Sandy Explores the Sex Store - Cover

Sandy Explores the Sex Store

Copyright© 2024 by TheDarkKnight

Chapter 6: Sex Work

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6: Sex Work - On her way home from school, a teenage girl is caught in a thunderstorm. The only place she can find shelter is an adults-only store. She had been walking by it for months, growing increasingly curious about what was behind those blacked-out windows. This is the day she finds out.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Spanking   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   2nd POV   Porn Theatre  

Steve went to his kitchen and got a beer out of the fridge. Waiting to see what ideas the girls in his studio were cooking up was difficult, but like a good brewmaster, he didn’t want to interfere with the process until it was done. It had already been the most exciting and successful day in his brief career as an underage porn producer, and the way Sandy and Megan had smiled at him when he left them alone promised even more surprises. He was pacing between his kitchen and living room like an expectant father when Sandy came out and told him they were ready to tell him their idea.

Steve followed her back to the studio. When they got there, he noticed that both girls had put on the clothes they had been wearing when they arrived. The girls told him they wanted him to use his camcorder to make a mini-movie. “Call it ‘Sandy Does Syracuse’ or something like that,” she laughed.

“No, make it ‘Megan Does Minneapolis,’” Sandy said. “Keep my name out of it.”

“Okay, girls, let’s not worry about a title. Just tell me what you want to do,” a frustrated Steve asked.

So they did, in enough explicit detail to make him wonder if he had fallen asleep and was dreaming. Just hearing about it was giving him a boner. When they finished, Steve tried to remain the cool professional he considered himself to be, but he could hear the quiver in his voice as he said, “That sounds like a great idea, but I can’t close my store on a Saturday afternoon.”

Sandy looked at Megan. With the sort of telepathy that best friends sometimes develop, they knew they had the same idea. “What about Sunday morning? You’re closed then, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I don’t open until one on Sundays. Can you girls get away then?”

“No prob,” Megan told him. “We’ll just tell our parents we’re going for a run or to the park to kick a few balls around. We do that a lot anyway on Sundays.”

“All right then, ladies. See you tomorrow, say about nine?”

“One more thing,” Sandy added, “we want $250 each for doing this.”

“Damn, that’s a lot more than I usually pay.”

“Okay, I guess we’re out of here,” Megan said as she stood up and headed for the door.

“Wait,” Steve said, “I didn’t say I wouldn’t pay you that much. I just don’t have that much cash on hand. It might be Monday before I can get it.”

Megan looked at her friend. “So Sandman, do we trust him?”

“Well, we already trust that he’s not gonna spread our pics all over town, so I guess it’s okay.”

The next morning Megan parked in the alley behind Steve’s porn shop. They got out of the car and knocked on the back door. He answered almost immediately, his enthusiasm for what promised a great morning hard to hide. He had his camcorder in his hand, ready to begin the complicated story the girls had come up with right away.

“Okay, I’ll be inside. You guys open the door slowly, as if you were sneaking in. Walk inside and say something about having a key. Just kind of wing it. Nobody will care how you got in anyway.”

“You’re taking this seriously,’” Megan said.

“You put a lot of thought into this, so we might as well try to make it look like a real movie.”

Steve went back inside. The girls waited a moment, then Megan opened the door, peered inside, and crept through the doorway slowly. Sandy followed and said, “I told you that key would work. And don’t worry, the store won’t open for a few hours, so we can take our time and look around.”

They were in Steve’s office and backroom. He moved to one side and gestured to them to notice the sex dolls that Sandy had seen before. “There they are,” she said.

“Damn, they do look like full-sized Barbies,” Megan said. She walked over to the blonde doll and stared at the ridiculous round mouth. She poked it with her finger. “Ugh, that’s gross. Do guys actually put their dicks in that?”

“I think that’s the idea,” Sandy giggled. “And look.” She put her hand down between the doll’s legs and pushed a finger into the plastic vagina hidden there. “I bet Mr. Hanson has one of these.”

Both girls laughed at the image of the perviest teacher at their school having sex with one of the dolls. “I think he’d like the other one better,” Megan said, “she looks younger.”

“The guys that buy them can buy clothes to fit whatever fantasy they want, so I’m pretty sure he would want to dress her as a cheerleader,” Sandy told her. Come on, let’s check out the rest of the store before somebody shows up.”

“Cut,” Steve said, acting like the director he always wanted to be. “Let’s go into the store. Mike is waiting for us there.”

“Who the hell is Mike?” Megan asked.

“Girls, your idea for this is good, but I wanted to expand on it a little, and I needed a second cameraman. He also has some acting experience. That’s who he is.”

“Not what we signed up for,” Sandy said. “Come on, Meg, let’s get out of here.”

“Calm down, Sandman,” Megan said. “This might be fun, and he is paying us a lot.”

They were a little nervous about meeting the other ‘actor ‘ that Steve had recruited, but they relaxed when they saw him. He didn’t look much older than some of the guys from school, and he seemed to be even more nervous than they were. He was handsome, in a nerdy kind of way, with thick glasses and a prominent Adam’s apple.

“Mike, this is Sandy and Megan,” Steve said, “Girls, be nice to him. I don’t think he’s ever been in a situation like this. Right, Mike?”

“Never even dreamed about it,” Mike said, his voice breaking.

“Just remember,” Steve told him, “we’re making a movie. You need to follow my directions.”

“Okay, got it,” Mike replied.

Steve aimed his camera at the girls and said, “Okay, start walking around the store and talking about what you see. The more innocent you can sound, the better.”

“Come on, Steve, we broke into a porn store. Just how innocent do you think we can be?” Sandy asked.

“Whatever, let’s just get going.”

Steve started recording from the girl’s left side while Mike was behind them with his camera, peeking over their shoulders so the viewers could see what they were looking at. Megan tried to forget the cameras as she and Sandy went through the hardcore magazines that comprised most of the store’s inventory.

“Damn,” Sandy said, trying to act as innocent as she could, “I didn’t know guys could have dicks that big.”

“Bet it hurts to have one of those things inside you,” Megan replied.

Sandy led them to the corner of the store where the beastiality mags were. “Holy shit,” Megan exclaimed. “Dogs? I heard a rumor that Kelly Marston jerks her dog off, but I didn’t know women would actually let a dog fuck them. Is that where the expression doggie style comes from?”

“How about this?” Sandy said, holding up another magazine. The cover showed a woman trying to fellate a horse.

“Ugh, that’s disgusting. Where are the toys you told me about?”

“Up front,” Sandy said, leading her friend toward the display counters. Both girls giggled at the huge size of some of the plastic penises.

Megan held one against her body. The bottom was around her crotch, and the top was almost as high as her boobs. It was also the same size as a baseball bat. “You have got to be kidding me.”

“How about this one?” Sandy said, holding a more realistically sized toy, like the one Steve had used in the photo sessions the day before.

“Yeah, now this would keep me warm on a cold night,” Megan said, holding the dildo against her.

Sandy spotted a set of buttplugs on top of the counter. She was sure it was the same ones he had tried to get the girls to use. “Ever think about trying something like this?” she asked Megan.

“Cut,” Steve yelled. Since all four of them were grouped together, it hadn’t been necessary for him to yell, but it seemed to make him happy when the girls jumped a little. “Okay, Mike, you’re the main cameraman now. Just get behind me so you can see the girls from my point of view. Ready?”

“What’s going on?” Megan asked.

“This is the part I thought up last night. Just go with the flow. Mike, you ready?”

“Yes sir,” he said.

“Okay, rolling. Well, what do we have here? Two of the cutest burglars I’ve ever seen, but breaking and entering is still a serious crime. So, what will it be? Should I call the cops, or can we settle this in my office?” Steve called ‘cut’ again, quieter this time, then everyone moved to his office. He sat at his desk facing the girls who were standing nervously in front of him. Sandy noticed that the top of his desk was cleared off. When she had seen it before, there had been a lamp and a lot of other junk on it, which made her think this was part of his plan. Mike put his camera on a tripod and pointed it so it had a view of the three of them and started recording.

“Mike, what do you think we should do to teach these young thieves a lesson?” Steve asked as he got up and walked around the desk.’’

Mike knew this was his time to start acting and follow the script Steve had given him. “My uncle Roy used to work as a security guard at a mall, and he told me sometimes a shoplifter would agree to a spanking instead of being arrested, so, a good paddling?” he said.

“Not sure how effective spanking is anymore,” Steve said, “but let’s try it. Go ahead ladies, off with your clothes, and I mean everything, not just your jeans.”

“Bullshit,” Megan complained. “This isn’t what we agreed to. No spanking.”

“What you agreed to was to act out a fantasy, like the porn stars you both seem to aspire to, for a lot of my money. Since I’m paying you, I have the right to change the plot as I see fit based on my experience of watching a lot more porn than either of you have. Now, get on with it.”

“Should I stop the camera?” Mike asked.

“Nah, I can edit out that part later.”

Megan looked at her friend, shrugged her shoulders, and started stripping. Sandy quickly followed. Even though both girls had posed in the nude and done some strange things the previous afternoon while Steve photographed them, having Mike hovering over her like a grinning gargoyle made Sandy uncomfortable. She didn’t like where this “scene” was heading but still figured having her buddy with her made it safe. And, in a way, it was kind of fun making a porn movie.

“Good girls, now bend over my desk,” Steve said. He took the opportunity to let his hand caress Sandy’s bottom, something he had wanted to do since the day she ended up in his store. Normally, he made it a rule not to touch any of the underage models he had worked with, but Sandy and her friend were asking for it. “Mike, you do the chubby one. I’ve got Miss America here.”

“I’m not chubby,” Megan complained, “I’m muscular.”

Mike gave her a couple of swats on her behind, and the lack of any quivering in the flesh of her gluteus seemed to confirm her opinion of herself. Her ass was large but didn’t seem to show any of the jelly-like shaking he had seen when he had spanked his sister once when he caught her in his porn stash.

Steve was administering his punishment on Sandy’s tight, athletic buns. He wasn’t trying to hurt her; that wasn’t the point. He knew there were a lot of guys who just liked the idea of seeing a teenage girl be spanked without it having to be too violent. Still, she was complaining.

“O-w-w, stop it, asshole.”

That’s when inspiration hit the budding porn producer. He stopped, having only caused a slight pinkish glow in her butt cheeks. “Stop, Mike,” he told his assistant, who was beginning to enjoy paddling the impudent girl bent over in front of him a little too much. “I’ve got another idea. Now you can stop the camera for a minute and come with me. Girls, wait here, and don’t bother getting dressed.”

When the two men went back into the store, Megan whispered to her friend, “Should we make a run for it? I don’t like the way that Mike guy is acting. He wasn’t just spanking me. He put his hand down my ass crack and tried to put a finger inside.”

“I know,” Sandy said, “Steve was doing more touching than spanking, but he is paying us a lot.”

They were still trying to decide when Steve and Mike came back. Steve was carrying a plastic bag with the store’s logo on it. Mike, with a shit-eating grin on his face, trailed behind his boss. He looked like a kid whose dad had just told him he could try some of his father’s liquor. Steve walked over to a closet Sandy had not noticed before and opened the door. He pulled a thick blanket out and spread it over his desk.

Steve looked at Sandy and Megan. They were still naked, but a look of uncertainty had replaced most of the confidence and bluster they had shown earlier. “All right, girls, we need to talk,” he said. “What I’m going to ask you to do might feel a bit ... extreme, shall we say, but I think it will make this something that the people who see it won’t forget. I might even give you five hundred dollars each, but you have to trust me and follow my instructions.”

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