The Babysitter - Cover

The Babysitter

Copyright© 2025 by Megansdad

Chapter 4: The Gala and Emma's First Kiss

Emma stirred awake to the insistent ringing of her alarm, its soft but persistent tone breaking the serene quiet of the room. She groaned, reaching over to silence it, only to find herself nestled between the warm, soft bodies of Erica and Jessica. The two girls had snuggled close in their sleep, their small arms and legs draped over her, their gentle breaths tickling her neck.

A smile tugged at Emma’s lips despite the early hour. The weight of their trust and affection settled in her chest, filling her with warmth that made it even harder to leave the cozy embrace. Carefully, she wriggled free, gently easing the girls’ arms off her and tucking the blanket snugly around them to keep them warm.

When she opened the bathroom door, Emma froze, her eyes widening. Standing at the mirror was Sasha, completely nude, her elegant figure framed by soft morning light streaming through the frosted window. Sarah was casually cleansing her face, seemingly unaware of Emma’s sudden intrusion.

Emma’s cheeks turned crimson. “Oh! I’m so sorry, Sarah, I didn’t realize anyone was in here,” she stammered, instinctively averting her eyes, and stepped back toward the door.

Sarah turned, a calm and amused smile on her face. “Emma, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it. Come on in and get ready. We’re all family this weekend, remember?”

Reluctantly, Emma stepped inside, closing the door behind her. She placed her clothes and toiletry bag on the counter by the second sink, her movements careful and deliberate. She quickly rushed to the toilet and sat down despite her embarrassment. Sarah paid no attention to Emma while she continued to do her makeup. While sitting on the toilet, Emma removed her pajamas and draped them over the edge of the tub. When done Emma tried not to think about being almost nude in front of Sarah. She washed her hands and turned her back to Sarah while changing her underwear.

“Relax, Emma,” Sarah said, her tone warm and reassuring. “I promise, I’m not judging. You’ve seen me,” she gestured to herself standing nude in front of me, “and the girls as they bathe—it’s no different. There is nothing sexual, sinful, or immodest about our nudity. It is comfortable and is nothing more than not wearing clothes.”

Emma nodded, though her cheeks still burned. She focused on her routine, pulling her face cleanser from her bag and washing her face in small, deliberate circles. The cool water helped calm her nerves as she rinsed off and patted her skin dry.

As she worked, she couldn’t help but feel hyper-aware of Sarah’s presence, though Sarah moved with casual ease, completely at home in her own skin. “I understand, Sarah. It’s not your nudity that bothers me. I’m okay with seeing you and the girls ... it’s my nudity I’m not ready for,” Emma told her. Emma finished quickly, dressed in her T-shirt and shorts she gathered her things and turned to leave the bathroom.

Sarah smiled at Emma, a glint of understanding in her eyes. “Don’t forget to wake the girls,”

Emma reached for the doorknob, her hand hovering over it as she hesitated. A knot tightened in her chest and she bit her lip glancing down at the polished floor. “Sarah,” she said softly, her voice trembling, “I’m scared.”

Behind her, Sarah paused her morning routine, her expression shifting to one of gentle concern. “Scared of what, Emma?” she asked, turning her full attention to the young girl.

Emma’s hand dropped to her side as she turned slightly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “Of the love and absolute trust your girls have given me,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. “What have I done to deserve such a valuable gift, Sarah? And ... what do I do if I mess it up? What they’ve given me isn’t something I can fix if I break it.”

For a moment, Sarah was quiet, her face softening with understanding. She stepped closer to Emma, wrapping her arms gently around the girl’s waist, pressing her warm, nude body against Emma’s back in a motherly gesture of comfort. “That’s a fear every mother faces,” Sarah said softly, her voice carrying a depth of maternal wisdom. “It will never go away completely but we don’t let it stop us. We push it to the back of our minds and do everything we can to be worthy of their love and trust.”

Emma stood still, feeling the steady rhythm of Sarah’s breathing against her neck. Sarah’s words, tender and honest, seemed to ease some of the weight in her chest.

“Emma,” Sarah continued, her voice filled with reassurance, “David and I have been watching you. You’re a natural mother. Everything you do with and for the girls comes so easily and naturally. It’s like it’s a part of who you are. You would have to do something truly monumental to break their trust. And as for their love...” She gave Emma’s waist a gentle squeeze. “I don’t see anything that can ever stop them from loving you.”

Sarah leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to the back of Emma’s neck. Emma shivered at the tender gesture, a mix of gratitude and emotion coursing through her. “Thank you, Sarah,” Emma whispered, her voice steady but full of feeling.

Sarah let her arms fall away, took a small step back, and offered a warm smile. “You’ve got this, Emma. Trust yourself as much as they trust you.”

Emma nodded, her hand returning to the doorknob. She opened the door, pausing to glance back at Sarah one last time. Their eyes met and in that moment, Emma felt a renewed strength in her heart. “Thank you,” she said again, her voice carrying more confidence this time.

With that, she stepped out into the hallway, leaving Sarah alone in the bathroom. Emma carried the moment with her as she returned to the bedroom, her focus now on waking the girls and starting the day with the same care and love she knew they deserved.

After finishing her morning routine, Emma sat at the small desk in her room holding Mathias Johnson’s card. Taking a steady breath, she dialed the number printed in an elegant script. It rang twice before a deep, confident voice answered.

Mathias: “Hello, this is Mathias.”

Emma: “Good morning, Mr. Johnson. This is Emma. I met your son, Eric, at the hotel restaurant last night.”

Mathias: “Ah, yes! The enchanting young lady my son invited to the gala this evening. To what do I owe the pleasure of your call, Miss Michaels?”

Emma: Clearing her throat gently. “Actually, sir, my name is Emma Wilson, not Michaels. I work as a babysitter for the Michaels family, and they invited me on this trip to help with their daughters.”

Mathias: Pausing briefly. “Emma Wilson. My apologies for the mistake. You presented yourself with such grace. When Mr. Michaels introduced you I assumed you were their daughter.”

Emma: Blushing faintly at the compliment. “Thank you, Mr. Johnson. I’m calling to politely decline Eric’s invitation to the gala. Would you please pass along my sincerest regrets and apologies for disappointing him? As Mr. Michaels mentioned, I’m only fourteen, and I’m not allowed to date yet.”

Mathias: With a soft chuckle. “I see. Thank you for your honesty. May I ask you something personal, Miss Wilson?”

Emma: “Of course, sir.”

Mathias: “You’ve already explained your connection to the Michaels family. But I’m curious—if you’re not their daughter, why were you introduced as such last night?”

Emma: Pausing briefly to gather her thoughts. “He did that to make me feel less of an outsider or a tag-a-long. When I am with them, they treat me like their daughter rather than the hired help. Even though I am the hired help, the girls sometimes think of me as family, and I suppose the Michaels were being kind by introducing me that way. It meant a lot to me, honestly. My biological father passed away a couple of years ago, and I haven’t had that kind of connection in a long time.”

Mathias: His voice softened with understanding. “I see. That must have been difficult for you. And is your role as their babysitter why you’re declining the invitation?”

Emma: “Yes, sir. I committed to this family and wouldn’t feel right abandoning it for something else, no matter how exciting. It’s important to me to keep my word.”

Mathias: Pausing thoughtfully. “A young woman of integrity—how refreshing in this day and age. Let me ask you one more thing, Miss Wilson. If I were to speak with David and Sarah Michaels and they agreed to release you from your responsibilities for the evening, would you be open to attending the gala then?”

Emma: Hesitating, her fingers curling around the edge of the card. “I would love to go, Mr. Johnson. But only if it doesn’t negatively affect my relationship with the Michaels family—especially with Erica and Jessica. They mean a lot to me.”

Mathias: Smiling, his approval evident in his tone. “Spoken like someone wise beyond her years. Very well, Miss Wilson. Please do me the favor of giving this card to David Michaels and ask him to call me at his earliest convenience. I’d like to discuss the matter with him directly.”

Emma: “Of course, sir. Thank you for understanding.”

Mathias: “The pleasure is mine, Emma. People like you—honorable, mature, and considerate—are rare. It’s been a privilege to make your acquaintance.”

After the call ended, Emma sat for a moment, processing the conversation. Then, slipping the card into her hand, she approached David, who was chatting with Sarah in the kitchenette. “David, Mr. Johnson asked if you’d call him when you have a moment. He said it was important.”

Taking the card with a curious smile. “Thanks, Emma. I’ll give him a call now,” David responded.

Emma nodded, stepping away to give him privacy. She couldn’t help but feel a flicker of curiosity about what the two men would discuss. For now, though, all she could do was wait. Emma helped the girls with their breakfast so David and Sarah could talk privately to Mathias.


David stepped out onto the suite’s small balcony; the card Emma had given him still in his hand. Closing the sliding door behind him, he dialed the number on the card. After a few rings, Mathias Johnson’s familiar, confident voice came through the line.

Mathias: “David Michaels. Thank you for calling.”

David: “Mr. Johnson. I understand you’d like to discuss Emma’s invitation.”

Mathias: “Indeed. First, let me say what an impressive young woman she is. Her integrity and maturity are beyond her years. I have no doubt she’s a wonderful influence on your daughters.”

David: Smiling to himself. “She is. Emma’s been a gift to our family. Erica and Jessica adore her, and Sarah and I couldn’t ask for a better babysitter.”

Mathias: “It shows in how she carries herself. Which brings me to the matter of the gala. I understand Emma’s reluctance to break her commitment to your family, and I deeply respect that. But I believe this evening could be an extraordinary opportunity for her—one that may open doors for her in the future.”

David: “I’m listening.”

Mathias: “Beyond a simple evening out, attending this event will allow her to make connections with influential individuals—people who could become invaluable contacts down the line. I have no doubt Emma will stand out not just for her beauty but for her character. It’s rare to find someone so young with such poise.” David hesitated, considering Mathias’s words.

Mathias: “I understand the trust her mother has placed in you, and I don’t take that lightly. If it helps, I’d be happy to have her join this call so we can discuss it together. My intention is simply to offer Emma an unforgettable experience, not to disrupt her responsibilities.”

David: Nodding to himself. “That sounds reasonable. Hold on a moment while I see if I can reach her.”

David reentered the suite, pulling Sarah aside to explain the conversation. Sarah immediately agreed, and together, they dialed Karen’s number. Emma watched curiously from the couch, unsure of what was happening as David disappeared back onto the balcony with Sarah.

Emma stood by the kitchenette, trying not to eavesdrop but catching snippets of the conversation through the sliding glass door. She heard David say, “Would you be open to a conference call? Mathias wants to explain his perspective directly.”

Her curiosity grew, but she forced herself to stay put, focusing on straightening the girls’ books and toys. About fifteen minutes later, David and Sarah came back inside, their expressions a mix of amusement and resolve.

David: “Emma, can we talk?”

Emma approached, her nerves twisting in her stomach.

David: Handing her the card back. “After talking with Mathias and your mom, we’ve all agreed that you should go to the gala. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and they both think you’re ready for something like this. Your mom mentioned your earlier conversation where she left the decision in your hands.”

Emma blinked, startled. “Mom did say that last night.”

Sarah: Smiling warmly. “She did. And Mathias made it clear that your safety and comfort are his top priorities.”

David: Nodding. “A limo will pick you up in front of the hotel at four o’clock. From there, you’ll be taken to a spa for a full treatment—hair, nails, makeup, the works. You’ll also be measured for a formal gown and fitted for stockings and shoes. Mathias mentioned that his wife has jewelry you can borrow for the evening.”

Emma’s cheeks flushed, her heart racing with both excitement and apprehension. “Are you sure? I mean ... what about Erica and Jessica?”

Sarah: “We’ll be fine for one evening, Emma. You’ve been incredible with the girls, and you deserve this chance.”

David: With a reassuring smile. “We trust you, Emma. This isn’t just about the gala—it’s about opening doors for you. Who knows what connections you might make?”

Emma: Emma bit her lip, overwhelmed but touched by their support. “Thank you. Really. I promise I won’t let you down.”

Sarah: Playfully squeezing her shoulder. “Just be yourself, Emma. That’s more than enough.”

David: “The gala ends at midnight, so you should be back no later than one o’clock. Enjoy yourself, but don’t forget—this doesn’t change who you are. And you’ve always got us.”

Emma nodded, tears prickling at the corners of her eyes. For the first time in a long while, she felt like she belonged—not just as a babysitter, but as someone the Michaels genuinely cared about.

Back in the bedroom, Emma placed her toiletry bag on the dresser and returned to the bed. Erica and Jessica were still curled up, their faces serene and angelic in sleep. Emma crouched beside the bed, her voice soft but firm as she gently shook them awake. “Good morning, girl. Time to get up—we’ve got a big day at the park!”

Erica stirred first, rubbing her eyes and giving Emma a sleepy smile. “Morning, Emma,” she mumbled, sitting up. Jessica followed, her tiny hands reaching out to hug Emma around the neck.

Emma giggled, her earlier tension fading in the warmth of the girls’ affection. With Emma’s attention diverted, she failed to notice Sarah standing in the door recording another video of Emma interacting with the girls. “Come on, let’s pick out some cute outfits for the day.”

The girls squealed excitedly and Emma couldn’t help but feel her spirits lift as they began their morning together.

On a whim, Emma decided it would be fun to match the girls’ outfits to her own. Searching through the dresser drawers she pulled out two pairs of colorful shorts, clean panties, and matching T-shirts. With a satisfied smile, she laid the clothes on the bed.

“Alright, girls,” Emma said cheerfully, “let’s get dressed for breakfast.”

Erica and Jessica giggled as they scrambled into their outfits, with Emma and Sarah helping them straighten their shirts and pull up their shorts, the work went quickly. The girls twirled around, admiring their matching looks in the full-length mirror next to the closet door.

“You two look absolutely adorable,” Emma said, grinning as she reached into the closet to grab their sandals. With the girls trailing behind her, their faces lit with happy smiles, she carried their sandals into the living room.

“Sit here, please,” Emma said, gesturing to the couch. The girls obediently climbed up and sat, swinging their legs playfully. Emma knelt in front of them, sliding Erica’s tiny feet into her pink sandals and fastening the straps. Then she moved to Jessica, who giggled as Emma tickled her toes before slipping on her glittery blue sandals.

“There we go,” Emma said with a soft laugh, sitting down beside them to put on her own sandals. She adjusted the straps on her simple yet stylish pair, then looked up at the girls. “All set! Ready for some breakfast?”

“Yeah!” Erica and Jessica yelled in unison, their excitement bubbling over.

Emma turned to David, who was seated on the other end of the L-shaped couch, sipping a cup of coffee while reading the news on his tablet. “David, I’m taking the girls downstairs for breakfast. You and Sarah can join us when she is ready.”

David looked up, a warm smile spreading across his face. “That sounds great, Emma. Thank you. We’ll be down shortly.”

Emma nodded, holding out her hands for the girls to take. They each grabbed one and together the three of them made their way to the suite door. Jessica, being the taller of the girls opened the door with her free hand. Emma led the girls to the elevator, their laughter echoed softly in the hallway.

The restaurant’s buffet-style breakfast setup buzzed with activity, families, and couples moving between tables, and a long buffet spread. Emma scanned the room, looking for an empty table where she could seat the girls. As her eyes roamed, she spotted a familiar figure sitting at a corner table with his son—Mathias Johnson. He noticed her almost immediately and offered her a warm smile, gesturing for her to join him.

Emma hesitated briefly before giving a polite nod. “Come on, girls,” she said, guiding Erica and Jessica toward Mathias’s table.

Mathias and Eric stood as they approached, ever the gentlemen. “Good morning, Emma,” he greeted her warmly. “Would you and the girls care to join us?”

“Good morning, Mr. Johnson. Thank you, we’d love to,” Emma replied, her voice polite but slightly reserved. She pulled out chairs for the girls, seating Erica and Jessica first. A waitress brought booster seats for the girls. “Stay here, girls, and tell me what you’d like from the buffet.”

Erica clapped her hands excitedly, “Pancakes! And strawberries. Oh, and syrup!”

Jessica chimed in, “I want scrambled eggs and bacon! And orange juice.”

Emma smiled, taking mental notes of their requests. “Got it. Be right back, girls. Stay here and behave.” She looked up at Mathias, “Excuse me for a moment.”

Mathias and Eric nodded, their eyes following her toward the buffet, her movements poised and graceful. Katie’s training in action. When she returned, she held two plates—one with pancakes, strawberries, and syrup; the other with scrambled eggs and bacon. She placed the plates in front of the girls, adding small glasses ce to their places.

“Here you go, girls,” she said cheerfully, adjusting their napkins. “Be careful with the syrup, Erica. And Jessica, let me know if you need any help with your eggs.”

As the girls began to eat, Emma returned to the buffet to grab a plate for herself. She opted for a modest selection: a cooked-to-order omelet, a slice of toast, and a side of fruit. When she returned, Eric helped her with her chair as she sat between the girls, helping them as needed—cutting up Erica’s pancakes and cleaning a spot of egg on Jessica’s cheek.

She ate quietly, her attention largely focused on the girls. Once they had settled into their meals, Mathias finally spoke. “I want to thank you again, Emma, for accepting Eric’s invitation to the gala tonight,” Mathias said, his tone warm but measured. “This event has the potential to open doors for you if you handle it well.”

Emma looked up, dabbing her mouth with a napkin. “Thank you, Mr. Johnson. I’ll do my best.”

Mathias smiled, “I have no doubt you will. You’ve already impressed me, Emma—especially with how you chose to honor your commitment to these lovely girls and their family. It speaks volumes about your character.”

Emma blushed lightly, “I wouldn’t feel right leaving them, Mr. Johnson. The girls are my responsibility this weekend.”

Mathias nodded approvingly. “That integrity will serve you well, not just tonight, but in life. You’ve made an impression on me, Emma, and I don’t say that lightly.”

Before Emma could respond, the sound of familiar voices caught her attention. She turned to see David and Sarah approaching their plates in hand.

“Good morning,” Sarah greeted warmly, smiling at Mathias. “Mind if we join you?”

Mathias and Eric rose politely from their seats as Mathias gestured to the remaining two chairs. “Not at all. I was just telling Miss Wilson how impressed I am with her integrity. It’s been a pleasure watching her with your girls—she’s remarkable for one so young. She’ll make a wonderful mother someday.”

David and Sarah exchanged a glance, their smiles softening as they took their seats. Emma’s cheeks flushed at the unexpected compliment, though the presence of David and Sarah eased some of her lingering nerves. The conversation flowed naturally, touching on the park’s attractions and the evening gala.

Erica and Jessica’s giggles soon interrupted the conversation, their mischievous smiles aimed squarely at Emma. “Emma, is Eric your boyfriend now? Erica teased, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Jessica chimed in with a playful grin. “It’s like he invited you on a date, right?”

Emma’s cheeks burned brighter as she glanced at Eric, who looked equally flustered. Mathias chuckled softly, his deep voice rumbling. “Well, young ladies, I think we can safely say Mis Wilson has many admirers—but let’s not embarrass her too much.”

The girls giggled even harder, clearly delighted with themselves, while Sarah laughed quietly and changed the subject to the day’s plans.

Once everyone had finished eating, David glanced at his watch. “Time to get going. The shuttle bus leaves for the park in ten minutes.”

Emma cleaned up the girls, wiping sticky fingers and tidying up their faces. Mathias rose as they prepared to leave, offering a polite farewell. “Enjoy your day at the park, everyone. Emma, I’ll see you tonight.”

Emma nodded, her heart fluttering slightly. “Thank you, Mr. Johnson. Have a great day.”

With that, the Michaels family, along with Emma, made their way to the shuttle bus waiting outside the hotel. The excitement for the day ahead buzzed in the air as they boarded the bus, Erica and Jessica talking happily about the rides they wanted to go on. Emma smiled, feeling a growing sense of anticipation herself. Today was about fun and making memories with the girls—a role she cherished more with each passing moment.

The shuttle bus pulled up to the entrance of Sunridge Amusement Park and the many ticket booths that controlled entrance to the park. The cheerful music of the park drifted toward the group, mixing with the excited chatter of the crowd. Erica and Jessica moved closer to Emma and held her hands tightly, their anxiety fueled by the noise and the crowds of strangers. Despite their concerns, the girls bounced on their toes as they waited in line to enter the park, their wide eyes soaking in the vibrant surroundings.

David led the way to the ticket booth, pulling out his phone so the QR code could be scanned, verifying the purchase of their e-tickets. “Stay close, girls,” he said, glancing over his shoulder.

“Yes, Daddy,” came the resounding chorus from behind him, perfectly synchronized.

David stopped mid-step and turned to look at the trio. Erica and Jessica had wide, mischievous grins on their faces, their eyes twinkling with playful glee. Emma, standing between them, wore a smirk just as playful, her expression brimming with amusement.

For a moment, David simply stared at them, his brows raised as if to ask, Really? But then his lips broke into a warm smile, and he chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Alright, alright.:et’s focus on getting into the park before you three start a comedy act.”

The girls giggled, their shared humor lightening the mood. Even Emma found herself laughing along, feeling more at ease as David turned to the ticket booth with a bemused smile on his face.

Emma adjusted the strap of her small purse, slipping it over her head to rest diagonally across her body, moving the purse from her side to hang in front of her, as she’d seen her mom and Katie do. She reached for Erica and Jessica’s hands again, gently squeezing them. “Let’s stick together, okay?” The girls nodded eagerly, their excitement palpable as they clutched her hands.

At the booth, a cheerful attendant scanned the QR code on David’s phone. “Welcome to Sunridge Amusement Park, Mr. Michaels and family,” she said with a bright smile. “Have a magical day!”

“Thank you,” David replied, his tone warm. I released the girls’ hands as they walked through the turnstile and stepped into the sprawling park.

The sights and sounds were almost overwhelming—colorful rides towered in the distance, the scent of popcorn and funnel cakes wafted through the air, and music played from speakers hidden in the landscape. Sarah looked at Emma, who was marveling at the park with the same wonder as the girls.

“Alright,” Sarah said, pulling out a folded map of the park, “Emma, based on your research, where should we go first for the girls?”

Emma smiled, recalling the hours she’d spent studying the park’s layout. “There’s a carousel just past the central fountain,” she said. “It’s not too far and the girls can ride it while we figure out the next stop.”

“Perfect,” Sarah agreed, tucking the map back in her purse. “Lead the way.”

Emma looked down at Erica and Jessica, who were practically vibrating with anticipation, “Ready, girls?”

“Ready!” they yelled in unison.

They made their way down the main walkway, the girls pulling Emma slightly faster in their eagerness, Sarah followed closely behind with David, their fingers intertwined as they strolled.

When they reached the central fountain, the sound of laughter and music grew louder. The carousel stood nearby, its brightly painted horses and carriages spinning in a gentle circle under a canopy of twinkling lights. Erica and Jessica’s eyes lit up as they took in the sight.

“Can we ride, Daddy?” Jessica pleaded; her voice full of excitement.

David chuckled, pulling a wristband from his pocket for each girl, including Emma. They give the wearer unlimited rides. “Of course, you can.”

Emma led the girls to the entrance of the carousel and helped them climb onto their chosen horses. Erica picked a white horse with golden reins, while Jessica chose a black stallion with a silver saddle. Emma fastened their safety straps, ensuring they were secure

“Hold on tight, okay?” Emma instructed, smiling as she brushed a strand of hair from Erica’s face.

“We will!” the girls chorused, their hands gripping the poles. Emma stepped down from the carousel to watch the girls enjoy their ride.

As the carousel began to spin, Sarah stepped up beside Emma, her voice gentle but loud enough to be heard over the park noise. “You’re a natural with them. Not even your sister could bring out their joy, excitement, their energy the way you do. With Katie, they behaved but it was more like something they had to endure—with you, it’s like they can’t wait for you to spend time with them as if being with you is some grand adventure. I don’t know what it is about you, but I’m going to enjoy watching you blossom.”

Emma shrugged, her cheeks pink from the praise. “They make it easy.”

David joined them, his hands resting in his pockets as he watched the girls with a contented smile. “It’s going to be a great day. And Emma, it’s not just them, you draw it out of them by just being who you are.”

The carousel spun to a gentle stop and Emma climbed back on to help the girls down, making sure their sandals were still secure before they rejoined their parents.

“Where to next?” David asked, his voice full of cheer.

Emma turned her head toward Sarah, then down at the girls. “How about the teacups? It’s just around the corner from here.”

“Teacups!” Jessica squealed, grabbing Erica’s hand. “Let’s go!” Emma took off to catch up to the girls and couldn’t help but smile. The day was just beginning and already it felt like something special.

As they ventured deeper into the park, Sarah checked the map and pointed toward an attraction ahead. “How about that one? The Haunted Reel Coaster. It’s a family-friendly roller coaster with a horror movie theme—sounds perfect for everyone.”

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