Ariel - Cover


Copyright© 2025 by Blue Lion

Chapter 23: Saturday II (Glory hole)

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 23: Saturday II (Glory hole) - Ariel is blackmailed by her schoolmates to serve as their sex and pain slave

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   Slavery   Lesbian   Heterosexual   School   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Torture   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Scatology   Sex Toys   Spitting   Water Sports   Needles   Teacher/Student  

When they finally reached the main entrance, the six girls were followed by about 10 men. They continued inside the station. Of course, it was very busy there. But the small group still stood out. Finally, Susi and Laura led Ariel to one of the men’s toilets in the large station. There were lots of men standing around in front of this toilet and they started clapping when the group arrived. The girls walked through the waiting men and entered the toilet. There were also lots of men standing around in the anteroom of the toilet, where there were several washbasins. It stank terribly in this toilet. The floor was dirty and wet. The small group walked through the room with the urinals on either side (which were also being used by three men) to the next room with the cubicles. Petra, Sarah and Jenny stopped at this passageway, while Laura, Susi and Ariel walked on. Ariel’s bare feet had become very dirty on the street and now left a nice footprint on the disgusting, damp tiled floor. She knew that she was practically wading through piss and was terrified that she was about to have to lick this horribly disgusting toilet clean. She started to cry while Laura and Susi led her to the stalls. Each stall had a number on it. There were seven stalls in total. The stalls numbered one to three were apparently defective. At least that’s what the signs on the doors indicated. There were already a few men waiting in this room too. While Susi was talking to Ariel, Laura started filming again.

“So, bitch, we’re here. Come here and have a look at the first booth. Sit on the bowl. Now remove the poster on the left wall.”

Ariel pulled an advertising poster off the wall. It revealed a large hole around which the following was written: ‘Cock cleaning - just stick it through’ and about a meter above it was a tray on which the intro to her mistresses’ website was running, with the self-satisfying Ariel as the main actress.

“Now go to cabin three and remove the poster on the right wall.”

Ariel obeyed and an identical hole with the same text, as well as another tablet with the same display were hidden behind it. Laura recorded everything with the camera, including Ariel’s horrified face when she realized what her mistresses had planned for her. Susi immediately told her how right she was about her fears.

“Now go to cabin two. Give me the scarf, close the toilet seat and sit on it.”

Ariel sat down and Laura locked the stall door behind them. Susi continued: “Both in the sex store and with the boys in the technician’s dormitory, your blowjob performances were shameful. Expressed in school grades, it would have been an F in each case. That’s why you’re going to spend today learning how to handle a man’s cock. Cocks will now push themselves through your holes again and again. You will wank off each one in the same way: push back the foreskin (if present) with one hand, then lick the glans clean with your tongue, then the shaft. And finally suck, lick, knead and wank with your hands, mouth and tongue until the cock shoots the sperm into your mouth, face or somewhere else. Then lick it clean again. If two cocks are inserted through the holes at the same time, which will probably be the case almost all the time, you will have a cock in each hand. Lick and suck the first one, knead and wank the second one with the other hand. When they come in your mouth, swallow!!! You try to make everyone cum as quickly as possible so that you can please as many men as possible. And after every cock you wipe your dirty hands on your tits. So that the guys can climax faster, they can watch everything live on the tablets, which means they can see on the tablets how you are pleasuring their cocks. For you dirty cunt, this means that it will look to the men as if you’re having the greatest fun sucking on their cocks! Got it?”

Ariel sobbed and replied, “Mistress Susi, the bitch has...”

“Shut your stinking dirty mouth, stupid cunt,” Susi interrupted her, “you don’t need to repeat everything now. The task is pretty simple, even a shit-eater of such a low level should understand it. Oh yes, if a cock starts to piss during your blow job, just let it happen. Let the piss run into your mouth, and if you’re thirsty, you can drink it. And try to please the guys quickly and, above all, well. We expect you to finish off at least 60 men an hour. Oh, the first cock is already pushing through. So get started!”

Petra’s friend Michael had an older brother who worked as a station policeman at the station. He had also prepared the toilet so that Ariel could suck the juice out of the balls of two strangers in the stall. The mistresses had been advertising this event on their website for almost three days. For this reason, several guys were already waiting in the toilet for their cheap satisfaction. And all the men they had met on their way from the parking garage to the station had informed them of the action that was about to take place. That’s why some of them had followed them immediately. Cabin 2, where Ariel was unhappily seated, was very narrow, so the poor girl only had to lean a little to the sides to get her mouth up to the cabin wall. From now on, Laura transmitted live pictures via her cell phone camera to her homepage and thus also to the tablets in the cabins. Petra, Jenny and Sarah stood in front of stalls one, two and three and collected five euros each from anyone who wanted to use stall one or three. Ariel sobbed unhappily, took the first cock to her right in her left hand and pulled back the foreskin. It was a remarkable feeling for her. For although she had already had several hundred cocks in her mouth, this was the first time she had held one in her hand. It felt strange to Ariel, like a warm sausage. The cock was about 10 cm long and smelled terrible. There were lots of white crumbs around the glans and the slave saw and felt how the cock in her hand grew to about 15 cm and became harder. Ariel licked the glans clean in disgust as a cock to her left made itself known. Ariel licked the glans clean in disgust as a cock made itself known to her left. She took it in her right hand and pulled back the foreskin. While she licked this not-so-terrible penis clean, she jerked off the one on her right. Susi kept showing her which one to lick. She just had the right cock in her mouth when the left one suddenly squirted onto her arm and her side. She quickly turned around and licked the cock clean. Now back again and shortly afterwards she swallowed the first sperm. But it continued without a break. The next cock was already waiting on her left side. Not even three minutes had passed since the first cock appeared. Over the next few hours, Ariel licked countless glans, kneaded countless testicles, jerked off countless rods and was hit by countless loads of cum. Most of them came in her mouth. While the mistresses took turns filming in cubicle 2, collecting money or simply leaving the station toilet to get some fresh air, Ariel licked and jerked off one cock after the other. She licked the nastiest, dirtiest, smelliest cocks there were. Ariel didn’t see any faces, didn’t know who she was licking. She only saw one male penis after another in all colors, shapes and conditions. It had been bad in the boys’ dormitory, but at least there they were all young guys and most of them were clean. Here, however, a clean cock was the exception. And of course, every now and then there was a pig that just spit when Ariel took the pole in her mouth. And as she had been ordered to do before, she simply left her mouth open and the urine ran out of her mouth over her body onto the floor. As soon as such a pig stopped peeing, Ariel also licked and jerked this cock until a load of white sperm hit her body.

The fact that there was such an above-average number of dirty cocks was partly due to the fact that word got around very quickly, especially among homeless people and junkies, about how you could get your rod polished in the men’s room for very little money. After about half an hour, the station police were also called by passers-by and informed of what was going on in the toilet. As one of the police officers was Michael’s brother and his partner was his best friend, they already knew what was going on. But they dutifully walked through the crowd until they saw Laura. Petra recognized the two, and of course they were allowed to be served for free. Both were served by Ariel (at the same time - one in cabin one, the other in cabin three), calmed the control center by radio and then helped the mistresses to sort out the flow of visitors! The mistresses also promised to invite them to other events if they wished. More and more men came to have their cocks polished by Ariel. The live broadcast and days of advertising on the homepage, as well as word of mouth in the station, ensured a constant supply of cocks. Ariel sucked and licked one cock after the other. She swallowed the cum from all the ones that entered her mouth. The others came on her hair, face and tits, and their cum ran down the slave’s body. After about half an hour, Ariel had found out how the guys reacted to her touching and sucking and how she could get them to cum the quickest. She worked the cocks in her mouth a lot with her tongue and sucked on them at the same time, while her hand stroked, kneaded and stimulated the testicles. At the same time, she slid her other hand up and down another guy’s cock, trying to stimulate the testicles with her little finger and gently scratching the glans with her thumbnail. Due to this excellent treatment by the schoolgirl and the simultaneous viewing of the action in the tray, most guys came after just 30 - 60 seconds. There were a few, very few, men who lasted up to five minutes. Ariel saw and satisfied all kinds of penises - circumcised, uncircumcised, thick, thin, extremely smelly. She also noticed that the vast majority of cocks were obviously not long enough to reach down her throat. These very long limbs were the exception here.

After almost two hours, Sarah relieved Petra in the cabin. The slave was completely soaked by this time, from her hair to her feet there was not a dry fiber left on her body. Cum was running down her body onto the toilet bowl and the floor. She sat on the toilet seat in a puddle of semen and urine and her bare feet on the floor were also in a puddle of semen and urine. If this cubicle hadn’t had a drain at the back, the sperm-urine sauce would certainly have been several millimeters high in the small room. Ariel’s white T-shirt had become completely transparent and was barely recognizable. She would have loved to piss, like some of the dirty pigs, as she felt pressure on her bladder, but the catheter in her urethra was tight. While Petra walked out of the cabin, Sarah put on rubber gloves and said to Ariel: “Slave cunt, take off your T-shirt now and put it over the drain!”

When Ariel had slipped out of the completely soaked rag and thrown the T-shirt down the drain, Sarah explained: “So that you don’t get too bored, we’ll make the exercise more interesting for you whenever you’ve earned 500 euros. Now that you’ve reached 1000 euros, you’ll get two nice extra challenges!”

With that, she attached a cuff to each of Ariel’s wrists. She then used a nylon cord to connect the left cuff to Ariel’s right nipple ring and the right cuff to her left nipple ring. The cords were so short that Ariel had to keep her hands right next to her breasts if she didn’t want to stretch them painfully. However, as she constantly had to satisfy faceless male limbs pushing through the holes in the cubicle wall, she now had to painfully pull her left tit to the right when she put her right hand around a limb and at the same time painfully pull her right tit to the left when she put her left hand around a limb. At 1500 euros, Susi knotted a nylon cord to the carabiner hooks on Ariel’s left labia. She grabbed Ariel’s left foot, pulled it up to her bare bottom and passed the string under her thigh. Then she tied the end of the string to Ariel’s big toe. Now Ariel was sitting on the toilet seat with her left foot in the air. After almost five hours in which Ariel had licked, sucked, jerked and kneaded cocks without stopping, Petra tied her right foot to her right labia in the same way. Now Ariel had to sit on the toilet seat without her feet to support her, as both were hanging in the air and dripping stringy cum. And her labia were also being pulled back painfully.

By now it was a purely mechanical process for Ariel: as soon as a member slipped through the hole in the cubicle wall, she automatically grabbed the balls and kneaded them gently, then immediately pulled back the foreskin and began to wank the member, while at the same time she had another cock from the other cubicle wall in her mouth and sucked, licked and pampered it with her other hand. When a cock had squirted its load into or onto her, she immediately licked the member clean, turned to the other cubicle wall to take the penis into her mouth and held her empty hand under the empty hole until the next cock pushed through. Ariel didn’t feel anything anymore, didn’t notice anything, didn’t think about anything. Like a robot, she performed the same routine over and over again. She lost all sense of time and would not have been able to tell how long she had spent on this toilet when the penises finally stopped coming one after the other and Ariel took short breaks. After more than eight hours, Ariel had satisfied the last penis and there were still weights hanging from her nipple rings. The mistresses had far more than 3000 euros in their hands. Ariel was completely covered in cum, which dripped slimy and stringy from her body to the floor. Her ass and pussy were sitting in a puddle of cum and some urine. The whole floor of this cubicle was covered in cum and urine as the t-shirt over the drain had made it difficult to drain. Cum was running down both walls with the holes. The toilet and the floor were completely wet.

Closing time

Susi freed Ariel from the cords and weights with rubber gloves. When her labia were no longer tied to her toes, Ariel sobbed gratefully. She had had to hold her feet up for three or four hours and was now in tremendous pain throughout her legs. Ariel couldn’t have said how long she had spent on that toilet bowl in that cubicle. It seemed like several days to her. Petra gave her a large beer glass.

“This is where you’ll put all the dirt from your body, the wall, the toilet and the floor with your hands. Then you will lick the cubicle walls and the toilet bowl clean!”

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