Cousins Don't Need Modesty
Copyright© 2025 by Eddie Davidson
Chapter 10
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Dalton agrees to babysit his adult cousins from the UK, expecting a quiet, uneventful night. But his Aunt’s household runs on different rules—she doesn’t believe girls need modesty, and that girls learn when butts burn. I illustrated it with a comic style reminiscent of the old Archie comics, because they were part of the inspiration. A short embarrassed nude female story (ENF)/Clothed Male/Nude Female story (CMNF).
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft Teenagers Consensual Teen Siren Incest Humiliation Spanking Babysitter Small Breasts Illustrated
My Aunt looked down on her daughters kneeling on the floor, wagged her finger, and asked “You lot will ONLY Masturbate with our permission; if I catch ONE finger in one of your dirty little holes without permission, then I’ll rethink the entire thing. Is that fair?”
The question seemed as mundane as being asked if you’d clean the house for a few hours before being allowed to go out to a dance on Saturday night – and to my Aunt and her daughters – this kind of discussion WAS mundane – masturbating was a topic they addressed openly around the house.
“Wow, really?” Betty was shocked and pleasantly surprised that she’d be allowed to masturbate.
I would have expected her to be humiliated or feel denigrated that she was being told she could masturbate by her younger brother, mum, or me. I could imagine how I’d feel if my mother told me I’d have to wait until she or my older sister decided I could whack off -and then I had to be grateful and do it right out in front of them.
My cousins truly had no modesty when it came to masturbating though – they’d just as soon as finger their pussy in the living room or kitchen and I think they were thrilled to have an audience because they liked attention. The only people I thought liked to jerk off in front of people were the flashers in the trench coats that whip it out at public bus stops.
My Aunt hadn’t asked the girls how they felt about masturbating in front of their brother or whether they wanted to do it – she just assumed they wouldn’t mind the indignity. She was right- they both seemed excited by the opportunity -elated by the change.
However, Veronica did have one question, and it surprised me that she had the audacity to even ask the question. “Are we to ask our brother for permission to masturbate? Or Is Mister Archie allowed to make us play with ourselves anytime he likes and then tell us to stop when we get hot? Leaving us gagging?”
My Aunt was quiet for a moment – I assumed she thought the question was so over the top that she was rethinking the entire thing. “What would it matter to you if Mister Archie told you to go at it, and made you stop? You’d have a little thrill and no satisfaction – but some is better than none, isn’t it?”
“Veronica sighed, pressing her lips together like she was embarrassed to even ask. “I mean ... I know I should be grateful for whatever we get, but stopping right at the best bit? He may have us up and down all morning – turned on and in heat and then scrubbing the floor with our quims dripping.”
Archie answered before his mother could reply to the question with exaggerated sympathy. “Oh yes, tragic, that. Utterly unjust. You’d get to finger your twats and arseholes openly around the house, instead of buggering off like a sneaky little gits to do it – and you may be told to stop just as you reached the point you got off. Then you’d be flustered and drippy while you clean – which is how you are most of the time anyway, isn’t it?”
His mom smiled impishly when he said that to Veronica – and his sisters knelt in silence.
“It’s not like mum doesn’t catch you humping a cushion, grinding against a chair leg, or sneaking off to have a quick fiddle in her room – I put my neck out on the line to ask if I could let you have a little bit more, and instead of thanking me, you ask if I am going to have to let you have an orgasm every single time?”
“No, it wasn’t quite like that, Mister Archie,” she replied with a stammer.
“What was it then? Because I could argue the other way, that I be vigilant now and stomp a hole in your arses anytime I catch you two snogging on the bed – would you like that?”
“No, Mister Archie,” Veronica acquiesced.
“Alright, then that’s settled,” my Aunt decided. “My personal gash splitters are off limits though, yeah? You can borrow my paddles, but I don’t want the girls to use my toys to get themselves off. I’ll find some things they can use besides fingers and toothbrushes – but until then, that’s all they’ve got.”
“Can I make them snog each other’s cunnies?” Archie asked boldly. I saw all three women’s eyes get big in shock at the same time, mouths dropping open. “What? Are we going to pretend they aren’t chin deep in each other’s gash the moment the light is out?”
“Would you stick with fingers and brushes until I get back from dropping off your cousins, and we’ll talk about it. I know the girls munch carpet – I munched carpet when I was their age too – but I’ve no desire to watch them snog like hussies on heat while I have my tea. It’s already enough that they’ll be over the moon and on heat half the time, playing as puppy girls. I assume now, you girls want to be naked at every meal?”
“Can we?” Betty asked anxiously.
“Your brother and I can tell you to put on clothes, and if his mates come over, I’d like you to wear clothes and not put on a floor show for them – but I can’t really stop you, either. If I find out you two are whinging and complaining about any of this – or suddenly insist that your brother is being unfair because he didn’t let you squirt cream all over the kitchen after he got you close then I’ll put a stop to it,” she warned.
“Yes, Mum!” the girls agreed excitedly.
“No more questions, please. We’ve probably rattled your cousin enough as it is,” she warned as she got up from the table.
“Rattled? Mister Dalton is the reason I thought to make the offer to let the girls frig themselves and do little competitions. He’s probably got Janis eating off the floor at every meal – not just breakfast,” Archie said before adding that he doubted his cousin would ever dare to complain.
My Aunt didn’t respond to that. “I am going to change out of the apron, and have a quick frig, can you four behave while I am getting ready? And no, I am NOT going to frig out in the open like the girls will,” My Aunt half-joked as she got up from the table. She barked orders that the girls needed to clean up. They eagerly did as they were told, clearing away the table, smiling, and cleaning the floor without complaint.
My aunt took about fifteen minutes longer than I thought she needed to get ready – but she did look stunning when she left her room. Aunt Alice had a glow about her – confident. Her white chemise top clung to her like a second skin, the fabric just sheer enough to leave nothing to the imagination—nipples pressing against it, daring a man not to look. The hip-hugging skirt rode dangerously high, showing off long, toned legs balanced on a pair of sharp, high heels that clicked with every deliberate step.
Thick blonde curls framed her face, every strand set to perfection with half a can of hairspray. The blue mascara made her eyes pop, while her red lips looked made for sin, glossy and inviting. She oozed sexuality – 1980s style – like Morgan Fairchild or Audrey and Judy Landers.
My mother bore some resemblance in the face, but she had plain features, seldom wore makeup, and was a brunette. There was quite a difference between the two of them.
Alice gripped the paddle that bore my mother’s name on it. She told me that she was going to return it to her. “Your mum had enough bum roastings with it that our dad burned her name into it.”
I blushed – unsure of how I was going to address that with my mother. My Aunt took a look at the girls walking around naked while Archie teased them and smiled – then she told them she’d be home soon.
My Aunt had a very cheap, broken-down red Fiero. The engine wheezed when it tried to turn over, coughing like a two-pack-a-day smoker on his last legs, while the interior reeked of mildew, old vinyl, and whatever bad decisions the last owner made before they sold it to my Aunt.
“It’s not the greatest car, but it’ll get us where we are going,” she said as I sat down in the passenger side. “You may not have time to babysit my girls, you know?” she made conversation. “You’ve got school, and your home life probably keeps you busy.”
“It was really interesting being at your house, and I am more than happy to help you. You don’t have to pay me a dime.”
“You say that now, but I reckon you’ll get bored of us soon enough,” Alice mused, eyes on the road, voice smooth and knowing. “Men usually do. Once they’ve had a few dips in my punch bowl, they don’t see much reason to come back for another ladle,” My Aunt Alice had a way with words—crass, blunt, and sharp enough to make a man choke on his drink.
“You’re smart, pretty, cheeky, and you seem to love sex,” I said, listing it off like it was obvious. I observed that any guy her age would have to be a complete idiot not to fall for her.
Alice laughed, shaking her head, but there wasn’t much conviction in it. “Oh, you’re a sweet talker, I’ll give you that—but I’m not buying it.” She sighed, gripping the wheel a little tighter. “My life’s a fucking mess. My bank account’s emptier than my fridge, I’ve got no skills other than giving world-class head, no career, and the rent’s due in six days.” She glanced at me, raising a brow. “Oh, and did I mention I’ve got three teenagers? Two of whom will drain his balls faster than I could – so any guy that wants me is either a lunatic or a horny old git.”
“You said you didn’t mind if they sucked my dick, would you mind if they sucked your boyfriend’s cock?” I asked.
“You are a cheeky one, aren’t you, Mister Dalton?” my Aunt said. I was surprised she had continued to call me Mister Dalton after we left her house. I felt much like Archie did that my Aunt called me “Mister” more as a joke or because she wanted her daughters to do it.
“You don’t have to call me Mister Dalton now that we are out of your house,” I said.
“Does it make you uncomfortable?” she asked coyly – I felt like she was just pressing my buttons.
“It’s a bit like with Archie – you don’t see me as an authority figure. You are just taking the piss,” I said.
“Oi, it’s hard to take you seriously when you do that fake British accent. You sound like Michael Palin when he’s playing one of those overly polite twits who’d apologize for being in the way of a mugger. The next thing you’ll do is wink at me and say, Is, uh, ... Is your wife a goer, eh? Know what ah mean, know what ah mean, nudge nudge, know what ah mean, say no more?.”
I laughed because I knew that sketch very well. “You are so funny, Aunt Alice.”
“You can just call me Alice from now on; would that be alright? You’ve been inside my cunnie – I think we are past formalities, yeah?”
I was surprised that she said that to me – but I didn’t refuse her offer. “It’ll take some getting used to, Alice.”
“Yeah, I think you’ll find that you’ve got a lot more to get used to in the coming months, Mister Dalton. That’s why I say you may find that you’ve little time for me and my problems. I do enjoy your cock, and I’d prefer you give me a call before you drop over – but you are welcome anytime.”
“I would definitely call first,” I assured her. My aunt didn’t respond; she kept her eyes on the road.
“It’s so ghastly driving on the wrong side of the road. Do you know how to drive a car?” she asked.
“Yeah,” I admitted.
“Would you mind? I am used to driving on the proper side of the road, and you Americans drive on the wrong side,” she pulled over and let me drive her car. The seat was uncomfortable, and no matter how much I adjusted it, I couldn’t get enough legroom. I was flattered that my Aunt allowed me to drive her home.
“You really didn’t mind how things were at my house? It wasn’t too much for you?” she asked in a very overly polite manner.
“The girls really are well-behaved, and Archie was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it – I assure you.”
“I hope you continue to feel that way – I have a notion we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other soon enough,” she said it cryptically like it was a warning – but didn’t add any more to it.
She was quiet for the rest of the way to my house – I didn’t live that far from my Aunt’s house. It was within walking distance for me. I suppose anything is within walking distance if you have the time – but it was a mere two miles or so.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I am going to come inside with you,” My Aunt decided as we pulled up to my house. My father was gone, but my mom and Janis’s car was there. Janis was currently between jobs and usually slept in pretty late – so I expected she’d be asleep.
“Why?” I stammered nervously.
“I want to see the look on your mum’s face when you show her this paddle,” my Aunt replied confidently – no hesitation.
“Look, I may have embellished a bit about how things are at my house, okay? I don’t think my mum, her mom, is going to find this paddle amusing. I wanted you to think that I could handle the girls, and I can – but we don’t do things like you do at your house.”
“I am well aware of how things were at your house, Sir,” My Aunt surprised me as she hopped out of the car and opened the door for me. I was shocked by that – but assumed perhaps this was part of some elaborate joke she was going to play on me.
“I’ll carry the paddle if you prefer,” she said as she took my arm and the paddle from me. I was very reluctant to enter my house with my Aunt in tow – but she had a big smile on her face and was quite insistent that she wanted to say hello to her sister. “I am afraid you are in for a little bad news – but It’s nothing that you didn’t expect – and then we’ll have a chat about things moving forward.”
I was alarmed by Alice’s cryptic warning, but she didn’t elaborate, and she had waited until we reached the door. My mom was already waiting for us.
My mother dressed frumpy and lazy on the weekends, but she had done her hair and put on some makeup, and it did wonders for how she looked. My mom seemed nervous. She wore only a simple white robe, but that wasn’t entirely unusual for her to spend the day in something simple like that around the house.
She never walked around naked or with her ass hanging out the way that my Aunt did – but braless without a robe was fairly typical for her. “Just bringing your lovely son home, Mister Dalton and all,” Alice said smoothly, using my babysitting name like it was my proper title. As my mother opened the door, Alice flashed a playful smile. “Though I was sorely tempted to keep him for myself.”
My mom didn’t seem surprised by that comment at all. “You certainly took your time bringing him home?”
“I needed time to shag him and put on my face,” my Aunt said pointedly before looking into our house. “Do you mind allowing me inside, or shall we do this out here on the patio?”
The breezy way that my Aunt admitted that she had fucked me didn’t seem to surprise my mother. I noticed a look on her face of relief like she was impressed with me. “You’ve won the bet, then?” my mom asked -. I knew something was going on between them, but I had no inkling.
“What do you think?” Alice held up the paddle that bore my mother’s name. My mother’s face blanched and turned pale. I remembered that my Aunt had said something about a bet earlier, but I didn’t think much of it at the time.
“What is this all about?” I asked.
“Oh god, you’ve programmed him to talk in a terrible approximation of a British accent?” my mother winced like my accent hurt her ears. I didn’t even realize that I was doing it.
“That wasn’t my doing, but I am afraid you’ll have to get used to that if he desires – he’s the man of the house now, isn’t he?” my Aunt smiled. I was clearly kept in the dark for a reason, but I got the distinct impression that babysitting was more than a favor – it was a test.
My mom opened the door wider, invited her sister in, and asked me to have a seat. She remained standing. “What has Alice told you about our life in Surrey?”
“I saw a photograph of you and her in the bath and this paddle, so I kind of worked out that you were brought up to believe that girls aren’t entitled to modesty – and need to learn to behave?”
My sister was waiting, arms folded, wearing a white robe as well. I assumed she’d be asleep because she usually slept in. She wasn’t working and hadn’t been looking for a job.
“He’s won the bet, on your feet,” my mom directed my sister to stand up. Janis looked skeptical and disappointed.
“I can’t believe this,” Janis frowned angrily – although it wasn’t entirely directed at me.
“I told you that if you have a problem with any of it, you simply have to pack your things and find a new place. I’m not able or willing to support you, and I’ve decided it best to go back to how things should work. It’s the best thing for everyone. I’ll miss you, but when my sister and I were your age, we thought we knew it all. I left when I was about your age. I couldn’t wait to get away from my parents, but now I’ve realized that discipline really wasn’t as bad as it sounds.”
I was starting to get an idea of what was about to happen.
“I assume that your Aunt told you about the bet, and you are comfortable with everything?” my mom asked me.
“I’ve told him nothing; I think he should hear it from you,” my Aunt relied on my behalf. “He probably wouldn’t have believed me unless he saw you and Janis were willing to take things this far.”
I was genuinely curious.
“You dodgy cow,” my Mom’s British accent became a little more pronounced around her sister – as if it rubbed off and was contagious. “You enjoyed babysitting your cousins, right?”
“Yeah,” I shrugged – uncertain where this was going.
“Naturally, he would; they are a couple of sluts,” My sister frowned angrily.
“Then you’d have that in common with them, from what I hear,” my Aunt defended the girls.
“I fuck who I want, when I want, from what I understand about my cousins, they would fuck anyone, anywhere, at any time, just to get a little action, a couple of eager little cock hounds,” Janis pouted.
Instead of taking the bait and arguing, my Aunt turned to my mother and simply observed, “I can see what you mean, she’s in dire need of being taken in hand.”
“You really think that Dalton is up to the job?” My mom asked my Aunt. I started to feel butterflies emerge in my stomach as the realization that my mother wanted me to babysit my older sister started to cross my mind. The difference between her and my cousins was that I knew Janis would resist and probably kick my ass if I tried to put her in her place.
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