Cousins Don't Need Modesty - Cover

Cousins Don't Need Modesty

Copyright© 2025 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 7

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Dalton agrees to babysit his adult cousins from the UK, expecting a quiet, uneventful night. But his Aunt’s household runs on different rules—she doesn’t believe girls need modesty, and that girls learn when butts burn. I illustrated it with a comic style reminiscent of the old Archie comics, because they were part of the inspiration. A short embarrassed nude female story (ENF)/Clothed Male/Nude Female story (CMNF).

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   Incest   Humiliation   Spanking   Babysitter   Small Breasts   Illustrated  

“I suppose the brushes won’t be going back up their arses now, either?” Archie regarded me as if I was coddling his sisters.

“I thought I’d give them a little reprieve so that they could air out their tight little buttholes,” I decided. “They still have to tell their mom what they did and show her when she gets home.”

“Wuff, Mister Dalton, we’ve been well-behaved,” Betty sat up on her knees, begging with her hands in front of her peach-shaped tits, and smiled at me. I assumed she was going to ask me not to tell her mom what they did with the brushes. I was ready to deny that request – one of the brushes they had used had belonged to my Aunt, and I wasn’t going to let them out of that. “Can we put the brushes in our cunnies? We need proper tails to be puppies.”

“Aye, we’ll end up with it back up our holes again before Mum comes home; I’d like to clean mine off proper, and I don’t mind using it as a tail.”

The girls were clearly enthusiastic about getting themselves off again.

“First off, it’s not YOUR brush; one of them was mine, and the other belonged to Mum. Secondly, you two are being punished for playing with yourselves while you were in the loo, yeah? So, when you go on about how you wouldn’t mind, it sounds like you’re doing the two of us a fucking favor—like we should be grateful you’re getting your jollies instead of actually learning something. Lastly, have you ever seen a puppy with a tail sticking out of its cunning? It goes up your arse!”

“I’ve never seen a dog with a tail sticking out of its arse, either,” Archie snickered. “You are as horny and mangy as dogs, smell like them, and probably have as many fleas, but you’ll never have the proper tails.”

“It’s just pretend, Mister Archie!” Betty pouted with disappointment.

“Aye, we are just playing at being puppies,” Veronica agreed.

“I’d rather you play at being proper sisters and get off your lazy bums and make me a cup of tea when I ask,” Archie patted the girls on the top of their heads. His voice was laced with mock sweetness, the kind that barely concealed a smirk. Every word dripped with exaggerated patience, like he was humoring a child who insisted they were a grown-up.

My sister would have never pretended to be a dog for my amusement, much less her own. However, she would have certainly told me to fuck off and get my own tea if I had made the same statement to her. She would have certainly never tolerated Archie’s playful condescension the way his sisters did. I envied him for that.

“This is more fun than making a cup of tea,” Betty pouted apologetically before asking eagerly what the next contest would be – punctuating it with a quick series of yappy barks.

“Horniest dog,” I decided. I hadn’t given it much thought but decided that I’d make an attempt to let the girls play with themselves again. Betty and Veronica seemed eager to find out more, but Archie sighed and shifted in his seat.

“Pshaw, is all this just an excuse to watch my sisters finger fuck themselves to happy town?” Archie seemed disappointed with my lack of creativity. I decided that I had to make it seem different than the last session.

“Get your mother’s dildo. I am sure you both know where it is,” I said firmly. Veronica and Betty looked confused when I gave them that instruction.

“Are we to get in trouble again?” Veronica pouted nervously.

“Only if you don’t crawl into her bedroom and get the dildo. You already had it in your quim, so it’s not like you will be in any less trouble for playing with yourselves.”

“I thought we were already punished for that,” Betty seemed calmly reluctant to do as I told her as well.

“You are still going to tell your mom what you did with her toys. Now, get the dildo before I change my mind and decide to play whack-the-puppy’s ass with a wooden paddle instead!”

The girls were off quickly, racing on all fours down the hallway to get the dildo. “Bring it back in your mouth!”

“Is there a prize for the pup that gets it first?” Veronica yipped down the hallway toward her mother’s room eagerly.

“Nope, you are a team. You have to work together!”

The girls giggled and tussled, snapping at each other like playful pups as they bounded back. Veronica came out on top, her teeth clamped triumphantly around the purple dildo, her eyes sparkling with victory. Betty bounded after her sister, giggling as she kept pace on all fours, their movements fluid, practiced—almost second nature now. They crawled with ease, backs arched, hips swaying slightly with each step, their knees barely skimming the floor. They kept their knees slightly bent, which forced their tiny butts up in the air-exposing their wet hairy little pussies.

There was no hesitation left, no self-conscious glances—if anything, I doubted they’d even think to stand upright now. Walking would feel more unnatural to them than scrambling to outdo each other in the game.

Veronica trotted straight up to me, dropping the purple dildo at my feet with a pleased little huff, as if expecting a reward for carrying it like a dog with a bone.

Archie watched with a smirk, shaking his head. “Shame you don’t move your arses that quick when I tell you to get the door or clean my bloody room.”

“Good girls,” I patted them on the head and placed the dildo on its base – sitting upright in their kitchen. “Alright, back-to-back, I want you to hover over this!”

The base of the dildo was sticky and flat – enough that it could be placed on the kitchen tile and not fall over. However, it wasn’t stable. The shaft and latex cock head wobbled precariously.

“Are we meant to fuck ourselves on the dildo in front of you and Archie?” Betty scrunched her nose with a bit of confusion as she assumed the position, kneeling with her pussy over the dildo. Her sister pushed her back and butt up against hers. Their pussies were dripping – so there was no question that the two of them were horny and eager to play whatever game I had in mind. I was surprised that they were reluctant at all.

“Why? Is it something you should be ashamed of doing? You didn’t have a problem when I masturbated you with your toothbrushes.”

“That was different; we didn’t have any choice in that,” Veronica agreed. Their pussies were dripping wet as they knelt, butt cheeks touching. Their mother’s purple dildo wobbled between the cracks of their sweet little asses.
“You enjoyed it, though, right?” I asked.

“Oh, Aye, I think you could tell that, Mister Dalton,” Veronica blushed, refusing to make eye contact with me.

“Then, I think you are going to enjoy this next contest,” I assured her. I instructed the girls to spread their asses and rest the dildo between their cheeks. I assumed that they could stabilize it so that it wouldn’t fall over as long as they pressed their cheeks together to “Grip” it.

“I know you mean to laugh at us, Mister Dalton,” Betty looked up at me with big puppy dog eyes. “I don’t mind giving this a go, but I’ve never had something this big in my arse. I think it may hurt a bit.”

Betty was clearly willing to fuck her ass with the dildo. I think Veronica was as well, because she didn’t argue – only looked straight ahead while her cheeks turned beet red.

“You’ve had this contest easy, got to fill your gobs with biscuits and pizza, while Mister Dalton gave you a thrill. He loosened up your stink holes; you should be thanking your lucky stars that we are willing to sit here and watch you desperately fuck your arses. If it’s a bit uncomfortable, it’s probably meant to be – to teach you not to play with yourselves,” Archie explained with a sardonic and impatient look on his face. He didn’t sound evil. Instead, he sounded like he thought the girls should be far more grateful for the opportunity to fuck themselves in front of us.

I saw that Betty and Veronica were about to protest, or pout, but I silenced them by making a shushing sound. “I never said you’d be fucking the dildo with your arses ... I mean asses,” I was picking up their British vernacular. “You are going to sing that chicken song, flap your arms, and take turns fucking the dildo with your pussies.”

Betty and Veronica grinned wickedly, while Archie protested. “This lot get to play Musical cunnies? How is that fair?”

I assumed it would be extremely humiliating for the girls to fuck themselves in the kitchen, and I was going to make it increasingly so by having them sing that silly nursery rhyme and share the same dildo while flapping their arms like chicken wings. However, the girls were eager to give it a go – thrilled by the prospect.

“I am sure there is a catch, Mister Archie,” Veronica looked up at me with her pretty blue eyes to plead for pity. The girls clearly expected there to be some twist to the game that they would not enjoy.

I didn’t have a twist – this WAS the full game. I hadn’t expected the girls to be so eager. They were already sliding their ass cracks up and down the shaft of the dildo.

“Yes, I’ll signal you to go faster, or slower, and stop. You are to fuck yourself all the way down as far as you can on the dildo, and slide off completely to the pace that I set. You are not allowed to cum until I tell you, and the girl whose quim is on the dildo the most times when I say stop will be allowed to fuck herself to orgasm,” I hastily added another stipulation.

Archie thought I was coddling his sisters and nearly got up in disgust to leave the kitchen. His sisters were excited to begin. They were still a bit nervous that they were going to get in trouble. “Are we going to be allowed to wank around our brother; from now on?” Betty’s tone was circumspect – uncertain if this was a trap.

“You want to be able to play with yourselves around Archie?” I asked curiously. I assumed even my cousins would want privacy when they masturbated.

“These two horny twaddles would polish a doorknob with their oily quims if they were allowed to fuck the doors,” Archie answered for the girls that they would love to play with themselves.


“Ooh, aye, could you imagine being able to back up into a doorknob and have my way with it?” Veronica closed her eyes and imagined the scenario – wiggling her butt like a duck shaking off water after a swim.

“Caw, me on one side of the door, and you on the other, going at it?” Betty flashed a naughty smile as she looked over her shoulder at her sister.

“See what I mean? Usually, when I walk into their room and my horny sisters are fucking themselves, I tell Mum, and she lights up their arses with a paddle. Mum would be beside herself right now that you are indulging the perverted twat-flaps this way.”

It was a bit too late to re-think my contest, and I wanted to watch it. I told Mister Archie that he was free to leave the kitchen if he didn’t want to watch; but that since the girls masturbated anyway, I was going to allow them to do so during a contest. I clapped my hands and told the girls to start singing and fucking themselves.

“Chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken, lay a little egg for me...” the girls laughed and giggled as they awkwardly slid up bumped their tight butt cheeks for the honor of being the first one to slide down the dildo. “Chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken, I want some for my tea!” they snickered and laughed.

“Veronica first since she won the last game!” I decided. Betty humped herself down on the dildo, her pink pussy lips enveloping it as she impaled herself about six inches down the shaft and slowed down her singing to give herself more time. Betty kept her ass in contact with her sister’s pussy as she guided herself down along with her – keeping time with the song.

“Hey, she has to sing in time to the lyrics!” Betty pouted. Veronica obliged and continued singing the silly song at the same tempo.

“Now good old Farmer Haystack is the cleverest of men,” Betty and Veronica crowed together, flapping their arms like chickens, snickering and giggling while Betty took a turn on the dildo. “He cuts a rasher off a pig, and he shouts to a hen...”

“Faster!” I said as I spun my hand so that they would increase their tempo – their pussies were dripping, and they slid easily up and down the dildo like pistons firing in an engine.

“A-Chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken, lay a little egg for me. Chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken, I want some for my tea!”

I could see their cute little pussies spread out, and grip the dildo, as their faces became flush with embarrassment and their nipples stiffened. I

“I haven’t had an egg since Easter, and now it’s half-past three, So chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken, lay a little egg for me,” they sang, flapped, and dipped down and back up on the dildo- taking turns, but keeping their ass cheeks touching.

I could imagine an egg dropping out of their cute asses – it was fascinating watching them take turns fucking themselves. “Faster still!” I directed them.

The girls obliged, picking up the pace, “Now Rip-Van-Winkle woke up after twenty years or more, He found a bird’s nest in his beard and shouted out, “Oh ... ooh ... ooh ... Lor’!” Veronica embellished the lines from the song to give herself enough time to wobble and spring up and down on the dildo. Their naughty grins were full of desire – making me extremely turned on.

“Honestly, now!” If Archie was turned on, he didn’t let on. He crossed his legs and expressed his displeasure with the scenario. “Surely, you’ve a plan to humiliate them and not just indulge them?” he asked me quietly.

“How is flapping their arms like a chicken, singing this song, and fucking themselves in front of us not embarrassing?” I asked him in a whisper while never taking my eyes off the girls having fun, taking turns fucking themselves and singing. “Wouldn’t you be embarrassed if the shoe was on the other foot?”

“You keep asking how I’d feel if I were them. I’d never take the bait and do something like this, nor would anyone ask me to pleasure myself at their feet in the kitchen. I’ve too much self-respect and dignity. The only way my sisters might be truly embarrassed getting their rocks off is if only one of them went to do it while the other had to watch.”

“What if that handsome guy Brian Winsome were watching or some of their girlfriends from school?” I asked – watching Betty bob up and down and get into waving her hands like a chicken. The girls were in sync now – helping each other by sliding in time to their song.

“They may care what Brian thinks of them, but who cares what some other chin wagging tart from school thinks about them? Those slags would just as likely wish they were joining these two on the floor, wouldn’t they?”

Archie’s opinion of girls was that they were all horny, attention-seeking tarts without a need for modesty. He may have been correct about a good many of the girls that went to my school. “I am sure that some would be jealous, but others would look down their noses with derision and tease them?”

“Aye, that’s the only thing vacant-eyed gossip machines are good for besides polishing knobs. I am sure my sisters would whinge about their reputations if I invited my mates over to watch them riding their mum’s fanny ticklers. They’d still love the attention, though – look at the brainless hens having the time of their lives squeezing out cum juice on the floor like they are trying to juice two sour lemons.”

“Slow down, much slower,” I moved my fingers in a slow circle. My cousins had worked themselves into a frenzy of frothy cum, taking turns fucking the dildo, and their singing had become eradicated – out of synch and hard to follow.

Betty and Veronica grinned, loving the attention and the pleasurable sensations. “So ... chick ... chick ... chick...” Betty mused as she slid down on the dildo slowly – giving herself a tingling sensation.

“Remember, you aren’t to cum, you drippy mare,” Archie warned his sister as he sat back and watched the girls fuck themselves in slow motion.

I decided to pick up their toothbrushes. I washed them off in the sink while they continued to slowly fuck themselves. At first, they luxuriated on the dildo as they stretched out their pussies and rode it to the base, and then lost patience as they pressed their butt cheeks together and slid down while their sister satisfied herself.

“You said it yourself, Archie,” I explained as I sniffed the brush to ensure it was clean and didn’t smell like sweaty ass. “Your sisters will be tempted to sneak off and play with themselves all night, but if I let them get off, they’ll be satiated and be easier to manage.”

That hadn’t been part of my original plan. I just wanted an excuse to watch the girls fuck themselves. I initially made them share the dildo because I wasn’t sure if I would get in trouble if my Aunt discovered I let them use a second dildo. They had already used the purple one – so it seemed like the damage was already done.

I slowly squatted in front of Betty and began to brush the pink clit above her hair pussy. Her eyes widened in recognition as she saw that I was going to give her additional pleasure while she fucked herself down on the dildo in the kneeling position. She continued to sing the nursery rhyme like it was second nature. “Chick ... chick ... chick...” she sang as she began to instinctively stop flapping her arms like a chicken and moved her hands to help guide the toothbrush.

I slapped her arms away lightly and reminded her to keep flapping. “Speed up a little, that’s it,” I wanted her to feel vulnerable, without control. I could imagine what it would be like if my sister was applying a wet toothbrush to the vein throbbing under my cock while I had to slide up to masturbate myself. The fact that I couldn’t use my own hands would make me feel less in control and uncomfortable.

That feeling seemed to turn Betty on – because she parted her lips invitingly, and a little spit dribbled out in the sexiest way.

“What’s he doing? No fair,” Veronica asked angrily in between lyrics.

“It’s not fair you two gobshite slags get to have a jerk-off session in the kitchen, thank your lucky stars,” Archie teased his older sister. He informed me that nothing could satisfy their level of horniness. “There’s no satisfying slags like Betty and Veronica, is there?” he asked. “You let them hump their quims until they are bruised and purple and then give one of the gobby whores some attention that the other doesn’t have, and they’ll prove it to you.”

I slid over to reach around and use the other brush on Veronica’s clit while Archie continued complaining about the female condition of his sisters. “It doesn’t work like it does for guys. You wind us up until we pop our load, and then we crack on with it. But them?” Archie jerked his head toward the girls, smirking. “You could wind ‘em up all fucking night, and they’d only want more—climbing your leg like a randy mutt, desperate to snatch whatever they think the other one’s got that they haven’t.”

Veronica didn’t deny it. She parted her legs and smiled invitingly as I rubbed the toothbrush bristles on her clit. “Faster sluts,” I instructed.

At first, they didn’t sing any faster. They simply fucked themselves faster on the dildo – taking their time when it was their turn to wobble on the dildo. The chicken song no longer had any connection to the rhythm of their movements.

I loved the musky scent of their pussies, as the two of them hammered themselves down on the dildo like they were driving railroad spikes. I noticed sometimes they slowly slid down around the dildo, and other times they shot down – but they always took their time gliding back up off of it.

My cousin’s tight pussies gripped the dildo like a glove, sometimes pulling itself inside out as their sticky pussy lips clung to the dildo. I realized that neither of them seemed uncomfortable with the idea of being watched, much less sharing a dildo, even though they had both coated it in their own pussy juices.

“Stop!” I insisted. The girls abruptly stopped while their bodies shuddered, and their eyebrows knotted. Betty’s pussy was still wrapped around the dildo, and she writhed a little.

“Betty won that one,” I noted before asking them if what Archie said was true.

“Honestly, I wasn’t listening,” Veronica admitted with a half-laugh, and Betty echoed that sentiment.

“He said that if I wind you up, it only makes you hornier and won’t satisfy you. If I let you play this game, are you going to try to masturbate without permission later?” I asked as I removed the toothbrushes from their clits.

“Oh, um, we’d try not to have a go with ourselves, but it’s hard when you have us so turned on,” Veronica bit her lip, moving one of her hands to stimulate her erect, stiff nipple.

“Aye, Archie’s not wrong when he calls us filthy cows, but please let us keep playing, Mister Dalton. We’ve never played a game like this – and we get to have a proper orgasm at the end?” Betty asked.

“It’s Mister Archie!” he corrected before asking, “What use do naughty girls have with orgasms? It’s not like you have done fuck all around here to deserve one, and now you’ve got Mister Dalton so desperate to keep order that he’s willing to let you two shag yourselves for a promise from two girls that they can keep their hands off their slits? You should have soap in your mouth, and paddles on your arses – that’ll learn you to respect the babysitter.”

“Aye, we should, but we didn’t ask for this, and we didn’t manipulate you,” Betty looked up at me with her bright blue eyes. She was right about that. Her lips were parted in such a way that I could only think about sinking my dick in her throat. I instinctively placed the toothbrush that I had been using to massage her sister’s clit in her mouth, and she accepted it - sucking it like a dick. I did the same for Veronica and instructed them to continue fucking themselves.

They sang a little around the toothbrushes, but both of them sucked so lovingly on them that it felt very much like they were both giving me head. I felt like I could have pulled out my dick and fed it to them. I can’t tell you why I drew the line at that. I was already watching them masturbate and simulate fellatio.

I guess the fact that they were my cousins, and Archie was sitting in the kitchen was enough to dissuade me that I couldn’t just unzip my pants and slide my cock into their cute little British mouths. I used the wet toothbrush on their nipples, slid it between their ass crack, over their assholes and clits, and teased them while they sang the chick-chick song. This round they were far more into it – sexually hypnotic about their movements.

This was sex – or at least sexual. It had long since stopped being a game, or a punishment, or a lesson or whatever it is that I said it was when we began. I was having some sort of sexual experience with my cousins whether we wanted to acknowledge it or not.

I didn’t notice that Archie had left the kitchen, until I felt a stream of water from his water gun hit me in the leg.

“Fuck this,” he said. “You’ve wound these two twat flaps enough,” he started spraying their pussies, tits and faces with water. They giggled and tried to continue fucking until they fell over on the floor, writhing about.

“What are you doing?”

“Hosing these beasts down, they’ve gotten two hot and heavy, and frankly, you have as well. You look like you are about to bend them over the table and have a go. If that’s your aim then have at it, but I’ll not sit here and watch this play out any longer. It’s time to clean them up these twits and hose them down!””

Archie’s determined expression as he pumped his water gun made me laugh. I conceded the game had gone a bit far. The girls didn’t defend themselves very much. Instead, they squeaked, croaked, complained and flopped around like fish on the tile floor while Archie sprayed them down.

“Imagine if I walked around with my hard tally-whacker flopping everywhere, you would know I’m thinking dirty thoughts,” Archie squirted the girls with water mercilessly in their faces, pussies, tummies and legs as they flopped around on the floor and giggled.

“Oh no! we’d have to see your beans and franks, how terrible that would be to have a hard cock about,” Veronica joked – clearly she would have been delighted to see a hard pecker, even if it belonged to her brother. “Everyone has perverted thoughts all the time – we wouldn’t be surprised if you did.”

Archie’s response was to pump his water gun and squirt his raven-haired sister in the face a few times before answering “Not ALL of the time like you lot; you have sex on the brain. You walk around here with your squirty flappers between your legs getting pussy juice all over the floor. Your fishy quim juice is so thick I might slip and fall. You stick your tiny boobs and dirty pooh holes in our faces, like you’ve something to be proud of. Imagine if we crawled about, sticking our dirty bums up in the air! You’d want to spray us down as well!”

Archie sprayed Betty’s ass crack a few times.

“Sorry, we’ll take a bath soon enough, I am sure. We’ve one more game, Mister Archie. Stop, please!” Betty laughed, and held her mouth open, offering her tongue as a target for Archie to squirt with his water gun. “Arf! We know we are dirty slags, with dirty girl parts. There isn’t much I can do about having a pooh hole. If you are going to spray us down, give us a drink then?”

Archie pumped the water gun several times, preparing to squirt it into his sister’s throat. She patiently waited on her knees with her mouth open, and then at the last minute he sprayed her nose and eyes.

“Arrrrr, that wasn’t very nice!” she wiped her face with her bare wrists; but didn’t retaliate.

“It wasn’t meant to be. I got tired of watching you lot fuck yourself on the tile. This isn’t a puppy contest at all. Puppies jump through hoops and over fences, perform tricks, and all you perverted munters have done is behave like sluts.”

“Slut puppies,” I mused. The girls giggled when I said that. I think that I could have said anything at that point and my cousins would have found it amusing. They were in high spirits after the last game, and they regarded me as either an ally; or a dumb putz that was going to let them get away with doing things they weren’t allowed to do. One thing was for sure, they wanted to play the game and see who won.

“We’ve not been asked what we’d be competing in, Mister Archie. You don’t have to spray us down. We’ll have a bath soon enough,” Veronica clarified. Archie squirted her in the mouth, catching his sister in the throat while she was speaking.

“Puppies should be bathed outside with a garden hose, you are lucky all I have is a water gun,” he said.

“Fine, we’ll wash up the puppies as our final game,” I decided.

“We’ll not have a proper bath?” Betty seemed surprised to hear that.

I smacked her bottom and reminded her that I wanted her to bark and that she was a puppy.

“Can we play until we cum outside? You said the winner of the last contest could have a proper orgasm?” Veronica asked politely before adding a couple yapping barks.

“That was before I knew that if I let you have an orgasm, it would only wind you up and make you want to play with yourself even more,” I said as I clipped an old leash that the neighbor gave us to her collar. I did the same to Betty and directed them to stand up.

“You have a sister, does our cousin Janis play this game at home with you?” Betty asked with a big smile.

I wasn’t prepared for that question. I hadn’t wanted to admit that I was playing this all by ear. I also didn’t want them talking to my sister and finding out that I’d never dare play a game like this with her at home or deny her an orgasm. I wanted my cousins to think that things worked much the same way they did at their house where I lived. I felt like that gave me more credibility, and I had already implied it.

“You lot can clean up the mess you made on the floor,” I changed the subject in a faux-British accent and directed them to grab mops to clean up the water. My cousin’s accents were cheeky, and it was easy to pick them up. “Your cousin Janis is a girl, so what do you think?” I added a vague comment to address the question they asked.

“That’s why I don’t understand why you want to allow my sisters to flaunt their little fannies – you’ve got a full-grown sister at home who’s out of high school. I am sure she is more than a handful,” Archie lamented as he sat down and folded his arms impatiently. He didn’t offer to help the girls clean up the mess that he made with the water gun. Instead, he periodically pointed out spots they missed with the mop and squirted them with the gun.

“As her brother, I’ve got a responsibility to keep order at home. My dad can’t do everything,” I smiled and implied that my father was the disciplinarian. In truth, he was not at all. He was seldom home because he was a traveling salesman and my parents’ marriage was on the rocks. I didn’t mention that though.

“What about your brother Michael. Does he help?” Archie asked.

“Michael is younger than you, but he keeps an eye on the women of the house. It’s our responsibility,” I lied.

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