Geneticist Frankenstein - Cover

Geneticist Frankenstein

Copyright© 2024 by Flavorfulcorpse

Chapter 5

Thanks to markf52 and sorvinofan for the editing help.

All sexual encounters are between characters that are eighteen years of age or older.

April Fool’s Day was on Monday and the start of a new six-weeks of school. Today was going to be interesting for sure. We crawled out of bed to do our exercises. Once done exercising, we showered, got ready for the day, and then we went to the kitchen for breakfast.

Casey came up to me and asked, “Can I take the Super Snake to school?”

“You can take it, or you can take your bike,” I told her.

“I have a bike?” she asked.

“You do now,” I said smiling at her.

I took her to the garage to show her bike to her. She jumped into my arms and gave me a kiss, then was gone in a flash. Casey came back to the kitchen a few minutes later dressed in her leathers. We ate, cleaned up, and left to go to work and school. School was school, the only classes I liked were Econ and English. In Econ, I flirted with Mrs. Jackson, but something seemed to be bothering her. I was sitting in Casey’s room during my free period, when Mrs. Jackson walked in and asked Casey if she could speak with her.

I excused myself and left, but as I was walking the halls, I thought I saw Will Cockers. I went to the principal’s office and told the secretary, and then I went and sat in my study period until the bell rang. At lunch, Trevor, Cally, and I sat and talked while we ate. We got up to leave, and I was approached by Principal Gunn. He led me outside, where I noticed my bike was knocked over. I went over, picked up my bike, and looked it over. Nothing was damaged, so I walked back over to Principal Gunn and asked, “Do you know who did it?”

He said, “The Cockers boy did it.”

He then told me, “The cops will be by after school to get your statement.” I nodded my head and went to class.

Fourth, fifth, and sixth periods dragged on. Seventh was interesting; it was the first day at school with Casey being mine. She would look up from time to time and give me a smile. At the end of class, I went to meet with the cops. They informed me they had watched the security footage, and it had, in fact, been Will Cockers that had knocked over my bike. The officers told me, “We will get a warrant for Will, and he will be taken to the Juvenile Detention Center when we catch him,” and we parted ways.

I walked to the gym, sat by Charu, and flirted a little. It wasn’t long before it was time to go. When TJ, Tabi, and I got to our bikes, I pointed out a black SUV parked across from the school, so I put my helmet on to catch the SUV on video as I walked up to it. When I got within twenty feet of it, it sped off. I didn’t need ‘AIMS’ to run the plate because it was a government plate. I told Melissa and Molly about the SUV and told them to use the back entrance again.

We waited for Casey to come out before we left, and then we paired up and went in different directions. Once home, we changed and talked about what we were going to do. It was time to get ‘AIMS’ to make some micro drones and to speak to Ms. Ling about her spy craft. I did, however, ask ‘AIMS’ to find out which alphabet agency the SUV belonged to. It turned out the SUV belonged to the Department of Defense.

I went to the lab and blocked all connections to my ladies. We needed to be prepared for whatever was going to happen, and I didn’t want to be stuck with a need and not have it. I had ‘AIMS’ load the nanites with the best-known skills for edged weapons and how to be silent while using them. I wanted the ladies to be the best assassins they could be when the time came. They would be able to use any edged or stringed weapon there is, making my ladies excellent shield maidens. The code word to turn them into shield maidens would be “hrafnagud.”

When I got back upstairs, I was approached by all my ladies. They took off their shirts and asked, “What’s this all about?” they asked, pointing to their chests. As I looked at them, I could see their tattoos had changed. The Valknut was still there, but now there was a raven behind it, with its wings spread wide and an upside-down sword on the bottom, so I quickly checked mine and found it hadn’t changed at all. Again, my ladies asked, “What’s it mean?”

I hadn’t connected back to them yet, so I did and let them see that I thought of them as my shield maidens, nothing more. My maidens came up to me and kissed me, telling me they loved me, and then they went to cook supper. Having too much energy to relax, I went to the roof to workout. As I worked out, I talked to Gpop and asked him, “What did you do to me when you genetically enhanced me?” Gpop was going through all the things he had done, and nothing really stood out. So, I asked ‘AIMS,’ “What’s my lineage?”

She said, “You are one-fourth Danish, one-fourth Norwegian, one-fourth Scandinavian, and one-fourth Swiss, based on his enhancements.”

“That explains some of it,” I said. “What else was done?” I then asked.

Gpop went on to say, “I enhanced your muscle and memory retention, and I gave you everything that was good about your father and put them in you. I also took the love and patience from your mother and gave that to you.”

Then he continued, “Your maidens are enhanced as well. Melissa is the closest to your mother. She has had anything that would cause her problems in her later years removed, and her fierce maternal instinct makes her very dangerous when it comes to you. Molly is just a bit different from Melissa by the ways of her cunning. She can make a plan and implement it without errors. TJ is more cerebral and can see things from all possible outcomes. Tabitha is only second to you in strength, and she may even be as strong as you. From what I can tell about Casey, her maternal instinct is only a bit less than Melissa’s and would be very dangerous as well.”

I was so into my workout I had not noticed my maidens come up and join me. We worked out until it was after midnight, when we called it a night and went to shower, then went to bed. When five rolled around, we got up and did our morning workout, showered, and got ready for the day. Breakfast was quiet and quick, and after we cleaned up the kitchen, we all gathered for group hugs and kisses. This morning, we left the estate by the back gate.

On the way to school, I told the maidens, “We need to be in constant contact from here on out,” and they agreed. It was like being on the phone, but it was on mute. In second period, Mrs. Jackson looked very sad and was not very talkative. When class ended, she left and went straight to Casey’s class. I went to study hall and zoned out until the bell rang for lunch. I got my lunch and sat next to Trevor and Cally, where we talked and ate our lunch.

I asked Cally, “How’s your mom doing?”

She said, “Mom is doing great. I also want to thank you for letting us stay at one of my houses.” Trevor chimed in, “Yeah, especially the one three doors down from my house.” When the bell rang, we parted ways and went to our respective classes. During seventh period, Casey informed the class, “I will be leaving in two weeks, and I will miss all of you.”

One of the other students asked, “Where are you going?”

All she said was, “I’m going to the private sector.” At the end of class, Casey got hugs from all the girls and a couple of the boys.

As I walked out of the classroom, I could see Mrs. Jackson coming down the hall towards Melissa’s room. When I got to the gym, I again sat next to Charu and chatted with her until Coach Larrsen came up to me and asked me, “Can you please come to my office?” I looked at Charu, and she raised her eyebrows at me.

I got down from the bleachers and walked to Coach Larrsen’s office. As I was walking to the office, TJ and Tabi came up to me and asked, “What’s going on?” I shrugged and shook my head as I continued to her office.

When I got to the office, Coach Larrsen pulled me into her office and closed the door. Placing her hands on either side of my face, she pulled me into an impassioned kiss. When we separated, she looked into my soul and began to unbutton my shirt. After unbuttoning three buttons, she placed her hand into my shirt, over my tattoo. I could feel a small transfer of energy as she touched me, but her eyes never left mine. About that time, TJ, Tabi, and Casey came crashing through the door with fierce looks on their faces.

I put up my hand to stop them, and with a small motion of my hand, I had them shut the office door. The three of them stood there, shoulder to shoulder, eyes locked onto me. I turned to look at Coach Larrsen, and she had removed her shirt, and we all saw that she too had a tattoo above her left breast. It was a circle with wings on either side, a Valknut on the inside of the circle, and two staffs on the bottom, with vertical lines across the staff about three quarters the way down them.

My maidens removed their shirts and showed their tattoos. “You are indeed a warrior of Odin, and you have shield maidens already,” Larrsen said. She looked deep into my eyes again and continued, “If you allow me to be your Valkyrie, I will train them.”

“If you become mine, you will be mine, and mine alone,” I told her. Without hesitation she knelt in front of me with one knee on the ground, her hands to her side, in fists on the ground, and with her head bowed.

“I’m yours until Valhalla and beyond, my warrior,” she said. When I looked around, all of them were knelt in the same way. Casey looked at me and said, “We are going to have another guest for supper.”

“Mrs. Jackson?” I asked, and with a nod of her head, Casey confirmed it. The ladies put the shirts back on, and we left the office together. The gym was empty, so we left to go home. Casey began to tell me why she had invited Lanette (Mrs. Jackson) for supper. She said, Lanette’s husband has left her for a younger woman at his work and has moved out.”

I told her, “I don’t mind, and I think that Lanette is hot.” I could hear the eye rolls from all my ladies.

Molly and Melissa said, “We’ll stop and get stuff for supper.”

I told them, “Get stuff high in carbs, because I’m pretty sure I’m going to need it.”

When we got to the parking lot, Lanette was waiting for us, so Casey walked up to her, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. They spoke for a few minutes, then Casey returned, and got on her bike. I scanned the area and didn’t see the black SUV. When Tyra (Coach Larrsen) pulled around, she was driving an all-black, Dodge Demon. Lanette was driving a gray Honda Accord as we got moving and headed home. When we got home, we met Melissa and Molly in the kitchen, they had brought Italian home for supper. I asked ‘AIMS’, “How’s the reconstruction coming along?”

She told me, “The second floor is complete, and the third floor is getting ready to begin.” Supper was good, and we sat and talked.

Tyra said, “I need to grab her bag from her car,” and when she returned, she had a couple of military-style duffle bags with her. TJ walked up to her and showed her to the master bedroom.

Lanette was looking a little uncomfortable, so I asked her, “Are you alright?” She stood up and said, “I should probably go.” I took her by the hand and pulled her into a hug. She collapsed into me and began to cry. “You’re not going anywhere,” Casey told her, and I held her until she cried herself out.

Casey grabbed her hand and showed her to her room, while I went to her car and got her bags. When I got to her room, Casey was lying in the bed next to her, rubbing her back. Putting Lanette’s bags down in her room, I told Casey, “Lanette doesn’t need to be alone right now.” Casey got up and gave me a kiss and hug, and Lanette asked, “Can I have one?”

I asked her, “Who do you want it from?” She smiled and said, “Both,” so Casey and I both gave her a kiss. When I left the room, Lanette and Casey were unpacking Lanette’s bags.

I went to the lab to pick up one of the rings; I was most certainly going to claim Tyra as mine. While I was down in the lab, I had ‘AIMS’ set up a few servers that would hold all the data that was being held at Future Incorporated, since the ones there were going to be dummy servers. After that was done, I went and checked on Lanette, who was asleep. After checking on Lanette, I went to the master suite, where I found six very beautiful and naked women waiting for me. Taking Tyra by her left hand, I placed the ring on her ring finger and let the process do its thing.

I pulled her to her feet when the process finished, and we walked to the bed, lying next to one another, as the others joined us on the bed. Melissa leaned over and spoke, “Tyra is giving her untouched body to you, she’s giving her heart to you, and she’s giving her life to you.”

As we lay there, I began to speak words that were from my soul. “We will become one with each other and with those in this room. As one, we will never falter, never be unloved, or be without sustenance.” Tyra sat up to give me a kiss and to line me up with her womanhood. As I pushed into her, I felt her maidenhead. Looking into her eyes, she gave me a nod and pressed through her hymen.

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