Offline - Cover


Copyright© 2025 by Gordon Johnson

Chapter 9

I was trying to avoid my tumescence, but my body had other ideas, and my penis was standing to attention to salute both women. “Sorry, ladies. Your lovely bodies cause this reaction, and I have little control over it.”

Phemie took a closer glance at Fiona, and observed, “I see what Alec means; that nightie shows off your breasts perfectly, Fiona. You are a temptress in that outfit.” “Oh!” Fiona looked down, realising at last that her warm body was moulded to her nightie. Her breasts had involuntarily perked up her nipples and they were pushing out the cotton material. “Oh,” she repeated, lost for words.

I remarked, “Oh, indeed, Fiona. You are a real beauty in that nightdress, only eclipsed by my lovely Phemie.”

Phemie added, “Indeed. Alec’s wonder weapon would fit you so well, I am sure, just as it does me. Men are made to be able to fit like this, you should be aware at your age.”

“What? Fit me? What are you suggesting, Phemie?” “Nothing in particular, Fiona. It is simply a fact that if you tested out Alec in the same way, you would never think of reporting it to your mother in future.”

“Now, Phemie, that is a bit harsh,” I remonstrated with her. “Fiona is not thinking of having sex with me; are you, Fiona?” I chose at this moment to divert them by getting up and going to the loo to clean myself up. I was of course naked. Unfortunately Fiona decided to watch my swinging tool as I walked, and gulped before staring at Phemie wordlessly. Phemie smiled at her, and stated as a trained teacher making emphasis, “I think my point is made!”

It was still night, so the question arising was what each of us should do next. Phemie retrieved her own nightie and put it on, pointedly smoothing the material over her breasts to show them proudly.

“Alec loves my breasts,” she informed her cousin. “He is definitely a breast man, thus his response to you when you appeared. It is not that he was being aggressive, rather you were seemingly teasing him. So it goes.”

“Oh.” Fiona was finding her voice again. “I wasn’t trying to tease; it was just accidental, for I had just got up and went to see what was happening. I was concerned for you, Phemie.”

“Quite right, too, but as you see, there was nothing to be concerned about. Are you still concerned about me?”

“Not now,” Fiona confirmed. “You seem quite contented with Alec; very much so, in fact.”

“You have it correct, Fiona. Alec is to my mind rather a nice man. Go on and kiss him, to see how he behaves. I dare you to do that, just as you are right now.” Caught between a rock and a hard place, Fiona accepted the inevitable, and walked slowly over to me, the overhead light showing everything. I was still naked, and she looked scared as she approached.

I said nothing, merely opened my arms in a welcoming gesture, and after a moment’s hesitation, she stepped closer and I placed my arms round her shoulders. She stood stock still as if in fright, with eyes tight closed, but I simply brought my face forward and kissed her gently on the lips, a mere peck. She was unsure of how to react, so I tried again, with a little more pressure on her lips. She appeared to think about this, then kissed me back.

I slowly released her as I removed my lips from hers, and let my arms drop to my sides, showing I was not holding her. “Another kiss?” I asked, with her knowing she had the power to refuse if she wanted. Instead, she brought her face closer and puckered up for another kiss. I accepted the unspoken offer and gave her a slightly more enthusiastic kiss this time, with her knowing all the time that she was free to stop at any moment. Her eyes were open now, and as she cooperated in the kiss, then her eyes closed again, but this time apparently trying to enjoy the sensation.

I angled my eyes over towards Phemie, and saw her watching closely. She saw me look at her, and gave me the ‘thumbs-up’ sign of approval. I returned my attention to Fiona, and spoke for the first time, “Okay, Fiona?”

“Hmm ... yes,” she answered softly, as if still in deep thought. “Nice.” Phemie heard this and told her, “Told you so, Fiona.”

Fiona stared into my eyes as she said wonderingly, “What happens now?” “What happens with what, Fiona? About more kissing, or me running my hands over your back, or what?” This made her stiffen again then she relaxed somewhat as she thought further, and invited, “Run your hands over my back, please.” She seemed to have forgotten my name, but I was fine with that. I placed my hands on her shoulders, and moved them gradually over to her back and slid them ever so slowly down her smooth skin, pressing her to me slightly, and at last came to her buttocks, which I held experimentally.

“Nice,” I duplicated her earlier comment, and she knew I was referring to how her body felt to my hands. She decided to press forward a bit more, but that brought her against my protruding rod, so she stopped suddenly as she felt it against her belly.

“Oh. Is that your thingy?” “It is, Fiona; my penis, it is correctly called.”

“It still finds me attractive?” “Most assuredly so, Fiona. You are a desirable young woman, to me or any other man who appreciates women.”

Phemie intruded, “As I said, Alec is a nice man and not aggressive, Fiona. You are in control there as a woman, just as I am with him. I had him in bed, injured, for a while before I fucked him and it was I who fucked him. His back stopped him from initiating anything, but it was his choice too. He let me make the running. He has always treated me with respect, I can assure you. He still does, in fact.”

Fiona’s gaze looked me over after daring another short kiss. “Respect?” she queried. “Respect,” I assured her.

“Can I cuddle closer, to feel you against me? Is this okay with you, Phemie?” “Go ahead, Fiona. Feel him for yourself.”

She pressed herself against me, and I felt her hard nipples against my chest, still prominent through the thin material. “Oh!” she exclaimed, as some reaction went through her. “Oh, my...” she went on. I said nothing to deter her, for she was experiencing her own female response to the male body, and I suspected it was for the first time in her life. The response was too strong for it to be otherwise.

I held her as she started to sag in my arms, then realised she had fainted.

“Phemie, she has collapsed, love.” “Oh, that is unexpected. Lay her on the bed, Alec my dear heart.”

I swept Fiona into my arms and lifted her to lay her on the bed. As I stood up again, wondering what to do next, Phemie came and hugged me from behind, her fulsome breasts pressing tight to my back.

“That was amazing, Alec,.You wowed her, love!” “Is she okay, Phemie?” I queried with concern in my voice.

“Yes, I am sure that was her getting the shock of a sexual response by her body. It was new to her, so she fainted, but she will be fine later. We should leave her on your bed to recover. You can come to my bed and we’ll cuddle for a while, eh? We never did get to finish properly.”

I agreed so we moved to her bedroom and we got under the covers. Damn good, I thought. You are trying to make this permanent with Phemie, Aled, my boy, I told myself, but my body was happy to go with the flow. I got close to Phemie and we fitted perfectly, man to woman. In what seemed like moments, I was asleep in her arms.

Some time later, my bladder woke me to go for a leak, but I found I was stuck between two female forms. This is new, I thought, not unwelcome, but how do I get to the loo? I did a sort of wriggle to free myself from the two curvy bodies, and somehow or other got out from under the bedclothes and slid down to the foot of the bed and on to my feet. Freed, I hurried to the toilet and released my urgent pee, making sure the stream did not splash noisily directly into the water but silently poured down the sloping sides of the ceramic unit into the water.

I washed and dried my hands before heading back to bed. I found that the body nearest me as I approached had turned on her back, and the covers were lifted slightly to invite me in. I assumed it was Phemie.

“Thanks, love,” I said, accepting the invitation. I made my way under the covers and found the space fully taken up, with the only option being to lie on top of the naked female form. Sighing inwardly, I slid on top of her and noticed at once that the shape underneath me was wrong for Phemie. I knew intimately Phemie’s reaction to my physical presence against her. This was different, so it had to be Fiona. Oh, my! My reaction was to utter incoherently, “Uh ... umm...”

She turned out to be awake and grabbed me with her arms to hold me on top of her. Once I was where she wanted me, she began kissing me again, while we were breast to breast and my stiffening penis was trapped between us. With all the kissing – to which I admit I responded willingly – I could not speak, and then she used her hands to push my hips upward. When I obliged, this released my trapped penis and it landed where one might expect it to: at her vagina entrance. I could feel it so. I had no idea what to do. Well, technically I knew what I could do, but in the circumstances I was unsure what I should do. Phemie was inches away and I was afraid to do anything that would anger her.

As I pondered, I felt her hand on my back, as Fiona did not have three hands. Phemie moved her hand to my buttocks and pressed down, indicating what her decision was. Assuming that Fiona had also made the same decision by her moves, I allowed my pecker to advance and pause at her sex. Fiona wriggled until she had me right where she wanted me, and then pushed upwards while Phemie was pressing my hips downward.

The die was cast, so I advanced, anticipating an intact hymen ahead, but there was no resistance to speak of, and my manhood slid happily into her womanhood. Despite all her reticence, she was not a virgin; though clearly not practiced at sex. That was obvious. Her reaction was similarly clear, for she gasped at the feeling of being filled, invaded, but not conquered, for she was welcoming the invader.

I stopped to allow her to assess the situation, and for her to decide what she wanted to happen. She halted as well, and we paused to look each other in the eyes, by the dim light of my bedside lamp.

“You are inside me!” Fiona gasped, as if surprised. “Uh-huh,” I agreed, again making little sense with my wordless reply. She next declared, “This is not what I expected. Is there more?” Then she widened her enquiry beyond me and her. “Phemie, he is inside me. Is there more?”

Phemie almost giggled at the question. “A lot more, Fiona. How far do you want to go with him? He can get you to orgasm, possibly more than once, but if you let him come inside you, are you protected; or are you prepared to get pregnant? I might already be pregnant, but that was my own decision. You have your own life to consider. Tell Alec what you want, and be prepared to stick by it.”

“Oh.” She was back to matching my incoherency, then was silent for a while. I felt her vaginal muscles testing me as she pondered, and gradually she moved to be more of a participant. “Alec, will you move inside me a little, so I can find out what I want?”

This was a little more coherent, but not much. I began to move in and out, slowly at first, as her vagina became more moist to help the process. The trouble with sex is that when it goes well, you can become a bit mentally confused and say things or make decisions that you might not make in more normal times. This means that a woman can think she wants a baby because she is enjoying the sex, when later she may not have the same feeling about it.

“More, Alec, more! I need you.” she urged aloud, and I wondered what Phemie might say. Phemie had made a conscious and rational decision that she was happy to consider becoming pregnant. Fiona was not in that condition at this moment, and invited me to spend myself inside her through her temporary enthusiasm. Being a simple man, I found the invitation too tempting to stop myself, and so I speeded up and shortly spurted in the general direction of her cervix, only thinking about it afterwards. Such is the inbuilt drive of the human male seeking to leave offspring.

Having second thoughts about my male assumptions and actions, I tried to redeem myself. “Fiona?” She brought her attention back to me, and I started again, “Fiona? Are you protected against pregnancy?” Beside me I heard Phemie’s intake of breath, and she exclaimed in frustration, “Damn it, Alec! You always have to be the good guy, don’t you?”

Fiona on the other hand was more thoughtful, despite me being balls deep in her vagina. “Oh, I never really thought about that possibility!” I asked again, “Does that mean you are not protected?” “I suppose so,” she revealed, “But I don’t care.”

A loud sigh came from Phemie. “That does it. Alec, love, are you prepared to have two wives, effectively, and children from both?”

Fiona jumped in to ask, “You would allow that, Phemie?” “If you want to continue being fucked by Alec, then yes, Fiona. Without precautions, you’ll end up expecting. He can’t spend all his time with me; he has his work duties and so on, so keeping us both satisfied should not be a problem for him. What do you say, Alec? If Fiona wants to join us, are you fine with it?”

I was thunderstruck, for I had not foreseen this scenario. Okay, what man could resist having two women to fuck regularly, but this was never in my planning for my future. I was intending to stay a loner, and occasionally making use of a female who did not desire permanence with me.

Phemie was a surprise, and a welcome one at that, but adding her cousin to our menage was never in my sights. It looked like it was in Phemie’s planning, though. When did she start to envisage this? Was it sudden, starting when Fiona caught us in bed having sex together, or was that a pre-planned encounter that could be encouraged to lead to this? How the heck was I supposed to deal with the result? It looked like I had no option but to acquiesce with it as a fait accompli.

I raised the matter obliquely. “Is this what you ladies want? I am willing to fit in, if it is your genuine desire.” Fiona admitted, “I am new to this, but if this is going to continue without rancour, I am all for it. Phemie seems to be willing to share, but what if she wants to marry you, Alec?”

Phemie informed Fiona, “Alec had a bad marriage and after the divorce, he was put off marrying again. He has two young sons he isn’t even able to see, and that hurts him. I don’t think formal marriage is in his thoughts for now.”

“But if he did want to marry you, Phemie, where would that leave me?” “It would make no difference, Fiona. Alec is a man of principle, and if he commits to you as well as me, then it would stay that way. Am I right, Alec love?” I agreed. “While I would not go along with the ‘man of principle’ claim, Phemie is right about commitment. If we start as a threesome, we stay as a threesome. If Phemie approves you joining us, that is what we do. That is my final word on the subject.”

Fiona announced, “Then you can shoot into me again, Alec!” “I would if I could, Fiona, but a man needs time for his body to make more sperm before he can do the business a second time. Women are more endowed, in that they can have more orgasms without waiting for anything.”

“Then can we try to make me have more orgasms, Alec? If that is all right with you, Phemie?” She was granting Phemie her position as First wife, or Boss lady, or lead woman in our tribe. I already saw Phemie in that position, so it was fine by me. However, I had to start thinking ahead, of the future of having two women to love and care for, and later possibly more children. My sons were going to become big brothers in the future, it looked like. First, I have to convince the courts that I am a fit father to have them with me. That probably meant marrying Phemie to make me more acceptable. I would have to discuss this with Phemie and Fiona.

“Go ahead, Fiona. Alec, do what you can for her. If she is going to be part of us, she needs as much encouragement as possible.”

I worked my ways on the agreeable Fiona, partly by trying to revive my little man as well as applying my fingers to Fiona’s sexual erogenous zones. She at first wanted my penis to expand again and fit into her, but soon recognised that other touching had an even greater effect on her libido. She was soon urging me on, while Phemie looked on with interest, taking mental notes on what might be worthwhile for herself, among the others she had already experienced.

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