Volume IV of Legacy: Quest for the Cosmic Cores, Part 1 - Cover

Volume IV of Legacy: Quest for the Cosmic Cores, Part 1

Copyright© 2025 by Uruks

Chapter 2

It all started with my adopted father, Maranu Toramir. After Maranu impressed Rhuknor with his courage, the Great Golden Dragon blessed him with the full powers of Elemency. Since Rhuknor was the first to use Elemency in our universe, Maranu’s connection to the power was purer than any other being in the cosmos, giving him unrestricted access to all the spectrums of Elemency. In layman’s terms, he could do anything he imagined ... as long as he had enough psions to accomplish the task. Since Maranu was not yet bonded to Rhuknor as a Sacred Vessel, he was still limited as a human being and could tire himself out if he used the power too much. I later learned that not even Rhuknor is all-powerful like the Lord Caretaker. He came to our universe from the Spiritual Realms, meaning that his power would never be greater than the true creator of all realities. It was the Lord Caretaker who instructed Rhuknor on how to shape our reality by granting him unlimited control over matter and energy. Whether Rhuknor came from the Realm of Light or Shadow, no one truly knows ... since he was also the only known being that could fully use both Light and Shadow Elemency. Well, that’s not entirely true. There was one other who had uninhibited control over Light and Shadow. Rhuknor’s wife, the Great Silver Dragon known as Silanor. Together, they were the first couple in all of creation - the first romance story ever told. She helped Rhuknor give form and substance to our universe, and would later bear him offspring in Balvor and Graymor. I never found out what happened to Silanor. When I bonded with Rhuknor’s spirit after Maranu died, I asked the Golden Dragon about it, but he refused to tell me ... saying that the sorrow was still too near to his heart.

“Don’t just say ‘it’s you’, moron. I taught you better manners than that. Well, Light Realm knows, I tried to, at least,” said Hannah scoldingly, though with a hint of a smile in her blue eyes.

Ryan was so happy to see Hannah that he dashed to her, and said mischievously, “Auntie Hannah!”

Hannah yelped a bit in startlement when Ryan reached her almost instantaneously from across the room with his superhuman speed. He scooped her up in his arms and twirled her around, laughing merrily. After recovering from her surprise, Hannah laughed as well and hugged Ryan back. Only afterwards did Ryan realize that he was carrying the High Priestess - leader of the Light Monks - in his arms like a sack; something that would probably be frowned upon within the upper echelons of the Monastery. Clearing his throat, he sat her down with a slight blush. Hannah seemed a little flushed too, but still patted his cheek adoringly.

“Sorry,” he said in embarrassment. “You’re the High Priestess, an uber-important person and all. I shouldn’t be manhandling you like a-”

She whacked his shoulder playfully as she giggled. “Forget about it, kid. Now, let’s have a look at you.”

Hannah cupped his cheeks in both hands, and Ryan was almost tempted to look away in bashfulness as she unexpectedly locked gazes with him. He was taller than her now, though being about the same height as Éclair, she was still a tall woman. Also, like Éclair, Hannah Lioness was exceptionally beautiful. Though not as youthful as Éclair, Hannah’s more mature beauty reminded Ryan a great deal of Saria. Her smooth, fair skin and oval face had the appearance of a woman in her mid to late thirties, even though she was around five centuries old like Eramar. Her deep blue eyes seemed to glow slightly as she studied him, a trait of powerful Psionic Users who had achieved longevity. Hannah’s long golden hair was pinned up professionally today, almost giving her the look of a businesswoman. If not for the flowing white robes with glowing symbols of the Monastery sewn into the fabric, she would’ve seemed right at home wearing a business suit. Hannah had an athletic build that was perhaps slightly more toned than the average Monk since she was an Elemental before joining the Monastery. Monks mostly lived peaceful lives; though they did have training, they didn’t engage in battle nearly as often as Elementals did. The only other Monk who seemed as athletic and battle-hardened as Hannah was Torsha, though Ryan supposed she was a special case since she was a Werewolf.

After Hannah finished looking him over, she smiled fondly, her blue eyes brimming with emotion. Then her smile faded to a look of concern as she lightly rubbed his shoulder where the Horde Mother injured him. “Does it hurt anymore?”

Ryan gave a small nod, trying not to flinch as his shoulder still felt a little raw since the first-aid treatment required being burned by fire and lightning at the same time. “A little, but nothing I can’t handle. Scars only make a guy more badass. Oh, sorry. I shouldn’t cuss in front of you.”

She didn’t seem offended as her hand trailed down his arm with a faraway look on her face. “You’ve been through so much already ... and once again, I was powerless to help you when it mattered most. I should’ve known what might happen to you on that trading mission. I should’ve prepared better. I...”

A slight whimper escaped her lips as her voice broke. Ryan immediately drew her in for a warm hug as he rocked her gently. “Don’t talk that way, Auntie Hannah. What happened to me and Éclair ... it wasn’t your fault.”

She shook her head as she drew away, holding his arms as if to steady herself as she shivered slightly. “No. No, it was my fault. I oversaw the defenses in place to protect you and Lady Éclair on that convoy. Zand trusted me to look after you since he was busy shoring up our borders. I should’ve done more. I should’ve sent some Monks to guard you. If there were Light Users aboard, maybe the Fire Elementals would’ve been better equipped to deal with those Cthulhu, and then you both might’ve been spared the whole-”

She cut off as she started to cough, putting a hand to her mouth to cover her heavy wheezing. Ryan grew concerned for her condition as her coughing grew abnormally congested. Thankfully, she didn’t appear to be coughing up blood this time, but that could change if she didn’t calm down.

“Auntie,” said Ryan soothingly as he rubbed her forehead. “You need to calm down. I think you’re making your condition worse by worrying yourself too much.”

She shook her head more as her coughing slowly subsided, though her voice still sounded wheezy. “If I’m making myself feel worse, then I deserve it. I should’ve been there with you. I should’ve taken as many Blessed Acolytes with us as I could muster. Not only did I fail to protect you, but I also failed the other crewmembers as well. So many lives lost needlessly, and most didn’t even know what they were dying for. Not even the captain knew of how important both you and Lady Éclair are, though he suspected with all the added security ... security that was far too lax as it turned out.”

Ryan shook his head slowly and kissed Hannah’s cheek. “You couldn’t come yourself when you have to run the biggest religious order in the universe. Besides that, the Monks were stretched thin helping Saria weed out Mage Covens throughout the Empire. It wouldn’t have made sense to divert them away from that to a routine trading mission that everyone expected to be a peace-of-cake.”

A wry smile crossed Hannah’s supple lips. “I might have to stop calling you ‘moron’. It seems you’ve recently received some schooling in tactics.”

Ryan shrugged. “Éclair and I talked a lot while we were stranded.”

Hannah’s smile vanished as a look of near-disapproval came to her features. “That brings us to the other matter I needed to discuss with you. Ryan, did you and ... and Lady Hamashe ... Um...”

Hannah grew decidedly uncomfortable as she looked away, seeming almost embarrassed for some reason. Though Ryan couldn’t ponder why as his thoughts drifted to Zand.

“Listen, Auntie, I wanted to ask if you’ve heard from ... from Zand. I know you work for him. And I also know a bit more about what you’ve been keeping from me since we met,” Ryan explained, thinking back to all their cryptic conversations when he realized that Hannah knew more about his past than she let on.

Hannah gave a small sniff of amusement as she smoothed out his hair. “Yes, that’s right. Zanderius told me that he finally revealed himself to you. I knew he would eventually, but I wasn’t sure you’d be ready so soon. I’m sorry I had to keep so much from you, but if you found out too much too quickly, you might’ve asked to train with him ... and you weren’t yet strong enough to endure such a thing.”

Ryan tried to keep the anger from his voice as a certain realization dawned. “So you knew all this time. You knew about my parents, about me being a Child of Destiny ... and about my family’s murderer.”

Hannah gave a slow, painful nod. “I knew ... but like I said, there were limits to what I could tell you. If you became aware of your parents’ killer, you would’ve sought him out ... a quest that could only end in disaster at your current strength. He’s ... he’s just as powerful as Zanderius; the Prime Minister’s equal in every way. He holds absolute power over nearly all the spectrums of Elemency, save only Light Elemency which is his sole weakness. In their clash that has endured over the ages, not even Zanderius has been able to slay him as of yet. You can never hope to match him until you’ve achieved full status as a Sacred Vessel as well. However, there were many stages in your development needed to determine when you were ready to undertake the training.”

Judging by the way Saria and Eramar have acted around me, they likely knew as well. Man, it pisses me off that all the so-called grownups act so goddamn secretive all the time. I guess they have their reasons, but it still grinds my gears.

Ryan sighed deeply, deciding at least not to blame Hannah for what she kept from him. He of all people knew how much she cared for him. It wasn’t just that he was a Child of Destiny. He knew that Hannah loved him like a son, just like he loved her like a mother.

“I guess that doesn’t matter anymore, because Zand told me that I could train with him if I chose to. He said to call out his name to let him know when I was ready. I’m ready now. Would you get ahold of him for me to let him know?”

Hannah’s smile returned as she drew a thumb over his forehead and smoothed out his clothes. She was like a mother fussing over a child to make them clean for church. “Why do you think I’m here, moron? The fact that you are taking all this so well now is a sign of your newfound maturity, and proof that you are indeed ready to begin your instruction under Zanderius. He heard you call out to him. He’ll be waiting for you back at the Monastery on Galsin where you can begin your training sessions together.”

Ryan’s mouth hung open in confusion. “Wait, what? But I ... I just called out his name a few minutes ago, like seconds before you even showed up. Why the heck would he send you here for something that hadn’t even happened yet.”

Hannah giggled as she continued to fuss over him. “Just think about it. You’re a clever boy. You’ll figure it out if you put your mind to it.”

Ryan frowned as he put his hands to his hips in frustration. She was still being cryptic with him, never giving him a straight answer when he asked for one. He almost grew annoyed until he started thinking about the man in question. Zand always seemed to know things ... he even knew of a lot of things before they even happened. A guy that could snuff out whole armies with a thought, it wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine that he...

Ryan chuckled, the answer obvious now. “He looked into the future, right? Some Elementals have the gift of Prophecy. Being an all-powerful Elemental Master, that seems right up Zand’s alley. He knew that I’d make up my mind today, so he sent you ahead to get me ready. Even timed it so you’d show up right after I said his name. That sly old dog, always showing off how freakin’ wise he is and stuff.”

Hannah’s smile deepened. “You’ll have to become accustomed to miracles if you choose to train with Zanderius. Even with all the powers and technologies in the universe, the Prime Minister of Elemency is an enigma that none can fully comprehend.”

Hannah looked uncomfortable again as she glanced away. “There was one other reason I needed to come. Ryan, did you...” She looked back at him, her blue eyes resolved. “I know you have feelings for the Lady Heir. You must tell me, were those feelings ever reciprocated?”

Ryan frowned in confusion ... then that confusion turned into shame and guilt when he thought about all that he and Éclair had endured. It wasn’t just the horrors and the losses they had suffered, but also all the tender moments he and Éclair shared ... and the knowledge that he would likely never have that level of intimacy with anyone else. Not to mention, he felt a bit ashamed of himself for the way he acted. She was trying to remain faithful to Leon, and he was throwing himself at her like a Wererabbit in heat. He was such a shameless flirt with Éclair that he wouldn’t blame Leon for giving him a good nut shot.

Though Ryan wasn’t sure why Hannah should inquire about such a personal matter, instead of complaining, he found himself saying dazedly, “No, at least, not in that way. Éclair and I ... we grew really close, maybe closer than we should have, but we both agreed that things should go back to normal when we got back.”

“What happened exactly?” she persisted.

“We ... well, we survived,” he said hesitantly. “Barely, but we survived. Look, I ... I don’t want to talk about it, alright. She’s back with Leon now, and Zand made it clear that he’ll only train me if I-”

“Did something happen between you two?” Hannah blurted out almost angrily.

Ryan’s eyes narrowed in vexation. “Auntie, what exactly are you getting at?”

She gave him a gentle smile as she smoothed out his hair, stammering slightly as she struggled to explain herself. “I ... I can understand if you are hesitant to talk to me about these things ... but you are a growing young man, after all. You’ll soon be eighteen, of the age to marry if you choose. It’s ... it’s understandable that certain feelings might’ve been awakened. Two young people, stranded and alone for so long with no knowledge of when you would return to civilization, or even any notion of if you might survive. Of course, I ... I decided not to be angry with you if it did come to that. Regardless of the myriad of problems it could cause - especially with her of all people. Regardless of the Lord Caretaker’s preferences for us concerning these matters ... I ... I promise I won’t be angry if you come out and tell me exactly what ... what transpired between you and the Lady Heir.”

Ryan’s mouth went slack as he understood Hannah’s meaning. He let go of her and backed away, growing decidedly self-conscious. “Auntie Hannah, are you asking me if I knocked up Éclair?”

She smacked his cheek none too gently. “Watch your language, and answer the question, damn it! Oh, Lord Caretaker forgive me for my own loose tongue ... I ... just tell me, did you or did you not?”

Ryan rubbed his cheek as he glared at his guardian before saying slowly, “I did not.

Now that I think about it, my dad warned me about that sort of thing, Ryan thought to himself. Didn’t know what he meant at the time, but he once told me he’d rise from the grave and kick my ass if I had a kid before I was married. Funny. I wonder if he knew he’d die before he saw me get married. Or maybe he knew I’d never get married to begin with.

Hannah blew out a sigh of relief as she patted her chest profusely. “Oh, thank Balvor. You have no idea what a relief it is to hear that. The complications that could ensue if the Lady Heir were to get pregnant before her christening as Empress ... consequences that could spell grave unrest for the whole Empire. Besides that, the moral implications as well. I didn’t know your mother well, but since she was from the Monastery as I am, I know she would’ve preferred you saved yourself for a virtuous woman who would marry you before giving herself away so easily. You deserve to be happy with a good woman who can love you the way you need to be loved. I know for a fact that’s what Richard would’ve wanted for you.”

Ryan’s anger didn’t dissipate as he scowled at Hannah. “Well, that’s not exactly an option at this point, is it?”

Hannah cocked her head to the side, her features apologetic and kindly. “But it could be. Ryan, I don’t know if I can persuade you, but I, for one, would prefer you didn’t undertake this training with Zand ... especially considering how dangerous it will be. In truth, a part of me was ... almost hopeful that something did happen between you and the young Empress. Despite the infraction to the Caretaker’s marital laws, despite the catastrophe that could result if she were to become pregnant, it would likely mean that you would have violated one of the requirements for the Laws of Balance, rendering you unqualified to receive the Great Golden Dragon’s full powers. If that were to happen, then you need not face the Sacred Vessel of Corruption. It’s still not too late to pursue that life if you wish.”

Ryan groaned, turning away from Hannah as a surprising amount of bitterness arose within him towards his father. “That’s nice to hear, but it’s not going to happen. Zand told me what became of my parents ... he told me they died because my dad chose to fall in love instead of walking down the path of a Child of Destiny. I can’t let that happen to Éclair. I can’t let that happen to any woman. From what I know of these Laws of Balance, they require that I devote myself completely to the task. If it means killing that bastard, I’ll dive into hell itself.”

And not just to avenge my parents, but to keep Éclair safe. She’ll only be able to live out her days in peace once that monster’s dead.

Hannah gently turned Ryan’s head towards her, showing that she had tears in her eyes. “Zand told me that would likely be your decision. I think he allowed you and Éclair to go on that mission together because he knew that loving her and saying goodbye to that love would give you the resolve you needed to see this through to the end. I have long known that this would likely be your path. I would’ve liked to shield you from this fate as your parents once tried to, but I knew it had to be your choice.”

Ryan found his own eyes growing watery and his indignation vanishing as Hannah drew him in for a deep hug.

“Can you ever forgive me, child ... for keeping so much from you; for setting you down this road of sorrow?” she whispered hoarsely.

Ryan sighed as he rubbed a hand through her hair, his voice breaking a little as he said, “I already told you long ago, Auntie Hannah. There’s nothing to forgive. I ... I love you, Auntie.”

“And I you, my precious boy,” she said, sniffling a bit as she kissed his cheek deeply. After giving a long sigh, she drew away from Ryan and looked at him carefully as she cupped his chin. “I’ll make the necessary arrangements with Saria. You’ll have to divide up your time between training with Zand on Galsin and your studies here at the Fire Ministry. The Prime Minister senses that there’s still much for you to learn with Squad 99.”

Ryan felt a wave of relief wash over him. A part of him was afraid Zand would just whisk him away from his friends without the chance to say goodbye. At least this way, he could still stay close to Éclair for a little longer. Even if it couldn’t lead to anything more than that, it was still a great comfort.

“That’s good to hear. I’m ... I’m not ready to say goodbye to her yet. I’m not ready to say goodbye to any of them yet.”

Hannah gave his arm a gentle squeeze. “He knows. He also knows that your tasks with Squad 99 are not yet finished. You and your squad mates have accomplished great good in the universe, good that he foresaw when he brought you all together. The Grim Team will be needed again soon. There are many other perils to contend with than just your parents’ killer. So, for the time being, things will continue as they are. The only difference ... Zand will gradually instruct you in the secrets to attaining ultimate power in the universe. It could still be many years before you reach your full potential, perhaps even centuries.” She said that last part almost casually, which probably disturbed Ryan more than if she said it with a bit more gravitas.

Ryan cleared his throat nervously as he tried to comprehend the enormity of a project that could span centuries and affect the fate of the universe. “No pressure, or anything.”

Ryan and Hannah talked quite a bit longer after that as he told her all about his time on Black Star. After discussing a few more details about his departure to Galsin, Ryan gave Hannah a heartfelt goodbye and made his way back to his apartment. He didn’t know what he might need to train alongside a virtual demigod, but he figured he should at least pack a toothbrush.

Feeling increasingly anxious with how Hannah hyped up Zand, Ryan tried unsuccessfully to calm himself down. Just think about it like it’s a camping trip ... a camping trip where you learn to turn planets into dust to kill the demonic jerk-face who murdered your parents. Yeah, that makes me feel better.

After leaving the smoking volcano behind, he made his way to a large tree that made up his apartment complex. Many of the trees had been hollowed out to be habitable, but the walls on the insides were lined with copper and bronze because of the large number of Flamers within the living spaces. Ryan often wondered why the Ministry of Fire resided within a forest given that most occupants would be Fire-Type Elementals, but then he once heard Eramar tell him it was for that very reason. Living within a forest forced Fire Elementals to exercise restraint with their powers. It was even possible to get expelled from the Fire Ministry and have your Elemency suppressed if you burned down too many trees during training. Ryan had no idea how he survived so long given how clumsy he was, but he figured he was lucky in at least some aspects of his dreary life.

As Ryan traversed the endless corridors to his room, he realized that he might’ve forgotten something. He was just at the door when he finally remembered. He hadn’t gone by to see Thomas Madison yet. That kid was taking care of his pet hawk, Tyrant. Hopefully, the fiendish pheasant hadn’t made mincemeat out of the kid’s apartment. As Ryan turned around to find the Madison’s residence, he was surprised to see Thomas standing right there behind him. The young Elemental had changed a lot since Ryan last saw him. The face was about the same, light brown buzzcut hair, a few freckles on his dimpled cheeks, and deep brown eyes. However, he wasn’t quite as pudgy as Ryan remembered, his face leaner and possessing less baby fat as it once did. He seemed a bit taller too, and a little more beefed up if Ryan wasn’t mistaken. He wore the simple red leather training armor for Grunts, filling it out much better than he did a year ago. Thomas was starting to look a lot like Ryan himself did when Ryan first started his training as an Elemental nearly three years ago. Though he wasn’t stacked, he looked fit and healthy, especially for a kid his age. Maybe the kid finally figured out that he couldn’t be an Elemental if he kept snacking so much.

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