Cousins Don't Need Modesty - Cover

Cousins Don't Need Modesty

Copyright© 2025 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 11

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Dalton agrees to babysit his adult cousins from the UK, expecting a quiet, uneventful night. But his Aunt’s household runs on different rules—she doesn’t believe girls need modesty, and that girls learn when butts burn. I illustrated it with a comic style reminiscent of the old Archie comics, because they were part of the inspiration. A short embarrassed nude female story (ENF)/Clothed Male/Nude Female story (CMNF).

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   Incest   Humiliation   Spanking   Babysitter   Small Breasts   Illustrated  

“This is embarrassing and degrading,” Janis announced – she didn’t take a step away from the living room. She didn’t try to use her hands to cover her nudity. She simply demanded attention and acknowledgment – like she wanted to argue with me about it and defend my actions.

I felt like she wanted me to prove to her that it was all fair and it wasn’t ever meant to put women on equal footing with men.

“Aye, it has to be a bit because if not you get too big for your britches, I assure you – you should thank your lucky stars that your brother wants the job of being in charge. If not, I’d have put my son into Dalton’s room, and you and my daughters would have to bunk up in a much smaller room. You need a bit of tough love, lass! This is not meant to break you down, but your pride and discourteous behavior is not going to attract a man or endear you to many.”

Once I finished with my mother, I took a short break and examined her red pussy and ass. I was pleased that I left her throbbing and sore. “How was that?” I asked, “Did I pass your little test?”

“That’s a fair question, Mister Dalton,” my mom rubbed her ass and looked a pitiful. “You gave me a decent spanking, I didn’t expect you to spank my quim, but I’ve nothing against it when I deserve it. I’m an old slapper, but my twat is still sensitive enough that you’ve given me more tingles than pain – so I am hornier than I was before we started talking.”

My mom’s British accent had almost fully returned after that experience. “Good, squat down and finger fuck your arse hole, but don’t let yourself cum. Sheridan, if you amuse me and ream your filthy pooh hole like you are working a finger puppet at a Punch and Judy show, I’ll let you have a proper wank on the living room floor.”

I had included a mish-mosh of some of the things I heard my cousins say when I was at their house.

There was a long, stunned pause. My mom’s jaw froze and I could tell she hadn’t expected me to give her such a vulgar instruction. My Aunt’s reaction was to stare at my mom – trying to gauge her response.

Janis gave me an incredulous look – clearly expecting my mom to refuse the instruction.

“On second thought,” my mom’s tone was dour – it sounded like she was having a change of heart about the entire thing, but then she squatted, legs apart. “I take back my request from earlier – you can use British slang. The more you practice, the more authentic it’ll sound – just let me teach you where to place the emphasis in your words, please,” she sucked her finger wet, and then slid it all the way up her asshole to the knuckle and began to masturbate her ass slowly.

“You are next, Aunt Alice,” I said.

“It’s just Alice if you please, Mister Dalton,” she smiled at me politely. “We were to call our aunties and mum by their title, but boys never did. They had to show proper respect for the elder males in the family, but the best way to show me respect is to talk to me without any.”

“Okay, you babbling cow, if you are done lecturing, spread your legs and give me a proper target to spank your gash,” I instructed.

My Aunt showed me some positions she could stand in that made it easier to spank her pussy and tits, and she seemed impressed by the time I reached six.

“Any time you visit, I want you to strip off completely, and when I come to your house, I expect you to strip down after your daughters greet me at the door! They’ll show me their dirty little quims as well!” I insisted.

“Seven, yeah, Mister Dalton, that’s not gonna be a problem, the girls like being starkers, and I prefer it as well; I just put on clothes because I’ve gotten used to wearing them, and didn’t think Mister Archie wanted to see bare pussy constantly – growing up with three women and all.”

“He doesn’t mind it, and he knows what your gash looks like – so you’ll ask him if he prefers you strip down all the time at home when you get back,” I instructed, as I smashed her titty with the paddle – her nipples only stiffened in response as her boobs turned red.

“Eight, aye, I’ll ask him if he minds, but he’s inclined to let me do as I please – I am not asking him to be head of household. He’s a bit more maturing to do before he can bear that, and by then I may be married to a proper man who will take me and my daughters in hand.”

“Don’t fool yourself, Alice,” I smashed her other titty with my paddle. “You are an old slag, and a munter with a smelly gash, that’ll shag your nephew to fill your insatiable need for cock – who would marry an old whore with a worn-out arsehole from all the cocks that you sit on?” I meant to only tease her.

“Nine,” she seethed angrily. “You need to hit a bit my droopy bazookas harder than that if you want to put a sting on me comparable to what you said – you’ve the right of it. I am a worn out old whore, but I still can’t ask Mister Archie to step up. I am jealous that my younger sister has you. You’ve taken to discipline like my daughters did to gobbling knobs.”

I was flattered, and genuinely believed she meant what she said. I could tell from the crestfallen look on her face that she felt defeated.

“You can’t make your rent, you’ll move in here, and I’ll decide who you can date – then we’ll find someone who can be trusted to want you more than they do a chance to poke my cousins.”

My mother flashed me a look of disapproval, but she continued to finger her asshole.

“What that’s that look for, Sheridan? You were going to invite my Aunt to live here with us – am I in charge? If it’s up to you, I’d say not.”

“It’s immaterial,” my Aunt counted the next swat, and explained that she wouldn’t impose. “I just need to get my shite together and suck a few more cocks. I made the offer to run things here if you didn’t work out, but I’ll feel this spanking on my quim for a week – if there was a test or a doubt, you’ve passed with flying colors, Mister Dalton.”

“You ARE in charge,” my mom assured me as I swatted her sister again – this time on the pussy. “I’m just shocked and proud that you’d be generous enough to open the doors to a family that you just met. That’s unexpected, but I’m pleased that you would be so generous.”

“You shouldn’t be surprised,” I swatted my Aunt again and made her almost fall over. “You raised me, so obviously, I share the values that family is family. I am glad you would let me make that decision if Alice needed to move in.”

“This is disgusting; you are beating Mom and Aunt Alice and making them compliant, and now they are kissing your ass and telling you how proud they are of you?” my sister pouted angrily.

“You’ll get your turn soon enough, girly,” my Aunt counted eighteen. “I am no real worse for the wear that I had my attitude adjusted – I miss having them daily. I may start it up with my daughters because it does wonder for clearing the mind. The shared pain between the giver and the recipient bonds us – makes us closer, because it’s so intimate. I am proud of your brother because he’s a man, and I am tempted to take his offer, but I don’t want to take advantage. He needs time to settle in with you lot and not have my girls and me mucking things up around here in the mix.”

Once I finished with my aunt, she expected me to let her finger fuck her ass. She didn’t ask permission, but I could tell that she was anticipating it. “How are your milk sacks?” I asked as I reached out and pinched her sore, stiff nipples.

“Still dry, no milk for Mister Archies tea, you gave me some throbbing honkers, but left me gagging for more, Mister Dalton. It’s hard to believe it’s the first time you’ve spanked a set of tits properly before.”

“You’ll ask Mister Archie to give you twenty, when you start up the daily attitude adjustments at home. He’s ready for that much, and if he’s bored, or tired, then you’ll spank your daughters and go without that day,” I decided.

“You are head of household for this house, not mine, Mister Dalton,” my Aunt pursed her lips. I was about to remind her that Archie helped me to spank his sister and that it was idea to spank their pussies. “That being said, I’d feel a bit guilty about asking him to roast my melons daily – this has made me so horny that I’d jump your bones and fuck your brains out. I don’t think it would adjust my attitude as much as it would make me want for cock, and I’d have to reach for one of my latex lovers after he finished with me.”

“Fine, ask him for permission to masturbate, and if he grants it, then you will do it with the rest of the girls,” I said.

“I can’t do that – we’ve come pretty far in one day with the girls playing with themselves out in the open around him. He’s never seen me going at it the way he has his sisters,” she frowned.

“You’ll ASK him if he wants to watch and get his permission – you won’t be masturbating freely at home any longer. I want you to set a PROPER example for my cousins and not allow them to run amok – you being able to close your door anytime you like and ride your quim ticklers is not setting a good example, you horny git!”

“Quim tickler,” my mom giggled as she repeated the term I had just said – that clearly amused her.

“You will surrender all of your quim and arse ticklers as well; doors will be left open when you shower and use the bathroom – I don’t want you having any privacy at home, Sheridan.”

“I’ve no problem letting you dole out my toys, but I can assure you that you don’t want me to have a pooh with the door open – and what about Michael? He’s got to live here as well.”

It hadn’t gone unnoticed by me or my sister, that my Mom hadn’t expressed any concern for my sister witnessing or smelling her using the bathroom.

“We’ll have a conversation with Michael, and if he’s comfortable with it, you’ll address him as Mister Michael, and he’ll be calling you Sheridan,” I decided and affirming. “Doors will remain open – I am the one who makes the rules, and I don’t trust you not to wank off any chance you get.”

My mom appeared reluctant; perhaps I had gone too far with that last rule. I insisted that my mom remove the finger from her bum. “Now, there is no reason to deny me a chance to tease myself, Mister Dalton. I didn’t refuse. I just hadn’t thought about it beyond having a talk with your brother about your role, not anything changing for him.”

“Suck your poopy finger, so I don’t have to listen to your blithering foolishness,” I said. My mom’s finger was slick with her juices, but there wasn’t a speck of shit on it. She sucked it obediently and continued to squat.

“Things will change for me, you, Janis, and Michael – there is no living here with you two twats being kept in line where Michael can just ignore you. I’ve seen how it is for my cousin Archie, and he largely left his sisters alone. If Michael wants to ignore you that will be HIS choice – not yours. Is that understood?”

“Yessff, Mister Dalton,” my mom said.

“Oh for Pete’s sake,” my sister frowned angrily.

“Ass out, knees bent, facing forward,” I pointed where I wanted my sister to stand for her spanking, and then told my Aunt to squat down behind my mother. “You’ll stick your finger up Sheridan’s arse, and finger it – tickle her pooh hole, and get her hot and bothered. If you do a good enough job the two of you can have an orgasm.”

My Aunt clearly wanted to make some snarky remark, probably about the fact that technically she didn’t live there and didn’t have to ask my permission to get herself off. She started to finger her sister’s ass while squatting with her legs apart as she looked up at me with admiration.

“Fine, get this over with, I hope it makes you feel powerful,” Janis placed her hands on her knees. There is no easy way to spank sense and respect into a girl’s ass other than the old fashioned way of doing it one spank at a time. I could have spanked my sister’s ass a hundred times that afternoon and it wouldn’t have changed her attitude.

It took weeks of daily spankings to move the dial and start to improve Janis’s attitude. My mom largely fell in line. She said it was kind of like riding a bicycle. She acted like my lieutenant and enforcer – keeping Janis from giving me attitude, and reinforcing to Michael that she had chosen to hand over the reins to me.

My little brother was surprisingly understanding about the entire thing. He was shocked at first, and thought that we were joking because I decided not to let the girls wear clothes when I first talked to him about how things would be.

Once I ordered them to strip, and explained that I’d be keeping the two of them naked, he believed it was real. My mom and Janis moved all of my stuff out of my room and into the master bedroom. Sheridan said that it smelled of my father and reminded her of him and all the times that she betrayed him and fucked someone there.

She said it was better to set up in my room. I allowed my sister to remain in her own room but threatened to take it away if she didn’t comply with my wishes. I sent her out looking for a job and believed she really started trying to find one after the discipline started.

At home, things largely remained as they always had been – except the girls were naked, deferred to me, and called me and my brother “Mister”.

The English accent wore off when I went back to school the following week, but I remembered many of the vulgarities and terms that I had learned at my Aunt’s house.

I required the girls to sit on the floor while nude – that took a bit of adjusting for both of them. The tile floors were chilly and they were uncomfortable but after a few days it became the norm as well.

I knew my mom was still fucking around with guys while I was at school, but there wasn’t much I could do about it. She was truly horny – all the time. I assumed that a woman that was wet and aroused all the time, was the equivalent of a man with a constant hard-on.

Sheridan set a great example for my sister, obediently masturbating in front of Michael and me while we laughed at her – usually being required to stop and start many times just to frustrate her and build up her anticipation. My sister was reluctant to start masturbating openly, but eventually, she gave up on having modesty and started fingering herself or using a dildo around us when we gave her permission.

After about a week, Michael came to me and asked if he could give my mom a bath. “Why would you want to do that? is Sheridan filthy?”

“it’s not that. Mom used to give me baths, so I just thought it’d be fun since it feels like the tables have turned and now we are in charge that I give her one.”

“As long as you address her as Sheridan, that should be fine,” I said. I hadn’t thought of it as “tables turning” because my mom had never made me squat naked while eating off the floor.

“Obviously, I would call her Sheridan to her face. I meant Mom just when you and I are alone,” Michael clarified. He became my helper—much like Mister Archie. He checked on Mom and my sister, even put them to bed and turned off the lights in their rooms at night.

When we first told my mom that he was going to give her a bath, she was flattered but thought we were kidding. I didn’t watch, but I got the impression that my brother washed her EVERYWHERE – pussy, asshole, under the tits, every crack and crevice on her body.

All I know is that after that, my mom really enjoyed bath time. So much so, that she got envious when my brother asked if he could wash down our sister the same way. Janis had accepted all the rule changes, occasionally questioning, debating, and even arguing.

I didn’t have a problem with that as long as it was respectful, but I had to make her stand in the corner, or spank her when she sassed me. The first time I made her clench a bar of soap in her mouth she was outraged, but by the third week she had to hold a bar of soap in her mouth at almost every meal and eat after the rest of us were finished.

She slapped Michael the first time he gave her a bath – I am not sure what happened, but I assumed he goosed her and she reacted. She came out of the bath dripping wet, apologizing and begging for him to finish. “I didn’t know you were going to wash me THERE, Mister Michael. I wasn’t ready, I am so sorry! Did I give you a black eye.”

I interceded, and made my sister kneel at the bath tub as a punishment. I dunked her head and held it under water for thirty seconds at a time – twenty times. I thought it fit the crime – and by the end, my sister looked like a drowned rat and was incredibly apologetic.

“Obviously, a bath is meant to clean your filthy shite hole and drippy cunt. Did you think you are entitled to the exclusive right to touch it?” I demanded during the short span of time around, I hold her head out of the water for the first time.

“No, Mom and I touch each other all the time, I just didn’t think Mister Michael would,” she gasped, about to say something else - and with insufficient time to take a deep breath and hold it before I dunked her head a second time.

Dalton walked in and around the nineteenth time that I dunked our sister’s head, and asked for mercy for her – “It’s not necessary. If Janis doesn’t want me to wash her butt, I won’t do it.”

“Garbll-garblll ... You waited until I was dunked nineteen times to rescue me?” my sister chided him for speaking up now.

“If you don’t want to wash her after this – I don’t blame you, but Janis needs to learn to respect you as an authority figure, and this is an appropriate punishment for slapping you when you touched her,” I insisted as I held her down under the water again,” I insisted.

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