Geneticist Frankenstein
Copyright© 2024 by Flavorfulcorpse
Chapter 6
Thanks to markf52 and Sorvino fan for the editing help.
All sexual encounters are between characters that are eighteen years of age or older.
I was the last one out of bed for our morning workout. When we got to the kitchen for breakfast, I was surrounded by a bunch of women with concerned looks on their faces. We ate in silence, and when I had finished, I stood up and held my arms open. My ladies gathered around me in a group hug. I told them, “I love you all so much, and you all mean so much to me.” After getting a kiss from each of them, Melissa and Molly went to work, while the rest of us went to school.
A gaggle of girls was waiting for me when I arrived at school. I got a hug and a kiss from Calista, then Rosa, then Heather, Mary, Daisy, and lastly Charu. Principal Gunn was standing on the sidewalk watching what happened, and as I walked by him, I bent my arms at the elbows with my palms up and shrugged. Principal Gunn shook his head and told us, “Get to class,” so we separated and went to our classes.
In Calculus we had a test; math didn’t bother me; however, Mrs. Wilkens did. The woman was old, like ‘served water to God on the seventh day’ old. Standing at around five-foot-eight, her gray hair was always in a bun, and she had pasty white skin. The glasses she never wore hung around her neck from a gold chain. Her eyes were black, like emptiness. She always wore pantsuits; she always smelled old and of mothballs.
In Econ I had another test. Lanette walked around and watched the students. She would gently rub her stomach as she walked around the room, and I don’t think she even realized that she was doing it. When the bell rang, I went to study hall and had a conversation with ‘AIMS.’ I wanted to know why the girls from the gym were, suddenly, interested in me. ‘AIMS’ told me, “They are partially bonded to you, and the nanites have transferred to them through physical touch. They are more bonded now that you have kissed and hugged them today.”
“How bonded to me are they?” I asked ‘AIMS.’
“Ninety percent and rising,” she replied. “The nanites did their job, in which they bonded them to you,” she went on to say.
“Can we fix it?” I asked.
“Not now,” ‘AIMS’ said.
“So, I will have six more women then?” I said to no one in particular.
“How does this work now? Do I take them into the gym office or have them over to the house to complete the bonding process?” I asked ‘AIMS.’
My ladies all chimed in and told me, “It’s going to be at the house.”
Lunch was interesting; my table of three turned into a table of six. Mary, Calista, and Charu sat with us. I got a questioning look from Trevor, and all I could do was shrug my shoulders. Cally, on the other hand, was loving the extra female presence and was deep in conversation with the other girls. Trevor and I ate in silence while the girls talked and giggled.
Mr. Tomilson was not in a very good mood in fourth period, and again, we had a test. In fifth and sixth periods, I had more tests. In Casey’s class we had a new face. Casey Introduced an older lady as her replacement. Mrs. Harrvey was as old as Mrs. Wilkens and was shorter and rounder. The test we had was easy, and when the bell rang, I went to the gym as usual.
When I walked into the gym, the girls were all huddled up, deep in conversation, so I sat down and chilled. Charu came and sat next to me, putting her head on my shoulder. The others came over and gave me a kiss and then went to practice some. I looked down at Charu to see her looking up at me; she had adoration and love in her eyes, so I kissed her on the tip of her nose and pulled her into me tightly.
It was no time at all before Charu had fallen asleep against me. As I watched her sleep, I had not noticed the gym get quiet. I looked up, and everyone in the gym was watching us. There was no way in hell I was going to break Charu’s heart, so it was a done deal; I’m going to add them to my maidens. I had ‘AIMS’ make the adjustments to the nanites so this would not happen again, unless I wanted it to. I knew I had one more I needed to add, just not this weekend.
The ladies finished their practice and came over to where I was. I cupped Charu’s chin in my hand and gently rubbed her cheek with my thumb, until she woke up, giving her a small shiver, as she stretched. I got another round of hugs and kisses before we parted ways. Before we separated, TJ told them, “You are all invited to spend the weekend with me and Tabi.” With all of them agreeing to come for the weekend, we parted ways to go home. I noticed that there was no SUV when we got to our bikes.
When we got home, we started getting supper ready. Tonight, we were going to have lasagna with garlic bread and a salad. I went over to the wine closet and grabbed a couple of bottles of red wine and uncorked one to let it breathe. Dinner was nice; we sat and talked about the upcoming weekend and what we were going to do. We decided to let the girls make their own decisions and make ourselves available to them if they need us for anything.
When dinner was done, and the kitchen was clean, we went out back to sit and talk some more while we finished the second bottle of wine. Melissa and Molly informed us, “We think we have found another “mole” at work. And he is just as shady as Justin and Richard.”
I had a thought, one that required a new nanite, or a new ability of our current ones. I asked ‘AIMS’, “Can you make a nanite, that we could “infect” someone with, that would read their memories and thoughts, and send us the information?”
A short time later, ‘AIMS’ said, “The modifications have been made.”
Now that the nanites are completed, we all went to the lab to get our upgrades to the new version, 5.0. After we got our upgrades, we went upstairs to shower and get ready for bed.
Casey told us, “I want to be the head of the research and development department at Future Inc.”
That’s when Lanette said, “I’m not going to return to the school next year. I want to be the Head of Developmental Implementation.”
I looked at Tyra and asked, “Are you leaving the school too?”
Tyra told us, “My contract is only until the end of this year, but I don’t know what I’m going to do after that.”
Sleep came quickly for all of us, and then again, so does five in the morning. Our morning workout was very intense and rigorous. We need a longer track, and we need to run more miles, so I made the decision to start running a two-mile circuit around the property. When we finished our run of four laps, we were tired.
What’s that saying? “The only easy day was yesterday!” We took our showers and ate breakfast. Once we had finished breakfast, we cleaned and planned our day. During the night I had helmets and leathers made for my new ladies. The leathers had their names on them, and I was going to have to get more bikes and other vehicles. I knew Charu was going to be my ‘Passenger Princess’; I just didn’t know who else was going to ride. We loaded up the leathers and helmets in Casey’s car and left for school.
Before I knew it, it was lunchtime. Trevor and I were pressed against the wall at our table, as the girls had more girls to join them. Trevor looked at me and asked, “What the hell is going on?” Cally must have heard him because she came up to him, gave him a kiss, and told him, “Get used to it.” We talked about needing to get together and go riding. The rest of my classes went by fast too. Mrs. Harvey gave out class work and left us alone.
In the gym, Coach Hampton wanted to know if I was really going to play football. I told him, “I really don’t know, because I need to make sure I don’t have any conflicts.
I have until the first week in August to make my decision, right?” I asked him.
He nodded and said, “I understood why you said what you did.”
I went and sat by Charu and waited for practice to get over. Charu melted into me again and fell asleep, so I had the nanites read her, finding she was feeling love and joy. She knew in her heart that I would rather die than hurt her.
When practice was done, we gathered out front of the school to see who rode with whom. As I had thought, Charu was with me, Rosa rode with TJ, and Calista rode with Tabi. Daisy and Heather went with Case and Lanette, while Mary rode with Tyra. We gave out the leathers and helmets, so Charu, Calista, and Daisy all ran inside to change. When they came out, they put their bags in the trunk of Casey’s car.
On the ride home, Charu held me tight and giggled, as she totally loved the ride. When we got to my house the girls were taken aback by the house. I pulled into the garage and parked, followed by the rest. They ran inside to change so they could look around. We paired up, Charu was with me, of course. We showed them around and when Charu and when I got to the stables, she met and fell in love with a mare named Lucky Star, and I think Lucky Star fell in love with Charu.
Luck Star was an Appaloosa that was dapple gray in color. She was just shy of seventeen hands tall and had an aaa-tit-tude! Melissa walked over to me and said, “That horse doesn’t like anyone.” Charu walked over and announced that she didn’t like the name of the horse and neither did Lucky Star.
“What name should she have?” I asked.
“Her name shall be Saranyu.” Charu said matter-of-factly. What was funny was that the horse seemed to be nodding in agreement.
We have five Appaloosas, two Friesians, three Fjords, three Icelandic, and two Knabstruppers. Tyra went for the Fjords and Icelandic, of course. The rest didn’t seem to care what breed they got, just so long as they got one. Once they had selected their horses we went back to the house.
When we got back to the house there was a car parked out front. When I got closer, I didn’t have to be told who it was. Rosa looked just like her mother and Maria was every bit as beautiful as I thought she would be.
Maria and Rosa were the same height and weight. The only really big difference was Maria’s boobs were bigger. They both had long black hair and radiant smiles that could light a room. I walked over and introduced myself and was surprised when Lanette walked up and gave Maria a hug and kiss. Lanette told us, “Maria works at the gym I went to as a trainer and yoga instructor.” Lanette then leaned over and said something to Maria that made Maria’s back stiffen and look my way.
Maria came over and looped her right arm through my left, while Charu did the same on my right. I didn’t know what was going on, but I felt a set-up coming. We all walked into the house and went to the kitchen. All the ladies wanted pizza, so we ordered pizza.
‘AIMS’ told me, “I’m sorry,” and when I asked, “Why?” she wouldn’t answer me.
All the ladies went to change into their bathing suits, so I did too. When I tell you that their bikinis didn’t have enough cloth to make my swim trunks, I mean it.
When the pizzas arrived, I was volun-told to bring them out to the pool. On the way through the house, I grabbed some paper towels, and some red solo cups. I was sent back in for some wine, so I selected the wine and took five bottles out to the pool. Everyone ate, drank, and had fun, but Lanette didn’t drink any wine. I was shooed away while the ladies schemed and plotted.
‘AIMS’ was radio silent, and that had me worried, so I went to the lab and let the nanites tinker with me. They could change my hair and eye color quite easily, but other changes would cause some pain, so none of those were made.
The ladies were still doing their thing when I came up from the lab, so I went to take a shower. While I was in the shower, Melissa came in and joined me. She hugged me from behind, pressing her luscious tits into my back and kissing my shoulder. We got out and dried off, then Melissa reached over and got a silk scarf from the countertop and blindfolded me with it.
She told me, “Trust me,” as she led me out of the bathroom by my hand. I couldn’t see shit, but I could hear some whispers and murmurs. When we got to the bed, she pushed me down onto it, and immediately, there was a mouth on my lips and one on my cock. The mouth on my cock was doing an excellent job, while the one on my lips went from my lips to my nipples and back to my lips. I tried to use the nanites to see where everyone was at, but ‘AIMS’ had that locked down. The ladies giggled, and TJ told me, “Don’t cheat.”
The bed shifted, and the one who had been sucking my cock straddled me. She grabbed my cock and swiped her very wet pussy before she began to lower herself onto me. With a groan from both of us, I entered her. She was tight, but her wetness made it easier for her to get more of my cock in her. When I bottomed out hitting her cervix, she screamed, “Ohhhhhh fuuuuck!”
I grabbed her hips and began to thrust up into her. Her orgasms were strong and continuous as I buried my cock in as far as it would go and exploded into her. As soon as my cum hit her cervix, she passed out and fell forward onto my chest. When I had finished cumming in her, someone pulled her off, and another pussy wrapped around my cock. I counted six pussies that tried, and failed, to tame my cock, six pussies that were going to be sore in the morning.
I knew who the seventh one was because she had cleaned me and then snuggled into me as we slept. When five a.m. came around, we got up and started to get ready for our workout. The new ones to the group said, “You’re crazy,” and went back to sleep. I leaned over and kissed Charu and said, “Morning, my beautiful gift,” to her. She smiled at me and then rolled over, snuggling up to Rosa, going back to sleep. We pushed ourselves harder today by running four more miles than we did yesterday.
When we got back from running, Maria was up doing some yoga. I told her about the roof, and she quickly went to check it out. I went up with her, and when she noticed the pool and that she could see into the bedroom, her eyes got big. I told her, “The cover has been extended, so it looks like a big skylight from the inside.” She began to work out, so I asked her, “Do you have any problems with me being with your daughter as well as you?”
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