The Dream Maker
Copyright© 2025 by LEBEC
Chapter 1
Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A magic dildo makes a frustrated, trophy wife's dreams of getting pregnant come true!
Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa Mind Control Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Magic Slut Wife Interracial Black Male White Female Cream Pie Masturbation Pregnancy Sex Toys Size
“The Dream Maker by
Ultimate Enchantment Adult Toys
Created by our special erotic wizards to make all your dreams come true!”
As Evan Muster read the online promo for the adult toy he got very excited. In the ad there were photos of penises of all shapes and colors, with the bodies seemingly airbrushed out, shooting tons of spunk all over a kneeling young white woman. Her eyes were closed in orgasmic delight while she received her bukkake bath.
Evan had found the website from a random search on the internet and it was the first site on the list. ‘Eureka!’ he said to himself. ‘A lifelike, vibrating dildo that can shoot cum! This is perfect!’ he thought. Without further ado he impulsively entered his credit card info and ordered the most expensive model, plus a bottle of the special lubricant made for the toy.
It arrived the next day in a generic looking box covered by simple brown, grocery bag paper. Evan excitedly tore the package open. First, he pulled out the charging station and set it aside. Then he got even more excited as he checked out the bottle of lube, noting what a good job they had done making the mixture look like actual semen. Finally, he pulled off the bubble-wrap which covered the dildo itself and sighed in disappointment.
What he found looked nothing like the pictures in the ad. Instead, he found a very basic, generic-looking, beige colored piece of latex, about six inches long, and of average thickness. Evan didn’t know what he had been expecting but it wasn’t this. ‘Those brochure pictures were always more impressive than the real thing,’ he thought. Kind of like the toy soldiers he used to own as a kid that never quite matched the images on the TV commercials. The only thing impressive about it were the size of the testicles at its base, which he assumed were like that in order to allow adequate room for the lubricant.
Evan took a deep breath and continued on, fishing the directions out of the box, determined to not let this minor setback dissuade him. ‘Oh well...’ he said to himself. This should still be good enough to carry out His Plan!
Evan Muster was not some nice guy, looking to simply enhance his lovemaking sessions with his wife. No, Evan Muster was a “total douchebag”!
With every advantage in life - money, education, a beautiful wife - he never appreciated how lucky he was. At 26 years old, he was already rising up the corporate ladder, as long as he was willing to travel on business trips at a moment’s notice. Evan didn’t mind the extra work, though. In fact, he loved it.
That was, until he met Nichole, whom everyone called Nikki, and for a brief period of time in his adult life, he thought of something besides work. With red hair, long legs and an athletic build, the 22 year old was everything Evan could want in a wife, and they quickly married and moved into a huge house.
Like many newlyweds, they seemed to fuck every chance they could but within a few months, Evan’s sex drive mysteriously tapered off. Evan blamed it on his work, but actually, the problem was Monica, his new assistant - a 20 year old brunette who was secretly fucking him in ways that, in Evan’s opinion, conservative “Miss Goody Two Shoes” Nikki could never imagine.
As a result, Nikki’s “job” now consisted of decorating a home and working out in their home gym to keep her “killer” body in shape. Not an unpleasant life, by any stretch of the imagination but not what she had always hoped for. Before dropping out of college to marry Evan, she had dreams of helping others - possibly, becoming a Nurse. Now, she found herself stuck in an oversized house with a husband who was away more often than not - a bored “trophy wife”.
With nothing to devote her strong, natural nurturing tendencies to, she decided she’d like to have a child. In fact, she had already recently gone off the Pill and had just begun timing her cycle, hoping to corner Evan at exactly the right moment to get her pregnant. Unfortunately, for reasons that were unknown to Nikki, Evan seemed to be reluctant to have sex with her lately. Whenever she came on to him, he always claimed to be tired and stressed out. And the more she pressed him, the more he seemed to pull away. The more he pulled away, the more frustrated she became.
Evan knew what she wanted. He just didn’t want to give it to her. Still, he wasn’t thinking about getting a divorce just yet. All he wanted was to figure out a plan as to how he could have his cake and eat it too - to keep his mistress happy, while still placating his wife.
So, Evan did some online shopping and came up with a solution to keep Nikki out of his hair, at least temporarily. What he came up with was, “The Dream Maker!” which he decided to present to her one day just before he was about to go out of town on a business trip.
When Nikki opened the box, she was puzzled, not knowing what to make of it. “What the hell is this?” she asked, her anger rising in her chest.
“It’s a dildo - and also a vibrator - the best they make!” he announced proudly. “Here, check it out.” He pushed the shaft of it into her hand. Nikki held it like it was a disgusting rodent that she wanted nothing to do with. Then, Evan flipped a switch on the underside and it began to vibrate in her hand. Nikki froze in shock.
“Why Evan Why? I mean, what is this for? You’re not gonna try to use this on me, are you?” she asked, totally flummoxed. She fussed with it for a moment, angling it away from her face while trying unsuccessfully to find the power button.
“Um, not exactly. I figured this would help keep you company, you know, for when I’m out on the road,” Evan offered.
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