Sandy Explores the Sex Store - Cover

Sandy Explores the Sex Store

Copyright© 2024 by TheDarkKnight

Chapter 5: Serendipity

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5: Serendipity - On her way home from school, a teenage girl is caught in a thunderstorm. The only place she can find shelter is an adults-only store. She had been walking by it for months, growing increasingly curious about what was behind those blacked-out windows. This is the day she finds out.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Spanking   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   2nd POV   Porn Theatre  

When Megan agreed to take Sandy to her ‘modeling’ job, it was partially out of curiosity and partly jealousy. She knew her buddy was cuter, with her blonde hair and long willowy legs, but Megan thought she was capable of being interesting to all the pervs and creeps who would probably be looking at Sandy’s pictures. After all, she had bigger boobs and was more sexually experienced. Even though the idea was kind of icky, getting paid for it took a lot of the ick out of it.

When she came to pick Sandy up, Megan could see how nervous her friend was. She was talking nonstop, a very non-Sandy thing to do. “Do I look all right? Steve didn’t say what I should wear, or did he say he had clothes for me to put on? I can’t remember. What if he’s changed his mind? Should I really do it? What if the pictures get out, and everybody at school sees them? Or my parents! Shit, Megan, is this a stupid idea or what?”

“Calm down, Sandman. You’re making me nervous now. Look, you said you saw a lot of girls in his album, so he must know what he’s doing.”

Sandy sighed. “What if he tries to rape me? I mean, if I’m naked, alone in a room with him, what’s to stop him?”

“Remember, I’m gonna be there with you. I’ve got some pepper spray in my purse, so if anything goes wonky, all you have to do is yell. Now, are we doing this or not?”

“You’re damn right we are,” Sandy proclaimed.

It was a quick trip to the address Steve had given them. They were both surprised to see it was a large house, not an apartment building. Meghan saw a man waiting for them. He greeted them when they stepped out of the car, calling them his ‘angels’. Megan was pleased Steve had included her in his welcome since they had never met. He escorted the girls into the house.

“Damn,” Megan said, “this place is nice.”

“Thank you,” their host said. “I like it. I picked out all the furniture myself, just one of the delights of not being married.”

After a few more minutes of nervous small talk, Steve told Sandy it was time to go to work. He invited Megan to get comfortable in his living room and showed her his extensive collection of videotapes, most of them pornographic. “If you see something you want to watch, help yourself while your friend and I are working.”

She found ‘Debbie Does Dallas’, a film that was famous around her school. A lot of boys talked about it, usually accompanied by nervous laughter and lots of high-fives and fist bumps. Steve said some of the girls in it reminded him of Sandy and her, so she was curious to see what he meant. Steve loaded the tape into his player and started it. She settled into a comfortable sofa across from his large TV and started watching. It didn’t take her long to see what he meant. ‘Debbie’ reminded Megan of Sandy, and one of the other cheerleaders could have passed for Megan herself.

The movie was fun, and goofy in parts, but primarily provocative. Megan could feel herself getting hot. It was the first hardcore movie she had ever seen, and it wasn’t long before she found herself slipping a hand down inside her panties. She was not too surprised to find that her pussy was already getting damp. She had always thought that porn was a guy thing, but she had to admit that watching people doing ‘it’ could be stimulating, especially when the characters reminded her of people she knew.

She began to wonder what it would be like to be in a porn movie. Getting paid to do things she was already into seemed too good to be true, and of course, for someone her age it was. She had heard that girls had to prove they were at least 18 to be in those movies, and most of them were made in California, a long way from the crappy town she was stuck in. She thought, someday, if the college thing didn’t work out, maybe...

She was about halfway through the movie, at the scene where one of the cheerleaders, who was working in a candle shop, started masturbating with some of the stock. Megan thought it was a great idea. She stopped the tape and looked around Steve’s living room, hoping he might have some candles. She didn’t see any, which wasn’t a big surprise because he was a guy, not a little old lady.

She needed to take a leak and headed down the hallway where Sandy and Steve had gone. She didn’t want to interfere with whatever they were doing, so she tiptoed while she looked for a bathroom. When she found one, the door was open, so she went inside. Like everything else in his apartment, it was clean and orderly, except for a pile of clothes in one corner that she recognized as Sandy’s. Her panties were on top of the stack, which Megan knew was a sure sign of what kind of pictures Steve was after.

When she finished, she started to go back to the living room, but she still wanted to know what was going on with the photo shoot. She heard voices, one of which she recognized as Sandy’s, and with curiosity getting the best of her, she crept down the hall to find out where the sounds were coming from. When she found the room, the door was open. For a moment, she just stood there, pressed against the wall, listening but not daring to look inside. She heard Steve asking Sandy to open her labia. Things seemed to be getting more hardcore than either of the girls had expected, and Megan thought about going back to the living room to get her pepper spray. It sounded to her like Sandy might need her help.

Instead, she stayed where she was, still eavesdropping. When she heard Sandy talking back to Steve, she relaxed, knowing her buddy could take care of herself. She heard Sandy telling him that there was something she couldn’t do because she was a virgin. Damn, Megan thought, things are getting rough in there.

She peeked around the corner of the doorway and saw Sandy holding what must have been one of the artificial cocks from Steve’s store. So that’s what the argument had been about. Steve had been trying to get some pictures of Sandy putting it inside her. The realistic-looking dildo Sandy was holding looked like it would be fun to try, and the idea of having someone hovering over her with a camera while she did it only made the idea more exciting to Megan. She couldn’t resist anymore, and stepped into the room to see everything that was happening. She saw Sandy sitting on a couch, naked, and looking pissed.

Steve looked like he had given up having Sandy use the toy. Megan saw him cross the room and get something else out of a drawer. When he came back, Megan could see that it was a set of butt plugs, like the ones Sandy had told her about. Megan had thought it might be fun to try them, so when her friend refused, she couldn’t hold herself back anymore.

“I’ll do it,” she said, stepping into the room.

Steve started walking toward her, and for a moment, she thought he might be mad at the interruption. Instead, he smiled and said, “Young lady, we need to talk.”

“How long have you been there?” Sandy asked. Even though the girls had seen each other naked before, and had even experimented with their bodies, now Sandy seemed embarrassed that her best friend had seen what she had been doing. She tried to cover herself with one of the cushions from the sofa.

“Not long,” Megan told her. “I was just getting worried. I didn’t know it was going to take this long.”

“Go ahead and get dressed, sweetheart,” Steve told Sandy. “You did good.” He turned his attention to Megan as Sandy scrambled back toward the bathroom. “So, am I to understand that you might like to try some modeling too?”

Megan didn’t see any need to be coy now. “For the same money you’re paying Sandy, sure.”

“Are you a little braver than your friend?” Steve asked.

“Don’t know about that. Let’s just say I’m more experienced than she is.”

“Not a virgin?”

“Nope. I’m not a slut either, only been with one guy, but I do like sex,” Megan admitted.

“Okay,” he said, “let’s give it a try.” He walked over and picked up the schoolgirl uniform that Sandy had worn earlier. “Put this on, and no underwear. You can use the bathroom if you want.”

She started to do that, then decided what the hell, he was going to be seeing her naked soon anyway if things went as she expected. She pulled her t-shirt over her head and dropped it on the floor. Her bra came next, quickly followed by her shorts and panties. She had been watching the photographer while she changed and noticed that he seemed more interested in his camera than he was watching her change. Guess he’s seen lots of girls do this, she figured.

When she finished, Steve looked her over carefully. “You’ve got a little more going on up top than Sandy,” he said. “And you’re shorter, so the hem of the skirt is lower, not as much leg showing. Hmm, let’s try something else.”

He went to the chest and returned holding two strips of bright-yellow material that he handed Megan. She was holding the tiniest bikini she had ever seen, something that she couldn’t have worn at any pool without attracting a lot of attention. She snickered a little. “What’s the point of wearing this?” she asked. “Why not just go straight to the nude stuff?”

Steve sighed. He’d had a similar conversation with Sandy earlier. “You girls just didn’t appreciate the art of temptation and anticipation. Just put it on, okay? Like I told your friend, I know what I’m doing and what my customers like.”

It didn’t take long for her to change into the barely-there swimwear. It was basically three patches, two that covered her nipples but left most of the rest of her breasts on display, and one that covered her pubes, all held on by thin straps, one of which rested uncomfortably in her ass crack. She’d heard about micro mini bikinis that some European women wore, but never dreamed she would be wearing one. It made her feel sexy, especially when she thought about the men who would be drooling and jacking off to her pictures. She was glad that after she had helped Sandy shave her pubic patch, she decided to do hers as well. Having a smooth runway enhanced the effect of the small bikini.

“You ready?” Steve asked, interrupting her reverie. “Go stand in front of that curtain.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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