Sandy Explores the Sex Store
Copyright© 2024 by TheDarkKnight
Chapter 4: Steve
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Steve - On her way home from school, a teenage girl is caught in a thunderstorm. The only place she can find shelter is an adults-only store. She had been walking by it for months, growing increasingly curious about what was behind those blacked-out windows. This is the day she finds out.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft ft/ft Teenagers Coercion Consensual Lesbian Heterosexual Fiction Spanking Anal Sex Exhibitionism First Oral Sex Sex Toys Voyeurism 2nd POV Porn Theatre
After Sandy left, Steve Parker sat in his office, not quite believing what had just happened. He hadn’t lied to her when he had told her that most of the girls who modeled for him were scouted out and brought to his attention, and never had one just walked in his door and dropped in his lap, until now. He wasn’t religious, but he wondered if the thunderstorm might have been some kind of miracle. Not only had she been a knockout, with legs that drew a man’s eyes like a moth to a flame, but she hadn’t seemed to be at all bothered by everything he had shown her. Curious, but not shocked or repulsed. Regardless, he still only gave it a ten percent chance that he would ever hear from her again. So he was pleasantly surprised when a few days later she called.
“Steve, this is Sandy, from the other...”
“I know who you are, my rainy-day miracle. And since you’re calling me, I’m guessing you’ve decided?” He could tell she was nervous, so he tried to be as gentle as if holding a kitten.That’s when he decided to use that as her model name - Kitten.
“I’ve got a few questions,” she said, with a tremor in her voice.
Go easy, he told himself. “No prob, go ahead and ask.”
“You said $200, right? Would that be cash? I wouldn’t want to have to deal with a check or something.”
“Definitely cash,” he told her, “you can get it in fifties, twenties, or even all ones. It’s up to you,” Steve said with a laugh.
“Okay, that’s good. So, all I have to do is pose for, what did you call it, headshots?”
“That’s a start,” he said. “And maybe not just your face.”
“Would I have to take my top off?”
“Do you remember the pictures I showed you of the other girls I’ve photographed?”
“Well, did you notice that they were nude in some of the pictures?”
“Yeah,” Sandy said, “but I wasn’t sure that was what you wanted from me.”
“Look, sweetheart, for $200, I expect some ... no ... a lot of nudity. But nothing hardcore. I thought you understood that.”
“I did,” she said. “I just wanted to be sure. So, would we do it in your apartment?”
“Yep, don’t worry, it’s not a bad neighborhood. So, since it sounds like you want to do this, let’s iron out some details and quit talking like this is a fantasy.”
“You said I can bring somebody with me, like an escort?” she asked.
“I recommend it, for both our benefit. You got somebody in mind?”
“Yes sir,” Sandy said, “My best friend, Megan”
“Your friend? Another cutie like you?” Steve asked. He closed his eyes, wondering what he had done to be so blessed.
“Oh, she’s not as cute as I am,” Sandy said, giggling.
He could hear more giggling in the background, so he knew Sandy’s friend must be listening. “Did you tell her everything, all about the store, and the pictures I showed you?”
“Yes sir,” Sandy said, “I know I promised not to...”
“That’s all right, sweetheart. As long as she’s your best friend, and going to be your escort, you needed to let her know what she was getting into. Now, when can you be ready to pose for me?”
“We were hoping maybe Saturday afternoon. Our parents will be busy so they won’t miss us for a couple of hours. It won’t take long, will it?”
“Not much more than an hour, but no promises. We’ll see how well things go.”
“Okay,” she said, “Megan has a car, so she can bring me. See you Saturday.”
Saturday afternoon, Steve was waiting outside. He was nervous, because he knew Sandy was one of the most attractive girls he had even photographed, and she would be very popular with most of his clients. He didn’t want to mess this up. Go slow, he reminded himself, don’t get impatient, she’s still going to be skittish, and he desperately wanted to convince her to do some hardcore work eventually.
He saw an older Toyota pull into the parking lot, and two girls got out. He recognized Sandy right away. The girl driving was shorter, stockier, and not quite as cute, as Sandy had said, but from the way she walked over toward him, he could tell she was confident and sassy, and definitely another potential girl for his collection. “There’s my angels,” he said with a smile. “Come on in, ladies.”
He led them into his apartment. “When you said it was an apartment,” Sandy said, “I was expecting a big building, not a house, but this is nice.”
Steve laughed, “Yeah, I bought this place a few years ago. It was already subdivided into apartments, so I kept it that way. The bottom floor is mine, and I rent out the other four units upstairs, mostly to college students. Keeps me young, having them around.”
Megan was checking out all the paintings and posters on his walls. She was as surprised as her friend that it was such a nice place, and even more surprised that Porno Steve was kinda hot. He did not match her expectations as the owner of an adult bookstore. Sandy was right, for a middle-aged guy he was kind of cute, not scary at all.
“So ladies, can I get you something to drink? Water, soda, tea?”
“I can use some water,” Sandy said.
“Got any beer?” Megan asked.
“I’m not going to give alcohol to an underage girl,” he said, laughing. “That seems weird, doesn’t it, considering why you are here?”
“I had to try,” Megan sighed.
“Can we just get on with it,” Sandy said, “before I chicken out?”
“Sure,” Steve said. “Megan, I’ve got a nice collection of videos, if you want to watch something while I’m with Sandy.”
“Okay,” Megan said. She went over to a bookcase full of tapes and quickly found something interesting. “‘Debbie Does Dallas’. I’ve heard about this one. Can I watch it?”
Steve laughed. “I’m not your daddy, so I don’t care. It’s probably a good choice. Some of the girls in it remind me of you and Sandy.”
Steve put the tape in the machine and handed the remote to Megan. “If you feel yourself getting ... excited ... and want to play with yourself, go for it. This is a judgement free zone, just don’t get my sofa wet,” he laughed, then turned to Sandy. “And you, young lady, come with me.”
She followed him down the hall, into the bedroom he had converted into a photographic studio. It was sparsely furnished with a couch, a straight chair, a small chest in one corner, and lots of lights. An expensive-looking camera and a couple of lenses sat on the chest.
“We need to talk, hon. Have you ever had a job?” Steve asked.
“Just babysitting,” she told him.
“Well, this is a real job. While we are here, I’m your boss, and you work for me. If you want to get paid, you have to do what your boss tells you. That’s how it is in the real world. Got it?”
“Yes sir,” Sandy muttered, even though she hated taking orders from anybody.
“Some of the things I’ll ask you to do might seem silly, or strange, or even repulsive, but you have to trust me. I know my buyers.” He walked over to the chest, opened the top drawer, and pulled out some clothes. “Change into this. You can use the bathroom across the hall if you want.”
Sandy held up the clothing he had given her. “Catholic school girl, for real?”
Steve smiled. “Remember what I said, I know what my customers like.”
She wasn’t comfortable changing in front of him, so she went across the hall. Just as she was closing the door, she heard Steve say, “No underwear, just the clothes I gave you.”
He adjusted the lighting a little while he waited. It didn’t take her long, and when she came back she said, “I think it’s the wrong size. The skirt is too short.”
“It’s not wrong, sweetcheeks. That’s on purpose. Now, just sit down here and we can get started.”
She noticed that he had hung a gray sheet behind the chair. She recognized it from the pictures of ‘MJ’ and some other girls he had shown her.
He picked up the camera and walked toward her. “Just look straight ahead, not at the camera.” He walked around her, from one profile to the other side, the camera clicking frequently. “You have great skin. Never had acne?”
“Just a little, in middle school. Being careful what I ate helped.”
He stopped in front of her. “Now you can start looking at the camera. Treat it like it’s some hot boy that you want to notice you. Yeah, that’s it. Smile a little more, you’re not at the dentist. Okay, now open your mouth a little, and put your finger on your lips, like you just got caught doing something naughty. That’s it. You’re a natural. Ever think of becoming an actress?”
No,” she giggled, “too much memorization.”
Steve liked the giggle, it indicated to him that she was growing more relaxed. Time for the next step. “Now, scoot forward a little, and cross your legs.” He wasn’t surprised when Sandy tried to pull the hem of the tartan skirt down. It was a natural instinct for a young girl, especially when she knew the skirt was too short. “Don’t do that,” he said, softly, trying to make it sound like a request and not an order. “Let everyone see those beautiful legs of yours. You really are hot.”
“Especially for a Catholic school girl?” she asked, smiling.
He moved closer and crouched down as his camera clicked over and over, capturing the image of Sandy as an innocent student. This was going to be very popular, he thought. Upskirt pictures even had websites dedicated to pictures like this, something he didn’t understand. It was time for the next big step. “Okay, sweetpea, now spread your legs a little.”
She hesitated for a moment, knowing how exposed she would be without panties, but, like a good employee she followed his instructions. He came closer and sat on the floor, just a few feet from her splayed knees. The first few pictures he took were looking up, so her face was showing as well as her legs. “Okay, sweetie, now give me that look you had a while ago, like you just got caught doing something naughty, maybe letting the boy next door look up your skirt even though you forgot to put on your panties.”
“Maybe if you have a lollipop, I could suck on it,” she said sarcastically.
He grinned. “ I want you to look young, just not that young. Now let your skirt ride up a little higher.”
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