Cousins Don't Need Modesty - Cover

Cousins Don't Need Modesty

Copyright© 2025 by Eddie Davidson

Chapter 1

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Dalton agrees to babysit his adult cousins from the UK, expecting a quiet, uneventful night. But his Aunt’s household runs on different rules—she doesn’t believe girls need modesty, and that girls learn when butts burn. I illustrated it with a comic style reminiscent of the old Archie comics, because they were part of the inspiration. A short embarrassed nude female story (ENF)/Clothed Male/Nude Female story (CMNF).

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Teen Siren   Incest   Humiliation   Spanking   Babysitter   Small Breasts   Illustrated  

“Dalton, you are really doing me a big favor,” my aunt said as I stood in her living room. It was 1987, and I was still in high school.

“I am just happy to help, Aunt Alice,” I smiled. I really had no choice in the matter. My mom had insisted that I help her sister and sent me over.

“You are truly a Saint for giving up your Saturday Night, Dalton! I owe you for this,” my aunt smiled as she invited me into her house. “Ever since we moved here from England a few months ago, I’ve had trouble affording a proper babysitter. The last few quit without notice, most likely due to these two cheeky devils.” My Aunt indicated her daughters and didn’t include Archie.

I barely knew my younger cousins. They giggled precociously like they were sharing some secret or had some wicked plan. It made me nervous. “You’ve met Betty and Veronica? They both attend your school, don’t they?” she introduced them.

“I am a senior, and they are in 9th grade, so I am afraid we don’t run in the same circles, Aunt Alice,” I shrugged. I had barely met or seen them around school. The two of them only giggled.

My youngest cousin Archie was busy playing with some Star Wars toys. I assumed I was here to watch him, and his older sisters were too young to manage him. I doubted very seriously that pretty girls like them needed a babysitter. The thought of having authority over pretty girls did somewhat titillate me.

By the time I was in 9th grade, I was managing myself without need of a babysitter. Things might be different in England as well. I was just happy that my Aunt didn’t take one look at me and turn me away because she thought I was too much of a kid myself. I’d never had as much as a paper route or walked a dog for money. This was a first for me.

I noticed that Veronica and Betty were busy whispering secrets to one another, and that Archie was generally keeping himself busy. It seemed like this might be an easy gig after all.

“Their names are Betty, Veronica, and Archie?” I asked incredulously. I was familiar with the Archie comics from the 1960s.

“Yeah, should have chosen the name Jughead for our brother,” Veronica teased playfully. Archie didn’t say anything back. He ignored the jab and continued playing with his toys – oblivious to my presence as well. I could see this family liked playful banter, which was refreshing. We really didn’t do that sort of thing at my house, even though my mother was also from the U.K.

“My ex-husband was the comic book fan, not me. I hadn’t the foggiest when he suggested those names—only found out after the papers were signed. We’ve heard it all. The gals have had boys crooning “sugar, sugar”, it’s a proper joke, I suppose. My ex thought it was quite hilarious – joke is on me, though. Much to my chagrin, despite being fraternal twins, Betty’s hair came in blonde, and Veronica’s dark as night. Almost like he knew when he first looked at them.”

She scoffed, shaking her head. “He was a proper useless sod. Hasn’t paid child support in months. Claimed to be a bassist for Thin Lizzy, which is why he had to be out on tour for weeks at a time—never mind that I never once saw a paycheck or a bloody record deal. So, I packed up and came to America for a fresh start.”

“Haven’t had a proper shag since I left the UK. Do you know any nice young men who’d be interested in a single mum with two bratty girls and a son?” She let out a dry chuckle. “Lol, no, probably not.”


When my aunt called her daughters brats, it wasn’t sharp or mean-spirited. There was a playful lilt in her voice, like it was more affection than insult. The girls didn’t bat an eye—they just kept smiling and giggling like it was the most natural thing in the world. It was something British people seemed to be able to pull off a lot easier than Americans ever could.

My mom never spoke like that to me, but I enjoyed how chatty my mom’s sister was. She talked to me like I was an actual adult and that made me feel great.

I wasn’t sure what half of the words that my aunt said actually meant, thought. I didn’t understand “shag” meant sex – I would have been shocked she was so open about her lack of a sex life with me. However, that’s just how my Aunt was – an open book that had never met a stranger. It was refreshing to meet someone so colorful.

She also had amazing tits, and her nipples were visible through the material of her dress, so I would have kept talking to her all night just to take quick glances at her cleavage if I could have.

“If you were a might bit older, and not my sister’s son, you’d do nicely, at least for a tumble or two,” my aunt said, reaching up and squeezing my upper arm as if I were a melon to be chosen at the grocery store. I was beyond flattered, even though she sounded like she was clearly joking about her frustrations in meeting a man.

“When will you be back?” I asked, mostly to change the subject but I also wasn’t sure. It wasn’t like I had any place to be after this was over. I spent most Friday and Saturday nights alone playing Commodore 64. I was currently embroiled in engaging game of Sid Meir’s Pirates and that was the only thing waiting for me after I finished up with this gig – so I was in no rush.

“Already trying to pull the rip cord, are you, Dalton?” my aunt offered a playful smile. Everything she said sounded so clever. I could imagine having a parachute and jumping out of a plane when she said it. I hadn’t meant it that way at all. My Aunt Alice was quite attractive. Her face was plain, but the English accent more than made up for that. She also had rather sizable tits tucked away under her sweater.

“I’m heading out on a double date, and I may not be back until the bars close. I’ll try to ring you around eleven in the morning if there’s a proper payphone I can use. However, don’t expect the call. Worst case, you can cozy up in my bed, and I’ll wake you when I get home in the morning. Would that be too much to ask?”

“No, not at all, I’ll let my mom know that’s possible,” I offered. I hadn’t expected to spend the night. I wondered how much I’d get paid for this.

“That’s quite nice of you; please give Sheridan my thanks for sending over a proper angel, Dalton. Now, there are a few things I should warn you about before I leave you to the musings of my two demon girls and their delightful little brother.”

My aunt’s tone was playful, and “demon girls” sounded like a term of endearment—but the way she explained it made it clear they were the ones who’d give me the most trouble tonight.

“Your cousin Dalton is in charge. That means I want you to do what he tells you, when he tells you, how he tells you, and I want no fuss, no backchat. When he tells you to bathe, then off with your kits and into the tub. When he tells you it’s bedtime, I don’t want to hear that you’ve given him a proper hassle over it or whinged all night about staying up to watch Johnny Carson on the telly, or waiting up for me until the wee hours. It’s off to bed, and Mum will see you in the morning. Have you got it?”

She bent at the waist, looking her daughters in the eye. My aunt clearly wasn’t joking about with her warning.

“Aww, but Mum, what if we promise to be absolute angels and not so much as breathe out of turn? Could we stay up just a smidge longer? It’s ever so dreadfully dull going to bed early,” Veronica asked. Her bright blue eyes twinkled mischievously. She and her sister shared the same build and facial features – the only real difference was Veronica had black hair and her sister was blonde.

“I’ll be straight with you, Dalton. These two will test your patience something rotten, and they’ll talk circles round you if you let them. If you’re comfortable with it, put them over your knee and give them a proper smack on the bum if they push their luck. That’ll sort them out quick enough.”

I assumed she was joking, so I grinned. My female cousins pouted, and Archie, for his part, tuned us out.

“Their last babysitter had to stand them in the corner for half of the night, hands behind head, nose to the wall, and give them at least two spankings each. She quit because she was tired of the girls’ backtalk and sass.”

It sounded like she meant it. My cousins blushed and did their best to look innocent.

“Yes, that’s right,” my aunt said, clearly pleased that her girls were embarrassed to have their secret exposed. “I’ve not had a proper night out in weeks. One of my mates at work set me up on a double date with some bloke, so I can’t very well cancel on them again. If Dalton manages all right tonight, he might just become your regular babysitter.”

I was flattered but felt like I may just be in over my head on this entire babysitting thing. I thought I should probably start with something a little less ambitious like dog walking first.

“As for the rules, the girls aren’t to use the oven. Just pop some TV dinners in the microwave tonight, and I promise next time I’ll plan better—maybe have a pizza or lasagna ready for you.”

The girls remained pouty but somewhat giggly and precocious while their mom went over her expectations with me in front of the three of them. Her son seemed completely disinterested.

“I’ve never had a male babysitter, for obvious reasons, Dalton,” she said as if trying to choose her words carefully. I understood why she might be concerned about leaving me with her daughters. The girls tried to interrupt but one glare from their mother stopped them. “They’re a lively pair, my girls. No sense of shame between them and not a modest bone in their bodies,” she continued. “A proper handful, the both of them.”

I wasn’t sure what she meant by most of what she had just said. Her daughters protested, and Veronica chimed in with, “Oh, come off it, Mum. You act like you’re any different.”

“Aye, I’m not much different,” Aunt Alice said with a look of introspection. “I haven’t set the best example for you lot, I’ll give you that. But listen here—no trying to seduce your cousin or shag him, alright? He’s your cousin and your babysitter, and there’ll be none of that while I’m gone. Is that understood?”

I didn’t expect that to be a warning I’d need. I wasn’t a ladies’ man and hadn’t even had a girlfriend yet. The thought of trying to take advantage of these girls? Not even in the realm of possibility. The idea that they might try to seduce me? Never even crossed my mind.

“We aren’t total nymphos, Mom!!” Veronica said, a bit exasperated but with an amused grin.

“I caught you sneaking in boys last night!” Aunt Alice said, watching her daughters with a raised eyebrow. When they started to defend themselves, she cut them off. “That’s after being out all night with a different set of boys. So don’t try to pull that ‘innocent angel’ act with me, love.”

I was starting to get a little intimidated. I had no idea that boys might drop by the house or what I should do if they did.

As for going outside, Archie and the girls can play in the yard, but they’re not to leave the property. I expect them back before dark,” she said. That seemed fair enough. “I hate to be persnickety, but make sure they stick together. If one of them wants to go out, they all go out, and if one’s inside, they all stay in. I don’t want anyone split up for too long, you know?”

“Sure, I’ll stay with them,” I assured my aunt. What else was I going to do while I was here? It wasn’t like I had anything else to do. My cousins were cute – not my style, but I was enjoying this idea more and more.

“You are such a good lad! I am so glad you came over,” my aunt beamed and kissed me on the cheek. “There is a lounge chair in the backyard, but in the front, there aren’t a lot of places. Don’t allow the girls to tease Archie. They often like to have a laugh at his expense!”

Veronica rolled her eyes and huffed, “We don’t tease him, Mum. We’re just having a bit of fun.”

“You sprayed me in the face with the garden hose yesterday,” Archie spoke up for the first time since I arrived.

The girls chuckled and listed some things he must have done to them to instigate it, which sounded like normal sibling rivalry to me.

“You see what I must put up with and why it’s so hard to find a sitter? If they go on like this, I’d suggest putting them over your knee and giving them 10 proper swats on the bum, and then a time out in the corner for 10 minutes. In the backyard, the girls can stand with their nose to the fence, but I’d make them come inside if they are going to bicker in the front yard in front of the neighbors and anyone who passes by.”

“Mum!! That’s so not fair,” Veronica croaked, with a blush.

“If you don’t want to stand in the corner, then you mustn’t argue and bicker. It’s very simple, Veronica,” my aunt explained. I assumed she meant that I was to punish Archie the same way if he instigated the arguments. I had never spanked anyone, and the casual way that my aunt mentioned popping their bums made me think that she really expected me to do that as well.

“Now, obviously, there are to be NO boys, or visitors for that matter,” my aunt sighed, as if it should be obvious. “If they drop by, send them off right away,” she added. “In the front yard, I expect TOPS AND BOTTOMS!” She glared at her daughters as if they’d dare go out in anything less.

They frowned, but I wasn’t sure if this was a joke, a test, or just meant to embarrass them.

“My daughters are country girls from Surrey, and we’re used to having a big yard to run around in completely starkers,” she continued. “It’s a bit confining here in the suburbs in America. In the backyard, I expect my girls to at least wear panties because our neighbors might be able to see over the fence. If they’re going to play in mud, I’ll usually make an exception.”

My cousins smiled, I am not sure if it was mischief or fun they had in mind. I couldn’t imagine girls wanting to run around outside naked or wearing only panties.

“That’s something they LIKE doing?” I asked my aunt to clarify for me “Being naked is not a punishment?”

I was confused about how it would be seen as something of a privilege – especially around me and their brother.

“Going outside starkers? These little tramps would ride their bicycles up and around the neighborhood completely in the raw, if I let them – fanny whistling in the wind. Where we are from, public nudity is legal. It’s frowned upon in towns and such, but we used to skinny dip and run amok around our own property completely uninhibited. I didn’t raise my girls to have modesty when it comes to their bodies. They are just girls after all.”

The girls giggled playfully but also seemed a bit embarrassed that I knew about it.

“Now, Dalton, this is the part that may feel a bit awkward,” Aunt Alice said, her tone casual but direct. “Americans have a different way of looking at the body than we Brits do. I hope we aren’t blowing your mind or making you uncomfortable?”

I pretended that my mind was not blown. I also tried to downplay the erection in my jeans that wanted very much to be taken out and jerked slowly. I nodded to show that I was listening. The girls were whispering as if sharing a precocious secret while their mom talked.

“We like to be comfortable around the house, and like I said, the girls are more than a bit extroverted. Tank tops and panties are all I can get them to wear here,” Aunt Alice stated, matter-of-fact. “I don’t believe girls their age need fancy lingerie, and until they’ve got more than some puffy nubbly-wubblies, they don’t need bras.” Aunt Alice said with a shrug. “But I do let them wear makeup if they want.”

I could tell from their expressions that the mention of their small breasts definitely bothered them. Veronica and Betty both flashed lemony expressions when their mom mentioned their breast size so casually.

“Gah, do you have to dog us out in front of our cousin?”

“It’s Mr. Dalton to you, and he’ll see what you have soon enough, no point in bandying about it, girls,” my aunt said plainly. When you’ve got more nipple than you have boob meat, you don’t need a bra. Those are for ladies, and not the likes of you two girls.”

The girls frowned and accepted their mother’s criticism.

I hadn’t looked very closely at the girls since I arrived. I didn’t want to seem creepy. I glanced at them. They had decent sized boobs for girls their own age, and their nipples poked through their sheer tank tops.

I couldn’t help but notice that both of the girls were also wearing white cotton panties as if they were shorts. My cousins were much shorter than me, and the way they wore them was so natural, it didn’t even cross my mind that it was essentially their underwear.

I wasn’t expecting them to be wearing panties in their living room, and they were so casual about it that I simply hadn’t noticed. Now, I couldn’t stop glancing at them.

“Now, let’s talk about bathtime,” my aunt said, changing the subject. The girls immediately looked embarrassed at the mention of it. Archie stopped what he was doing and started listening intently.

“I don’t expect you to bathe my daughters or Archie. I’m sure you don’t want to be doing that. But,” she paused, giving me a pointed look, “are you comfortable standing in the bathroom to make sure they do a proper job?”

I assumed this was some test to see if I was a pervert or not. My dick jumped in my pants, so technically I was definitely a pervert.

“Are you kidding me?” was my immediate response before I had a chance even to visualize it.

“I know, it’s terrible to have to ask this of a babysitter, but the girls have a tendency to play with themselves unless they are watched, and all of three of them come out dirtier than when they went in, because they soak and splash instead of washing the dirty parts thoroughly.”

Without actually saying it, my aunt also implied they use the faucet in the bathtub to masturbate whenever they get a chance, with a wink. I had no idea girls would do something like that. I was puzzled why their mom thought I should know something like that. It seemed she was a true open book though.

I was definitely visualizing it all now – and my female cousins “dirty parts” along with it.

“Just get them to take their kits off, line them up, and let them bathe one at a time—ten minutes each, tops. I’m not wasting fresh bath water for each of them. Start with Archie, then whichever of the girls is least chatty and annoying, and the one who’s been the most trouble can go last.”

“Mum, Dalton goes to our school! He may tell everyone,” Veronica complained.

“That you don’t wash your bum properly, or that you can’t be trusted not to play with it if given half the chance?” My aunt’s tone was half-joking, but it definitely shut her up and cutting right through Veronica’s complaint. “He may be Dalton at school, but here? He’s Mr. Dalton or Sir, just like Miss Wendy or Ma’am was for your last sitter,” she explained firmly. “You are okay with that, Mister Dalton?”

“Sure,” I tried to play things cool. I had never been called anything except my first name by anyone. I hoped that I deserved the respect that my Aunt was lauding upon me. I intended to be the most responsible babysitter that I could be.

“Can we keep our kits off, if we behave until bath time?” Veronica asked. I assumed kits were clothes to British people.

“That depends on Mr. Dalton, doesn’t it? I don’t even know how comfortable is with you being starkers,” she answered her daughter. My aunt had a very posh accent at times. She regarded me as if she was talking to an officer on a Victorian cruise ship to ask how long until we make landfall.

“Typically, I allow the girls run around without a stitch in the house, but you may not be comfortable with that, which is why I had them in tank tops and panties when you arrived. Obviously, for bath time, they have to strip down. There isn’t much I can do about that; the compromise we had in place for the previous babysitter was that the girls had to wear their tank tops and panties unless they were bathing, and they could go in the backyard in just panties.”

“No, Mum, Miss Wendy allowed us to keep our clothes off after bathtime if we behaved, as a reward. It was Mrs. Grundy that would have made us bathe with three pair of knickers on, two pairs of trousers and an overcoat if she could have. Miss Wendy was comfortable with nudity, she just doled it out like some sort of reward,” Veronica clarified.

Veronica reminded me of a spoiled princess because of her upturned nose and posh manner. However, she seemed really down to earth.

“Oh yes, Mrs. Grundy. I am afraid our neighbor is a bit of a prude, and now we’ve made her think we are the whores of Babylon because we don’t take clothes or ourselves all that seriously,” My Aunt chuckled. I don’t think she was all that concerned about her neighbor’s feelings on the matter.

If some uptight prude’s got their knickers in a twist over my girls running about without a stitch, that’s their problem, not mine. If they’re gonna stick their nose in our business, they might as well kiss my arse while they’re up there—it’s just a bit of skin.”

It fascinated me how my Aunt could be downright crass and vulgar yet still come off as polite and proper.

“Well, there you have it, Mr. Dalton. You’re still here, so you’re either daft, naïve, or just too polite to bugger off. Either way, I’ll press you into service, and tomorrow we can have a proper chat about whether you’d fancy keeping the role of babysitter. Sound good?”

It did. I was excited about the opportunity. I didn’t expect any of this. These people were a delight, and the girls were cute! I nodded, trying to play it cool, but the grin tugging at the corner of my mouth probably gave me away. My heart was pounding, and I wasn’t sure why.

“I don’t want to put you on the spot, but if you are bashful about bodies I am not sure you’ll want to come back to babysit again. We can accommodate you however you wish. Would you like the girls to keep their tops and panties on tonight? I am perfectly fine making them stay as they are.”

I was tempted to say I’d prefer the girls keep their clothes on, because I still felt this may be a trick or a test to see if I was a pervert. The girls seemed hopeful that I’d tell their mom that I didn’t mind if they were naked. I definitely didn’t mind – in fact, I was going to enjoy this tremendously.

I didn’t want to seem too eager and pretended to think about it for a moment.

“I’d rather the girls be comfortable in their own house,” I said.

“YES!!” Veronica and Betty hopped up and down, clapped their hands in a celebratory fashion and hugged me!

“If you change your mind, or grow uncomfortable, just tell them to put clothes back on,” my aunt told me, pragmatically before reminding her daughters to do whatever I told them to do.

“Can we strip down now, Mum?” Veronica couldn’t wait to take her panties off.

My aunt glanced at me to see if I’d have a problem with it, or respond, before telling them that would be fine. “If they are to be nude in the house, there is no sitting on the furniture for girls with dirty, sticky bottoms. They must sit on the carpet,” she explained that was non-negotiable. “That includes the kitchen table.”

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