who worked there, but they didn’t want to say anything, and they thwarted me. I would suggest we go there and talk to them in person.”
They got into the car and went to Hamburg. Detective Werner had the addresses of people who worked there at the time when Armin was there, but none of them wanted to talk about it. The only thing they could find out was that many children came from Bremen from some kind of “Christian Mission for Salvation”.
Since that was their only clue, they headed to Bremen. Werner found out the address where that association used to be. Today there was a convent in its place.
As soon as they arrived, they introduced themselves, said what they were looking for, and were immediately directed to the person in charge of documentation. The people at the convent were friendly and approachable, and they let them look at all the documentation. However, they found nothing. They only possessed documents with information on children who had been under their care at their establishment. However, they received valuable information about the fact that at the time in question they were connected to the convent in Utrecht, in the Netherlands.
The next day they were at the convent in Utrecht. They explained to the Mother Superior why they had come, and she directed them to the room of the nun who was there at the time.
“We are interested in whether a girl was here 22 years ago. She looks like this today. Her name is Marie,” the detective said and showed the picture.
“I am Marie,” the nun answered.
“No, the girl’s name is Marie,” Detective Werner emphasized.
The nun just turned her head, and then Armin took out a pendant from his pocket. As soon as she saw the pendant of the sun, the nun opened her mouth and whisper-shouted, “Monique!”
The nun looked at Armin and hugged him. “My dear child, God has helped you.”
Werner asked if the woman in the picture might have been Monique. The nun answered yes, but added that a lot of time had passed--so she couldn’t be sure. But mostly she confirmed that the woman in the picture may be Monique.
They talked for a while, and the lady said that the child was taken care of in Germany by their colleagues and was waiting for adoption there. Monique had left when she turned 18, and they don’t have any information about her. She said that Monique was a good child, that she was loved very much, and that she was sure that God helped her in her life.
Armin and Werner left the convent. They sat down in the restaurant and talked.
Werner summarized his thoughts: “Now it’s all up to you. You have her address. Go to her. If she’s not there, wait a few days. She has to go home some time. You also know where she works, so she can’t escape. You don’t need me for now. There is no point in spending more of your money on my services. When you’ve found out what you want and there are any ambiguities left, let me know and I’ll find out the details.”
Armin settled the bills, and they parted ways. Werner returned to Frankfurt, and Armin went to Antwerp.
Present--Meeting his mother in Antwerp
The train ride came in handy to clear his mind. He hoped that Marie was not Monique after all. But then how would she know about the pendant? He couldn’t get it out of his head that he might have fucked his mom. His biological mom! He had replayed the sex scenes in his mind so many times that his feelings were confused.
“Fuck, I even came inside her,” he thought.
His thoughts and fantasies ran rampant and even went so far that he was able to ignore the fact that Marie might be his mother and continue his relationship with her. But she would probably never agree to that ... And what would happen next if Marie is his mom and they had fucked each other? The only mitigating circumstance was that neither of them knew, but it would be difficult, if not impossible, to get what happened out of their heads.
When he arrived in Antwerp, he immediately went to the address that was provided on her documents. He ran up the stairs to the third floor of the old building. On the door, it stood: De Jong. He was short of breath and sweaty. He rang the doorbell. Marie was in a dressing gown, and as soon as she opened the door, Armin blurted out, “You are my mom!”
Marie looked at the floor and said, “I’m not. Come in.”
As he entered, visibly upset, he nearly shouted, “Damn it! What’s going on? You’re lying! At the convent, they told me it’s you! Explain everything to me right now! Why did you run away?”
Marie lowered her voice, trying to soothe him, she replied, “Calm down. I know how you feel. I will explain everything to you. Sit down; you must be hungry and thirsty.”
Armin pouted. “I’m not thirsty. I’m not hungry. I just want you to tell me the truth.”
He was on the verge of tears, and then Marie approached him and hugged him. As soon as he felt her touch and her scent enveloped him, he immediately calmed down. She was stroking his hair, and he was holding her close.
When he calmed down, he asked Marie, “How are you?” Are you okay?”
“My head still hurts a little from the impact, but it’s nothing serious.”
They sat down in the living room.
Marie made him a smoothie and started talking, “Your mom and I grew up in Marseille. In fact, we didn’t even fully grow up there. When we became friends, we started hanging out with bad people. We became drug addicts very young. They made us drug addicts and sex slaves. We ran away from home with a dealer to Amsterdam. When he died, we were all alone. We only had each other, and the pendant of the sun we found in the woods in Marseille reminded us of that. So we had it tattooed on us. We were 14 years old. Returning home was not an option, so we managed as best we could. We were involved in prostitution, what else could we do? A year later, she became pregnant. My boyfriend at the time took her to a convent for rehab, and she gave birth there. They gave the child up for adoption...”
A tear ran down her cheek as she spoke. She wiped her nose, and Armin asked, “So what happened to her? Is she alive? Did you see each other after that?”
“Of course she is alive. She lives two blocks away, and she asked me to tell you. So if you want to see her, she will come here.”
“Of course, I want to see her. I want to see her as soon as possible.”
Marie took her cell phone and typed a message, and soon the answer pinged her phone.
“She will arrive in half an hour,” Marie announced.
Armin was satisfied with the fact that he would meet his biological mother. He was even more relieved that his relationship with Marie was not incest, although he was aware that now their relationship would still be complicated.
Armin bombarded Marie with questions, and she would answer, but in the end, she said, “It is best if your mom tells you everything from the beginning, in detail.”
Soon the bell rang. Marie went to open the door, and Armin got up. A woman, similar in build to Marie, entered the living room, and the same hairstyle made them look like sisters. As soon as they saw each other, they ran into each other’s arms.
“Erica, this is Armin. Armin, this is Erica. You two have so much to talk about, so I’ll take the opportunity to go shopping,” Marie told them after the introductions.
Marie left, and the two started talking. Erica told Armin everything in detail and answered all of his questions. Erica began by talking about her childhood in Marseille through her friendship with Marie and experience with drugs, to staying in the Netherlands and staying in a convent and giving birth.
“Where did you go after the convent?” Armin queried.
“I went back to Eindhoven to look for Marie. But she no longer lived in that apartment. I was hoping that she was still with Ron. I went to his company, but the firm was no longer there either. Then I wandered aimlessly. I had a little money for food. I slept on the train or at a bus station. Roaming around was actually interesting for me because it was the first time I was clean and normal and about in the world. I was in Amsterdam looking for any kind of work. I met a guy who used to be our dealer. He got out of dealing, so I stayed with him for a while and cleaned restaurants. He showed me the internet. I had no idea about it. It was as if I had been living in the Middle Ages.
Everyone already had mobile phones except me. When I mastered using the computer a little, I remembered to search for Ron’s company. I managed to find information on the company and confirm it exists in Antwerp. I got on the train and came here. I entered the company’s building, and Marie sat at the reception. We both started screaming and crying. She kept repeating that she had tried to call me hundreds of times and had sent letters, but the answer was that I must not have contact with the outside world until I had fully recovered. The last time she called, they told her that I had left. She immediately called Ron. I know he wasn’t overjoyed to see me. I thanked him for everything he did for me. Ron encouraged me to stay with them while I managed to get my feet under me again. The two of us were making up for lost time, while Marie’s and Ron’s relationship deteriorated. I knew he had made arrangements for new documents for her so he could be with her, and he was kind enough to have documents made for me, too. He paid for both. That’s how I became Erica Velendeer. After a while, we realized that Ron was the one who had ordered the convent to isolate me from the world and especially from Marie. She never forgave him. Their relationship was already floundering, and with the large age difference, it was doomed to fail. We remained on good terms with him. However, he did more for us than anyone else ever had.
“Then the two of us enjoyed ourselves for a while, but as two adults,” Erica continued. “We worked, lived together, went out, traveled, and slowly forgot the past. After a few years, I got into a serious relationship and gave birth to two children. Look at the picture; there ... you have a brother and sister. If you are interested in anything else, feel free to ask. I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you. I thought I would never see you again. I know it’s impossible, but I would like to make up for all that now and stay with you.”
They hugged again and remained sitting so close to each other.
“Marie told me you were adopted by wonderful people and had a wonderful childhood.”
“True, I was lucky there; they were great. Their son was killed when he was my age. Drugs, dealers, and other stuff...”
“You see what a coincidence. Alas, when Marie told me that she saw the pendant in the drawer...”
At that moment, the door was unlocked. Marie was coming back.
“We have so much to talk about. Can you come to my workplace in the morning? I will take a longer break,” Erica suggested.
“Of course, and where exactly do you work?”
“You go straight along this street on the right side, and you will come across the ‘Beauty Dolls’ beauty salon. It’s really quite close,” Erica informed him.
When Marie entered, Erica took leave, saying, “I’m going, I have to go back to work, so see you tomorrow.”
Mom and son hugged and kissed, and Erica left.
“How do you feel now that you have a mom, and how do you like her?” Marie asked with a glint of mischief in her eyes.
“Well, there used to be a hole in my heart, but now it’s gone. She seems OK--a normal woman, really. And she is as beautiful as you. The two of you are so alike.”
“Yes, we do look alike. Some say our similarity is striking,” Marie acknowledged.
“I was already so sure that you were my mom. I can’t even imagine what would have happened if you were ... and we had...” Armin stuttered.
“Don’t think about it. You must be tired. Go, take a shower while I prepare something to eat. Let me wash your clothes later.”
After dinner, Armin could barely keep his eyes open. For the last 3 days, he only managed to sleep a few hours, and now that everything was settled, he could relax. Marie saw that he was exhausted and told him to go to bed. It was only 8 o’clock, and he fell asleep. Marie lay down next to him, snuggled up to him, and fell asleep.
Armin woke up rested, sleepy, and, above all, happy that he found his mom and it wasn’t Marie. First, he snuggled up to her and kissed her. The very touch of her skin and the sight of her naked body caused an erection. He didn’t want to wake her up, but he did occasionally touch and kiss her. She felt his touches and snuggling, and she soon got up and went to the bathroom quietly. When she came back, Armin was lying on the bed naked with his cock full mast.
“I thought you wouldn’t be horny after such a stressful last few days,” Marie observed.
“With such a sexy woman in bed, even a dead man would be excited.”
“So you think I’m that sexy?” Marie asked flirtatiously.
“Oooh, yes.”
“Didn’t it occur to you that maybe I can’t be in a relationship with my best friend’s son?” Marie warned Armin.
Armin thought for a while, but instead of looking for philosophical answers, he just played the sex card. Armin kneeled in front of her, waved his cock, and responded, “Say that you don’t want him in your pussy now.”
“It’s not a matter of whether I want it or not, but what is right,” Marie stuck to her guns.
He put his hand on her cunt and squeezed it. She groaned, “You don’t understand me; it’s not that I don’t want to ... ah.”
Then Armin lay down next to her and started kissing her: on her neck, on her face, and finally, on her mouth, and the whole time his hand was on her pussy. He went lower and kissed her tits, and then along her stomach, finally arriving at her cunt. Her clit was sticking out of her fleshy pussy, and her labia were spread and hanging. He licked her clit with his tongue, and his fingers entered the pussy, first one, then two, then three, until he had completely spread it with his four fingers.
“This is wrong, just so you know,” Marie reminded him.
Still, Marie couldn’t help herself. Her desire to have Armin fuck her was stronger than any moralism. Her clit was so pronounced that the touch of his tongue and the sucking of her clit slowly brought her to climax--him fucking her pussy with his fingers was all she needed to come. Still, Armin wanted to fuck her, so he stopped playing with her pussy before she could come again. He immediately slammed his dick in Marie’s wide, welcoming pussy and started fucking her mercilessly. He didn’t need to take care of anything, he just gave himself over to enjoying the mechanics of it. He thrust as hard as he could and filled her pussy with his cum while Marie shamelessly moaned. He took his cock out to see how the fluids would leak from her pussy, but Marie was still moaning. Suddenly, a stream of liquid from her pussy shot out almost half a meter and splashed on Armin. He was looking at Marie’s pussy in amazement, and she was obviously surprised too. Another stream followed, this time with a little more liquid and then another. Marie, obviously surprised by her cunt’s reaction, seemed ashamed that this was happening to her.
“Oh, sorry. This doesn’t happen to me at all...” Marie began to apologize.
“I’ve never seen this in person, so up close,” Armin whispered in awe.
“I was probably very excited because you tongued me...” Marie explained.
They got out of bed, bathed, and drank coffee in the living room.
“I would like to ask you something.” Marie looked at Armin.
“Don’t be shy. We have nothing to hide or be ashamed of,” Armin encouraged Marie.
“I wouldn’t want Erica, that is, your mom to know that we are having ... hmm ... sex. I’m still embarrassed by what happened.”
“No problem. I have a million other topics to talk about with her other than my sex life. Today, at 10, I have to go to her workplace when she is on a break.”
“It’s evident that you have a lot to talk about. Here, your clothes are clean.”
After a little more than 5 minutes of walking down the street, Armin came across the beauty salon where Erica worked. As soon as Erica saw him, she got away from the counter and jumped into his arms. She took off the white corner and shouted to her colleagues that she was going to take a break.
Erica looked delighted. They walked down the street hand in hand, and Erica couldn’t stop bombarding him with questions. She was interested in everything about Armin, from what kind of coffee he drank to his opinions on serious matters such as religion and political affiliation.
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