Single Parent - Cover

Single Parent

Copyright© 2025 by TonySpencer

Chapter 6: Going Home

When I awoke on Saturday morning, I found I was once again happily spooning with the lovely Kay-Lynn. We had retired about 2am, leaving the party at the club in full swing; Friday nights were always the busiest nights at the nightclub. I had been drinking water and remained completely sober and had danced enthusiastically for a couple of hours, mainly with each of the girls in turn, before the equally sober Kay-Lynn insisted that because I was still a little under the weather and both of us were nervously awaiting results of my tests, that I should have an early night.

I had to admit, as soon as I stopped dancing and stepped out of the noise and vibes of the club into the quiet of the lift travelling up to my flat, that I suddenly felt the weariness in my legs and was glad to get showered quickly and into bed. I think I must’ve been completely dead to the world by the time Kay-Lynn finished her shower, changed into her bedwear and cuddled up to my sleeping body.

Funnily enough, I didn’t feel sick at all this morning, but then remembered Monty saying something like that around this time in the pregnancy that the morning sickness would naturally tail off.

Not long after I awoke, and before the alarm that I had set went off, Kay-Lynn stirred in my arms and looked at the bedside clock and groaned, “Is it really that early?”

“Yes, it is,” I replied, “and I’ll go get the kettle on while you wake up properly and get dressed.”

“Oh no, I really haven’t got any smart day wear here and I desperately want to make a good impression with your mother.”

“Casual shorts and tee shirt’ll be fine, hon, my mother’ll be wearing the same sort of clothes for working in the garden on a Saturday.”

“Hey, you called me ‘hon’!” she said as she turned and faced me with a huge smile on her face.

“Well, we better get used to using terms of endearment if we are going to demonstrate that we are girlfriend and boyfriend, won’t we?”

She kissed me long and deeply on the lips before saying, “we will, honey, we will.”

We started kissing again and she turned her body from the spoon position until we were facing each other and pressing ourselves up closely together. I could feel both from the lack of strapping around her shoulder blades that we wasn’t wearing a bra and I could also feel her hardened nipples pressing into my bare chest. I slipped a hand up to caress her left breast and gently used a thumb to rub her nipple, She pulled her lips off mine long enough to say,

“Harder honey, abuse them!” before returning to kiss me passionately.

I needed no further encouragement and started to pull the teeshirt up to get my lips onto her tits. Kay-Lynn pulled the rest of her teeshirt over her head and threw it across the bedroom. I sucked first the left, then the right nipple, Kay-Lynn moaning and encouraging me to suck and bite and I did, worrying them with my lips and teeth and eliciting moans of pleasure from my partner. I moved a hand down and found the wetness of her uncovered sex. I ignored her nub but went straight to insert a finger that slipped easily into her hot and wet aroused cunt. Meanwhile I was sporting the biggest boner I had ever had in the last year.

Kay-Lynn explored my body with her roaming hands too and soon reached my clear indicator of my own arousal for the first time. She squeezed my cock and started to rub its steel hardness.

“Fuck me Drew!” she cooed, “Please fuck me!”

I smiled and thought that I needed to play her finely-tuned instrument a little longer, “Not yet, my darling, I want you to beg for it first,” as I kissed and nibbled down her soft belly towards the object of my desire.

“Fuck no!” the screamed, “Just fuck me now, I need no more, I’m so fucking ready!”

I licked and sucked her clit while burying my nose into her fuzzy triangles of hair filling my nostrils and taste buds with the sweet and heady smell and flavour of her intimate juices. She shuddered and screamed the registration of her mounting ecstasy. I kept on my assault on her clitoris and fingering the treasure of her G-spot with two buried fingers and could feel her juices flowing around my digits as she buckled as if she was riding a relentless surf beneath me. Then she just collapsed and lay relaxed, breathing healthily with an occasional adorable involuntary snort.

I extracted my fingers, licked licked them of their coated nectar, then licked and slurped up all her delicious juices from her pussy to the crack of her arse and moved upwards, kissing her belly and torso up to her heaving breasts and spent a few seconds wantonly feasting on her nips until kissing up her neck and chin to her lips again. Her eyes were closed and I kissed her eyelids and she opened them again.

“You beast!” she croaked, “You’re killing me.”

“Oh, you want me to stop?”

“No, I want you to make love to me please, Drew,” she begged, “I want to feel you inside me ... please? ... Pretty please?”

I could see deep into her clear blue eyes, eyes that were moistened with emotion, shining in the early light of morning, her face open and vulnerable, innocent, trusting and loving.

“I want to make love to you, Kay-Lynn, honey,” as I kissed her nose.

“I want to make love with you too, Drew, so much ... please?”

I kissed her lips and she responded back with her enquiring tongue and hugging me as if her arms had turned to jelly. I moved down and kissed her neck and moved kiss by kiss down her lovely body again until I reach the delicacy of her fragrant flooded pussy and licked her again a couple of slow, sweet licks and kisses. Then I got up onto my knees and moved into position, wiping the inflated head of my tungsten-hard cock up and down her slick vagina, covering it in her sweet sauces, then I slipped into her past her lips into her hot tightness. So tight, I pushed and pushed and she arched herself up to help and wrapped her urging legs around me until I bottomed out and held fast buried deep inside her.

I moved my face down meet her lips and kissed her again. “Are you alright, my darling girl?”

“Yes,” she croaked back, her hands moving up to cradle my face. “You are so beautiful, Drew, so gentle, so sweet. I love you so much. But I’m ready for a good old-fashioned no-holds-bared royal fucking, now honey, now!”

“We are making love, my dearest girl, not just fucking” I said, and we moved slowly. and we moved in unison, building up the rate and amount of interaction. “I love you too, Kay-Lynn, you are the most beautiful person I have ever known or gotten close to.”

Soon were were making love until I released my sperm and she had her second orgasm. I pulled out and pulled her on top of me and held her tightly as our passions drained away in sated bliss.

It was warm and sunny today. Late September can be cold and damp in England but for the past few days, alongside the forecast for the first half of next week, it was anticipated that we would have this ‘Indian’ Summer’ weather to enjoy before the damp mists of autumn set in. So we both dressed down in shorts and tee shirts for the car journey up to my mother’s house.

I have two cars in my parking spot on the ground floor.

The parking for the block of flats is split between two buildings simply because of the requirement of planning laws to have sufficient off-road parking for the residential flats. Being a mixture of 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom flats, the requirement was for an average of 2 cars per home, that is 48 parking spots plus five additional ‘guest’ parking spots. My building has 15 places on the ground floor and another 15 down a ramp to Basement 1, which is 18 plus 5 short, so my resourceful uncle had bought a run-down fast food restaurant next door, demolished it completely and designed and built a 6-storey car park that housed the surplus reserved parking for the flats plus the 100 parking spaces that the local council required for the members of the country club. The car park could be accessed by the public too, payment on exit if they didn’t have the fob issued free to all the tenants, and it turned out to be a good money earner.

I had six of the parking spaces on the ground floor, three for each of my two flats on the top floor, mine and the unoccupied one which I was passing onto the girls. I assumed they didn’t have any cars, but I made a mental note to ask. I used two of the spaces for my two cars. The third of my spaces I left for the cleaners who were contracted to clean all the flats once a week, so they were done on a rota basis, so the cleaner’s van was there every day during the working week. The other three spaces were used by other households who I particularly permitted to use for their convenience with the proviso that should I ever let out the other flat, they would have to return to using their assigned space in the public car park. One of those I allowed to park was a disabled second cousin, another an elderly widow who had once been my uncle’s housekeeper and the third space an unmarried mother who was the daughter of another cousin’s partner.

I have a small electric car which meant I could freely drive around London’s extensive ‘no emissions’ zone, but I also had a rather smart and powerful Aston Martin sports car that I inherited from my uncle, that I wanted to use today to drive up to my mother’s. I also used that impressive and comfortable car to drive out to other projects outside London, including my next big project, a 60-bed Care Home I was planning on building on the seafront in Eastbourne, that was presently being held up over planning gain negotiations with the local council. Fortunately, most of my residential property developments were in and around London.

There were lockable cupboards in the parking area for residents to store things like tools, step ladders etc and were large enough to hold a work bench so they could be used for hobby work or furniture assembly. In mine I could store my Aston Martin hard top during the summer. However, I had already swapped out my soft top ready for the autumn and, although it was fair weather outside, it would be difficult to hold a conversation when driving fast and we would be using the M1 at 77 mph for most of the way, so the hard top was more appropriate.

As we drove along I told Kay-Lynn what she might expect when we got to Mum’s house, which was the home I grew up in. It was also the home that my mother had lived in all her life.

“My parents are Lady Grace Stapleton nee Evans-Tutt and Lord Singleton, otherwise simly as George, who is a high court judge who has been in charge of a Government Public Enquiry for the last two years looking into wasteful overspending on an air defence system which is still not working properly after 20 years’ investment and development and looks unlikely to ever be finished. Just keep that info to yourself and don’t tell the Russians, Americans or NATO.”

“I won’t, so ... your father is a Lord?” Kay-Lynn asked.

“Yes, a Law Lord. My parents have always been involved in the law, both were barristers and later judges. My mother Grace is a retired county court judge. They met as QCs and my mother was in her mid-30s and my father in his mid-40s when they married, that’s why I thought I was an only child, my mother was over 40 when I was born and they are now in their late 70s and late 80s. For their age they are pretty robust and I would bet on them both getting a telegram from King Charles when they reach 100. They haven’t said anything to me about their relationship, but I’m sure that they are unofficially separated and live in separate residences. My father lives in my old flat in Westminster and has lived there ever since he started his Public Enquiry, which is why I don’t think we’ll see my Dad this weekend.”

“They are separated but not divorced?”

“Yeah, it doesn’t sound a perfect arrangement, but old-style families like my mother and father’s families just don’t divorce,” I said. “I don’t think my mother knows that I am aware that she has had a long-term affair with a secret boyfriend due to my father’s long absences and the fact that my father is quite a cold and remote personality most of the time.”

“If her boyfriend is a secret, Drew, how did you find out about her affair?”

“I was sent away to a boarding school from the age of 7 through until I was 18 when I secretly passed my driving test at 17, after I was given my first car by my uncle. I drove home early morning during school term time to show off my new car and found a strange car in the car port beside the house that had clearly been parked all night, as it had rained overnight and the car was dry. I quietly sneaked into the house up the stairs and peeped into my mother’s bedroom and saw my mother was sleeping with a strange man.”

“Oh no,” Kay-Lynn, said, “did you know who he was?”

“Not then, no, but checking on his car registration and the Grays Inn parking permit number in his windscreen, narrowed down the search. I discovered that he is another lawyer, one who had been working in the same chambers as Mum. Armed with that information, I was able to speak with people who work at my home, we have a large house and gardens, so we have day workers that help with cleaning and cooking, and gardeners to look after the grounds. Once staff members knew that I had discovered her affair they admitted that it was common knowledge among the staff and that my father had moved out, living elsewhere during the week and only came back to keep up appearances at weekends when I was home from school. My mother’s lover’s name is Claud Reddingstone and he is about eight years younger than my mother, so he must be in his early 70s by now. He is also a retired barrister, who is still married with a wife who seems to put up with his long-standing.extra-marital affair, they have a couple of children and half-a-dozen grandchildren. I check up on him from time to time; I assume his wife is aware of his affair and stays with him for the lifestyle he can offer her.”

“And yet, you didn’t call your mother out on it when you discovered it?” Kay-Lynn asked.

“No, I was in shock to begin with, I thought we were a happy family,” I said, ‘Not much point making a song and dance about it, after all I can’t help loving my mother even if I don’t approve of her morals but I suppose when she found out I was living a gay lifestyle and that she would be unlikely to have any grandchildren to dote over, she seemed to accept the situation quite quickly and long ago accepted that likely outcome.”

“So you think today’s news of the pregnancy will be a shock but quite a pleasant shock for her?”

“I’m sure it will be, but that pleasure will be tempered by her fears over the dangers to me, because this is something completely new and unknown to science and human biology.”

“But Monty will make sure that if there is any danger to you and the babies, that your health and your survival is his prime objective.”

“Sure, honey, I can appreciate that,” I said, “but there have been millions and millions of mothers giving natural birth without any problems, without doctors and without science but there is no previous history for a male like me in my condition, nothing at all. Unlike all those millions of mothers, I do not have a cervix and a birth canal, I also don’t have the contraction muscles to deliver the babies, my babies are developing in a cul de sac, basically a sealed bottle inside me, with no way out except by the intervention of a surgeons’s knife. Although, having said that, I cannot stop myself wondering how many men have died over the centuries through this exact same condition as mine but have either gone completely unnoticed or the information has been suppressed because of superstition, religious reasons or fear of discovery?”

“I know that your condition seems unique, Drew, but your condition is not an ailment like a tumour that could harm you by stealth. Your condition has been discovered at an early stage were it is but an inconvenience and by a doctor who you have a lot of respect for and you know that your care in his hands will be second to none,” Kay-Lynn said, “and I will be with there with you all the way, monitoring your health, because I am equally concerned and committed to get you through this. You are my priority, honey, and I really mean that, and please be sure that I’m committed to you and this birth of your babies for emotional reasons completely unconnected with whatever might happen after the births.”

She paused for a moment while I concentrated on the road, which was suddenly busy around a motorway junction. “Maybe your reluctance until now to even admit to having a relationship is because of the dishonest signals you got from your parents at a time when you were becoming an adult. It must’ve been a shock to your illusions of being in a happy childhood family and you settled on accepting the situation because it would have been too distressing to confront them. In a way I can understand the wife of your mum’s lover, accepting his affair and living with it rather than face the poverty and stress of being a single parent. As for me, Drew, I am not here for the comfort and lifestyle of your money, I have a career path that I love and don’t want a relationship for any particular need. I really felt a connection with you in that club as a strikingly handsome man and just wanted to talk to you, get to know you and spend time with you; I didn’t know anything about you then, at all. I didn’t care about who you were, what you did or where you lived. I still don’t care about any of that, I just know that you are somebody special and in addition something special is happening to you that I know that I can help. Monty appeared to have recognised that too and I’ve almost been bundled up in all this out of the blue but I’m not complaining, at all. What is happening to us all seems to be fate ... and I don’t even believe in fate or karma, I’m just feel privileged to be where I want to be right now.”

“I do believe you don’t care about the money, hon,” I said, “I really do. However, if we are going to be partners in this venture, I think you should get to know all there is to know, and be an equal partner. You need to know where my money comes from and where it goes if anything happens to me, and in this unknown biological world I am being drawn into something could happen to me. You don’t have to take it all in here and now but, sometime next week we will see my lawyer, who will explain that my money is not really my money, it is all tied up in trusts, for tax purposes and overseen by trustees to reduce intervention by fraudsters.”

“Which means I can’t just marry you, then bump you off or quickie-divorce you,” she grinned, “and get any share of anything, except what I bring into the relationship, is that right?”

“Pretty much, although my lawyer Butch’ll explain everything and draw up any papers.”

“Butch?” she said with raised eyebrows, “Tell me now, is he a ‘special friend’ that I should know about honey?”

“No, he’s a straight man christened ‘Barry’ but as we were kids at school there were just too many Barrys around so he became Butch, and also because he was a bit of an animal on the rugger pitch,” I laughed. “You’ll like him and his cute bent nose and funny cauliflower ears. And I know that he’ll love you because he married an absolutely beautiful knockout woman, Laura, and he always shakes his head over his good fortune landing a wife he rates as 10 out of 10 and that with my relatively good looks he says I should attract an 11. And that’s definitely you, hon, and I mean that.”

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