February Bananagram
Copyright© 2025 by Mat Twassel
Chapter 17
Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 17 - Your task is to make a story of exactly one sentence in length which contains the six words in this month’s Bananagram crossword. The words are: Rules, Foot, Zone, Tie, Radio, and Tiger. You are allowed to add letters to the beginning and/or the end of these words. TIE, for example, could become BOWTIE, or TIER, or WEIGHTIER. Send your completed sentence to me and I will attempt to illustrate the story and post it to SoL. You’re also welcome to supply your own illustrations. (SoL rules apply.)
Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult Fiction Illustrated
Made from Chemicals
After giving my trans auntie her Estradiol shot, I got a footjob and emblazoned her with spherules of cum while listening to Tigers Jaw.
Story by merriweatherhz
Illustrations by Mat