Little Brother, Big Desire - Cover

Little Brother, Big Desire

Copyright© 2025 by Cenidon2

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Lorina, lost in life and bored with everything, decides that she will take advantage of her little brother innocence and neediness to try to start a secret relationship. Without first asking her friend for advice.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Incest   Brother   Sister   White Male   White Female   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Public Sex   Size   Halloween   AI Generated  

3 years have passed since the beginning of their relationship. 3 years since Edgar asked Lorina, his big sister, to be her girlfriend.

3 years since they started their forbidden relationship. 3 years since they first crossed that line, and now they were both ready to draw a line under it.

The relationship was always good, at least at first.

There were fights, there were good times and bad times, and there was certainly a lot of sex.

At the beginning of the relationship, Edgar was just an innocent boy who wanted to feel good. But as time went by, he became something much worse, something much bigger.

A monster, a beast, a machine. Thirsty for human warmth. He was always hungry, always wanting more. And Lorina, she was always there to give it to him. She was always there to feed his hunger, to satisfy his thirst.

There were secret dates, like two teenagers in love. There were moments of pure bliss, like two souls in love. But there were also moments of pure agony, like two hearts in love, torn apart by the weight of their forbidden love.

They had tried to keep it hidden, to keep it a secret, but it was getting harder and harder. A secret love that could no longer sustain itself.

There were times when they would both go to the movies, to parks, to ice cream parlors. They would hold hands, they would laugh, they would act like any other couple. But there were also times when they would sneak out at night, to the old warehouse, to the abandoned house on the outskirts of town. They would meet there, in secret, to satisfy their hunger, to feed their thirst. They would fuck like animals, like beasts, like machines. They would fuck until they were both exhausted, until they were both satisfied.

One particular afternoon, Lorina heard a knock on her bedroom door.

It was her mother. Her mother said that she was going to be away tonight and asked if Lorina could stay with her brother in the house. What was supposed to be a moment of pleasure turned out to be a waking nightmare.

After a good fuck session with her brother, in the middle of her bedroom, they both heard something. Something frightening. Footsteps in the attic.

They were both frightened. Wondering what those footsteps could be.

They began to wonder what those clear sounds of footsteps could be. And then they began to connect the dots.

The attic, the footsteps, the timing. It couldn’t be a coincidence.

When his mother said she was going out, she gave a vague excuse. His father would probably be at work at that time, working overtime.

Her car was still in the garage, which was visible from the balcony of Lorina’s room. The car was stationary, without the slightest sign of even having been moved.

Could her mother have hidden in the attic to hear what happened in the house when she went out? Or had she simply left with a friend? Lorina’s heart raced as she tried to make sense of the situation. She looked at Edgar, his face pale, his eyes wide with fear. They both knew what they had to do. They had to find out who was up there, and why.

But how? And if it had really been their mother, what could she have heard?

What could she have seen? The thought made Lorina’s stomach churn with nausea.

They both decided that they would stay away from each other for the rest of the night. They were too scared to check if their mother was the one in the attic.

They decided to wait until the next morning, hoping that whoever was up there would leave during the night. They spent the rest of the night in separate rooms, their minds racing with thoughts of what could have happened if their mother had indeed been there.

The next morning, Lorina woke up with a start, her heart pounding in her chest. She looked at the clock, it was already 10 am. Their mother was downstairs, watching television in the living room. As usual.

Lorina’s mother was sitting on the couch, her dark hair cascading down her back, her green eyes focused on the TV screen. She was wearing a bathrobe with nothing underneath that accentuated her curves, her big ass resting comfortably on the couch.

She was dressed curiously scantily, something she never did. Was it something deliberate? If so, why? And where was her father? Questions that lingered in Lorina’s head all day long. She couldn’t focus on anything else. She kept replaying the events of the previous night in her mind, trying to make sense of it all. She couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of her stomach.

Edgar, on the other hand, seemed to be taking it all in stride. He was acting as if nothing had happened, going about his day as usual. Lorina couldn’t understand how he could be so calm about the whole thing. Didn’t he realize the gravity of the situation? Didn’t he care?

Lorina tried to play mind games with her mother, playing green and red to see if things would turn out the way she hoped. She asked seemingly innocent questions to make her mother give her the answer that would reveal a lot about what had happened. But without being too direct, she was very scared about the case. She didn’t want to raise suspicion, but she needed to know if her mother had heard or seen anything.

All day long, her father was out of the house and her mother was in vulgar clothes. As if on purpose. Lorina couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. She tried to brush it off, telling herself she was just being paranoid, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.

The next day, Lorina made a point of not going to school. Her mother would be away in the morning and then would be the best time to go up to the attic, to see if something showed signs that her mother had stayed there last night. She had to find out what was going on.

She woke up early, her heart pounding in her chest as she made her way up the creaky attic stairs. The attic was dark and dusty, filled with old furniture and boxes of forgotten memories. She could see that the window was slightly open, letting in a cool breeze. She walked over to it, her heart in her throat.

She turned around, her eyes scanning the attic, looking for any sign that someone had been there. And then she saw it. A blanket, folded neatly on an old armchair in the corner.

A half-empty bottle of wine, its label peeling off, on the floor.

Lorina’s heart pounded in her chest as she realized what this meant. Her mother had been there. She had heard them, seen them. The thought made her stomach churn with nausea. She felt a wave of panic wash over her, but she pushed it down, forcing herself to focus.

She had to find out what her mother knew. She had to find out if she was going to tell anyone. She had to find out if she was going to ruin their lives.

she immediately ran to her room and stayed there for the whole day, just suffering from anxiety and paranoia. She was sure that one day her mother would confront her about their relationship. And then she would completely ruin her life. Lorina’s mind raced with a thousand scenarios, each one more terrifying than the last. She couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t even think straight. She was a prisoner in her own home, trapped in a web of her own making.

but that day never came. Her mother never confronted her as she had imagined. And days later, she went up to the attic again, and incredibly, none of the things were there again. She was confused and relieved, but she couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease. She decided to keep an eye on her mother, to see if she would act differently. But her mother seemed the same, her behavior unchanged.

Lorina couldn’t understand what was going on. She kept replaying the events of that night in her head, over and over again. The footsteps, the attic, her mother’s strange behavior. It was driving her crazy.

They both decided it was best to take a break from their relationship. But their desires spoke louder, and the break didn’t last a month. They went back to fucking as usual.

Victoria knew about the relationship between Edgar and Lorina and pressured and even blackmailed Lorina about it. The two remained friends, but the relationship was no longer the same. Victoria didn’t really care if Lorina was having sex with her brother, seemingly unaware of the weight it carried. Perhaps because she’d never had a brother.

She forced Lorina to complete her hard homework or else she would tell her friends about Lorina’s adventure with Edgar.

He forced Lorina to buy things from soft drink machines and even to go to parties where she would be alone. It was a forced friendship, totally forced.

Lorina no longer felt comfortable with Victoria, but at the same time she was afraid that if she cut ties at once, she might cause Victoria to tell everyone her secret.

Even though the blackmails had a joking tone, Lorina was afraid that if it were true her secret would come out, so she did everything Victoria asked of her. She felt like a slave to her best friend’s whims, but she didn’t know how to get out of this situation without causing a scandal.

This, combined with the fact that Edgar was growing up, totally changed her feelings towards him. She no longer saw him as a little brother, but as a man. A man with desires and needs. A man like all the others. A man devoid of grace. A man who had grown accustomed to her body, to her warmth. A man who had become a stranger to her. Lorina couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease, a sense of dread. She had always known that this day would come, that their relationship would eventually run its course. But she had never imagined that it would end like this, with a sense of emptiness and despair.

Edgar was now the man like everyone else, the man Lorina felt no attraction to whatsoever. She felt a void inside her, a void that she couldn’t fill no matter how hard she tried.

Victoria, on the other hand, seemed to be thriving. She was always the center of attention, always the life of the party. She had a new boyfriend every week, and she seemed to be enjoying every minute of it. Lorina couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy every time she saw Victoria with a new guy. She had never had that kind of freedom, that kind of carelessness.

Lorina had created Edgar into her sex toy, she had spent the last three years completely molding him to turn him into the perfect machine. The man who knew exactly how to do it. But with that came a price, a very high price.

Edgar was no longer the naive, innocent boy she had fallen for. He was now a man, a man with his own desires, his own needs. And he was no longer content with just being her sex toy. He wanted more.

He wanted to live life, the exact same life as Victoria.

Lorina saw them both as two people who, although different, had similarities. They both had the same negative aura that Lorina hated so much. They were both careless, reckless, and always looking for the next thrill.

At that time, the only thing holding them together was sex. It was no longer about love or affection, but about satisfying a physical need. Lorina could see the change in Edgar’s eyes, the way he looked at her now, like she was just another conquest. It made her feel cheap, used. But she couldn’t stop. She was addicted to the way he made her feel, to the way he touched her, but that wasn’t the thing that made Lorina fall in love with Edgar.

It was his eyes, his laugh, the way he looked at her like she was the only person in the room. It was the way he made her feel seen, heard, understood. But that was all changing now. She could see the hunger in his eyes, the desire, yes, but it was different. It was no longer about her, but about him. About his needs, his wants.

Fucking sessions were becoming increasingly rare. They stopped fucking every day and only fucked once a week. But every time they fucked, it was an escalation, an escalation that couldn’t be contained.

Lorina felt it, and it bothered her a lot. Edgar, on the other hand, didn’t seem to mind.

In fact, he seemed to be enjoying this new dynamic. He was growing more confident, more assertive. He was no longer the shy, hesitant boy she had first met.

Fetishes were a novelty at the time.

First there was exhibitionism. Lorina and Edgar liked to fuck in places where people could see them. The complete opposite of what they had preached until then.

They had always been so careful, so secretive. But now, they seemed to be enjoying the thrill of being watched, the danger of being caught. Lorina couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement, a sense of adrenaline rushing through her veins.

An adrenaline rush that she knew couldn’t be contained, ever.

It was like a drug, a high that she couldn’t get enough of. She was addicted to the thrill, to the danger. She was addicted to Edgar.

But she also knew that this couldn’t go on forever. She couldn’t keep living like this, in this constant state of excitement and fear. She couldn’t keep using Edgar like this, like a drug, like a toy. She had to find a way to break this cycle, to break this addiction.

As love waned, the sexual factor took over. Lorina found herself craving Edgar’s touch, his scent, his taste. She was a junkie, addicted to the high he provided. But she also knew that this was a dangerous game, a game that could destroy them both.

She had to find a way to make Edgar see that they couldn’t keep living like this, that they had to move on.

But every time they tried to talk about it, they ended up having sex. It was like their bodies had a mind of their own, a hunger that couldn’t be satisfied with just words. Lorina would start to say something, and then Edgar would touch her, and all rational thought would fly out the window.

Fetishes have only increased over time. After exhibitionism came role-playing. Lorina and Edgar started to act out different scenarios, different characters. It started as a game, a way to spice things up, but it quickly became an obsession.

Especially the incest scenarios. Lorina pretended to be his mother, and Edgar her son. Or Edgar her father, and Lorina his daughter.

They would act out different scenarios, different characters, each one more intense than the last. The lines between reality and fantasy blurred, and they would lose themselves in the heat of the moment. Lorina would find herself calling Edgar ‘son’ or ‘daddy’, and he would respond in kind, their bodies moving in sync, their breaths ragged, their hearts pounding.

Even though they were brother and sister, they liked to pretend to be in other relationships during role-play sessions.

They even had sex in their parents’ bedroom, something they had promised not to do, but they did it.

They were both high on adrenaline, on the thrill of the forbidden. They were both addicted to the danger, to the risk.

Lorina used to look at Edgar in her mind’s eye, the innocent boy she knew who she had loved. The love of her life had been slowly slipping away. She no longer saw that boy, but a man who was a machine. They had created a monster that they could no longer control. The ever-increasing fetishes, the escalating danger, the constant need for more. It was a cycle they couldn’t break, a whirlwind they couldn’t escape. Lorina knew that they needed to end this, to break free from this toxic relationship. But she couldn’t. She was too addicted to him, too dependent on the high he provided.

She needed to find a way to break free, to save herself, to save Edgar. But how? How could she break the cycle when every attempt to talk, to reason, ended in a frenzy of passion? How could she break the addiction when her body craved him like a drug?

And as for Edgar, she couldn’t help but see how he had grown. His once shy and hesitant demeanor was replaced by a confident and assertive presence. He had become a man, a man who knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to take it. And Lorina, she was both drawn to and repelled by this new Edgar.

She found herself in a constant state of turmoil, torn between the memories of the boy she had loved and the man he had become.

She couldn’t help but feel a sense of longing for the way things used to be, for the simplicity of their forbidden love. But at the same time, she knew that she couldn’t go back, that she couldn’t keep living in the past. She had to find a way to move forward, to break free from this cycle of addiction and despair.

The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months. Lorina and Edgar continued to live in this dangerous dance, their relationship a whirlwind of passion and pain. They were like two addicts, hooked on each other, unable to let go. But Lorina could feel the cracks starting to show. She could see the toll their relationship was taking on them both. She could see the darkness in Edgar’s eyes, the emptiness in his soul.

He was lost, just like she was. They were both drowning in this sea of desire and despair, and neither of them knew how to swim.

One evening, as they lay in bed together, their bodies still slick with sweat and satisfaction. Lorina couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. She looked at Edgar, his eyes closed, his chest rising and falling with each breath. He looked so peaceful, so content. But she knew that this peace was only temporary. She knew that this was just another high, another moment of bliss before the inevitable crash.

“Edgar,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “We can’t keep doing this. We can’t keep living like this.”

Edgar’s eyes fluttered open, and he looked at her, his expression serious. “What are you talking about, Lorina?”

“We can’t keep pretending that this is normal,” she said, her voice shaking. “We can’t keep pretending that we’re not destroying ourselves.”

“What are you talking about?” Edgar asked again, sitting up in bed, his brow furrowed in confusion. “We’re not hurting anyone, are we?”

Lorina sighed, running a hand through her disheveled hair. “It’s not about hurting anyone else, Edgar. It’s about us. About what this is doing to us.”

Edgar looked at her, his expression softening. “Lorina, I don’t understand. I thought you were happy. I thought we were happy.”

“We were” she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. “But things have changed. We’ve changed.

We’re not the same people we used to be. We’re not the innocent brother and sister who fell in love. We’re something else now. Something darker, something more twisted.”

Edgar’s expression darkened, and he looked away, his jaw clenched. “You’re saying we’re sick, Lorina. That what we do is wrong.”

Lorina shook her head, her eyes filled with tears. “No, Edgar. I’m not saying that. I’m just saying that we need to stop. Before it’s too late.”

Edgar turned back to her, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and fear. “And what do you suggest we do instead? Just stop? Like that’s so easy” Edgar scoffed, his voice laced with bitterness “You can’t just turn off feelings, Lorina.”

“I don’t want to stop loving you. Because I’ve already done that. I want to go back to when we were innocent. You’ve stopped loving me too” Lorina said, her voice breaking. “I know you have. I see it in your eyes. You look at me like I’m a stranger, like I’m a monster. And I don’t blame you. I’ve become a monster, Edgar. I’ve become something I never wanted to be.”

Lorina’s voice was barely a whisper, her eyes filled with unshed tears. She reached out, her hand trembling as she touched Edgar’s cheek, feeling the stubble beneath her fingertips. “I don’t want to be this person anymore, Edgar. I don’t want to be this monster.”

Edgar’s eyes met hers, and for a moment, Lorina saw a flicker of the old Edgar in them. The boy she had loved, the boy she had fallen for. But it was fleeting, and just as quickly, it was gone, replaced by a cold, hard look. “We’re just discovering ourselves, it’s normal. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m young, right? So are you, even though I’m younger.” Edgar’s voice was steady, his eyes never leaving hers. “We’re just exploring our desires, Lorina. It’s not wrong. It’s not sick. It’s just ... us.”

Lorina shook her head, her hand falling to her side. “No, Edgar. It’s not just exploring our desires. It’s more than that. It’s ... it’s like we’re losing ourselves, one step at a time. We’re becoming something we don’t recognize, something we don’t want to be.”

Lorina’s voice was barely above a whisper, but it echoed in the silent room like a gunshot. Edgar flinched, as if physically struck by her words.

“Don’t say that,” he said sharply, his voice laced with an edge Lorina had never heard before. “Don’t talk like that about us. About ... this.” He gestured vaguely between them, his hand trembling slightly.

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