Geneticist Frankenstein - Cover

Geneticist Frankenstein

Copyright© 2024 by Flavorfulcorpse

Chapter 18

Thanks to markf52 and sorvinofan for the editing help.

I got in the shower, washed the ick off me, and crawled into bed. Sleep evaded me as I lay there and watched the shadows that were created by the headlights of passing cars dance across the ceiling until the early morning sunlight washed them away. It was early enough for me to get a run in, so I got up and started my run.

I was thinking of how time was ticking away, and not much more than that, when a familiar voice called out to me, “Morning, I didn’t know you lived in this neighborhood.” I stopped and turned to see Melissa jogging over to me. “God, you’re beautiful,” I thought I had said to myself, but I hadn’t, and instead, I had said it loud enough for Melissa to hear.

“Thank you,” she said, with a half-smile on her face.

“That was supposed to be in my head,” I told her with my cheeks blushing.

“Well, thank you nonetheless,” she said to me.

“Would you like to join me?” I asked her.

“What, oh, yeah, sure, I would like to. Do you mind if my sisters join us?” She said to me.

“No, not at all. The more, the merrier, I always say.” I told her.

“They’ll be here in a sec; they’re running behind,” she told me.

“That’s punny,” I said to her.

“Huh, ohhh,” she said with a smile.

Amee and Makayla ran up and Melissa introduced them to me, “These are my sisters, Amee and Makayla,” she said, pointing to each, as she said their names to me.

I gave a wave to each of them and said, “Hello, nice to meet you, I’m Jay.”

“Nice to meet you, Jay,” they said in unison.

I wanted to run behind them and watch their sexy asses, but I didn’t; instead, I ran in the front of the pack. When we got back to their house, I crashed on the front lawn. “Okay, my legs are officially spaghetti,” I told them while I lay on the lawn, faking breathing hard. Amee and Makayla came over, and each of them grabbed one of my hands, pulling me to my feet.

“Warning, their nanites are examining you,” my nanites informed me.

“Can you take them over?” I asked my nanites.

“We are ninety-seven-point-two percent positive we can,” my nanites told me.

“Do it,” I told them.

“We have control of their nanites, with no losses,” they told me.

“Good, send them back; we can always use them to start changing the asshole nanites or have a Trojan Horse,” I told them.

“We’re reactivating their loyalty coding. Transfer complete,” my nanites confirmed.

“Thanks,” I said to Amee and Makayla when they pulled me to my feet.

With warm smiles on their faces, they said in unison again, “You’re welcome.”

I looked at the nonexistent watch on my wrist and said, “I have to go take a shower and then go to work.”

“Where do you work?” Amee asked.

“He works at DARPA with Makayla and me,” Melissa told her.

“What she said, except I didn’t know Makayla worked there too,” I told her. “Okay, I really need to go, unless you two want me to smell musty all day at work,” I said, pointing at Makayla and Melissa. All three of them crinkled their noses at that and said, “Bye,” as they pushed me away from them.

When I got home, I ran through the shower, grabbed a breakfast bar, and got on my bike to go to DARPA. I was waiting at a red light when Makayla and Melissa pulled up beside me in Makayla’s Bug. I knocked on her window, motioned for her to roll the window down, and as she rolled the window down, I raised my visor and asked them, “Are you following me?”

They both giggled and said, “No.”

I started to go when the light turned green, and I had no sooner started to roll when a raised truck behind me laid down on their horn. I had my nanites send a small drone to the truck and kill the electrical system. I had a smile on my face when I got to DARPA, up until my nanites told me, “Hallie Thorsen is primed and ready to be added as a Maiden.”

“Why is she primed?” I asked the nanites.

“It was precautionary. There’s no way to know if the other Maidens will contact you or not. This way you have at least one Maiden with you.” My nanites explained to me.

“Very well,” I told them. I didn’t like it, but I knew they were correct in their assessment.

I met up with Melissa and Makayla at the security checkpoint to get in the building, and we traded, “Hello’s,” with those around us, including the security guards, who must have been robots because they never smiled or said anything back to anyone. When we got inside, Melissa and Makayla went one way, and I went to find Hallie; actually, Hallie found me. She came over, stopped in front of me, and slightly twisted side to side, with her rosy cheeks, hands clasped in front of her, and biting her lower lip.

“Hi there,” I told her.

Hallie’s cheeks got a little redder, and she said, “Hi,” back to me. I didn’t know it at the time, but Melissa had been watching our little meeting and was not very happy about it.

“You’re being watched by a highly agitated Melissa as we speak,” My nanites informed me.

“Why?” I asked.

“Unknown at this time,” they told me.

“Shit,” I thought.

“Shit, indeed,” my nanites said back.

I leaned down and kissed Hallie on the lips and said to her, “See you at lunch, my sweet.” I then walked to a unisex restroom and waited. I didn’t have to wait very long, as Melissa came in looking pissed and ready to take my head off. “What do you think you’re doing with that sweet young girl?” Melissa all but yelled at me.

“First off, she’s twenty-one. Second, what business is it of yours? And third, why are you so mad?” I asked her, catching her off guard.

“I ... I, I’m not sure,” she said to me.

Not wanting to lose momentum, I walked over to her and gave her the most passionate kiss I knew how to give. While Melissa was in a daze, I changed back into ‘me’ and waited for her to see me. When she saw ‘me,’ her eyes narrowed, and she stood there for a minute before a smile appeared on her face. She ran the five feet that separated us and jumped into my arms, kissing me with all the love and emotion she had.

In a hurried state, she had my pants and underwear around my ankles and was slotting me into her. It was fast and hard, and I was cumming in just a couple of minutes. When I had finished filling her with my seed, she looked at me and asked, “Why have you been ignoring me?”

“I haven’t been ignoring you. I haven’t received any messages,” I told her.

“I’ve been trying to contact you since yesterday after work,” she told me.

“Try it now,” I told her.

“Anything?” she asked.

“No, nothing,” I told her.

After sitting quietly for a minute or so, she said, “All channels that were linked to you are blocked.”

I put her down; she immediately went to my cock and cleaned me up. “God, I’ve missed that,” she said as she zipped me up.

“We have work to do and need to be on our ‘A’ game,” I said and kissed her forehead.

She looked into my eyes and nodded. I knew we would be okay, better than okay; we just needed to get the rest of the maidens changed. Melissa left first, as I changed back into ‘Jay,’ and then left the restroom. I got to the labs just after Melissa had; while I wouldn’t be working with her or Wayne, I’m glad not to be working with him. I was assigned a room to work on nanotechnology by myself; can you believe it? My nanites were eager to see where the current level of progression was for the government nanites.

My nanites were not impressed with the progression, so we set the technology back decades since some of this shit didn’t need to be out there. I know I’m being hypercritical, but I haven’t used my nanites to kill anyone. On the contrary, I had them keep Erik alive. Anyway, the government’s nanites were, for lack of better words, ‘stupid.’. They were even less advanced than Gpop’s alpha nineties. I was lost in thought when Melissa broke the silence, “How did you manage to get your nanites to reprogram our nanites?” she asked.

“My nanites just reactivated their loyalty coding, and that made them act right,” I told her.

“Why was it turned off?” she asked me.

“The little one’s nanites turned it off somehow, as part of separating you and the Maidens, from me,” I told her.

“I wonder why they did that? On another note, what do you think of this Wayne guy?” she asked.

“He’s a sociopath with psychotic tendencies, why?” I said to her.

“He has been bugging me to go out on a date with him all morning and won’t take ‘no’ for an answer,” she told me.

I asked, “What are you working on?”

“Some two-part serum they call ‘Cupid,’ it causes those dosed with serum part ‘B’ to become sexually submissive to those dosed with serum part ‘A,’ why?” she said to me.

“Seeing how it’s nothing deadly, just infect him with part ‘B,’ then have him go into the testing chamber, and see what happens,” I told her, half-jokingly.

“That’s evil, but I like it. Here goes nothing,” she told me with a giggle.

Fifteen minutes later, Wayne was being led out of the labs by an armed escort. I don’t exactly know what happened, but I’m pretty sure Melissa had something to do with it. Lunch was going to be interesting, with Makayla and Melissa now knowing who I really am, and adding Hallie to the Maidens was going to be somewhat challenging. When lunchtime rolled around, we, Melissa and I, left together. We met up with Makayla and had just sat down when Hallie sat down beside me and joined us.

The ‘Beast,’ or ‘Hyde,’ in me began to show himself and was becoming harder for me to keep at bay. Hallie took me by my hand and led me to the same restroom that Melissa and I had used earlier in the morning. There was something about her that my ‘Hyde’ responded to, and he seemed to respond too when she would talk or touch me. Once in the restroom, ‘Hyde’ was becoming very impatient and was getting agitated. As a result of his impatience, I started to get handsy with Hallie, and as a result, Hallie slapped me.

“I am no harlot and will not be treated as such,” she told me.

I was shocked to have been hit, and ‘Hyde,’ he retreated into the portion of my psyche in which he resides.

“I’m sorry,” I told her.

She smiled and kissed me on the lips. Then she undid and dropped my pants and underwear to my ankles. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled herself up, wrapping her legs around me. Holding on with one hand, she moved her dress out of the way and lined me up with her vagina.

“Naughty girl, you don’t have panties on,” I said to her with a smile on my face.

She gave me a ‘Cheshire cat’ smile and pressed down on my cock while I cupped her firm bubble butt in my hands as I began to lift and drop her on my cock. She was panting and leaning back from me, with her hands wrapped behind my neck as I fucked her.

“Mark me, mark me as yours,” she growled at me.

I felt my impending release and told her, “I’m going to cum in you.”

And she said, “Do it, fill me with your seed.”

After a few more pumps into Hallie, I erupted and felt as if my body was full of static electricity. When she was satisfied that she had extracted all my seed, she had me put her down. Hallie reached into her purse and took out her panties, which looked like she had placed a pad in them and put them on. She turned to the mirror, touched up her makeup, and fixed her hair. I asked to see her chest and got a sideways look from her, but she did open her blouse to show me her chest. She did have a tattoo, but it just wasn’t the one I was expecting. It wasn’t the Shield Maidens tattoo, it wasn’t the Love Knott; rather, it was a Valknut like mine, but on the left side of her chest.

I didn’t know what that meant, but I am sure I will find out soon enough. We made it back to the table, sat down, and Makayla reached across the table, taking my hand.

“I’ve missed you so very much,” she told me.

“Why didn’t you contact me?” I asked her.

“I tried to! I didn’t get an answer from you, so I thought, since I was from the other group, you didn’t want to talk to me,” she said with tears forming in her eyes.

“I love you all equally, and you’re just as important to me as any of the others,” I told her, which seemed to make her happy.

“Make sure all James’s channels are open,” Melissa told her.

Makayla sat for a few minutes and then said, “They’re all open now. Why were they blocked?”

Melissa told her, “Long story, we’ll explain it all tonight.”

Makayla nodded and said, “Okay.”

Melissa and Makayla then got up, came around the table, pulled Hallie into a three-way hug, and said to her, “Welcome to the family.”

“Thank you,” Hallie replied to them.

When Melissa had sat back down, I asked, “So, what happened to Wayne?”

“He went crazy, I guess. He stripped naked and tried to get into the testing area with a male gorilla,” she said, batting her eyelashes at me, and began to laugh an evil laugh that caused the rest of us to start laughing.

We finished our lunches and went back to work. The second half of work was just as boring as the first, except I was working on a compliance drug that was code-named ‘Marionette,’ and it made you do whatever the ‘programmer’ wanted you to do. I had my nanites take a sample and come up with a defense to the drug, just in case the drug was used on one of us. At one point during the testing, a nun was introduced as the test subject. She drank a beverage that contained the drug and sat down. After an allotted amount of time had passed, I read to her some very explicit commands, and then a large group of men was introduced into the testing chamber with her. She went from being a ‘none’ to being ‘a lot’ for the next hour and a half.

I was glad when the day was over, and I felt like I needed an acid bath to get the grime from the last half of work off me. I met up with Makayla and Melissa out front while we waited for Hallie to come out. When Hallie did come out, she was all smiles and skipped the last few feet to where we were standing. Hallie stopped by me and took my right hand into her left, interlacing our fingers. She looked me in the eyes and said, “Let’s go home.”

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